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12513803 No.12513803 [Reply] [Original]

Which makes more sense?

>> No.12513853

By that chart, collectivism sounds closer to the ideals of Christ, so I would go with that.

>> No.12513859

neither, morality functions based on higher ideals

>> No.12513894

I am collectivist but sure as shit am not egalitarian, and the collective for me is family, neighborhood and church, not the government

>> No.12513983

A mixture of both. Western society is individualistic, however the culture unites people in a way that creates a somewhat collective social boundary

>> No.12514124


>> No.12514140

Individualism is where culture and social structures go to die

>> No.12514149

You fucking idiot, just shut the fuck up. You're spewing nonsense, you worthless imbecile.

>> No.12514200


>> No.12514372

If this is true, then why did the individualist America survive while collectivist Soviet Union dissolved?

>> No.12514376

Not him, but around the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a high time for Crony Capitalism. Which destroys the individual.

>> No.12514384

there is no ideology that can be described as purely individualist or collectivism because those are useless terms for defining political organization. nearly every society includes elements of both and the characteristics used to describe them are vague as fuck. stop spreading this meme dichotomy.

>> No.12514453

Why did the collectivist east stay based and pretty redpilled while the individualist west became cucked and full of soiboys and niggers?

>> No.12514460

Eat shit.

>> No.12514473

Which one spawned the other into existence and gave a great deal of the worlds wealth to the other? The whole world is at competition as individuals, as social groups, as nations. Collecivists are just playing the same games on a grander stage because at some point the same adaptations come through in their play methods.

>> No.12514786

False dichotomy for 17 year olds.

>> No.12514906

>Western society is individualistic

i wish this meme would fucking die.

>> No.12514972

How did the individualist values emerge in the Christian part of the world, in this case? I have always wondered this

>> No.12514979

define sense

>> No.12515320

liberal degeneration

>> No.12515606

God I hate that "western individual, eastern collective" meme. It's got absolutely no basis in reality. Like, shit dude, literally the most famous eastern philosophies are zen and daoism, both of which are intensely individualistic. Sure, there's Confucianism...in the same way western philosophy has Plato's social contract. It's just a bunch of bullshit spewed by American corporations in the 80s to make them feel better about Japan outmanoeuvring them.


>> No.12515609

This dude clearly does not know very much about east Asian societies.


>> No.12515611

Depends on the individual and the collectivist agenda in question

>> No.12515626

This is hardly true anymore. East Asian countries now have Protestant work ethic on steroids. Japanese, Chinese and Korean people today are extremely competitive with little care for the socially disadvantaged.

>> No.12515645

Individualism literally makes no sense from an evolutionary standpoint
If humans did not develop complex social structures they would have died out long ago but instead they became the most dominant species on the planet through that very mechanism
The thing is it is true that western society is relatively more individualist however if you just compare literally any human society even the most primitive to an actual solitary species you can see that they are still extremely codependent and they must be to have any degree of productivity
Humans are really just sad weak little parasites that can only rely on numbers and their environment to get anywhere but lucky for them the world seems to be built in a way that favors just such a creature

>> No.12515734

Indivisualism doesn't exist as all individualists got mauled to death back in stone age. Sheer physicality of human existence means that whichever mode of interaction can bring more physically-capable, potentially harmful biomass to the table, gets to live and procreate. Also known as mob rule. No human ever voiced an opinion that a mob didn't like and lived to tell the tale.

>> No.12515753
File: 65 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,9ec0d5_0d26d5c715.u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

individualistic collectivism

>> No.12515758

>individualist America
no such thing, America was a collectivizing project that erased many of the previous ethnic backgrounds of the people who went there and integrated them into what progressives like to call now "whiteness", which is funny because "whiteness" was created by the progressives of the past

>> No.12515766

protestantism is the same as individualism

>> No.12515772

>zen and daoism, both of which are intensely individualistic
>just do what's natural
yeah, no
>East Asian countries now have Protestant work ethic on steroids. Japanese, Chinese and Korean people today are extremely competitive
i don't know about the others, but didn't it turn out that the japanese spent millions of hours at work but their actual productivity was shit? so just appearance of productivity

>> No.12515773


This >>12514786

The expanded possibilities of individualism are built upon the foundation of healthy collectivism. The paradigms are inexorably intertwined and reciprocal. Evidence abounds that shifting too far in either direction is maladaptive.

