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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 211x300, Hemingwaysun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12512101 No.12512101 [Reply] [Original]

What's the book you've read the most amount of times? Pic is mine. Read it 5 or 6 times

>> No.12512119
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At least 10 times, Im not actually sure.

>> No.12512184

I would not ordinarily consider reading a book again but I did read Peace by Gene Wolfe twice.

>> No.12512216

Uhhhh I guess Gödel Escher Bach. I’ve read it every winter since 2012.

>> No.12512311
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>> No.12512382

Lmao, it is literally a propaganda pamphlet, it is admittedly good at being that, but it is nothing more than that.

>> No.12512455


"40 cents"


>> No.12512493

Same here

>> No.12512524

ing at your life

>> No.12512556

There was a week back in 2009 where our entire campus was snowed in. Internet was down and the library was closed, so I ended up doing nothing but re-reading the only book I had on me at the time: To the Lighthouse. I read it at least a dozen times during that stretch. Probably close to twenty overall.

>> No.12513168
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>> No.12513185

I've read The Sun Also Rises and Dubliners probably 3-4 times each.

>> No.12513204
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>> No.12513207

suck my dick fag bitch

>> No.12513224

Who pissed in your anti-depressants?

>> No.12513244
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>reddit attempt at humor
cringing at you

>> No.12513249

I don't even get the joke.

>> No.12513288

certified not reddit
certified reddit

>> No.12513294

I've been away from /lit/ for a few years, has this place been colonized too? That's a shame.

>> No.12513316

It’s like the the French and Indian War and in here. On one side, the the French, or the Redditors, and on the other, the British, or /pol/. We’re basically being spit roasted as a board.

>> No.12513327

At least they sort of cancel each other out. It would be worse if it were only one.

>> No.12513355

There's no these people actually read books, right? They must just read Wiki summaries.

>> No.12513366

no way*

>> No.12513916
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If I find a copy of it, I buy it. Nothing feels better then reading about someone who loses it all and then dies.

>> No.12514235
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>> No.12514613

karl may - treasure in the silver lake
20k miles under the sea by verne
something like that

>> No.12514886

please help me understand why The Sun Also Rises is so good. I felt like I 'got" it, but just wasn't;t impressed.

The main character is impotent and in love with woman who he cannot be with. So far I I'm with him. But then he helps the matador fuck her. WHY? Why would you help another guy fuck the girl you love? And why the fuck would you hang around her when she's fucking other guys? pure masochism.

I can't get behind any of the other characters. The Jew's reaction is more realistic, though too puerile.

And then the bull fights. I get the metaphors and all that.

I don't know. I just felt like this book was way better when you thought about it than when you were actually reading it, and as I thought about it I thought the behavior of the main character wa just ridiculous.

what am I missing?

>> No.12514960

I guess for me it was deeply personal. I could relate to Jake Barnes in many ways. It just evoked and continues to evoke a strong emotional response for me. If you don't like it, that's perfectly fine. No one likes or relates to everything.

>> No.12515003

Depending on how you look at it, he helps the matadors fuck her exactly because he can’t do it himself. Think about the events prior, they go out on a rather romantic night together right? Then he caps it off by having some young stud lay his pipe. Maybe it’s a form of vicarious fulfillment. Maybe she has so much power over him that she can make him a cuck like all the rest of the men in her life (which I don’t think is accurate but it’s a thought). So the bullfighter thing was actually a pretty complex emotional moment in the book, I thought it was interesting.

Also, Bill is a top tier bro.

>> No.12515010

the crying of lot 49 i probably read like 5 or 6 times

>> No.12515020

Catch-22. Laugh through it every time. Curse Arfy every time.

>> No.12515040

I related to Jake Barnes, too. but would have responded to situations in opposite ways (starting with staying the fuck away from a girl I'm fucked up over but can never be with). which may be why I was so frustrated.
Bill is a top tier bro, yes. good guy, for sure. vicarious fulfillment sounds like grade a bullshit to me, though. though I get why you'd throw that out there.

good, good. sounds like I wasn't missing anything. I just think Jake was an idiot. But if he'd played it my way, there'd have been no story. so there's that.

>> No.12515052

>starting with staying the fuck away from a girl I'm fucked up over but can never be with
Love is a real mother fucker. It makes people do some pretty nonsensical things.

>> No.12515059

The Major Major Major Major chapter had me in fucking stitches laughing . Catch 22 is probably the only book to make me laugh out loud

>> No.12515122

Winter of our discontent, 3 times

>> No.12515151
File: 443 KB, 1000x1552, 72BE29AA-81C4-4CA7-AC76-C93EDCD8464A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about Invisible Cities that I find almost addictive. As soon as I finish reading it I just want to start over again, which I’ve never had with any other book. The word comfy is overused but it’s the best description I’ve got; there’s something so singular and strange about it, but it is so comforting at the same time. Wish I could find anything else like it. I’ve read it more than a dozen times, not sure exactly how many.

>> No.12515432

Shakespeare's sonnets. Poetry in general.
I don't think I have ever read a novel or even a short story twice. Not that I couldn't find any worth it, it's just that there's so many of them and I'm such a slow reader. Poetry is more up my alley anyway.

>> No.12515453

I really should read that again. I got the same feeling the first time I read it, but the thought that I have so much more to read and that I could be reading something new is stopping me to every reread anything. I'm being spooked by my own backlog.

>> No.12515993

I've read Gulliver's Travels 5 times. Criminally overlooked on /lit/ especially considering it's undoubtedly a classic.

>> No.12516006

>reading books more than once
not even once

>> No.12516027

>'A good reader is a rereader'

>> No.12516719
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the comfiest book

>> No.12516721

Based and Apollo-pilled

>> No.12516746

either the lord of the rings trilogy, or the unconsoled
the former i read about every decade since i was seven (i'm mid 30s now)
the latter i first read in my late teens but really connected with and reread a bunch of times including for my book group when i made everyone else read it

>> No.12516757

Reminds me of the movie Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson. Every time he saw a copy of Catcher in the Rye he bought it. Were you MK-Ultra'd?

>> No.12516758
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The Great American Novel, of course.

>> No.12516830
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6 times

>> No.12516844
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for school generally.
not this translation of course

>> No.12518309

which translation would you recommend

>> No.12518441
File: 606 KB, 825x1500, Epictetus_Enchiridion_1683_page1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it in my native language about 4-5 times.

>> No.12518496


Jesus. I hated the Unconsoled. I had a hard time reading it too... The interest was just not there.

>> No.12518505

I’ve read The Catcher in the Rye, Heart of Darkness, and Macbeth three or four times each. It’s because I started teaching English again.

>> No.12518692

samuel butler lad

>> No.12518847

Like he said...Reddit humor

>> No.12518903

Nice. Gatsby is one of the few books I've re-read as well. It's just sublime

>> No.12518918

Hardly counts. It's quite short.

>> No.12518954
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Just read it for the 2nd time, because the 1st one was more than 10 years ago and a translation.
I think it's the only literature book I've read twice.

I do reread parts I like of books I like, but have never reread the full thing.