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/lit/ - Literature

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1252153 No.1252153 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/, i'm very desperate. Right now about %80 of my bookshelf is non fiction/philosophy/religious/politics/occult/ psychology bullshit. I have read entirely to much of that stuff, and I need a fucking way out because it is starting to get real fucking boring. Heres the deal: I need some fucking fiction. What I've read i've like so far in my fiction collection is as follows- I really dig RAW, i have read a tad of Philip K. Dick (valis and some short stories), slaughterhouse five by vonnegut, I'm really into lovecraft, right now i'm finishing up 'his dark materials' by pullman, i've only dipped my toes into king but he's alright, oscar wilde was pretty straight, and i've read three books of the hitchikers guide series. Every book recommended will automatically get put on my wishlist, i'd like to find a fiction book about the singularity, satire is always good in my eyes, as is sci-fi/horror, but in the long run i don't care, just throw something at me.

>> No.1252164

>oscar wilde
>was pretty straight
Pretty chuckleworthy right there.

Also you could look into Infinite Jest, that's a pretty awesome fiction book. Brave New World, too.

>> No.1252171

OP here, I also liked 'life after God' by Coupland but I dont know what book to get next by him

>> No.1252177

Dirk Pitt series. Everything written before 3 years ago.

>> No.1252178

you sound like you'd like Snow Crash, if you haven't read it already

>> No.1252192
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you just may be my savior

>> No.1252193


I didn't read that one. Of what I've read of Coupland, I recommend Microserfs or Eleanor Rigby. jPod is kind of fun but it's much more surreal and zany and feels less authentic.

>> No.1252230
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>> No.1252236

The Great Gatsby
The Stranger
Count of monte Cristo
Crime and Punishment
Some Sherlock Holmes

read those. there goes my two cents

>> No.1252245


I think we have pretty similar tastes. I've read and liked everything you named. I recommend Catch-22, The Crying of Lot 49 (and more Pynchon if you like that), One Hundred Years of Solitude, Midnight's Children, and Henderson the Rain King

>> No.1252958


>> No.1252959

You'll want the alienation, believe me. It makes the ffuuuuu- bits all the more delicious and authentic for you.

>> No.1252971
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there this one guy named Dan Brown you fella's may be into

>> No.1253001
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>i'm finishing up 'his dark materials' by pullman.

You may enjoy the Mortal Engines quadrilogy by Phillip Reeve.

pic related

>> No.1253030



>> No.1253883
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>thinks literature is reserved for fiction only