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12523339 No.12523339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about being asexual? (I am)

>> No.12523358

Quicksilver by RJ Anderson
Clariel by Garth Nix
Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire

Sue Bridehead from Thomas Hardy's Jude The Obscure could also be considered asexual.

t. asexual fella

>> No.12523366

how do asexuals feel when watching a pornographic video?

>> No.12523378

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

>> No.12523382

i dont kno if im actually asexual, or if its even a real sexuality. but since i was a preteen i have disdained penetration, and the last time i watched media which had that act in it was back when i was 13. literally havent watched it since. the only media i view involves f*c*als because to me it is a partaking in the beauty of the face and the pleasure of the orgasm, and means that the girl must love u to allow u to experience climax on the most intimate part of her. but even that ive generally stoped watchin bc porn is bad. but i never watch any kind of sex and i dont like it at all, i think its very dirty. i just want a girl who'll love me and hold me and kiss me and hug me and cuddle me

>> No.12523395

Any books about increasing your testosterone levels.

>> No.12523396

>i just want a girl who'll love me and hold me and kiss me and hug me and cuddle me

its called your mom

>> No.12523401

What is that and why did you fucking censor it.

>> No.12523411

fractals, they make me nut everytime

>> No.12523424
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>> No.12523425

I don't get it, also it more letters.

>> No.12523427
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The Bible

>> No.12523429

facials but not the spa kind. I censored bc its dirty and wrong and u shudnt like it of want to do that

>> No.12523436

No, deal with it or change, the world doesnt have to conform to your view

>> No.12523446

Oh, I thought it was fecals. You should learn to express yourself better.

>> No.12523448

its facials you fucking retard, i cant believe we are in the literature board and you cant deduce a word from its context, how do you even read?

>> No.12523451
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No, the bible commands married couples to fulfill their marriage duties and only abstain for temporary times of prayer.

(im asexual, by the way)

>> No.12523455

no, i want a girlfriend who will do that

>> No.12523457
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>Books about being asexual? (I am)
>(im asexual, by the way)
No you're not.
There is no such thing.

>> No.12523460

You aren’t special faggot. Take some viagra your sex drive is fucked.

>> No.12523466


You are not asexual. You have a dysfunctional relationship with sex. Deal with that and have sex with people.

>> No.12523468

would you be ok with your gf not being asexual and finding sexual comfort with another man?

>> No.12523469

same type of propaganda fags use.

>> No.12523474

Even as someone that might be asexual, I find these comics gay as shit. Fuck this stupid modern notion of "identity". You're all faggots.

>> No.12523484

based n wholesomepilled

>> No.12523491


>> No.12523495

but why don't i like it and why do i find it repulsive

absolutely not, that would make me so sad

>> No.12523498

It's called a mommygf

>> No.12523499

fuking hilarious how these fags come here, probably saw chasteanon's posts, thought "finally, a place for us!" and instead, he blows them the fuck out, and makes them public enemy no. 1. haha.

>> No.12523512

I've watched this shit pollute this already polluted board all morning, and I'm not convinced it isn't entirely trolling, but I'm kind of annoyed, so I'll bite.

>Asexuals are oppressed!
Yeah, that's why Matthew Shephard was beaten and dragged behind a car, for being asexual. Oh, wait...

>I don't experience what has been a fundamental human experience across times and places and is even arguably that which allows human beings to exist in the first place, and it makes me really mad when people consider this unusual.

And the final thing that gets me about asexuality: It's fine that you don't experience sexual attraction, or whatever, but why does it need to be your identity? This search for identity is what I find truly suspicious (though, to be fair, it isn't limited to asexuals).

>> No.12523514

>absolutely not, that would make me so sad
why? would it make you sad if your gf went running with a male friend? Why would having sex be different if you claim to be Asexual instead of just being traumatized about sex

>> No.12523518


I don’t know, speak to a therapist. It is not a normal state for a human being, it’s a malfunction.

>> No.12523555

but i said i don't know if it's even real or if i am one, just detailing my experiences

>> No.12523564

whats up with all the asexual posting
are the discord trannies focusing on this place?