At most we can say that the biological collective is the source of potential, and any ideology or competing collectives which threaten that are the most urgent sort of threat (at least until we're all engineered superhumans or whatever) .

>> No.12515775

Protestantism. Basically an overreaction to some of the corrupt control Catholism at the time had over the population meant that Protestants went the opposite way and started worshiping the individual, personal wealth, etc. If every man can interpret God as he sees fit, inevitably 98% of them will interpret God to sanction their own personal desires.

>> No.12515776

You must be a fucking idiot. This is one of the fucking dumbest thing I've read. No they are not the same, you mentally handicapped cunt. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I’m sorry. I can’t go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don’t have enough strength left to even address the ridiculousness of saying protestantism is the same as fucking individualism. What fucking drivel. You're a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.12515831

I believe pokemon go at it's high was peak humanity. Everyone was oriented towards a similar goal, everyone having fun, being friendly with each other, helping each other. Now we just need a way to do that consistently and in direction of higher goal and we are set.

>> No.12515837
File: 248 KB, 1471x1478, 1525154362191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is whiteness, if you'd bother to look at some genetic clustering data you'd see that Europeans are considerably more closely related to eachother than to other ethnicities.

America was almost exclusively built by the peoples represented by blue markers in the European cluster on this graph. Very closely related indeed. Also, you'll note that the populations on the edge of that cluster line up quite well with what your eyes tell you about who is less white (swarthy).

>> No.12515850

you know in your heart that protestantism is the same as individualism, that's why the buttblast of denial made you write that

>> No.12515856

america was just an anglo colony, it lost its identity when it started to pretend it wasn't and that catholics are "just americans" as well

>> No.12515869

lmao at this dude posting a principal components plot of genes. Obviously populations that are closer together share DNA because DNA comes from having breeding. A white guy in 1380's Germany isn't breeding with a Chinamen. You don't need to make a plot with undefinable axes derived from matrix decomposition to realize that people breed with people nearer to them.

>> No.12515875

Pretty much.

>> No.12515883

What is your point exactly?

>> No.12515887

that your graph may as well have been a physical proximity graph without having to know what DNA is

>> No.12515908

Which relates to the existence of whiteness and the genetic relatedness of the people who built America how?

>> No.12515916

there's plenty of white people who have nothing to do with america

>> No.12515923

Shut up.

>> No.12515938

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.12515941

I agree.

>> No.12515949

>existence of whiteness
sure you can add '-ness' to an adjective used to describe an abstract thing. If we want to call an area on some decomposed graphplot "the white" area, then of course it exists. In other words, whiteness exists because it is an abstract term you are defining, i.e. its existence is entirely a tautology based on the fact that you defined it to exist. And as a mathematical point, matrix decompositions are not unique... as in I can rotate the same genetic data and get a different plot. I know thats too much math for this board already, but it just makes me laugh when folks try to use science and math to make a point and have no idea what they're showing.

But that's trivial point. The original anon you were replying to was talking about the construction of the term "whiteness" for an abstract concept. You are doing the same thing.

>> No.12515978

False dichotomy.

>> No.12516107

You're being disingenuous. There is spectrum of the abstract, it's not just a binary 1 or 0. Some concepts are very self-referential, others quite faithfully describe something concrete. Generally speaking, taxonomy is partially arbitrary because what we describe are also spectrums (colours, species, etc.); yet you must admit that these categories do describe actual similarities in the objects we apply them to.

Back to the data, are you denying the relative genetic relatedness of Europeans (northern ones, at least)? I understand that you can get a different plot, but isn't that mostly a matter of scale? How could you 'rotate' the data to remove the general clustering of populations with more similar genetic marker profiles?

>> No.12517041

>yeah, no
...How not so? They both explicitly reject the idea that anything outside of yourself should guide you, and Zen focuses more on the individual's path to enlightenment than other strains of Buddhism.

>> No.12517052

That you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.12517481

>They both explicitly reject the idea that anything outside of yourself should guide you
no, they deny there's such a thing as an inside of yourself, so talking about an outside of yourself is meaningless

>> No.12517520

I don't see any relevant difference.