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/lit/ - Literature

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12527132 No.12527132 [Reply] [Original]

>current reading
>current profession
>college major
>favorite writer
>favorite literary medium and why

>confederacy of dunces
>warehouse grunt
>philosophy, adding another major since the department doesn’t have classes over the summer. Might English/French or a social science, but honestly whoever offers most courses over the summer will get my time
>probably Dostoevsky
>prose, because I’m a small brain and don’t understand the intricacies of poetry and usually find plays to be lacking in a way I can’t explain

>> No.12527146

Diary of anne frank
No favorite
Books, they are usually common and less expensive than signs.

>> No.12527157

>>current reading
Human action - Ludwig von Mises
>>current profession
>>college major
Didn't attend college
>>favorite writer
Plato, the dialogues are so much fucking fun
>>favorite literary medium and why
what doth thou mean?

>> No.12527162

Take my data FB

>Sebald - Austerlitz
>SAT tutor and Uber driver
>Probably Pynchon
>lyric poetry, because I don’t feel like I have to analyze it, I can just enjoy it. Also I have a short attention span.

>> No.12527179

Alexander Hamilton, Ron Chernow
Pharmacy Tech
International Studies (Middle East)
Amos Oz
hardcover books with the jackets removed. the aesthetic.

>> No.12527184

>Sense and Sensibility
>Freelance copy editing
>English (Political Science minor)
>William Blake
>Short horror stories, because I have a lot of feels about the Return of the Repressed and Gothic aesthetics.

>> No.12527190

>Year of The Black Rainbow
>Prof. Robert Greenberg 's music courses
>N/A (dropped out)
>Rudyard Kipling is delicious
>I enjoy visual novels with soul

>> No.12527212
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i'm rereading robinson crusoe
poems, never mind why

>> No.12527213

>current reading
>current profession
>college major
>favorite writer
Rudyard Kipling
>favorite literary medium and why
Poetry. It's great to memorize and stays with you

>> No.12527223

>current reading
War and Peace
>current profession
>college major
Philosophy and Mathematics, Chinese minor
>favorite writer
None really, maybe Joyce
>favorite literary medium and why
Epics, nostalgia for a time long before me

>> No.12527225

>joseph and his brothers
>political philosophy
>biblical verse is transcendent

>> No.12527274

>shit taste pseud with fitting plebeian physical labor job posts shitty facebook meme

Well, that makes sense.

>> No.12527412

Norweigan Wood
First person stuff,diaries.

>> No.12527476
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>Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio
>forklift operator
>history/business double major
>chekov and yeats

pic marginally related

>> No.12527497

Reading: some Kant for heavy duty and some trash sci-fi rag for light reading.
Major: Philosophy
Profession (pay attention OP): dishwasher
Favorite writer that I tell people I'm trying to impress: F Scott Fitzgerald
Favorite writer: Dan Abnett
Favorite medium:
(an infinite space)

>> No.12528210

>current reading
>current profession
Soundtrack composer
>college major
High school dropout
>favorite writer
Either Pynchon or Faulkner
>favorite literary medium and why
Essay, possibly because it is the form I feel most comfortable writing myself.

>> No.12528248


>> No.12528295

>current reading
SPQR by Mary Beard and The first philosophers, the presocratics and the sofists.
>current profession
>college major
Statistics, will probably start a pure mathematics major on the side if this one doesn't get harder.
>favorite writer
>favorite literary medium and why
Essay probably.

>> No.12528389

>Translated chinese wuxia web novels (shitty guilty pleasure)
>Software Engineer/Developer mil contractor
>Computer Engineer
>Don't really have a favorite. Whenever I find myself really enjoying something I'll take note of the Author and add all of their work to an extended backlog that I always forget. When I do the same thing on another work of theirs and realize they're already there, I move some of their works to a real backlog.
>Japanese Light Novels. The way that dialog is presented and text is often spaced makes it easier for me to read. I have adhd and had a lot of trouble reading Wheel of Time because of the walls of text. I would often have to reread sentences after losing my place, use my finger to keep track of my place, or use my finger/hand to cover up the bottom of the screen so that my eyes/brain would stop trying to read ahead when I was really enthralled and wanted to know what was happening/going to happen.

