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File: 71 KB, 850x400, quote-nothing-is-further-from-the-truth-than-the-claim-that-the-american-soul-is-open-minded-julius-evola-47-53-98[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12534689 No.12534689 [Reply] [Original]

So Evola briefly asserts in "Revolt Against the Modern World" but he doesn't really back this claim up with any evidence, and just continues to criticize social liberalism instead.
what taboos is he talking about? has Evola or any other person outside of America written anything on this if it's true?
t. Burger who wants to be self-aware.

>> No.12534714

>t. Burger
Every time.

>> No.12534738

I don’t see what you’re trying to prove that I’m not already aware of

>> No.12534755

America is social liberalism incarnate and her people are its zealous protectors.
t. burger

>> No.12534771

From its very inception America has been premised on ideas which would be considered very unusual by most societies throughout most of history, things like democracy, egalitarianism and so on. These ideas are inculcated in Americans and they are taught that this is the highest development of humankind and that all previous thought throughout history was more or less a linear path which gradually worked it's way towards democratic social liberalism as the ideal nation-state. Most people never stop and question the underlying assumptions which sustain this view.

>> No.12534780
File: 20 KB, 400x274, evola-1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Evola's private letters to Guénon:
>The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.

What did he mean by this? I thought Evola was a traditionalist?

>> No.12534786 [DELETED] 

It might help to know where this quote is from. One thing I know he hated about America is its materialist mindset. Americans will not allow for is a mode of thinking that cannot be completely conquered or integrated, where identity is grounded in something that cannot be consumed. This is true for for most Protestant Christians (the main religion of America), where many view their relationship with God as being indicated by their material position, not by something metaphysical

>> No.12534791

Holy... I didn't know he was this based. What are his works that are creative speculations and and stuff rather than manifestos?

>> No.12534800

It might help to know where this quote is from. One thing I know he hated about America is its materialist mindset. Americans will not allow for a mode of thinking that cannot be completely conquered or integrated, where identity is grounded in something that cannot be consumed. This is even true for most Protestant Christians (the main religion of America), where many view their relationship with God as being indicated by their material position, not by something metaphysical

>> No.12534806

Imagine writing this, attributing it to Evola, and then spamming it on an incel safespace imageboard. Kill yourself

>> No.12534810

Why are you always posting this? I remember a few months ago you tried to say he wrote it a few months after he died.

>> No.12534826

it's in Chapter 37 of Revolt Against the Modern World. like I said most of it his him railing on Russia and America for social liberalism and nothing else.

>> No.12534827

Any why you act somehow the quote attributed to him is not true? The BBC has always been appreciated by ALL races. Muslims (who castrated blacks), indians, asian, whites.

We have always kept women on a leash through monogamy. Women hate monogamy and must be brainwashed to accept it. Then the American sexual revolution occured and women could sleep around with any men they chose, instead of some balding manlet wageslaves and "intellectuals". THEY NATURALLY CHOOSE THE BLACK MAN

Sexual Revolution 2.0 will be women embracing BBC, you guys always deny this or pretend it's only a cucks fantasy, but the amount of amatuer BBC porn coming from america is astounding. Blacked is accounting for less than 1% off all interracial videos, that are amatuer and not even filmed for profit. You guys have no idea how many attractive 20'something white women, not fat, not ugly, are going exclusively black. And this is only the beginning. Like it or not: this will be a Blacked Planet eventually.

>> No.12534849

We should spam cuck porn to own the cons

>> No.12534869

True a penetrating insight into the cuck mindset

>> No.12534873

>Evola briefly asserts in "Revolt Against the Modern World" but he doesn't really back this claim up with any evidence,
Good review of basically the whole book

>> No.12534882

Evola is saying that America claiming to be 'the land of the free', with all these freedoms etc. etc. is farce. In reality, only things which are expressly in the confines of liberal orthodoxy can be expressed.
Think of the ability for the expressing of all kinds of wacky ideas on the left-wing spectrum.
Now think about the right-wing spectrum and the ideas that are permitted in polite society.
Many supposed axioms cannot be questioned, just think of things like democracy, race, the roles of men and women, equality, certain historical narratives, certain beliefs etc. etc.
He is just saying America is hypocritical in that it claims to be the land of the free while in reality it operates within the same paradigm as every other political entity with regards to norms and ideas.

>> No.12534891

America is riddled with many taboos. What society isn’t? I’m surprised you can’t think of at least 5 on the spot. Even things you wouldn’t think to question. Basic habits. Anyway, one thing about social liberalism is that its moralism inevitably creates scruples, dogmas, etc. which are all the more pernicious for serving the cause of freedom... pretending to be vital accessories to liberty rather than honestly admitting they are paternalistic restrictions.

>> No.12535536

The AoC being 18 is one, it’s 14-16 in most of the world

>> No.12535722

Egalitarians are open minded about everything but are incapable of giving honest critique on their own degenerate practices. Because doing so would put the philosophical foundations of Liberalism and Egalitarianism into question, which nobody wants to do.

>> No.12535809

The age of consent in 16 across most of the country.

>> No.12536010

fake and gay

>> No.12536412

Ironic cuckposting is still cuckposting

>> No.12536967

pretty sure he's one of you cons m8