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/lit/ - Literature

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12534467 No.12534467 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any other meaning to platos allegory of the cave other than enlightenment? It just seems a bit too obvious to me

>> No.12534488

Yea, leave the cave you fucking bafoon. All you get on 4chins are shadows of the truth. You have to experience it yourself to understand. That’s not something that can be done on a website whose conposition is 85% shit posters, 5% phil majors/grad students, 5%autismo-eggheads.

>> No.12534495

Well you're oversimplifying it if you mean just Enlightenment. It's a depiction of his metaphysical belief that all concepts extend from a pure absolute. The shadows aren't simply just "I need to challenge my preconceived beliefs.". It's, "this table, my experiences, all my reality is simply a piece of the TRUE version of those things.". There's an absolute table. Absolute love. Absolute reality. and so on.

>> No.12534503

t. Undergrad in an intro class
This guy still still swallows his prof’s semen, unbeknownst to him.

>> No.12534760

Cave allegory was dumb.

Why not just say a man who ascended to the heavens and saw that there is a higher world, and we are to them what the fish in the sea are to us?

>> No.12534776

Theres nothing wrong with the metaphor, the problem is the concept of forms.

>> No.12534795

The important part is you do not realize u are in the cave. Its the cave of ideology ...sniff

>> No.12534811

What would be an absolute table?

>> No.12534815

it works very well
what is this problem?
very true

>> No.12534819
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>> No.12534833

What's to say that the world outside of the cave isn't just another layer of deception?

>> No.12534838

But it is.
See >>12534495

>> No.12534862

It’s not about generic ‘enlightenment’. It’s a metaphor for Plato’s metaphysical doctrine. The things in the world we have access to via our sensations are only incomplete reflections of the true reality, which are the forms. Where it becomes moral doctrine is that instead of wasting our time chasing pleasant shadows, Plato thinks we should turn our attention to the things casting them. Love for good things in the material world should eventually lead to a love of goodness itself.

>> No.12534871


>> No.12534890

saying that things participate in their idea tells us nothing about what it is that participates in the idea or for that matter what an idea is. aristotle tried fixing this by saying that the idea exists as actuality rather than as potentiality.

>> No.12534919 [SPOILER] 
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It’s about epistemology. There’s no out of the cave.

>> No.12534927
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A cave, huh?

>> No.12535494
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the cave is and asshole

>> No.12535747

>just enlightenment

>> No.12535949
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>> No.12535984

allegory of the cave is the first part of a trilogy
second part is "Plato's doctrine of truth" by Heidegger
third part is "What is authority?" by Arendt
then you're ready for Derrida and ontomimétologie

>> No.12535993

mysterious extra 5%
t.autismo egghead

>> No.12536011

They’re in the undefined mega-genius lurker category. We don’t discuss them much.

>> No.12536017

hi, reddit

>> No.12536078

Look at this car. It looks like its smiling.
4chan Should Be Shut Down
Today while i was on 4chan, specifically, lit, some anon gave me attention in a manner that I felt was demeaning in nature. He viewed reddit as a bad thing while hiding behind hos anonymous facade. Us redditors should ban together and do what we can to close 4chan down because at least we display our names and have some testicular fortitude (yes, even the redditorettes)