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File: 231 KB, 806x564, What the absolute fuck were you thinking, why the fuck did you only buy a four pack, you know I fucking love pudding, get the fuck out there and buy me some more goddamn pudding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12520557 No.12520557 [Reply] [Original]

>Creative writing teacher doesn't allow "genre" writing
>Gives lower grades if there is anything "unreal" in your assignments
>Complains about everyone's writing being "uneventful" and "boring to read"

Are Creative Writing classes a spook?

>> No.12520566

I'm torn between my desire to insult you or your teacher

>> No.12520567
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Your prof don't wanna read ur anime fan fiction op

>> No.12520574

Read the Sun Also Rises. It will do a good job of showing you how a lot can happen without much happening.

>> No.12520577

>creative writing teacher forces students to write activist fiction
how often does she (i know it is a she) talk about trump?

>> No.12520583


Anime is for children.

I write manwha fan fiction

>> No.12520586

No, but they vary greatly in quality depending on the commissar running them.

>> No.12520590

To satisfy my own masochism, what insults would you like to fling at me?

>> No.12521545

exciting things happen in the real world, anon. war comes to mind

>> No.12521551


I tried this, I tried to write a story of a soldier in a trench during WWI and she denied this as "genre" writing

>> No.12521554

What a cunt.

>> No.12521564

In photography class, a student turned a set a pictures of their life over to the teacher and he replied "what makes you think I care about you and your friends?" An important thing in writing is knowing how to differentiate telling a story and just describing shit, in the same way you need to differentiate photographing things and just taking pictures of your friends.

>> No.12521577

i'd argue that every story that's ever been told is just describing shit, even when it doesn't seem like it is.

>> No.12521596

What is not genre? fucking diary entries are also genre.
seems like one of those places that is more focused on having you attend for a long time then on your improvement.

>> No.12521602

>In photography class, a student turned a set a pictures of their life over to the teacher and he replied "what makes you think I care about you and your friends?"
its a photo, should not teach judge by how well its shot and not by the subject?

>> No.12521798

He is right and you're a wannabe. If you need genre as guidance for your writing then you are not a writer yet. Try to make a story using an everyday setting like a bus stop. Then add something odd a tourist at a bus stop in fucking nowhere. Then try to add characters. A middle aged, unemployed women that wants some exotic D. Add plot. Tourists goal is to find birthplace of famous composer y in town x. Female wants drinks and penis. He asks her for help, she takes him to next inn and skips her scheduled date at employment office. Her ex arrives. An unemployed alcoholic who voted for leave and hates niggers online...

>> No.12521813


You literally just made genre prompt

>> No.12521820

That requires me to care about your photo first. What makes you think I care about you and your friends?

>> No.12521868

well for starters hes being paid to care

>> No.12521876

I'm not being paid to care about you and your friends. Take photos of things I care about first.

>> No.12521882

take a giant shit on his desk and claim that it is not a genre text but a kind of literary event that requires an emotional interpretation. call it something real smug as well, like "the contingent non-essentialist output of the capitalist food structure through a body-without-organs".

>> No.12521888

Are you daft? Of course you are being paid for that. I could take a pic of my wart ridden dick shoved down your mom's throat and you should still comment on it

>> No.12521891


Naw. I'll just kick you from the class and keep your money :P

>> No.12521898

I'll then organize a mob of angry hipsters and art hoes about how you stifle my creative imagery and you'll be out of your job :-)

>> No.12521905

Read the op and his posts

>> No.12522560

>In photography class, a student turned a set a pictures of their life over to the teacher and he replied "what makes you think I care about you and your friends?"
If the photos are good, he'd care.
Retarded analogy.

Have you ever been to a photo exhibition? They rarely show anything interesting. Streets, random people, places that you can visit yourself, shit you can see every day a million times.

