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12526249 No.12526249 [Reply] [Original]

What was this guys problem?

>> No.12526259

too much manichaenism

>> No.12526269

he was a christcuck

feeble mind. overly emotional. lacking all reason etc.

I can't believe the magnificence of Horace is less known and disseminated than this meme manual for larping religitard incels who want to feel 2deep5uu

>> No.12526300

He realized he was a pretentious intellectual godless loser while his “ignorant” Christian contempories we’re living happy and fulfilling lives. So he does the smart thing and apologizes for basically acting like the majority of /lit/, something he can do because unlike said group, he has humility.

>> No.12526330

not enough manichaenism

>> No.12526356

Too much carnal pleasure.

>> No.12526357

edumacate me

>> No.12526395

>stealing pears because you’re hungry
I sleep
>stealing pears for the sheer sinful joy
Real shit?

>> No.12526436

Total Depravity

>> No.12526441

You confuse your butt hurt for thought. Who hurt you?

>> No.12526535

>Has humility.
>Thinks the entire world is about him.
>Ceaselessly castigates his father for not giving him a Christian education, when his father was just trying to do what was considered best for a young man in Roman society at the time.
>Holds this grudge at least well into his 40s (time of the composition of the Confessions)
>Endlessly addicted to moral masturbation of late-era Roman morality plays.
>Realizes that this fascination with the theater is unhealthy; turns away from it in the most dramatic and theatrical fashion possible.
>Constantly trumpets what a lowly sinner he is, just so that you know that hardly anyone in the world was ever a more lonely sinner than he.
>Actual conversion experience involves a magic voice on the wind telling him to open the Bible to a specific page that has the knowledge he needs to convert. He can't just do it, it has to be like... a scene in a fucking cheesy morality play.
>Has humility.

I cannot stand Augustine as a human being. A pusillanimous whiny snot, through and through. He also talks some really unfair shit on Seneca in City of God and he only knew Plato from third and fourth century AD kooks.

>> No.12526550

At least he realizes, at least partly, he was a shitter. Owning up to some your shortcomings, regardless of the hypocrisy of having more you don’t owe up to, is still pretty admirable.

>> No.12526554

Being a literal Manichean Neoplatonist who fathered western """"""""christianity""""""""

>> No.12526560

He was also a great writer. I think this plus what you wrote in your post pretty much make him /lit/'s patron saint.

>> No.12526563

>he only knew Plato from third and fourth century AD kooks.
The guy didn't even knew Greek

>> No.12526568


The idea of the world being a battleground between an "evil Satan" and a "good God" in Christianity (as opposed to a spiritual trial in a nonetheless fundamentally good world) was helped heavily by his writings.

>> No.12526572

The view you just attributed to Augustine is exactly the one that he argues against.

>> No.12526590

He was fluent in greek and latin you dummy

>> No.12526610

are you sure, the footnotes in my copy of city of god point out some philological errors

>> No.12526619

marx believes all history is a battleground between classes, and i'm sure as an edgy fedo u dig marx so what gives?

>> No.12526624

Not really the same as not knowing Greek, all the more so than languages evolve, even when they're supposed to be "dead" (see latin under augustus vs latin at the time of the Republic of letters).

>> No.12526633

He studied Greek and rhetoric as a teen. He mentions in Confessions that although his studies were absent of God, it must of been part of God's plan since the language and rhetoric skills came in handy as a Bishop.

>> No.12526646

He was not fluent in Greek, and he better have been fluent in Latin---it was his native language. It's like a native-born English speaker bragging that he read Williams James in the original.

This is a pro-Augustine article and even it acknowledges that his Greek wasn't so hot: http://exegeticaltools.com/2017/08/13/how-bad-were-augustines-greek-skills/
And that's just on Biblical interpretation. Keep in mind that he probably never had access to Plato's dialogues, even in translation, and that he relied on weird commentators who believed that Plato was all about angels and demons to understand Plato.

>> No.12527096

He stole fruit and the guilt haunted him throughout his life.

>> No.12527122

that's him self-reporting, he's not going to say "yeah im a hillbilly from north africa who has shitty language skills"

>> No.12527180

>Being this retarded
You are proving him right.

>> No.12527296

your boy augustine literally thought the world was only 6,000 years old. I'd call that pretty feeble minded considering there was archeological evidence in his day that proved it to be vastly older.

just accept the fact that the idea of a "christian intellectual" is an oxymoron and move on. stop trying to force the meme that a writer is profound just because he's ancient.

augustine's works cannot stand up to any sort of rigorous investigation.

>> No.12527486

Lust, mostly.

>> No.12527498

Too many pears

>> No.12527539

This type of spiritual pride is a common element in western Christianity.

>> No.12527548

If only he was asexual.