>> No.12528400

>All those NEETs

You people disgust me

>> No.12528401

>current reading
Stories of Your Life And Others, Ted Chiang
>current profession
>college major
Computer Science
>favorite writer
no idea
>favorite literary medium and why

>> No.12528561

>current reading
A wizard of Earthsea
>current profession
>college major
>favorite writer
Yukio Mishima
>favorite literary medium and why

>> No.12529495

>current reading
Submission by Houellebecq + Tales of E.T.A. Hoffmann
>current profession
Grad Student + IT Entrepreneur
>college major
Law; now Literature
>favorite writer
Mishima tied with Pynchon (btw good taste, fellow based Mishima and Pynchon posters)
>favorite literary medium and why
the novel

Thanks FBI, sorry you didn't get paid for the last two months.

>> No.12530085

>Purity (christmas present)
>Med student
>The novel, or longform e-serial I guess although I haven't found any work that has lived up to the potential of the medium.

>> No.12530139

>The Brothers Karamazov
>Retail cashier
>Joyce desu
>Biblical verse

>> No.12530164

>Mercy Street by Anne Sexton
>English Teacher
>English, Communications
>poetry, because of its suppleness and flexibility

>> No.12530187

I don't know what I'm in the mood for yet.
Last thing I've read was Pushkin's Ruslan and Ludmila.

>> No.12530235

>current reading
Just finished the meme of Pandora's Star/Judas Unchained, will start نانوشته tomorrow. (Unwrittens)
>current profession
wax modeller
>college major
STEM dropout
>favorite writer
>favorite literary medium and why

>> No.12531106

>current reading
Finna start Mason & Dixon
>current profession
Law student
>college major
Anthropology + German
>favorite writer
Don't have one
>favorite literary medium and why
Poetry, I think it requires the most skill of any artistic medium

>> No.12531163

Mason & Dixon
Restaurant shit
College has become a scam
No opinion
Anything honestly. I try to read everything.

>> No.12531179

I love that kind of weather. What town is that?

>> No.12531197

The Faerie Queene
Verse, 'cause the old shit is written init

>> No.12531361

paris, mon frere.

>> No.12531402

>The Brothers Karamazov
>high school student
>intended to be philosophy and physics or english and physics
>Dostoyevsky or Camus
>prose, mainly because I have the most experience reading it and think it can offer more than plays (mainly because its often more straightforward) and is typically more complex than poetry (though not as nuanced but I'm a brainlet)

>> No.12531421

>current reading
Genealogy of Morality, Nietszche
>current profession
Bank clerk
>college major
>favorite writer
>favorite literary medium and why
No favorite

>> No.12531483

>current reading
A Borrowed Man - Gene Wolfe
>current profession
Hospital receptionist
>college major
I'm a CC fag
>favorite writer
unironically Edgar Allen Poe
>favorite literary medium
Usually science fiction or science fantasy, not particularly opposed to anything though. I am a sucker for stories with unreliable narrators though, that's a trope that will never get old to me

>> No.12531511

>current reading
Hermann Hesse
>current profession
security guard (night turns - warehouses)
>college major
theoretical physics
>favorite writer
Mikhail Bulgakov
>favorite literary medium and why
novels, since I like to read them

>> No.12532283

>Profit Over People (Chomsky)
>Student / Technical Support
>Materials Engineering
>... A book?

>> No.12532516

Das Kapital Vol.1 and Companion to Karl Marxs capital
computer science
Bulgakov, Trotsky, Dostoevsky

>> No.12532607

>The World as Will and Representation Vol. 1
>Philosophy, but will most likely do nothing with the degree out of a fear for teaching
>poetry, without any doubt

>> No.12532757

Vision and Design by Roger Fry
English Literature and History
Depends on what genre, though generally I'll say I've enjoyed and will always read Georges Bataille
Music. Not for lyrics per se. I'm just a musician.