>> No.12522566

They're good for making contacts and getting feedback from classmates. You're also bound to learn tips and tricks here and there. It's about what you put in mostly.

t. asexual individual

>> No.12522596

An interesting subject is very important in photography. Technical ability only gets you so far

>> No.12522615
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> not using your frustrations as writing outlet
> not crafting a devastating mockery of your instructor and using that as the basis for your submissions to the same instructor
> not bombastically challenging and shouting down your instructor each time he lobbies any sort of insult or disrespectful remark.

Post your most recent submission here.

>> No.12522638

ur op so ur gay

>> No.12522701

This is horrible advice. You’re literally taking the worst aspect of genre fiction (boring, predictable cliches) and the worst aspect of postmodern literature (stagnant, uninteresting plots) and advising this guy that if he intentionally writes nothing happening in a cliche setting with characters who have “whacky” postmodern quirks, by some fucking magic the story will become interesting or mean something.

>> No.12522783
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You are rationalizing writing to much while op is wasting his and his teacher's time writing fan fiction instead of experimenting with ideas, characters, events, plots, words, style, presentations etc. Writing is a craft and not an intellectual endeavor.

>> No.12522839

Have you tried asking your professor why he doesn't like genre literature, what he doesn't like about genre literature, and what you could write that would not qualify as genre? Conversely, have you thought of getting another professor?

>> No.12522853

>writing classes

>> No.12522954

>writing is a craft no an intellectual endeavor
absolutely cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12522972

>t. STEMlet

>> No.12522984
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I disagree. I would argue that one of the strengths of photography as a medium is that it allows you to make ordinary objects look interesting (if you know what you're doing).

>> No.12523019

enjoy your worthless English degree while I build rocketships for elon musk pussy bitch

>> No.12523022

>Enjoy studying something you enjoy while I toil away the best years of my life for another man.
I'm not sure you're conveying what you mean to convey, my brother.

>> No.12523109

You couldn't follow what I was saying brainlet. You were not cut for STEM and this is why you think writing is something special.

>> No.12523139

Except that's not what you wrote. Maybe if you saw writing as an intellectual pursuit and used your brain you wouldn't have fucked up so badly.

>> No.12523166

Are you serious?

>> No.12523202

Books for learning how to get a ride aggressive gf like this?

>> No.12523231


>> No.12523279

There is an entire world happening that you can write stories about. It’s not that hard. My creative writing professor had the same rules and I not most of my classmates ever had problems with writing in that context.

>> No.12523505
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because its your job, you are a teacher and not a consumer.
maybe if you are shilling art, not if you are a wedding photographer. before you get 2deep, you should master the technical

>> No.12523517

good. Who would want to be
>so salty you waste your time on all that
>so uncreative that you have to copy existing people and so spiteful that you pump them with your hate.

>> No.12523605
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>>Creative writing teacher doesn't allow "genre" writing
>>Gives lower grades if there is anything "unreal" in your assignments
Is this her?

>> No.12524080

Having graduated in English I can tell you that genre writers are worthless scum that contribute nothing. But there's a bunch of shit that really annoys me outside of it. I'm gonna be a TA in a creative writing class next semester at UMass and if I had it my way I would:

-banish anyone who says their fav book is Harry Potter
-banish any kind of YA bullshit
-actively mock anyone writing fantasy until they assume the fetal position in a pool of snot and tears
-actually set their manuscripts on fire if there are vampires, werewolves, goblins or zombies, or "magic" in it
-throw a chair at them if their story is set in NYC
-lay a turd in their draft if it features a manic pixie girl or a perfect flawless character
-call ICE on em if their story is about "the Chicano struggle"
-piss on their laptop if their story is shitty ultrafuturistic sci-fi

>> No.12524481

Giving the protagonist a straightforward motivation and a simple goal is a good place to start; the story's conflict will come from them working to overcome any obstacles in the way. Just make sure the goal is important enough to them and the challenges are not trivial and you should be fine. This is basic formulaic storytelling, but unless some other anon has some top tier advice on how to write like Joyce or whatever you might as well try it. Can't guarantee it will be interesting, however.

