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12523258 No.12523258 [Reply] [Original]

recommend me books to read on zen

>> No.12523370

Zen is a fucking meme popularised by Westerners who wanted o so exotic spiritualism without any of the ritualism or dogma Read the Pali Canon and Theravada commentaries on it for real Buddhism.

>> No.12523415

I feel like you only believe this because you've only been exposed to westernized zen but I don't know enough about zen to refute it

>> No.12523543

fuck zen and fuck buddhism. just a burned out prince who instead of killing himself decided to lobotomize himself with nonstop meditation and then went around promoting not being enough of a person to suffer. if you think buddhism is cool go on one of those meditation retreats or go to a monastery and deal with that boredom till you get rid of everything that makes you who you are so you don't feel anything anymore.

>> No.12523581

>based 19th century orientalists whose only exposure to Buddhism is through third hand europhone translations stemming from 16th century jesuit ethnographies

>> No.12523600
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Is asexuality zen?

>> No.12523690

It can be, if you don't see it as something to strive to preserve, but rather just as something that you just so happen to coincide with. If it causes you to potentially fall into a state of suffering, it cannot be Zen.

>> No.12524920

Charles Luk’s series on Zen (“Ch’an and Zen Teachings”) is good. It’s a compilation and translation of primary Zen texts.

>> No.12524971

I would read the Mumonkan (gateless gate) collection of Koans, with some commentary from a master. Zen is one of those things where many people have different understandings of what Zen really is. However I believe direct work with koans is a good way to go.

However don't look to far outside of the koans. They can be interpreted as metaphors and symbols and blah blah. But take them at face value, consider them at the most base level of the chain of events. This will lead to understanding.

>> No.12525297

Hsin-Hsin Ming. It's only a couple of pages.

>> No.12525307

stop spamming the board with asexuality propaganda you fucking faggot

>> No.12525640

westerners cannot become buddhists our nervous systems don't work like that

>> No.12525650

Luckily Zen is not a branch of Buddhism, then.

>> No.12526539

Woah, it's as if religions have different sects because people have varying views on things.

>> No.12526552

lol beat me to it

Good news - you don't have fuck anyone. You don't even have to think about fucking anyone. Your problems lie with creating a box for yourself, labeling it for the world to see and then not liking what it says. Feel free to live a life based on personal preferences and not in a false spotlight of your own creation.

>> No.12526691

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, a collection of talks by Shunryu Suzuki, is a good place to start. So is Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, a collection by Paul Reps.

>> No.12526704

Sorry, should have been more specific. The Paul Reps is a collection of Zen texts.

>> No.12526725

101 zen stories

>> No.12526796

Don't listen to this hinayana pleb, go for the based mahayana