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/lit/ - Literature

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12516799 No.12516799 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever fapped to a book, /lit/?

>> No.12516802

little birds by anais nin
not saying which story

>> No.12516816


>> No.12516836

get out. chasteanon says erotica's worse than slammin h. fucks up reading adnd your study

>> No.12516839

>reading Euthydemus
>raging boner
>open tab
>fap to straight shota
>come back to Plato

>> No.12516865


>> No.12516872

>There's no books where dickgirls have replaced traditional masculinity, forcing women to reinstate the virtuous behavior they so keenly outsourced.
>There are no books where humans have been replaced by something ideal.
>There are no books that can mend my disappointment in being a biological organism.
>There are no alternate history books that indulge in my fetishes.
Don't think so, but there are some good and short smut stories online.

>> No.12516890
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>all of Lolita

>that one part in Dune where Paul and his mother are arrested and she has to act sexy to trick the guards

only things I've busted a nut to

>> No.12516892

the bible for bants

>> No.12516894

Chasteanon warned me about these threads. Pornheads on discord are organizing these threads to try to get you to fap.

>> No.12516915

I fapped to an old issue of Cheri with these really hot stories at the beginning of the magazine.

>> No.12516921

For me, it’s Odysseus being Calypso’s sex slave for seven years.

>> No.12516922

it's up to you to write these books anon
i believe in you

>> No.12516924

When Achilles son takes Hectors wife to be his sex slave

>> No.12516944
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The Lusty Argonian Maid

>> No.12516962

it's stated so matter of factly though because Greeks were all chads, how can you just fap to the mere idea

>> No.12516974


>> No.12516992

Well, I really tried to get off to Sade but in Justine the erotic is just a roundabout metaphor after another, I could have as well whacked it to a piece of blank paper. 2666 though, the scene at the ancient Romanian castle standing on the cliffs of the carpates where Reiter sneaks off with his fellow soldier to witness the baroness and the Romanian general having sex in one of the basement chambers...

>> No.12517017
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Lolita and Oedipus Tyrannus of course. anyone who claims otherwise is a lie.

>> No.12517078

Imagine being Odysseus on that island and having to be all like "damn, Calypso, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your melodic voice and golden loom. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 10 year old boy on your ship . Like seriously imagine having to be Odysseus and not only sit on that island while Calypso flaunts her disgusting nymph body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, year after year, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as the muses tell her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, CALYPSO LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of boys and Trojan women and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Ithaca.

>> No.12517141

as a horny teen I fapped to a scene in a Morgan Kane book

>> No.12517152

I think when I was young I did to the almost rape scene in Across the Nightingale Floor.

>> No.12517223

American Psycho

>> No.12517234

Has anyone else got really hard at the sex scene in Atlas Shrugged?

I didn't finish the book but its within the first 200 pages

>> No.12517242

Got hard in the train while reading elementary particules by houellebecq

>> No.12517265
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Tfw i thought it was a meme, but later find it in game after killing the head of hlauu house

>> No.12517361
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The cumswallowing scene in 2666

>> No.12517387

Loving the bod' on this lass. Is there a human version?

>> No.12517392
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>> No.12517400

Did I forget? What page?

>> No.12517487

Don't know the page. Archimboldi in post war Cologne. Hungry German women suck random dicks at the central station to get that nutrious manbatter and die from STDs afterwards. I came buckets.

>> No.12517744

you've literally never read one scene in a normal and felt sexually aroused? were you abused as a child or something?

>> No.12517747

*normal book

>> No.12517749

that s not what it fucking says.

>> No.12517754

it doesn't say he isn't aroused by erotica. it says he avoids it. big difference, brainlet

>> No.12518532

he says that feeling sexual during reading is "poisonous", SO you should avoid it. even though it'll happen anyway. his reasoning is absolutist so fundamentally flawed.

>> No.12518545

>Loving the bod' on this lass. Is there a human version?
peak 2019

>> No.12518572

I fapped to Naked Lunch when lad is hung and ass-raped by a mugwump because my phone had died and I was in bed.

>> No.12518586

I disagree with it but you're a fucking brainlet.

>> No.12518600

just to add to this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3jBrhI_qqAY

>> No.12518609

This is great.

>> No.12518620

Left Hand of Darkness

>> No.12518636
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Art is experiential as well as intellectual. You can be aroused and mentally stimulated at once, though most don't attempt to do both together.

>> No.12518739


I've heard it said that Odysseus was some sort of superhuman for being able to still pine for Ithaca when he has a literal goddess as an eternal fuck buddy, but I think his reaction was pretty human. Odysseus was basically bored. He needed something to conquer and challenges to overcome otherwise he got depressed.

That said, at one point Odysseus says Calypso "ceased to please" him, which means that she had at one point. So for a while (probably a few years at least since he hung out with Circe for a year without feeling homesick) Odysseus was slamming divine pussy with no regrets.

>> No.12518755

show me where my line of reasoning fails.

