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12516506 No.12516506 [Reply] [Original]

How do I attain gnosis? The knowledge that cannot be proven by independent means, nor communicated by discursive language?

>> No.12517548


You don't attain it since you already ARE it.

>> No.12517565

>>How do I get to be buttfucked by demons?
Go on like this.

>> No.12517566
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woah, thanks

>> No.12517615

Read this text slowly, thinking through and visualizing every idea it mentions and follow its instructions literally, such as when it says "meditate on this" or "think of yourself as this" then do exactly that


>> No.12517729

>Hindu garbage

yeah nah

>> No.12517843

Based Ashtavakragitaposter. What's your background, anon? I'm curious to know a bit about you. Why do you enjoy these texts?

>> No.12517850

Great question. Peter demonstrates gnosis in Matthew 16:15-17, so I'd do what Peter did.

>> No.12517897

As someone on that path my advice is this:
1. Leave 4chan and the toxic regions of the internet at large. (Youtube politics, etc)
2. Establish healthy lifestyle. Eating, sleeping, exercising etc in a healthy manner.
3. Learn how to meditate. No excuses, no "buh waz that? meditazn? i dono that" Just get into it and learn it, no matter how long it takes you.
4. Become very aware of yourself. Observing all your inner thoughts and so on with clarity of awareness.
6. Progress from here.

I could share certain secrets with you but I won't, since it's best you go on this journey yourself. But the above, followed properly, will definitely help you on your path. Good luck and take care. Also if you're the one who said >>12517729 then forget everything I said, you'll never make it in this lifetime of yours. Stay here in the filth of your own perceptions, and remember that you're resting in a bed you yourself made.

>> No.12517935

gnosis is an illusion. typically when people have a mystical experience, it's either through meditation or due to a psychotic break--brain damage causing a psychiatric disorder. Regarding meditation, it should be no surprise that if you sit and do nothing for 7 hours a day your mind might go nuts. Is it communion with god? only a religious fanatic or a desperate delusional would think so.

If you want to read the best mystical literature, don't read eckhart or hildegard. read pk dick. his exegesis is really entertaining and heartfelt. but it should be no surprise that he experienced such mystical states considering he fried his brain with psychedelics.

in short, what people call "gnosis" might be achievable, but it's just an illusion my friend.

>> No.12517971

massive cope

>> No.12518009

tell me im wrong

>> No.12518178

I literally can't and you literally couldn't comprehend if I did

>> No.12518242

Sigh, so close yet still batting at straw, though its not like your opposition isn't literally throwing the straw out in droves

>> No.12518265

Listen to the Gang-Plank Galleon super smash theme for 10 hours and you will achieve enlightement

>> No.12518326

The ideas in that text are timeless and are found in many schools of thought including Sufism and Neoplatonism, that text just happens to be an especially lucid and articulate exposition of them. If you can't separate the ideas in it from the exterior forms they are clothed in you'd be better off not wasting your time seeking gnosis anyways.

I enjoy reading all sorts of mystic literature because I've had wonderful experiences studying them that have benefitted me greatly, occasionally I come across real gems that I like to share when people ask for recommendations so that if people have the capacity to do so that they could similarly benefit from them.

>> No.12518657

You're wrong

>> No.12518678
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>I'm telling you that when the time comes, you won't have to dodge them
watch this movie! it is the entirety of gnostic doctrines distilled into modern idiom. everything is explained by it!

>> No.12518946

Better yet, read the comic book they mostly based the movie on, "The Invisibles"

>> No.12519220

>genre fiction
>not even books, but movies and comic books
>on lit


>> No.12519234
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the only embarrassing thing is you not being able to recognize what is before your eyes simply because it is distributed through a modern media.
the mysteries were expounded through plays in their time. it's nothing new.

>> No.12519300


>> No.12519344

Yo u got it spot on like the pkd exegesis helped me wrap my head around this idea of gnosis as well... the nag hammadi texts r also very revealing imo if u know ur ot&nt...

