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/lit/ - Literature

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12524730 No.12524730 [Reply] [Original]

Getting into recreational reading as an adult
> where did you start

>> No.12524732

I didn't start, I watch anime for recreation and read literature for knowledge and inspiration.

>> No.12524746

Part 2: I felt a little bad not actually answering, it's true that I don't read recreationally, but I got into the kind of reading that I do by following "start with the Greeks" charts on here. Shakespeare was like another start of sorts after going through the ancient classics, if you want to start a little closer to the modern world.

>> No.12524765
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I have read for fun since I was a little kid. I think was hyperlexic. I used to read a lot more than I do now.

>> No.12524787

Perhaps more specifically how do you cultivate the passion. Is there an easy on ramp? that can help develop the habit. Are they books that appeal to people who arent particularly smitten with reading. Allot of people who read found themselves enchanted by YA and teen novels but I have tried them but find them unappealing , as young man; lord or the rings and game thrones are quite the marathon and I lack the stamina. Generally is non-fiction better then fiction?

>> No.12524814
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Buy audible account, what does lit think of books presented through this medium, and do you have any recommendations?

>> No.12524829

walking in nature and listening to books is actually based and redpilled and shouldn't be dismissed as a pleb way to enjoy literature

>> No.12524853
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when i was young (4-10) i used to read all day every day, it was all i really had to do as a poor kid growing up

i started reading again in september as i wanted to read up on an artist i really enjoy, and everything just clicked. i can imagine things exactly how i want to in my head when i read and because a book is much easier to put out than other formats, i can find info on niche topics i couldn't find a documentary or video about.

>> No.12524937

My mom is teacher. Children books are nothing. Its 20 pages and there can be a sentence on each.

>> No.12524961

you sound like a newfag. how long have you been on posting?

>> No.12524991

Think have been lurking lit for a month

>> No.12524993
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It's kind of trial and error. You just have to start with something you think you'll like or something related to stuff you're already interested in and go from there. Try novellas (pic related), since they're not a big commitment.

The more you read the more things you'll enjoy reading, so if you try a book now and don't like it you might enjoy it after a few years of reading other stuff.

>> No.12525043

what about the rest of the site?

>> No.12525059

I started when I was 21 and unironically with The Stranger. Years before I discovered /lit/

>> No.12525070

Perhaps 9 months. Like \g \fit \sci. They convinced me to come here \fit has the whole \fitlit meme and \sci has lit charts for math and physics.

>> No.12525071

Fucking based chart, not OP but thanks anon.

OP, I'd start with Hadji Murad. It's like a shrinkwrapped War and Peace -- only about 100 pages but you'll carry it with you for the rest of your life. Fucking incredible. Tolstoy was a wizard.

still think about the scene with the three soldiers lying in ambush and how human they feel and then when one of them is shot later it still rends my heart open

>> No.12525108

i dont think you've been here for as long as four months. for starters you named the boards all wrong and in the op you greentexted the wrong segment. lurk moar and, as to your question, start with hemmingway for some fun and easy reading

>> No.12525247

>paying both monthly fees as well as the price of the books themselves

>> No.12525778

Of Mice and Men, 1984 and Stoner are the three I always recommend

>> No.12525794

if you haven't read and understood kant at the age of 11 there's no point in starting to read anything.

>> No.12525799

Oscar Wilde

>> No.12525825

yeah start blabbing about retard philosophy when he asked about rec reading, nice one faggot

>> No.12525836

god i hate you philosophy fags, don't understand why lit has to cater to you numb nuts

>> No.12526025


>> No.12526051

Books with giant alligators or swarms of mutant bats in them.

The good shit.

>> No.12526120

just picked up a book and read it, its that simple dude. i like to read for an hour in bed before i go to sleep every night, thats what works best for me.

>> No.12526140

at least you started.

for fiction, read stuff that you can discuss with others, ie:classics and philosophy.

for nonfiction, read what you're interested in.

but be discriminate. don't pick up a random book because you think you should. find a reason to want to read the book.

>> No.12526146


low blow, low blow

>> No.12526438

Hamlet and Plato

>> No.12527864

i wasn't reading children's books at the time, i'd read whatever i was given at the library