>> No.12527556

what do you think of St. Thomas Aquinas?

pretty sure I know the answer though

>> No.12527592

literally took Aristotelian logic and paradigms and tried to force his moronic theism into them. Failing, obviously, which is why if you take philosophy courses in college you will be taught Aristotle, whereas Aquinas is nowhere to be seen.

not surprising since all spirituality is based on concepts entirely antithetical to intellectual inquiry. seriously, if you read Aquinas over Aristotle you're just retarded

>> No.12527626

> This concludes all I currently have to say on the matter of my confessions.

Really, Augustine??

>> No.12527636

Here is an article about this sort of issue. It's not very nice to Catholics, but they deserve it.

>> No.12528858

Lmfao the absolute state of lit

>> No.12528897

Watch out guys! Here's a man armed with the knowledge of a thousand years worth of philosophy from his Phil 101 class, he may even be embellished with a degree from some prestigious institution. It's best to spare yourself and not engage with this madman of facts. Or else he will beat you down with the power of a small soul diminished by modernity. Beware his logic and facts as he talks about the concept of spirituality, which his mind is incapable of grasping. A fault that doesn't strike him as incongruous with the rest of human history, but instead sets him above the plebeian masses who came before him. Indeed a Bachelor of the Sciences or through perhapsian circumstance maybe even a Master, who has declared himself above the last two-thousand years of Western Christianity and has usurped his ancestors with the knowledge endowed by "philosophy courses in college". This man is maniac of logic. Best to stay away lest you be schooled.

>> No.12529016

1 wrong
2 he had knowledge of Christianity from his mother but still chose a different religion
3 his father converted before his death and Augustine hardly has contempt for ignorance since he recognizes he's no better
5 can't remember that part, if you mean his orator career spreading pagan myth then it's because he saw it as misleading and unhelpful in finding truth
6 he holds himself responsible for his actions seeing they were dishonest and selfish, now he had a standard to measure himself by in Christ he makes no excuses for his actions, perfectly normal behaviour for a moral human being
7 he heard a child nearby say open and read and he flicked to a verse about abstaining from sex, there's no such thing as " the knowledge needed to convert", he had an experience that he couldn't argue against, if you or I had it it wouldn't have the same effect, he's only saying what was convincing for him which is honesty, which is intellectual humility

Try reading it again but not in a strip because someone believes something other than you

I'm going to pray for you btw ;)

>> No.12529053

He was a self aware gigachad that had too much pussy served to him

>> No.12529181


>> No.12529198

>he was a christcuck
imagine unironically saying this

>> No.12529345

The man from an age of dissolution, which mixes the races all together, such a man has an inheritance of a multiple ancestry in his body, that is, conflicting and frequently not merely conflicting drives and standards of value which war among themselves and rarely give each other rest - such a man of late culture and disturbed lights will typically be a weaker man. His most basic demand is that the war which constitutes him should finally end. Happiness seems to him, in accordance with a calming medicine and way of thinking (for example, Epicurean or Christian), principally as the happiness of resting, of having no interruptions, of surfeit, of the final unity, as the "Sabbath of Sabbaths," to use the words of the saintly rhetorician Augustine, who was himself such a man. But if the opposition and war in such a nature work like one more charm or thrill in life - and bring along, in addition to this nature's powerful and irreconcilable drives, also the real mastery and refinement in waging war with itself, and thus transmit and cultivate self-ruling and outwitting of the self, then arise those delightfully amazing and unimaginable people, those enigmatic men predestined for victory and temptation, whose most beautiful expressions are Alcibiades and Caesar (- in their company I'd like to place the first European, according to my taste, the Hohenstaufer Frederick II), and, among artists, perhaps Leonardo da Vinci.8 They appear precisely in the same ages when that weaker type, with its demands for quiet, steps into the foreground: both types belong with one another and arise from the same causes.

>> No.12529354

BGE 200

>> No.12529357

Nice genealogyfagging here.

>> No.12529407

So which translation is the best? Penguin had R. S. Pine-Coffin do a translation in 1961 and it's still in print. Although in 2008 Penguin Classics put out a new translation by Garry Wills. And there are tons of non-Penguin translations. F.J. Sheed, E.B. Pusey, Benignus O'Rourke, the list goes on and on.

>> No.12529412

nice reddit spacing and hot take, spastic

>> No.12529415

>philosophy courses in college
i have a masters from a top 10 university and considerable time was spent discussing both augustine and aquinas
tldr; fuck off ignorant pseud

>> No.12529420

You are an idiot. The concept of history didn't exist before 1000 ad.
Greeks and romans didn't believe in history, there weren't true historians before 1000 ad

>> No.12529480

where did augustine touch you anon?

>> No.12529503

F.J. Sneed

>> No.12529523

Chadwick was easy to read and had interesting footnotes. It's the only one I've read though.

>> No.12529721

worthless manwhore

>> No.12530492

Initially, yes. But he repented and became one of the biggest saints of all time.