>> No.12519477

I like the excessive trumpeting

>> No.12519876


>> No.12520031

don't listen to these fags. the only way you'll achieve enlightenment is by being stoned for a very long period of time. that means smoking a good amount of ganja every day for a few years. go get started, anon.

>> No.12520468

build up to an hour or two a day of Samatha meditation, practice virtue and morality in day-to-day life, master at least the first pleasure Jhana, then practice Vipassana insight meditation in addition to the Samatha, ideally for the same amount of time
go on a month+ long retreat (group retreat or self retreat)
or if you have massive brass balls, skip the Samatha and Jhana altogether and go straight to Vipassana insight meditation and just go all the way with it

>> No.12520476

>Ashtavakra said:
>If you are seeking liberation, my son, avoid the objects of the senses like poison and cultivate tolerance...

>> No.12520509 [DELETED] 

so like all of you are very smart and all but are you good people? why should anyone listen to you?

>> No.12520573
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First question - why do you want gnosis?

>> No.12520836

You have to lose your hate for other people before you can become God

>> No.12521164

*shakes finger*

naaah yuh don't know

>> No.12521358
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>> No.12521362
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>> No.12521372
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>> No.12521377

Imagine basing your worldview on meme-graphs

>> No.12521401
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>> No.12521423
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>> No.12521435

You can start with not posting incelerationist memes for one.

>> No.12521664

This image, while hilarious, is not exactly going to lead you to gnosis. Except through irony, if such a thing is possible.

>> No.12521788

>anal stage

>> No.12521886

disturbingly retarded, enjoy your (yous) sir

>> No.12521893

>become God

this isn't gnosis, it's at best a narcissistic delusion

>> No.12521900

Depends what you mean by "God" desu senpai

>> No.12521904

There is only one God and you can't reach Him through autistic meditation, anon.

>> No.12521906

Let's just agree to disagree then before this turns into a needless shitflinging contest then

>> No.12521937

There can be no compromise with a heretic. You need to get baptized and stop communing with the ruinous powers. You want to reach God? How about the sacrament of Communion.

>> No.12521939

“Here, Ānanda, a bhikkhu is percipient thus: ‘This is peaceful, this is sublime, that is, the stilling of all activities, the relinquishing of all acquisitions, the destruction of craving, dispassion, cessation, nibbāna.’ It is in this way, Ānanda, that a bhikkhu could obtain such a state of concentration that he would not be percipient of earth in relation to earth; of water in relation to water; of fire in relation to fire; of air in relation to air; of the base of the infinity of space in relation to the base of the infinity of space; of the base of the infinity of consciousness in relation to the base of the infinity of consciousness; of the base of nothingness in relation to the base of nothingness; of the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception in relation to the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception; of this world in relation to this world; of the other world in relation to the other world, but he would still be percipient.”

>> No.12521951
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>You need to get baptized and stop communing with the ruinous powers
Alright fine, you asked for it. Here's the 411.
EVERYONE is communing with these ruinous powers, all the time, on an unconscious level. That's why there's so much bullshit in the world, because if people aren't actively following these dark spirits themselves, then they're tolerating others who do because they're too full of self-doubt (also a form of dark spirit.)

Gnosis does not "invite" these dark spirits into your life. It simply makes you aware that they exist, and thus calls you to practice the ethical, intellectual and emotional disciplines necessary to face and then dissipate them. You can put stock in your Church or your dogma or your priests all you want, but you will not be doing what God fundamentally calls you to do. The Light can be found.

>> No.12521975
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To add to this, I am not saying spiritual communities are pointless. Quite the opposite, spiritual communities are absolutely needed for anyone to find the guidance and support required to truly embark on the spiritual life. But if you start to get too obsessive about things, and start to argue over nitpicky details about theology or clothing or liturgy or whatever else, then you've just turned these things into an idol and have strayed off the path leading to God.

