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/lit/ - Literature

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12512166 No.12512166 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the most /lit/ Gospel?

>> No.12512170


>> No.12512171

Luke and Mark are my favorites.

>> No.12512176

That wasn't the question mate

>> No.12512182

Tough choice.
I'd say Luke is the most /lit/ and Mark is the darkest and most accurate of the Gospels.

>> No.12512194

Do you think Mark is the most accurate because it is the earliest?

>> No.12512207

It focuses on the message instead of the miracles, where they are told by Jesus not to tell a soul. In other words, it is the steak, and not the sizzle.

>> No.12512224

Luke has the largest vocabulary

Matthew is the most accessible

Mark is the oldest

John is the most esoteric

>> No.12512280

Bad question. They are all equally necessary. To raise one above the others is the antithesis of /lit/.

>> No.12512282
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>new testament

>> No.12512322

I've always been partial to John. I came to Christ while reading that gospel. It just has so many mind-blowing concepts. Starting off with a concise theological statement that the Word of God, through which God the Father created everything, and Who is Himself God, was made into a flesh and blood man by God the Father to redeem humanity is a concept on which you could spend decades meditating on.

Following that we get the wedding at Cana, the Samaritan woman at the well, and the bread of life discourse. John is a gospel that continues to shock me at how genius it is when I read it.

>> No.12512334
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>Ignoring the most influential book in the history of the planet out of an unfounded sense of superiority towards others on a anime imageboard turned book club.

>> No.12512431

John is the most lit. I haven’t read any of them.

>> No.12512514

Luke's, though it's not my favorite.

>> No.12512576
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>> No.12512587


>> No.12512593

>most influential book in the history of the planet
>this is what christcuckolds actually believe
Worse than Marxists desu.

>> No.12512599

What is a more influential book?

>> No.12512609

My Diary Desu

>> No.12514084

why do atheists flat out reject reality when it doesnt align with their beliefs
>Christianity has had a massive influence on the western world
>"No it didnt! you're delusional!"

>> No.12514127

John, no doubt.

>> No.12514366

John. poetic and pleasurable
Matthew conversational, Luke is historical, Mark is wildly brief.

>> No.12514386

You bitch ass hoe. Fuck off.

>> No.12514406

>Yuppie jargon
Pls, we're neets on /li/

>> No.12514523

>He can't perceive how the biblical elements are nuanced into any work prior to the 20th century

>> No.12514650

You're not one of those people who believe Jesus didn't really rise from the dead, are you? Just want to check.

>> No.12514796

Biblical themes have dominated all western media for the last thousand years.

>> No.12515489
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Would anyone here recommend reading the Bible in other languages? I’m doing French at Uni and am looking for literature to practice on.

>> No.12515632

look buddy im a massive atheist, and i want you to know youre incredibly fucking wrong. its incredibly widely read, throughout history. any of the art or literature you digest is probably only about 2 degrees of separation max from the bible.

>> No.12515660

this is a based post

>> No.12515746

I've been told that John uses the most refined language. So, John. At least in the Vulgate and the translations that are most loyal to it.

>> No.12515763

You fell right into this one, moron: >>12512609

>> No.12515764

What a fucking stupid way to think about things. Just because John uses refined language doesn't make it better. What about details and prose and spiritual content? Fucking cunt. You are a bleating foal, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. An insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts who sired you and then killed themselves in recognition of what they had done.

>> No.12515769

I see you've been reading your Thesaurus. I was kinda amused after reading this.

>> No.12515855

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.12515868

Now, THAT is mean¡

>> No.12515994

I Iove you anon

>> No.12516106

No homo.

>> No.12516177

>b-but muh epic biblical allegories and references
Nobody cares, you humongous pseuds. Your jewish parables aren't qualitatively any better than any pagan folklore and their AIDS-like spread for political reasons is no more than a historical curiosity, not some feat of innate intellectual depth, worthy of adulation and masturbatory study. Phenomenology and Critique both had a thousandfold larger impact on humanity. You've only to stop being mindless tradlarpers falling for stale aesthetics and tales of decrepit glory.

>> No.12516568

mark ain't the oldest

>> No.12516605

>Luke is historical
Why does his timeline differ from what Paul himself says in his letters?

>> No.12516615

Which gospel is older than Mark and why do you think this ? Most scholars believe Mark is the oldest.

>> No.12516622

No. I believe.

>> No.12516716

It's obvious you know nothing about pre-Christian morality, ethics, metaphysics, love, etc.