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12527997 No.12527997 [Reply] [Original]

What book redpilled you the most?

>> No.12528008
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>> No.12528009

I would love to see anyone who uses the xpill terminology admit to themselves that they are just replacing the word 'enlighten(ed)' with a slightly less pretentious word.
There's no end-all philosophy or truth, anon. There are no red or blue pills, only medicine.

>> No.12528014

No book can redpill you as much as a succession of painfully humiliating defeats and despairingly empty victories in your personal life.

Anyway "redpill" is a meme. There is no book that can singlehandedly turn around your vision of the world unless you're borderline brainlet or under 16 or completely desperate. Awareness is a long process, kinda like continously shedding your scales.

t. Reptilian

>> No.12528026

i also psychoanalyze strangers based on internet slang usage. i am a normal person

>> No.12528043
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>> No.12528045


>> No.12528046

Probably Revolt against the modern world because it's an anti-thesis to every tiny thing you would never think twice about.

>> No.12528051

My friend, you can call it scat or dung or droppings all you want but in the end you are still speaking of shit and no amount of sugar coating will change it. The pill slang is funny because literally every person using it does so in search of an absolute truth: "redpill me on x subject, is it for dummies?" instead of looking for an assessment or opinion like they are asking: "does x subject fit well with these criteria I am experiencing?".

All numbers have an end
-Mohamed Ababou

>> No.12528085

Probably Karl Marx

>> No.12528095

the ego and its own, unironically

>> No.12528782

Culture of critique

>> No.12528956

Will to power - nietzsche
it frees you from all the mystical or syncretic shit and gives you the bases to guide your life based on strength, not ironically I end up with my depression

>> No.12529905


>> No.12529909

Northanger Abbey

>> No.12529916
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more of a blackpill but these

>> No.12529924

>red pill
>jungs "red book"

its like poetry

>> No.12530206

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

>> No.12530234

the bloomer pack is the way to go

>> No.12531479


>> No.12531586
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it's one of those books where you can read it a hundred times over and still find new redpills
also >>12528043 youre a based man

>> No.12532703
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red pill bible

>> No.12532712

Schopenhauer's essays.

>> No.12532714
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That's a good choice I hadn't thought of. I salute you

>> No.12532748
File: 24 KB, 220x341, 220px-PrometheusRisingCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]