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File: 219 KB, 1292x918, Great-Filter1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12525069 No.12525069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, how doomed are we?

>> No.12525083

Bottlenecks are how every classic came to be.
Humanity needs to be the equivalent of mediocre YA fiction to not pass. Honestly, there is no losing, disappointment perhaps, but no loss.

>> No.12525089

We're not even type 1. We're about .75

>> No.12525124

I shit on globalism as much as the typical /pol/ack but I recognize that the current world order is a good way to prevent a nuclear world war that could easily count as Great Filter.

>> No.12525125

Everything theorized regarding evolution and life in the universe at large is incredibly earthcentric.

>> No.12525137

We need more DMT and spiritual journeys, then.

>> No.12525138

Uh maybe because the only life we're aware exists in the universe at the moment is on and originated on Earth, smartass

>> No.12525142

Hopefully very, fuck this planet.

>> No.12525146
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 1543559685787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god will not let us fail
we're his favorites

>> No.12525173


>> No.12525181

We aren't. The reason the heavens are silent might just be that interstellar travel is impossible.
You can count the civilizations that lasted for several millenia on earth on one hand. Those stacked rocks on top of each other for most of their history. Now imagine maintaining a spacefleet through civil war, social strife, natural disasters and cultural degeneration. What are the chances?
Now imagine not one, but two civilizations ,close enough to meet each other, achieving that. What odds are these?

Then find me two races, close enough, advanced enough and tenacious enough to go to space and the stars at the same time at broadly equal points in the lifecycle of their species.

When our ancestors were monkeys still, the stars may have been filled with the vista of a gigantic peoples achievement. But two million years later? Those lights that reached us from so far ago have turned to empty stars with the fall of their civilization.

>> No.12525210

The assumption that for there to be life there beeds to be water, atmosphere, temperate climate, etc. is based on how life came to be here, on earth. Why assume that life is strictly dictated by these conditions and not assume that life can condition itself under a broader range of conditions?

>> No.12525273

Fuck you.

>> No.12525285

life on other planets is a meme. we're alone, or if we aren't, we're so impossibly far from anything else of interest so as to be alone. science fiction is propaganda designed to make you want to waste money on taxes for rockets when you should be helping the poor. there are no other civilizations.

the theory of evolution doesn't require any of those things, dumbass. its only concerned with gradual adaptation through random mutation and natural selection. evolution doesn't even need real genes, see: genetic computing

>> No.12525306


>> No.12525319
File: 310 KB, 427x576, 1546002451107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god doesn't exist

>> No.12525331


>> No.12525342

Books for OP's hypothesis?

>> No.12525348

The monster of capitalism will consume God

>> No.12525361

To be honest this is true

>> No.12525382


>> No.12525550

Fuck you crossboarders shit.

>> No.12525703

>people actually believe evolution

>> No.12525944

We can only conquer the universe if the human race act as one.

>> No.12525954

This isn't /lit/ relevant at all, I hate this science fan speculative michio kaku bullshit.
t. scientist

>> No.12526052

The Hubble space telescope is loaned out in periods of 5 mins. Right now write a convincing argument why you should get a go on the telescope to search for life thats better than:
>Alpha Centuri XI is within the Goldilocks zone, and appears similar shape and size as earth, and has liquid water on the surface.

>> No.12526060

How do you know the great filter isn't the genesis of microbial life and it's all smooth sailing from there?

>> No.12526065

Our detection range is so great we can accurately guess as to the nature of the atmosphere on planets so far away that they're at a relativistic distance and speed.
Life changes atmospheric composition, the universe is 13.3bn years old, there should be something.
Either we're one of the first, or all life ends up dying at some form of great filter.

>> No.12526073

There is far fewer intelligent life than microbial life on earth.
The filter must be beyond microbial life, otherwise intelligent life would be much more common.

>> No.12526079
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Yes he does.

>> No.12526159

God hates us what the hell are you talking about, time and time again we prove that we are not worthy of existence

>> No.12526202

>We can only conquer the universe if the human race act as one.
Why? If one subset of the human species is able to work together and advance on their own, why would they need the rest of humanity? The less advanced groups are dead weight at that point, especially as basic/menial jobs are increasingly able to be completed by machines.

>> No.12526260

Not getting past the great filter doesn't necessarily imply the extinction of humanity or the even the end of industrial civilization. I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.12526296

Joe Rogan visits 4chan, confirmed.

>> No.12526348

Lol no

>> No.12526575

I hate this silly popsci garbage. Anything that is contingent on the fucking Fermi """"""""paradox""""""""""" is blatantly unfounded speculation, yet mongs on the internet pretend otherwise.

>> No.12526580

Not doomed at all if one evolutionary type makes it through.

>> No.12526844
File: 45 KB, 300x238, salapianbushinspring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even understand that chart desu

>> No.12527349

Why should I care about humanity?

>> No.12527387

>implying humans aren't machines.