>> No.12524503
File: 174 KB, 856x481, 3A6483F4-C2F3-463B-88A0-1222E0E412A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally should have wrote a historical fiction then.
It already has an established world building, you know the gist of what is to come, and you have more than enough info to make a believable setting and characters. Plus, while you might write another dune most people will write another hunger games.

>> No.12524515


OP has attend the class and write for the course anyway so how is it a waste of time?

Are you insinuating that spite and hate can't serve as the foundation for writing a particular piece or be someone's primary motivation for writing? OP is sufficiently worked up over it to start this thread, so why not write a story as the basis.

And since when is drawing material from our day-to-day lives a problem? OP's first draft may very read like a transcript of a typical day in his class with a bit of vitriol thrown in, but I'm sure OP wouldn't just submit a first draft as a final piece.

>>12522783 is a brainlet for saying writing is "not an intellectual endeavor" but he is correct that there is an element of craft to it. You may lambaste someone for studying the character and mannerisms of the creative writing instructor, but it is a valuable practice for writing.

>> No.12524525
File: 74 KB, 710x636, 1537104236343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw a chair at them if their story is set in NYC
Lets see you throw a chair when break your fucking ankles.
NYC is an AMAZING setting, you literally have a treasure trove of history to work with and the attitude of a "dog eat dog" world. whether it's streets of detriot or the buildings on wall street, there is always some conflict that you can make a story out of.

>> No.12524530

Sounds like yours is but not all are. My current fiction writing prof encourages us to experiment and write whatever we want. Our biggest grade is a portfolio of what we've been working on throughout the quarter, and he offers us feedback every class so there's no excuse not to write something at least passable

>> No.12524534

FUCK i meant bronx, i'm very tired

>> No.12524538

>look who decided to come out of his cave!

>> No.12524558

It sounds like you're in an intro course. This is just to teach you the fundamentals and rules before you can play with them in genre or experimental fiction. It's like an introductory drawing class where you have to draw some bowls of fruit and empty hallways before you get into the fun stuff. Your classmate's writing is boring because they are too afraid to experiment with vocabulary and description, which can make anything interesting. The complaint you should have against your professor is that he is not making this clear.

>> No.12524563

Why not any other fucking city that hasn't been done to death? That's my issue with NY. Writers seem fucking obsessed by it even though their conflicts could be established in literally any other fucking urban setting. You just have to fucking write it. Fuck New York.

>> No.12524614
File: 374 KB, 1113x1122, EMOTIONS ARE PROHIBITED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12524728

give me her email and ill shit talk her for you

>> No.12524828

>-banish anyone who says their fav book is Harry Potter
>-banish any kind of YA bullshit

Having also graduated with an English degree I can safely say that you’d only have like two students in your class.
I minored in writing and in most classes I was the only one not perpetually turning in the first and only chapter of a fantasy/sci-fi/steampunk/horror novel that never had a chance to be completed.

I would probably enjoy your class.

>> No.12525126

Id love to have a small class like that. In my senior year I had my best writing class. We were maybe 15 students and I'd say about 5 or 6 of us consistently turned in quality stuff, while the rest was fairly decent and the remaining ones were, at worse, just okay. No YA or fantasy in sight. Blissful.

>> No.12525157
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I did attend one writing institute though where someone actually turned pic related in as their project. I wanted to vomit.

>> No.12525167


I think you're missing the point of what your teacher is trying to teach you

>> No.12525207

Is this from a graduate level class? How old was the author?

>> No.12525274

Give me the name

>> No.12525302

Not graduate exactly but definitely not fucking freshmen. Most people there were either recent grads or seniors

>> No.12525308

They deserve to be forgotten

>> No.12525311

Writing isn't necessarily an intellectual endeavor especially if you are a beginner. You can get decent results only by focusing on the craft part. It won't turn into a master piece though.

>> No.12525321

Author was like 20 I think

>> No.12525357

Damn, I've read better fetish smut on DeviantArt.

I bet they think this will be the next big thing.

