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/lit/ - Literature

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12523915 No.12523915 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck,this is a book about your average person on this place

>> No.12523932 [DELETED] 

>implying anyone here waits for some grand events
We're just burning time until we're old and retired and can spend our days quietly browsing 4chan.

>> No.12524054

You don't,a lot of people here expect them to become intellectually enlightened and/or famous writers(they "know" they won't and look at it with humour but deep down they really do expect something such to happen,and they know this too but behind all the layers they truly do expect it to happen,but that's another point)

>> No.12524129

Read one of the early parts again,where he says you're always looking forward to something,maybe a calm retired lit life,and you think this will be the good part of your life,but in the end the "good part" already passed
You're going to regret your 4chan addiction,we all are.

>> No.12524448


>> No.12525743