>> No.12527438

It's scary to think about how many conservatives actually think this.

>> No.12527482

>god will not let us fail, we're his favorites
The ONLY logical conclusion to the Fermi paradox and the non-existence of alien megastructures in the Milky Way. God created man with a special purpose in an empty universe. If you think otherwise you don't understand the Fermi paradox.

>> No.12527487

Why? What evidence do you have that microbial life is easy or repeated anywhere else?

>> No.12527489

There's no point in caring. When the asexual trend really starts hitting, our species will go extinct anyway.

t. white asexual ex-Christian male

>> No.12527524

Why did you respond with a picture of a bush?

>> No.12527561

Human existence is antithetical to the concept of history and anyone claiming a history of humans or humanity is inherently fictionalizing and should be taken with the grain of salt all fiction is.

>> No.12527585

t. doesn't understand the Fermi paradox.

>> No.12527722

If there is a 'great filter' then what do you think it is?

>> No.12527730

there are plenty of more likely answers, including a great filter

>> No.12527731

An asexual movement that ends the species.

>> No.12527740

Powerful meta i dont like saying it but gotta recognize anon

>> No.12527770

Based on our current understanding of biology, abiogenesis wouldn't be possible with non-carbon based life. The rest of the assumptions are thus based on that (liquid water, actually, is more fundamental: since other liquids would freeze from the bottom up, thus killing any life below).

>> No.12527781


No digits for you, blasphemer. There's some absolutely jagged and barbed demon peenus waiting for your singularity neghole in Hades.

>> No.12527787

A great filter is not sufficient to produce zero type 3 civilisations in the Milky Way after 13 billion years. There are too many stars, and too many planets, for too long a time. Only the *greatest* filter is sufficient to explain their absence: God.

>> No.12527796


>> No.12527974

yes it is. the whole point of the filter is it works regardless of probability: if chances of making it to type 3 is zero, then an infinite amount of Goldilocks planets won't produce a type 3 civilization in an infinite span of time

>> No.12527998

That's not a great filter it's a greatest possible filter, an absolute filter. Arbitrary to place it above the genesis of microbial life when we only know of one place with life, Earth, and all the arguments for why microbial life should be abundent apply to Type 2/3 civs that also don't exist.

>> No.12527999

enlightenment through technology (fueled by capitalism)

>> No.12528025

Exactly my question regarding the existence of a "great filter"

>> No.12528029

Problem is we only have one sample.

>> No.12528035

you dumb fucks have no idea how evolution works

>> No.12528166


>> No.12528448


>> No.12528473

I hate the Kardashev Civilization scale.
>Hey guys, there are 3 types of civs, but we haven't observed any of them
>wow brilliant I love science

>> No.12528481
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1486555442802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wot iv the alens hav a biger god??

>> No.12528485

they will have to fight it out

>> No.12528535

Let's try to identify all potential Great filters WE have passed.

1. Procreation, which guarantees the survival of life even if organisms deteriorate
2. Multicellular organisms/Mitochondria fusion/etc which allows for internal especialization of functions
3. Cambrian explosion. Whatever the fuck caused this sudden diversity in animal forms
4. Mammalian oxytocin-based system of kinship/Social insects pheromone-based social behavior, which allow for external especialization of functions
5. Primates becoming intelligent enough to play with fire, a huge energy disposal beyond the body's abilities
6. Homo Sapiens' Cognitive Revolution before our African Exodus ~55 million years ago, making us who we are, giving us a PreFrontral Cortex that can use reason and logic
7. Agricultural Revolution ~12 million years ago allowing us to organize resources through time
8. Industrial Revolution (ongoing) allowing us to go beyong our planet and explode demographically.

>> No.12528566

You think a fucking nuclear war is the "great filter"? The GF is probably much more hardcore than that baby shit.

>> No.12528573

Are you aware of how powerful nuclear weapons are in 2019?

>> No.12528575

9. Information revolution (ongoing) probably will end with everyone hooked up to lotus-eater machines, functional extinction
10. Nanotech revolution (starting) probably will end with no economic reason to have humans around anymore. Planet of non-sentient machines eternally buying, selling, producing, recycling according to program. Humans hunted to extinction to make leather jacketts aeons ago; leather jacketts and purses then recycled.
11. Precursor's filter: when a race survives to 7,8,9,10; an automatic drone built by the precursor to eliminate potential competition fifty milions years ago turns on and starts peltering the Sun with confused matter (there's litteraly one per Sun in the galaxy. Deal with it). Absolutely everyone dies.
12. If a race were to survive even this, here comes the time for the REAL big guns. Epystemological menaces, self-no-self bombs, Objectivity Rays etc.
13. Finally, it becomes clear that sentience is a disease. Those races that don't trascend to hyperefficent non-sentient "minds" inevitably go extinct.

>> No.12528580

Not enought.

>> No.12528585

If there's a "great filter", it's most probably at the start, in that it is extremely rare for life to happen in the first place.