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/lit/ - Literature

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12512446 No.12512446 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard for modern poets to write about God?

I find this especially confusing when you consider that creating language for human encounters with the Divine is one of poetry’s most ancient and enduring functions.

>> No.12512786

You can only yell into an empty hole so many times before you realize how useless it is.

>> No.12512835


>> No.12512855

Modern poets can connect nothing with nothing.

>> No.12513028

That’d be a feat if it were true

>> No.12513748

I talk to God I’m almost all my poems, so I’m not sure where you’re getting off saying I’m not

>> No.12513855

What do you mean? Is there a modern statistical source for how many poems have the word ‘God’ in them?

>> No.12513871

Because unironically the most posted poem on /lit/ is one about a tiger by a six year old with his dad’s help

>> No.12514002

hey he didnt give a shit

>> No.12514391

99.99% of modern poets are extremely obscure people who you will never read, you have no opinion of modern poetry because it's impossible to have an opinion about modern poetry

>> No.12514395

wel l; basically, god don't real'

>> No.12514412

Dante was vocel
Modern poets fap and fuck.

>> No.12515395


>> No.12515492

Okay, you tell me how hard it is/was for poets such as John Ashbery, Anthony Hecht, or Gjertrud Schnackenberg to write about God. I assume you are completely familiar with their oeuvre since you talk about modern poetry in broad strokes.

>> No.12515498


Voluntarily celibate. As opposed to involuntarily celibate aka incel. It's a term that meant more than. "person I don't like"

>> No.12515508

what's the best way for a modern poet to present his work? for it to possibly reach people that don't read poetry. i'm thinking audio-visually, something beyond just reading into a camera? anyone have any ideas?

>> No.12515533
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>> No.12515630

it’s too sad, even for poets

>> No.12515729

>What do you mean? Is there a modern statistical source for how many poems have the word ‘God’ in them?
This post brought to you by Reddit

>> No.12515743

Go to hell.

>> No.12515747

You're a pathetic, idiotic piece of shit. What a dumb comment to post, retard.

>> No.12515788

well, that just about does it. no more poetry for me

>> No.12515800

poetry coming out these days is so interconnected with cringe that i can't see any mode of expressing it online that is acceptable

>> No.12515816

You coming out the closet as a fucking fuckboy is cringe but it's who you are. Go fuck yourself since you're such a cunt already. Let's see your poetry. Is there any talent or skill you have? Anything you've been remarkable as? Or are you just another careless cunt passing judgment on the internet? Which is it, dickface? Lemme guess, you're fucking nothing and everything you've tried at is a fucking failure.

>> No.12515890

lmao one sec i'll just edit a couple of cigs onto the bottom of my writing and post it to ig and link you. all i'm trying to do is get a conversation going about revitalising poetry online you fucking sperg

>> No.12516017

Because arts and humanities have been taken over by the conglomerate of people (leftists, progressives, homosexuals, marxists etc.) who will not allow it.

>> No.12516614


>> No.12518022

But God is in the children, anon

>> No.12518033
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all poetry of value is matriarchal in its origin

>> No.12519457

Even Shakespeare’s?

>> No.12519492

Modern poet detected
go to church. And dump your girlfriend, she’s cheating on you

>> No.12519710

>Poetry of value
Pick one

>> No.12519740

you can't deny the value of shakespeare's poetry in that has been a massive cultural influence and inspiration for writers since it was first published.
That being said just about all of his poetry is about how much he loves cock so I see your point

>> No.12519752

for the same reason poets don't write about sailing on ships or riding in carriages.

how clueless are you to think the flying spaghetti monster would have any relevancy at all in modern artistic endeavors?

>> No.12519875
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maybe tomorrow

>> No.12519950

may I pull away the mirror, kind sir?

>> No.12520177

Yet love poetry remains a consistent favorite across all ages.

>> No.12520223

Because they’re soulless bugfolk, like this tranny here: >>12512786

>> No.12520228
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>> No.12520838

This 2008 meme is too stale for me