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/lit/ - Literature

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12523148 No.12523148 [Reply] [Original]

>What are you reading, anon?

How do you respond without coming off as a sperg or passive aggressive autist?

>> No.12523156

"can you cut downstream instead of across the river and stop bothering me you stupid emo bitch."

>> No.12523159

tell her what you're reading

>> No.12523200

Just tell them what you are reading you putz.

>> No.12523207

"Oh, I'm reading Moby-Dick—getting near the end now! How about you?"

>> No.12523230

This. I thought I was bad at social skills but when you reach the point of asking 4chan how to answer simple questions, then goddamn you need to go outside more often.

>> No.12523250

Tell them what you're reading and ask them what they're reading. Maybe you'll have an interesting conversation.

>> No.12523490

"Sex and Character by Otto Weininger. Allow me to give you a brief summary of its contents."

>> No.12523550

honestly unless you're reading nazi shit

>> No.12523715

>without coming off as a sperg or passive aggressive autist?
Simply by stating the objective (title of the book) and not the subjective (what you think of the book, what you think the book means, what kind of people like it or wouldn't like it, etc)
>"oh, cool"
Maybe they ask you more about it, maybe they don't. Trying to predict conversation paths and preemptively answering any follow-up question(s) is why you come off as cringe and autistic. Even if you did successfully do so, it's extra info I didn't (yet) ask for, which makes you come off as arrogant, aggressive, or smug. Also, give enough pause between question and answer to not seem like you already laid out the conversation mentally; that's the easiest way to get a solid yikes from the other person.

>> No.12523726

your diary desu

>> No.12523741

try like that
>i'm reading [title] by [author]

>> No.12523748 [DELETED] 

Imagine how cute his feminine penis looks.

>> No.12523813

By simply telling her the title of the book You're reading, or of one you read recently and is socially acceptable If the book You're reading right now fills you with such shame.
It's so EASY not to pass off as a sperg I really don't know what you people do wrong.

>> No.12523823

Most /lit/ asnwer itt (and sadly so).

Just show her the cover and the books and say the title at the same time. Leave her wondering what it's about for a few seconds. That will leave you time to make a short summary in your head.

>> No.12523869

Tell her what I'm reading, what else?

>"hey annonette, I'm like halfway thru Suttree and just got done with Music For Torching. What's up?"

Simple as that

>> No.12524438
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Fuck, is this true? I think I actually do this 'answering more than is asked' thing, especially with girls. It sounds very close to just normal smalltalk, which I believe is a neutral/good thing but I can imagine it sounding weird/pretentious when I do it.

>> No.12524914

>I think I actually do this 'answering more than is asked' thing, especially with girls.
This is called desperation. The subconscious basically goes "I haven't interacted with a person/female like this for so long that I have to get out as much dialogue as possible to make up for the absence. I haven't interacted with a person/female for so long that I have to get the dialogue out as fast as possible before they leave and I'm alone again."

If I ask you what book you are reading and you give me all the cliffnotes at youtube 2x speed, I'll be unable to hide my unease and walk as soon as you finish. I can't walk the second I feel uncomfortable because you might be as psychotic as you put off in that moment and I don't want to risk conflict.

"What book are you reading"
Huh? Oh, it's [book title].
"Oh, I've never heard of that."
>wrong choice (answering a question not asked)
It's about blahblahblah...
>right choice (objective, not subjective)
It's a very interesting read.

The hardest part is deprogramming the manufactured responses. This is why the "you too" meme exists. Conversation should be organic, not prepared. It's a human being, not a powerpoint. It's easy to fix, but it's step by step.

>> No.12525375

Good post

>> No.12525508
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>> No.12525633


>> No.12525721

years ago i was stoned talking to this fat black woman about what she was reading (some YA vampire shite) and she asked me what i was reading... i said 'this russian guy - dostoevsky' and then pulled a jokey smarmy face, mocking myself... i don't think she realised what i was doing and prob assumed i had some weird twitch

>> No.12525875

I'm reading your body language and it says you're into me.

>> No.12526546

i dont mean to psychoanalyze u but u seem like a very frenzied/insecure person due to ur indecisiveness/uncertainty in word choice. i hope u get the help u need

>> No.12526933

Just act natural. There is an entire generation of non-autists who have been turned a new form of autistic by exposure to internet image boards. In 10 years I promise there will be a clinical diagnosis for self-induced autism. When it replaces the current fandom of personality disorders, remember this post and know that it was foretold.

>> No.12527181

>Calling a book interesting is objective

Brainlet please leave, you need to read more.

>> No.12527208

"For me" is implied in that statement, fucking sperg. Do you go out of your way to read something you despise in public?

>> No.12527214

Cheeky but on point. Sex should normally ensue.

>> No.12527229

This and anyway why would a girl bother you while you're reading unless she was into you ? It's not like she's asked if you had time to talk about Jesus.

>> No.12527326

What book are you reading"
Huh? Oh, it's [book title].
"Oh, I've never heard of that."

i dunno. you're right but i don't think it's that bad if you explain a little about what the book's about without going into full autist spouting information mode; i.e.
"It's about a young guy who kills this old woman with an axe. It focuses a lot on his psyche and guilt. I'm finding it really interesting so far."

It gives them something else to pick up on and takes away some of the work on their part. It's a pain having to repeatedly ask questions while the other person puts in minimal effort in answering them. Plus some people would think that you're not that interested in the topic by giving short answers.

On the whole I agree with you if the other person isn't a social spastic, but you also don't have to be so rigid in answering.

>> No.12527553

I think this is the best approach. I made a friend the other day when a bartender asked what I was reading and I just kinda went oh its about this and that and it does it this way, and we got along pretty well.

Actually just being friendly and interacting in an easygoing way will get you further than anything else.

>> No.12527599


the rule of socializing, especially with girls, is to give as little information as possible. which is to say that you should not explain ANYTHING when an explanation has not been directly asked for.

you don't say "I'm reading X, which is blah blah blah I like books like blah blah blah you see I'm a big brained intellectual" - you say "i'm reading X"

if she says "oh what's that about?" now you can say blah blah blah. if she then asks "do you like books about blah blah blah?" you can say yes I like books about blah blah blah. so on and so forth, one thing, ONE thing at a fucking time.

you can almost never go wrong by saying fewer words

>> No.12528169 [DELETED] 

I'm just bad at english bro, I could have built in all the words I wanted in a gramatically correct sentence, without using slashes if I had the skill to do so.

>> No.12528177

Island from Huxley.
It's his answer to the distopia Brave new world. Looks like a hippie colony at fist glance but will see as the book progresses

>> No.12528179

Honestly this. You only look like a sperg when you try to force the book on them.

>> No.12528184

this, it makes you look like you are not interested

>> No.12528444

Why is thread allowed nut nofap threads aren'

>> No.12529445

>What's it about?
This is the worst. Got asked this when I was reading lolita. My go to is "I'll let you know when I find out"