>> No.12532778

>>current reading
The Dispossessed
>>current profession
Twitch streamer, YouTuber
>>college major
Electrical engineering
>>favorite writer
Gene Wolfe
>>favorite literary medium and why

>> No.12532779

>current reading
augustine - confessions
>current profession
manual worker
>college major
>favorite writer
>favorite literary medium and why
drama and poetry, prose is gay and hemingway makes me want to vomit

>> No.12532821

Island by Huxley

>> No.12533307

>current reading
Just finished A Midsummer Nights Dream for class, reading Infinite Jest and At Swim-Two-Birds in my free time
>current profession
Full time student, additionally writing about 2k words/week of my novel. Hoping that by the time it's finished or I burn the idea out I will be skilled enough to write a better one.
>college major
English Literature
>favorite writer
>favorite medium and why
I prefer reading poetry over prose, generally speaking. I love to memorize poetry; it tends to have a deep influence on my conscious thought, and I'd imagine it effects me unconsciously as well but I'd need some authority to say definitively.

>> No.12533337

Why would the FBI use anonymous Mongolian programming forums as a way to get data

>> No.12534715

>>current reading
the sailor that fell from grace with the sea
>>current profession
>>college major
carpentry, wasn't a major just a basic cert
>>favorite writer
yukio mishima
>>favorite literary medium and why
kindle, it's like .flac vs vinyls and I'm not a hipster

>> No.12534739

>Judy Garland on Judy Garland: Interviews and Encounters
>warehouse worker
Why do I get the feeling you're the worst type of person imagineable?

>> No.12534754

>Why do I get the feeling you're the worst type of person imagineable?
don't know what did I say that makes you think that?

>> No.12534766

>current reading
Nothing right now
>current profession
Financial services
>college major
>favorite writer
Ernst Junger
>favorite literary medium and why

>> No.12534783


> Rural England (1066 - 1348), H.E. Hallman

Studying for a historical fiction in writing.

> Sales and marketing

> Psych + Philosophy

Wanted to go into law or mental health counseling.

> William James

Searched his soul for common answers to everyone's existential pain, and found meaning.

> Books

In every era thus far, the book has served as an expression of self in interests, a decor of the educated, and a means to learn. There is then the extended tactile nature of holding a book, possessing it in ways both psychical and mental when read, and the accomplishment of every page accommodated being turned in some small victory.

>> Aphorism

Short and sweet. The way an authentic knowing of truth presents itself to the world.


next logical step in a culture of historic aphorisms is a society of tradition practicing them.

>> No.12534816

>kerouac or moers
>novel or short story

>> No.12534840

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams
Paper books, the smell and feel of them are non-negotiable

>> No.12534855
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>Money - Martin Amis
>English Literature
>Albert Camus
>Books because everything else requires minimal effort on the creator's part.

>> No.12534864

>Sérotonine (very bad)
>Some twat in a major financial corporation
>What kind of question is that

>> No.12534916
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>used to be a waiter untill I had a mental breakdown cause I got diddled as a kid
>artschool drop out, dropped out for reason above
>lovecraft/rick remender
>novels and graphic novels because I can actually draw

>> No.12534972

>Currently reading
Plato on Knowledge and Forms by Gail Fine
Also whatever dialogue she's referencing, I just finished Meno and Protagoras



>Favorite writer
probably Faulkner

>Favorite medium
probably essay

You sound like a bro anon, would hang with

>> No.12534996


> 4chan
> Uber/Lyft/Juno/Instacart/Postmates/...
> Info Sys
> n/a
> American short-stories of 1850-1940

I make about $27/hr after taxes so blow me. I used to be a programmer and doubled my money every month day-trading until I F-ed up.

3000 rides, 4.97 rating. Once I pay down my debt, I'm back to trading with extreme caution.

>> No.12535010

Hope your road to recovery is safe and sound, anon.

>> No.12535024

A fellow man of taste

>> No.12535030

>Phantom of the Opera
>law student, intern to minority general counsel
>econ and policy studies
>old hardcover