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/lit/ - Literature

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12529463 No.12529463 [Reply] [Original]

recommend me some nice right-wing books, or at least books that aren't blatantly leftist
>inb4 muh /pol/
cut the crap and post some good reads

>> No.12529866
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Heh back to/pol/ you TARD

In all seriousness, you may like Evola's work. Revolt Against the Modern World is a good first Evola book, though it may be a bit too right wing for your tastes.

Are you looking for Neocon right wing (e.g. tax cuts for the rich and more wars for Israel) or more traditionalism (e.g. women in wheat fields and being surrounded by nude, VIRILE men). I imagine based on the "commie" part of your pic, you want the former, but I usually prefer the latter. After Evola some more recommendations would be Spengler's Decline of the West (maybe read this before Evola) and pretty much any old work. Confucius is a good non-Western source, the Analects are right-wing in the sense that they emphasize duty, honor, respect for family etc (based dog-eater).

Some other old-works with a "right-wing" vibe are the Bhagavad Gita, Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, some of the Iliad (though the Greeks were pretty degenerate desu). I highly reccomend the Bhagavad Gita of all those.

>> No.12529899
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Destroys all leftist economic systems

>> No.12530152

Allan Bloom then Leo Strauss then Carl Schmitt then Ernst Junger then Julius Evola then finish it up with Saul Bellow so you aren't a total sperg. Remember to hide your power lovely.

Also de Maistre and Burke.

For contemporary stuff, Deneen's Why Liberalism Failed and Hazony's The Virtues of Nationalism.

>> No.12530173

>not a single rightwing author
>half jews
weak attempt, Yid

>> No.12530195

The International Jew
Foundations of the 19th Century
Myth of the 20th Century

>> No.12530196

You might prefer Jack Donovan or Chateaux Heartiste, if you prefer not to make that Ashkenazi IQ work for you, brosef.

>> No.12530201

The populist church of left and right has no good literature, worship a bowl of soup or something loser

>> No.12530219

told you to cut the crap, you know what I meant, I'm not asking for fascist literature you turd I just want to read something interesting that's not unapologetically liberal

>> No.12530221

Why would you read stupid fascists when you could read smart ones like Heidegger and D'Annunzio?

>> No.12530233

This is what you want to read: >>12530152

If you are allergic to Jews, just go straight to Schmitt if you like fashy stuff, de Maistre if you're a romantic Catholic, or Burke if you're more of a classical liberal.

>> No.12530262

PS: Schmitt is really important to read ESPECIALLY if you are a basic bitch liberal. His objections need to be met even if you disagree with him.

Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil is also required reading, can't believe I left that out.

>> No.12530264

The World Was Going Our Way: the KGB and the Battle for the Third World is one of my favorite books. It shows what the soviets were actually doing during the cold war, using documents stolen by a dissident.
Also, not right-wing (pretty pro-jew if anything in its conclusions, but still full of important information when it comes to the facts presented), but The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited is key.
After that, Against Our Better Judgement explains how the US was tricked into helping found and maintain Israel.
Then, again not rightwing, but he Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington shows how the US was tricked by limeys and jews into joining a war it didn't want to join. Though the book takes it as a positive. But again, if you block the author's opinion and focus on the facts, boy does it give you a lot.
Then... David Irvings WWII books (his story of Dresden, his Churchill biography, and Hitler's, and Goebbels) are superb.
The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West is a pretty good introduction to the Frankfurt School, though of course, The Culture of Critique is where it's at.
Oh, and I guess Andrew Breitbart's Righteous Indignation is pretty fun.

>> No.12530267

not a big jew fan but I can tolerate them if they have something sensible to say
anyway thanks for the suggestions

>> No.12530293

This is also an excellent summary of a book about left-wing terrorism in the 70s and how the media memory-holed it.


>> No.12530300

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.12530354
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>> No.12530578

anything by DH Lawrence or Knut Hamsun is good.

>> No.12530656

Selected Writings of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera

>> No.12530852

Léon Daudet
Charles Maurras
Joseph De Maistre
Léon Bloy
Charles Péguy
Georges Bernanos
And anything written before the XVI century.

>> No.12530874

Nicolas Gomez Davila
Louis De Bonald
Edmund Burke
Alexis De Tocqueville
Henri Delassus