>> No.12523584

because i want a platonic wholesome romantic relationship with a girl who'll love me without expecting sex or us engaging in it. i dont like sex but that doesnt mean that i dont recognize its significance and would allow a girl to do that with someone else. i just want to be loved and held and told everything will be okay and to be accepted for all my flaws and to be nurtured and cared for so intensely that i cry (in private or maybe in front of her) for how much i love her and appreciate her showing me such warmth which nobody has shown to me before in my life

where to get


>> No.12523592

How is Asexual not just a cope for incels? It's like kids who "don't drink" but mainly because they never get invited to parties

>> No.12523616
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I'm asexual and I fucked my gf in high school because I wanted to fit in with my male peers. Have a girl that said she has a crush on me recently but I curved her because I'm fucking asexual.

>> No.12523628

I have nothing against asexuals, but you guys don't seriously get your politics from this shitty cartoons, do you? They aren't even pleasant to look at, which is like the first virtue of visual art.

>> No.12523638

ok i think ur srs now. why did u randomly start spamming an avalanche of these posts out of nowhere? is this to spread genuine awareness to anons on here?

>> No.12523648

>i just want to be loved and held and told everything will be okay and to be accepted for all my flaws and to be nurtured and cared for so intensely that i cry (in private or maybe in front of her) for how much i love her and appreciate her showing me such warmth which nobody has shown to me before in my life

what you are describing is literally making love with someone you care deeply for

its called making love for a reason, maybe you just think all sex is just like in pornography or like "insert traumatic encounter with sex during childhood"

>> No.12523650

this is what i said. tumblerites really have no aesthetic sense at all, it makes all of their social causes tainted by association. i have nothin against gays or so on but damnit gays themselves deserve better emblems than the awful deviantart-tier stuff that tumblr churns out for them

>> No.12523659

but even when i imagine making love, to a fantasy girl in my head, i still dont care for or enjoy the act. it bores me and doesnt do anything for me. im not making any of this up to be le cool intellectual teenager who doesnt need base physical pleasures. im just describing my life

>> No.12523663

You're trying to help society in an untenable way. Having no interest in sexuality is extremely rare and its nascent emergence belies the effects of technology more than a lrgitimate identity.

Also, to your Tumblr propaganda post:
>Virginity is a social construct
All words are social constructs. This is meaningless.
>Sex and asexuality are not mutually exclusive
>Some virgins have no interest in sex
This is probably true, but I think the likelihood that its more frequent than 1/10,000 is probably unlikely.

I don't disgaree with your cause, but I think you're going about it in the wrong way. You don't need an identity group to be accepted, you don't even need a flag or a mantra. This creation of special groups is a way to change society to compensate for its members insecurity. If these groups promote anything more than physical and legal equality and safety then there is no purpose in its existence. Also, these intellectual standards for debates are, quite frankly, subpar. Read pholosophy, tell me the neuroscience behind sexuality, explain why it's not abnormally unlikely. I don't think anyone thinks asexuals are broken, just that the attempt to intellectualize and socialize it beyond "some people don't like sex" is posturing. Also, the likelihood that anyone just doesn't like sex, is astronomically low - similar to just not liking food.

>> No.12523667

When I was back at my parent's place during Chrismas my dad was asking me about when I'm going to get a gf and when he's getting grandkids again. I'm scared to tell him I'm not attracted to women because he'll probably fuck me up.

>> No.12523673

rampant typos due to phone posting and obvious lack of intellectual rigor

>> No.12523677

all im saying is that the paragraph that i quoted is the most beautiful way ive seen written yet of the act of making love with someone you care for. It transported my mind to the embrace of my exgf when i felt i would die without her

>> No.12523679

oh ur not into women at all? i love women but just dont like sex

>> No.12523693

but what does it have to do with making love? what i described was totally non-sexual

>> No.12523700

also thank u alot for complimenting my writing, im pretty bad at writing and aware of it so whenever someone compliments my sentences it feels nice

>> No.12523703

>TFW even asexuals have GFs

>> No.12523722

have you ever thought your concept of sexuality is wrong and/or too limited? thats why i asked if you think all sex is just like in pornography

>> No.12523776

i dont think so. even when i literally imagine having sex, in the most wholesome and loving fashion, with a girl, it feels strange and abnormal for me. maybe its partly bc im not imagining the real deal (then again i only watch "amateur" stuff so it should be the real deal), but im saying that i have some kind of disconnect to it. it doesnt feel natural for me, and i dont know why. maybe im stunted developmentally? still longing to be my kid self. i just want to be loved, i dont really care to have sex, its just a distraction to me from being suffocated with love

>> No.12523817

Just relegate yourself to sciences. As you fundamentally do not understand the human condition and could never be understood by a real person.