>> No.12525405

I think they just didn't do their fucking work. It was awful. Later on their protag went thru some ham fisted class struggle where they broke into a rich neighborhood and then were chased away by robotic, poisonous, overgrown mosquitos that guard the rich people from the poor.

I fucking wish I was joking.

>> No.12525665

thats a pretty cool idea

>> No.12525686

>Robotic, poisonous overgrown mosquitoes
He should have opened with that, making it a dystopian story about the government using insects for warfare and surveillance. The US fucked around with plague mosquitoes during the cold war so he could shove some war themes in there too. It wouldn't be art but it could be fun.

>> No.12525715
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If it's an intro to creative writing class, then they're teaching it wrong. Intro classes are supposed to teach you the basics and get you interested in the subject/artform.

Your prof's got a stick up their ass to be this much of a cunt. Only 500-level, esoteric storytelling courses can have professors this cunty.

>> No.12525946

In concept I guess but in practice it was trash.

He should've just not written trash to begin with

I don't think I explained myself correctly. Like these were giant mosquitos. In my head they look absolutely ridiculous. Like imagine a scrap metal sculpture of a mosquito, like that.

>> No.12525955

That was more arousing than it should've been

>> No.12525974

>seems like one of those places that is more focused on having you attend for a long time then on your improvement.
Just sounds like a shit teacher, really. Does he/she want you to write fiction or a fucking news article? Make a complaint to the college.

>> No.12525998


>> No.12526001


>> No.12526005


>> No.12526018

>going to a creative writing class

>> No.12526449

I don't know how this wasn't the first post

>> No.12526649

Just write about somebody going through a divorce and/or getting fired. If you can't produce conflict, character, and plot without using magic as a crutch then you're a bad writer.

>> No.12526898

Why would I give a fuck about something as boring as divorce or a job firing?

>> No.12527211

This. As much as I hate genre I equally dislike conventional, overused plots. Although to be fair, at this point in time literature is a lot more focused in execution that narrative. If your angle is original you can write about whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.12527266

Sophomore detected.

>> No.12527345

I'm getting good grades, though.

>> No.12527388

I miss the days where gaben was shooped into every group photo

>> No.12527457

Well, I'm glad to hear that, Anon. Never settle for less than an A and always apply for Honors courses when available.

>> No.12527475

Your creative writing teacher actually hates literature. I wrote a piece in college in an upper level course about me walking around town, and my professor fucking loved it.

>> No.12527502

>inb4 elon musk calls you an idiot and fires you

>> No.12527522

while i agree with you, every single thing on this list is grounds to get you fired from your TA "job." Accept the fact that as a babysitter, you have no authority or meaning

>> No.12527583

I said "if I had it my way", meaning I understand that my own petty distates are not reality. Fact is all writers at some point had shitty tastes or just didn't do shit correctly and that's fine cuz it's part of learning. I'd rather some dweeb ass freshman read HP than nothing at all. I do think it's important to relinquish genre guidelines and conventions and cliches when teaching writing, especially introductory courses, so that solid bases and critical thinking can take center stage, but if later on the students wanna indulge in their own little fanfics then sure, knock your little pleb ass out.

Have a coke and a smile and ffs don't make me read it.

>> No.12527625

I don't get the joke.

PS: I'm OP and I'm asexual

>> No.12527721
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>when you have such a poor grasp of human character, so little life experience, imagination, and writing skill, that you can't produce anything that isn't a low-grade imitation of your made-up chinese porn cartoons

>> No.12527889


People shopping at the grocery store make boring stories.

>> No.12528058

You lack imagination. Lf jynx maze lemonade stand

>> No.12528062


>> No.12528109

You shouldn't expect to learn anything creative from a course. You can learn skills, be it writing, artistic, musical skills. But creativity cannot be taught, especially by those who deem themselves to be teachers.

>> No.12528700

>struggling that much to lousily cut two layers of pancakes
>pretending to be le psycho killer gf
Worthless jezebel.