>> No.12518794

>tfw the only thing I write is erotic fiction

>> No.12518818

>I've heard it said that Odysseus was some sort of superhuman for being able to still pine for Ithaca when he has a literal goddess as an eternal fuck buddy
I'm pretty sure I wrote that post too.
>He needed something to conquer
Ithaca (as far as he knew) didn't need conquering, though.

>> No.12518873

>I'm pretty sure I wrote that post too.
It was in the thread about John Green's video on the odyssey iirc.
>Ithaca (as far as he knew) didn't need conquering, though.
No but he needed to conquer the wrath of Poseidon. He couldn't accept immortality without struggle. Calypso may have been a goddess but she was too "easy". Returning to Penelope meant going against the will of a god, and because of her distance and difficulty in attaining, Penelope was more attractive to Odysseus than Calypso.

>> No.12518899

American Psycho
Naked Lunch (most Burroughs novels desu)
Giovanni’s Room
Another Country
Pages from Cold Point
A Brief History of Seven Killings

>> No.12519050

When Toru sleeps with Reiko in Norwegian Wood.

>> No.12519111

t. ESL

>> No.12519412

Yup that post was definitely me. That's a fair analysis too.

>> No.12519427

that guy sounds like a literal fag

>> No.12519456

This is what nofap does to you. You end up as a midwit retard larping as ye olde wise sage.

>> No.12519472

>they made a fucking book version

Will wonders never cease

>> No.12519481

Gravity's Rainbow. Considerate Slothrop gets it a couple times. Then there's smut, if you're into it.

>> No.12519934
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The part where Humbert gets a handy dandy underneath the desk during class was certainly something

>> No.12520111
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>> No.12520135
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eventually you would get tired of her ripping your dick clean off tho in a frenzy

maybe it was like prometheus and the vulture, except better. and worse

>> No.12520149
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every day for seven years after the fucking party Odysseus got to watch Calypso burn his junk in a brazier. and every day it would grow back. and it was cool and all. but still somehow he felt something was missing

>> No.12520628

Story of the eye made me cum 2 times

>> No.12520656

I fapped to the platypus part in The Terror

>> No.12520673


>> No.12520676

Which part? When they go sailing with the crew of Africans?

>> No.12520684

I have fapped to online text, yes, but it was no book.

>> No.12520719

various scenes from American Psycho

>> No.12520733

I read this one book as a kid, I can barely remember it but it had something to do with Jack the Ripper and the devil. In one scene for whatever reason, a brute of a man is fucking some chick like a gorilla and beating his arms on his chest and then some contraption in the bed raises them up into a death trap. Does anyone have any idea what this book was?

>> No.12520751

The mesopotamian myth of Inanna/Ishtar's descent into the underworld. It justs keeps getting hotter as it goes on.

>> No.12520770

anais nin has never failed to make me cum

>> No.12520796

One time I had to read Ten Little Indians by Alexie Sherman for school, and out of nowhere there was this really detailed sex scene that I got really hard to. Also Gravity's Rainbow gave me one of the most shameful erections I've ever experienced

>> No.12520820
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I prefer the original.

>> No.12520841
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The strongest orgasms happen when reading Hegel

>> No.12520846

What is "the mind"? Could it be ruined?

>> No.12520849


>> No.12520862


>> No.12520868

In 7th grade I fapped to Sum of All Fears when some woman a character was sleeping with hung her breasts in the guys face

>> No.12520886

The threesome in ATD with Frank, Yashmeen, and that pathetic twink, Cyprian.

>> No.12520900


>> No.12521647

>>There's no books where dickgirls have replaced traditional masculinity, forcing women to reinstate the virtuous behavior they so keenly outsourced.


>> No.12521672
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There was the homoerotic bondage scene in that Lovecraft story about Houdini.

>> No.12521709

that was lit af

>> No.12521787

The Savage Detectives

>> No.12521797
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And I cannot stress how excellently it is written. Huysmans-tier attention to detail. Speaking of which, Huysmans' Parisian Sketeches have one juicy chapter on armpit fetishism.

>> No.12522127
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The Cement Garden. Read it just after I finished Oreimo.

>> No.12522152
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The only true answer

>> No.12522256

tfw you end up with absolute knowledge

>> No.12522258
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So glad I'm asexual and don't have to deal with such dirty, carnal desires.

>> No.12522274

Rousseau's Confessions

>> No.12522488

My diary

>> No.12523212
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>> No.12523987
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>"Anne Frank" 0 results

You disappoint me /lit/

>> No.12524108
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I'm sure you'll find your Anne Frank jokes on Reddit

t. asexual

>> No.12524213

I've never ever ever become sexually aroused by literature or music. I dunno if I'm doing something wrong, but seriously. Not once for anything. Not even reading erotica. Nothing

>> No.12524895
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When one of the woman starts describing how when she was a little girl she used to jill off to saints getting tortured in catholic kids books.

>> No.12525131

the boat scene in gravity's rainbow

>> No.12525673


>there are people on /lit right now who don't know about Hysterical Literature

>> No.12525705

The Amber Spyglass

>> No.12525844
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I got an hard on while reading 'The Leopard'

>> No.12526076

With the spy-hole? How could I forget. Goddamn