>> No.12523910
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I think it’s because of this post. The shilling is a desperate attempt to drown out the truth invoked by this poster.

>> No.12524055

this is peculiarly unarousing

>> No.12524333

The only true asexuals I have met were autistic and just didn't care about sex at all. They didn't even brand themselves asexuals because sexuality is not something they think about. You should wholeheartedly pursue whatever you are interested in and stop obsessing over labels because it is a waste of time. If you aren't asexual you will figure it out eventually but constant rumination will not help you.

>> No.12524408

I don't have to act like your mental illness is legitimate.

>> No.12524433

..... this
Why was this thread >>12523390 deleted and how come the shill thread is still up.

>> No.12524450

chasteanon is fucking based

>> No.12524451


I don't believe you.

>> No.12524466


>> No.12524595
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tfw relate to this post

>> No.12524620

It took tumblr longer to migrate over than I thought it would.

>> No.12524642

I'd become a Catholic priest if I were asexual.

>> No.12524645

Stop being an attention whore and read some books that don't have anything to do with mental illness

>> No.12524658

Came in to post this. You aren’t asexual bro. Go outside and lift weights more.

>> No.12524664
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Serious reply:

For "asexuality" as the humiliation of sex as integral to Idealism: The Gospel of Thomas, Pistis Sophia, The Phenomenology of Spirit.

For "asexuality" as Catholic abomination: Kant and Augustine, possibly Aquinas if you can trudge through his phone books.

For "asexuality" as neurotic faggotry: twitter.

>> No.12524686

fucking faggots, the whole lot of you

>> No.12526313

Absolutely nothing. I just see it as it is biologically (the act of human reproduction) without any feeling attached to it. At most, I will feel disgusted by some of the acts, or the context of them.
This is the best view on it I think. "Asexual" doesn't need to be an identity or an oppressed group. The last thing I want is to be associated with the perverts of the lgbt community. It just means that I can pursue goals and interests without worrying about trying to attract a partner. A partnership based on intellectual and emotional connection would be ideal, but I don't have my hopes up about this because I doubt that I'll ever meet anyone who compares to my ideal.

>> No.12526504

Walt Whitman might have been quasi-asexual.

>> No.12526611

I'm sort of asexual but only in the desired way and not a genuine, real way. Probably has to do with the fact that I never found intercouse to be arousing until I was 16 and basically no longer do, also I never went out of my way to watch 3d porn and still haven't.

>> No.12526647
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Is a person asexual if he has never felt compelled to approach the opposite sex and only jacks to vore? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12526667

>Gospel of Thomas

>> No.12526670

you want to "become animal" huh kid
Go read some deleuze fag

>> No.12526692

No, you're just a deviant
T. Deviant

>> No.12526722

>Go read some deleuze fag
I've been thinking of doing that actually. Where should I start with him?

>> No.12526727

I get an erection, but I get bored way too fast to actually masturbate.

>> No.12526758

Holyshit you've posted about this so many times

>> No.12526822

I'd say no since thats still sexual attraction, its just directed at something unconventionally sexual.
Though I'm not sure if it should be defined as 'lack of any sexual desire' or 'lack of desire to engage in sexual intercourse'. I adhere to the former.

>> No.12526828

haha got eem

>> No.12526865

How does someone tell the difference between being asexual and just having a complex/being impotent/suppressing sexuality? Is there any way to know that for certain? I lost interest in sex awhile back, after falling into a deep depression. Still jack off and have dreams, but the actual act sort of repels me. In my case, it's clearly a complex, but I have this friend who says he's asexual, but he's even more depressed than me, and after talking to him for awhile about sex and fear and stuff, I realize we have a lot of similar worldviews on this stuff and I think he's just repressing. But how can I know the difference, or if there even is one?

>> No.12526914
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