>> No.12529148

So is any type of creative writing involving fantasy / unreal situations automatically cringe? I keep trying to write out short stories but they always end up morphing into descriptive journeys through dreamlike scenarios. I make an effort to ground it back into the characters but is that wasted if I write about trippy shit?

>> No.12529310

Not if it's symbolic with actual with elevated significance; That is, you have a system derived from a rich familiarity with philosophers or prophets or whatever, or have developed a personal system of perspectives that is like in complexity to those former. Think more about how Tolkien manifested his hobbies and values rather than what most fantasy authors (of not even the generic kind) have stupid messages like "war bad" "love wins"

Have something to say from yourself, or through yourself from elsewhere

You can get what I'm about if you ever saw a penguin edition with some footnotes to it

>> No.12529324
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>>Creative writing teacher doesn't allow "genre" writing

>> No.12529327


Hey, I appreciate your reply a lot, man. I think you put it all into words there and it made me think a lot. I'll keep thinking about that for days and hopefully I can derive actual strategies to get better

>> No.12529348

I can't even tell if this appreciation shit is ironic or not anymore

>> No.12529350
File: 72 KB, 300x250, it has been shown that if you put an anime girl image on your comment, you get three times the replies the average post gets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, since creative writing classes are a spook, how does one get better at creative writing?

I want to write novels as a hobby, but I do not have any kind of feedback system so for all I know I'm working on Shit, and I'm making my ability to write even shittier as I go along. Writing short stories does not directly translate into writing entire novels, so how my supposed to get better?

>> No.12529356


It's not, man. I too have been browsing 4chan for far too long, but I've come full circle. I've left the cynicism behind and embraced non-meme honesty. It's mainly the reason I'm not scared to write anymore. I let things go.

>> No.12529373

unironically you won't make it unless you regularly consume a. (this is the easier, but will give less "exceptional" yields) action media, and analyze it well (this gets easier as you progress with more series.

You start picking up favorite tropes, how you would have sooner written a scene to your tastes, then with these mental notes you pick these revisions from various series and "jumble" them into a skeleton-frame for a story that you write orginaically and appears originally

b. Unironically read the greeks and finish fucking EVERYTHING. The plays, the poems, the treatsies, the chronicles; Read literary theorists, Poe, Pope, the frenchfags names whereof I don't remember, digest fucking everything and after a while ETERNAL RECURRENCE will automatically dissolve everything in its constituent elements/motifs and you have the elementary pieces for working a story as you please (Warning: If you don't have a personality or are, as put by the meme, an "NPC", you won't have the confidence or will to do something you like from intense fear that people who know less shit than you, it was always over.)

If your goal is just writing works for yourself and the reception is secondary, then you're set

To me this website was basically my teenage love that got me through my immature depression years and seeing it get overtaken by actual redditors has literally made me mentally ill, I am now a super-autodidact high IQ violent wigger-gangster-wannabe that is a ticking timebomb until he gets into uni because there is nothing about the internet to keep me in the house all day anymore

I have taken the schizopill

>> No.12529399


I can tell you're a bit like me from the way you write. If anything, just know that there is an exit to purposeless anxiety of the type you describe. (It's not even anxiety, I know) There is a way to balance things out, even the high-density intellectual content that you love to research. You can still stay sane and have a normie-like functioning life.

I don't your views on anything, but I'll say it anyway: as much as buddhism is a facebook-meme in the west, it does have some very helpful concepts that you can use. Look into buddhism some boring afternoon.

>> No.12529417

You clearly lack the post female pov of having high frequent sensations of an archaic object penetrating your set up non procreative trap for the sole purpose of genociding white supremacy and Trumps final attempts to restore the falling patriarchy

>> No.12529419

Buddhism is honestly cringe shit, everything it had worth to say was practiced by the Yoginis/Yogis much before, and Gautama just added atheism and, I might remember incorrectly, vain maxims. I sound too much like a /pol/tard who is too obsessed with a narrow range of today's politics, but he really reminds me of a smug lib transported 2500 years ago. The only way to really verify such an opinion is to read the texts concerning him, and there are Rig Vedas and Upanishads before that (I'm starting this summer).

