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/lit/ - Literature

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12532716 No.12532716 [Reply] [Original]

how do i get into reading books?

i'm not illiterate and can read fine but i just can't get into reading actual books because the act of reading gets boring and tiresome to the point that i can't really process much of whats going on in the story for very long and just see it all as words and text so i end up listening to audiobooks to do the reading for me so i can process the story

whats wrong with me and why am i like this?

>> No.12532724

You need to work on your short attention span by FINISHING A BOOK or two.

>> No.12532744

Start with something light, easily digestible, that you actually enjoy reading. It doesn't matter if it takes two or three weeks to get through 150 pages, as long as you eventually finish what you get started with.

>> No.12532774

any recommendations?

>> No.12533013

What kind of stuff do you like? Plot-centred fiction, character centred fiction, or ambience-centred fiction? Romanticism or Realism? Rural or urban settings? Pre or post-WWII? Upper-class, middle class, or lower class protagonist? Vague descriptions or lots of details?

>> No.12533020

Idk I never liked reading books

>> No.12533137

best advice
just finish something you like, OP
reading is a skill, and it'll take a little time for your mind to get efficient at perusing and understanding the info well

>> No.12534163

Like the other Anon say, try to finish something small. Try the vintage minis books. They are freaking cheap and are around 100 pages that contain a 20page short stories. The desire one is pretty good.

>> No.12534180

>tfw really want to read a lot of shit but there's literally not a single book store around or library with shit I love

>> No.12534184

You're retarded, don't bother reading books. Go play Call of Duty.

>> No.12534187

Realism (mostly French and Russian) was a good entry point for me. Don't start with modernism, it tends to be quite dense.
I started with Dostoevsky, but I think Fathers and Sons might be a great "intro to Russian lit" book as it's very short, but covers a lot of the recurring themes.

>> No.12534406


Don't start with anything philosophical like Dostoevsky. In fact, pick up some easy genre fiction or a detective/mystery story. Something that rewards you page by page, like wanting to solve a mystery, is good for building a reading habit. Once you build the habit because it is fun to read, you can move on to more challenging texts that will require you to learn about the authors, contexts, philosophical and literary ideas, etc.