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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 65 KB, 612x514, An677Hs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12525846 No.12525846 [Reply] [Original]

>managed to lure female into my cave
>she seems to like me
>show her my book hord
>"oh, you like reading too?!"
>yesss I got her
>talk to her about hans hermann hoppe and start spouting memes
>she finds them funny
>show her /lit/
>after a night of beer and laughs she leaves
>see her less and less in the following months
>be disappointed
>see her at a supermarket
>she is wearing a "don't tread on me" shirt
>"ayy lmao"
>she greets me like that
>starts talking about /pol/ and /k/
>"so to say" every second sentance

What have I done /lit/?

>> No.12525876

really gay if true

>> No.12525898

Now you finally have a common interest with another human you can talk about them with.

>> No.12525914

>/pol/ and /k/

>> No.12525915

Living is a first world country must be great! Everywhere you go you find cute lit girls

>> No.12525925

>letting a female into your house without her signaling intentions of fucking you first
fucking cuck, literally kill yourself

>> No.12525943
File: 16 KB, 341x355, Why can't we be friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the plot of Crash except instead of erotically bonding over car crashes you'll bond over shitposting here. Sprees of janny posting shitting up board after board interspersed with hours of amphetamine fueled sex.

>> No.12525950
File: 277 KB, 659x609, k_bananacologne.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have made a potential girlfriend for some lucky /k/ommando. thanks buddy.

>> No.12525952

She sounds annoying. Probably kinda retarded in a cute way though.

>> No.12526002

>Not knowing how to illicit those feelings any time.
Work on your game.

>> No.12526007

obviously worked out great for op, you massive cumguzzler

>> No.12526012

>I found another human being with whom I share an interest, obviously the only solution is to electrocute myself.

I come back to this website once every six months and once every six months I remember why I left.

>> No.12526067

Good riddance.
Go live your fruitless normie life, dumb normie.

>> No.12526105

How obese is she?

>> No.12526112

I guess you didn't get her drunk enough.

>> No.12526113

Chubby, the attractive kind. Curves without rolls.

>> No.12526242

You’ve never been to the South have you...watch Winter’s Bone friendo. Then you might understand

>> No.12528226

I'm in Alabama.

a girl that *knows* guns is a rarity.

>> No.12528232

You don't have to "know" guns to LARP in /pol/ and /k/, cunt.

>> No.12528233

Slit your fucking throat.

>> No.12528234

Why would you show her /lit/? Who does that? lmao

>> No.12528237

>falling for the kill yourself meme
Kill yourself.

>> No.12528256

>living away from your parents

>> No.12528467

>t. fatherfucking gigacuck

>> No.12528493

Get cancer and rot, kissless mongrel.

>> No.12528501

You did a Great service to mankind

>> No.12528646
File: 23 KB, 580x350, e94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> having to cope this hard

>> No.12528653

how fucking stupid do you have to be to show a woman 4chan the first time she comes to visit you?? dear lord

>> No.12528659

>literally seething about the word cuck
kek, everyone laughs at you in the streets, doormat

>> No.12528668

Are you retarded or some shit? I haven't left the house in 2019 yet. Slit your wrists or go back to the shithole you crawled out from.

>> No.12528678

ok you win bro

>> No.12528680

Lol incel

>> No.12528687

Pretend that your kitchen knife is daddy's dick and choke on it, cuck.

>> No.12528699

-Anon 2019

>> No.12528703

Over the shitposting rose a screech autistic.

>> No.12528753

In this day and age of 4channel >>>/r9k/ has become the most female infested board. My definition of females includes vagina and neo vagina holders.

>> No.12529109

People like to share with others things that are important to their lives and identities.