I am researching mystical traditions, but on a much more inclusive scale - I am finishing reading the greek historians, which will permit me to advance to the a. Greek philosophers (I want to read them integrally) (So I can enter Neoplatonism) and b. Roman chroniclers (To be pursued until Rome falls and then resuming history with Frankish chronicles

I think you're the guy who rated my literature test score and gave me a personality reading from it like I requested, hello again, you're a comfy guy to talk with.

>> No.12529440

>Start with the greeks meme reply.txt

>> No.12529441

In her interview with the New Yorker she said she discouraged people in her workshop who wrote genre stuff, think the reasoning was again "stuff in real life actually happens (and can happen) so it's more interesting."

>> No.12529447

the art in telling a story is knowing how to remix the shit you stole from other authors and the shit you stole from people around you into something that is both beautiful in form and urbane to others.

>> No.12529448

t. haven't read the greeks even though they're literally free to fucking read

Pretty sure the Greeks are the civilization that has bequeathed the most documentary wealth from their antiquity than any other contemporaneous or older civ, this sounds to ture I don't even need to check

It started, this meme, for a reason.

>> No.12529455

>not starting with the mesopotamians, egyptians and cro-magnon rock art
never gonna make it

>> No.12529470

It's good to read those too but the Greeks are easiest to read because Herodotus narrativized history, he was the pioneer of the action flick kino genre; I suppose this is why greeks best preserves history like no other people comes to mind

They're a much quicker read anyways if you don't tarry with the bumfuck pillars and logs some egyptian kang shat out; Depth is good but exhaustivity on the fronts of every civilization is nonviable

>cro-magnon rock art

unironically precious for mythography and the fact you don't realize that even the time someone took a shit in a pompeii latrine is valuable tells me how hopeless you are for not starting with the greeks

>> No.12529491

>Greeks are easiest to read
Sounds like you wants to be spoon fed

>> No.12529508

>reading the mangled and contorted chronicles of anything after Xenophon or fucking anything about Italy is being spoonfed

what did you read big champ?

>> No.12529621
File: 61 KB, 1043x721, author-earnings-by-genre-and-publisher-type-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the truth OP.

Do u wanna make money or not?
Pic related.

Do u want to live in poverty spending a decade getting your literary fiction book heralded by your creative teachers and old people as the new joyce and finally gettting 5k dollars after five years of seeking a publisher deal?

Or do u want to make a book that millions of people will enjoy and most important buy.

Drop college, they wont teach you nothing, college is a scam for specially the arts.

Read the cannon, read the great writers if you want to understand how to write shit that academia will enjoy, but also read genre fiction, to learn what is popular and will sell.

Ignore the advice of college teachers who can't write a best seller even after their decade of "CREATIVE WRITING ADVICE"

Just like learning to draw today in college is a scam because not a single teacher can draw, don't learn from those lesbian feminists.

Only learn from sucesfull writers, he, who can't do, will teach, and college is filled with people who can't do but think they can teach.

Download Robert Mckee book on the story, and also creative writing from lajos egri, they will teach you the basics of storytelling, they will show you the fundamentals of writing a good story.

Also look up emotionering the art of emotion, writing emotional games from David freeman if you want more techniques about good writing.

Later you can look up:

This book will teach you the basics of understanding shakespeare, and basics of how to use rethorics.

Look up clasical treatises on figures of speech, rethoric, oratory, public speech, comedy writing, logic, books on how to write speeches and also read books on advertising writing and copywriting for effective writing, and journalism guides on how to write.

Also read books on history, philosophy, economics, political theory and theology and the cannon.

Drop college, nobody there can write a single important shit.

>> No.12529720

Thanks for the authors, but a book on video games? Really?