>> No.12522008

>EVERYONE is communing with these ruinous powers, all the time, on an unconscious level.
Not everyone is standing on the doorstep of possession, schizo. You're projecting your own spiritual vulnerability, and you're even so conceited you think that you can hold some power over demons, and face them alone.

>argue over nitpicky details about theology
>you can become God
>depends what you mean by "God" desu senpai
>a nitpicky detail
>stop caring about the truth, it's all relative
You're already corrupted. Your only hope is in the sacraments at this point.

>> No.12522025

Regardless, I will pray that you have a nice day anon. Take care.

>> No.12522438

Buddhism has some good ideas but passages like those read like they were written by a person with autism

>> No.12522452
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Is being asexual good for gnosis?

>> No.12522515
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Is playing RuneScape for 10-12+ hours a day good for gnosis?

>> No.12522526

it can give you the (very) basic archetypal figures needed to get you through your early periods of gnosis, otherwise its mostly a waste of time

it'd be like playing hopscotch as a kid but then sticking with that endlessly as a way to learn how to run a marathon

>> No.12522579

I've been killing yaks for seven hours am I gnostic yet?

>> No.12522629


>> No.12522646

No, sexual energy is your most powerful energy, if you dont waste it masturbatinh

>> No.12522661

"gnostic" is a meme that anyone can use so long as they've reached 0.0000000000000001 tier higher than that of an unenlightened farm aminal

True G N O S I S on the other hand is harder to come by and requires real work on your part

>> No.12522668

literally nonsense argumentation

>> No.12522672

Explain this difference.

>> No.12522675
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>True G N O S I S on the other hand is harder to come by and requires real work on your part

cringe, you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
gnosis is not fucking nirvana

>> No.12523899

there is no university reading list, no course, guide, or set of words one may read, in order to attain gnosis. one, may, however, monsieur, stoke a little fire in one's heart here and there, bite off a few morcels of wisdom and practical instruction, and by trial and error, accidentally become someone worthy of gnosis. however, pay close, scrupulous, even jealous attention to your origin story: hide forever the suggestion that you took any advice from the 4channel imageboard

>> No.12523940

anyone knows who wrote this? all i get from google is the blog where i got it from

And man, recognizing himself as atone with his source,
rested in himself, and gave mind its proper place as listener
and set desire to the ends that gave his body health
and provided rich gardens for his consciousness to wander in
and set his body to the task of building for his fellows
warm places to rest, plentiful gardens of food,
and quiet, still places to know themselves
And thus spake:
Lo, it was at the beginning! All things void had become
vibratory, and didst burst and burgeon and billow
and finally blossom forth into multiple shapes,
simple at first and ever more complex, each
containing within it the image of its source
of a single string of light
And, satisfied with his speech, man once more rested in himself
For it was that the world was a cradle for the birth of god,
and man his embryonic self
And the name of God is Aum, for it is vibration.

>> No.12524115

hey; if it works it works

>> No.12524121


>> No.12524999

thanks anon, taking note of this for my journey towards sweet and juicy gnosis

>> No.12526075

reject reality and substitute your own

>> No.12526090

It unironically is. Differentiations in doctrine are just the superficial aesthetic differences layered onto the same basic Truth.

Most self-described "gnostics" I come across may have some basic degree of insight into the nature of the world / reality / etc. (e.g. "fighting against one party or another is dumb because neither truly seek to address the issues facing us"), but then latch onto that label and use it as a way to bash "Abrahamics" or "hylics" and position their egos as more "aware" than "lesse egos." Plus the usual gnostic concepts such as the material world being "evil" or humans being controlled by the "demiurge" leads itself to all sorts of false and conspiracy-tier ideas.

G N O S I S on the other than is just the experiential realisation of the workings of reality, and is a process that continues to unfold along a seeker's spiritual journey, free from all trappings of dogma or creed. Gnostics can experience Gnosis, but so can anyone else, given the right conditions.

>> No.12526103

like this