>> No.12529769

>Do u want to live in poverty spending a decade getting your literary fiction book heralded by your creative teachers and old people as the new joyce and finally gettting 5k dollars after five years of seeking a publisher deal?
I want this, desu. Fuck money

>> No.12529785
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oh man

>> No.12529786


>> No.12529803

Quit lowering the quality of discourse, monkey.

>> No.12529809

lol no

>> No.12530707

Story is Story

>> No.12530767

Has any author written a series of well-selling, but content-deprived books, only to break out of the "sold out" mold and become an established figure in literature?

>> No.12530845


>writers that challenge literary tropes and status quo are bad
>writers that create fashionable, sentamentalist pablum are good

Are you guys memeing with this shit? Or is it real?

>> No.12530946

The primary/secondary magic already exists in feist's the riftwar cycle

>> No.12531087

>Creative writing teacher doesn't allow "genre" writing
Ok professor, you want me to write about my experiences as a depressed twenty-something white kid or do you just want to hear my joycean wankery

>> No.12531477

Please keep your arguments in the classroom and not in internet forums, no one cares about them other than you

>> No.12531490

Thanks for drawing attention to something 12 hours old, the thread needed it.

>> No.12531536


>Do u want to live in poverty spending a decade getting your literary fiction book heralded by your creative teachers and old people as the new joyce and finally gettting 5k dollars after five years of seeking a publisher deal?

Yes? Anybody who is writing for the deliberate purpose of making money is an idiot. Make your money elsewhere and work on writing something of actual value. If you just want to move product and make money, either get a different career or write trashy romance novels.

>implying anyone should take writing advice from someone who writes "u" instead of "you"

>> No.12531557

>I've read better fetish smut on DeviantArt.

>> No.12531582

Simone didn’t understand all the politics and economics
Yes, and it shows. It’s almost as if the author is describing the ineptitude of their own craft. “I don’t understand why any of this shit is happening so why should my protagonist!”.

>> No.12531775

Why does caring more about quality, authenticity, and self-expression than earnings make someone a Clinton supporter? If anything, it's evidence that they have the mindset of an artist rather than a consumerist NPC.

>> No.12531884
File: 68 KB, 600x400, pepe cigarette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which creative writing student would be worse /lit/?

>20 something single male
>unironically relates to the "doomer" meme
>tries to shove half baked existentialist philosophy into their writing
>writes about ennui
>namedrops people like Camus or Dostoyevsky or McCarthy just to show off his literary tastes
>writes slow and boring story with nothing happening except the protagonist being whiny and depressed
>20 something year old female
>calls herself a bookworm but only reads YA and fantasy
>writes 100 pages a day but its all shallow YA fantasy
>reads 100 pages a day but its all shallow YA fantasy
>writes a story about school girl with magic powers or something living in a fantasy world about magic powers
>constantly tries to give people tips on their writing even though she only knows how to write YA fantasy
>the most literary book she ever read was The Great Gatsby and thought it was boring
>thinks The Kite Runner is "serious literature"

>> No.12532053

dialects tell us the ideal writer must be a synthesis of the two

>> No.12532276

The first, by far. At least I can get the second one to suck me off.

>> No.12532659

The first is worse because at least the second is fun to laugh at.

>> No.12532755

Can anyone here explain to me how dialogue works? How do words attain "tone"? Are we merely at the whims of the way the words are used in reality? And a skilled dialogue writer recognizes the "tone" to each word or phrase or so on that they're using, and manipulates it accordingly for their characters? Another question of mine is whether, when we read dialogue, are we reading the words themselves or are we comparing it to our own experiences of reality? If a character says something, and the reader considers it "good" dialogue or the opposite, are they reading the line itself and evaluating it in a vacuum, or is it always merely a comparison to their own experience of people, and therefore what was once "good dialogue" may become "bad dialogue" if people stop speaking like such. Might today's well-written dialogue, in a future century, no longer capture how people speak? Or when we read dialogue, are we reading the pure soul of the speaker, which we have "a priori" knowledge of and don't rely on experience of others speaking to understand? This issue really bothers me.