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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 217 KB, 256x354, EuropaUniversalisIV_Packshot_edited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12511826 No.12511826 [Reply] [Original]

Do they even exist?
Is this the only one?
Are there others?

>> No.12511838
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Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.12511840
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>> No.12511843
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>> No.12511844
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>accounting simulator
Back to /polgsg/, faggot. >>>/his/

>> No.12511860

>map-painter is a /lit/ game
shut the fuck up
pathologic is the only /lit/ game.

>> No.12511889


>> No.12511904


>> No.12511915

These, along with VtM:B and The Witcher 2

>> No.12511916

Now Folgers is racist? I switched from Café Bustelo years ago when I realized it was sold by an American company and the name was appropriative. I can't believe this. Can I get some cheap non-racist coffee recs?

>> No.12511917
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Unironically Princess Maker 2

>> No.12511929

Why not switch from Cafe Bustelo because it murders your body? That shit almost killed me, even at the peak of my coffee consumption (upwards of 15 cups/day)

>> No.12511939 [DELETED] 

Phantom Brave, unironically.

>> No.12511940

The only way you aren't oppressing a minority with coffee is if you grow scrawny, misshapen tumors of coffee beans using your own excrement as fertilizer, roast the beans using flames stoked by the paper money the white man uses to enslave races and classes he deems lower than himself, and then eat the roasted beans whole while pouring boiling water down your gullet.

>> No.12511944
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One of the best stories I've ever sen in a video game, if not the best

>> No.12511958
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One of the most autistic things I've ever done is played a game of Civ 5 and then after winning a cultural victory, used my civ's great works of literature as a reading list for that year.
Planescape: Torment is indisputably the best argument for video games being capable of being on par with literature.
t. Nabokov

>> No.12511971

There is fundamentally nothing /lit/ about video games.

>> No.12511972
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>> No.12511973

>even at the peak of my coffee consumption (upwards of 15 cups/day)
>15 cups/day
I don't think the brand is to blame here

>> No.12511974

I mean it's an 80 hour long shonen anime. I love the game, but I wouldn't call it /lit/ unless your definition of literature is a long and pointless waste of time with a memorable story that you might think back on now and again. Oh wait I get it

>> No.12512021

It wasn't just the memorable story that drew me to it. My favorite thing about the game was its theme of whether or not our fate is within our control

>> No.12512034

I think video games have a great potential but for some reason no games that are too appealing have been made.

>> No.12512043


>> No.12512048
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Any game directed by Yasumi Matsuno
double points for the blatant Queen references

>> No.12512058

Elegy for a Dead World?

There's a few games like that.

>> No.12512060

I was doing fine on 15 cups, I had the beans delivered from Porto Rico, decent quality stuff. But the bustelo just killed me. I'm down to 2-4 cups a day now but I still own't touch the stuff.

>> No.12512070
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>> No.12512076

>murders your body? That shit almost killed me
In what way?

>> No.12512082

I like this game.

>> No.12512085
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Dominions 5

>> No.12512089

My goodness, I was confused. It was Cafe El Aguila, not Cafe Bustelo.

>> No.12512094

Yume Nikki.

>> No.12512107

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

>> No.12512137

the stories that come out of dwarf fortress are pretty good

>> No.12512144

Literally every jrpg is about that

>> No.12512147
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New Vegas

>> No.12512167

Not that many, and the ones that are aren't as well written

>> No.12512177

That is sad as fuck. What a fucked up world we live in.

>> No.12512201
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x768, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you chose a wrong map-painter desu

>> No.12512296

Imo victoria 2 teaches you more about history and important people and their discoveries than any other game. It was the game that taught me most of nineteenth century history during my teens.
>dwarf fortress
Probably one of the best games i've played in my life. It has an extreme amount of deepness and plenty of lore to look around. A game that can only truly be appreciated by autists
>New vegas
>anything to do with /lit/
Fun game, but i honestly disliked the event routine of it. No matter how hard you try to expand power your vassals will always make factions agaisnt you, you characters get a shit ton of bad events whenever a war is breaking out and diseases are shit fest DLC that only serves to make the game harder for you.

>> No.12512312

>liquor factory simulator 2 teaches you more about history
>oh no you have to actually deal with political realities in this political simulator

>> No.12512345

>>New vegas
>>anything to do with /lit/
Name one other game where a character justifies his actions with a lecture on Hegelian dialectics

>> No.12512353

Well during my teens that was all that i had. Im no humanaties fag so i got cut off from history classes at 16 or so.
>oh no you have to actually deal with political realities in this political simulator
Just because its "accurate" it doesnt mean its that fun, specially when you are making military shit and bad event pop up all the time in front of your screen.

>> No.12512357

Is 5 worth picking up if I already have 4?

>> No.12512360

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love XC1 as a game but its writing is just standard RPG tropes all over again. It only stands above the rest in that regard because unlike the rest, it actually does it well. I mean
[SPOILER]>the woman you thought was the bad guy turns out to not be the bad guy and it's actually the other way around
>that woman and the guy who's actually the bad guy were humans with a god complex who created a pocket universe they could rule as gods
>you've been living inside the matrix all along[/SPOILER]

>> No.12512366
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>bad event pop up all the time
try not being shit at the game and it will become fun

>> No.12512384
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Fuck Jaina, literally everything is her fucking fault.

>> No.12512416

t. Arthas if he was an incel

>> No.12512420

EVE online is the most literary game.

>> No.12512441
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Arthas the supreme gentleman

>> No.12512448
File: 29 KB, 425x283, zork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you whippersnappers never played zork on an Apple IIe computer.text based games are the most /lit/

>> No.12512476

>pressing f1 is a literary activity

>> No.12512481

Hey, I got into philosophy from the philosophy research ideas in Victoria II. If you're curious and you look up the topics you can research, you learn a lot about 19th and 20th century concepts and ideas.

>> No.12512512

I used to love this game and then I got good enough to mare nostrum on iron man with basically any European country and now I can’t have any fun playing it because it always turns into a curbstomp where I spend more time calculating where to put my monarch points than anything else by 1550

>> No.12512517
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>> No.12512637
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>> No.12512683

This is the only truth.
Each story is like an epic novel of staggering depth.
Hell, even the graphics are a language of sorts.
Doesn't become more literary.

>> No.12512745
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I played a shitton of games and the vidya series that come close to the idea of literature, is the Myst series. They hard af point and click adventure games that require your attention. I would recommend to try Riven which is the best in the series since the puzzles makes sense and the world is very detailed and realised

>> No.12512758


>> No.12512760

You can buy coffee from the Zapatistas. It's expensive as fuck though, I don't know what kind of champagne socialist would want to pay $12 for a pound of chiapas coffee

>> No.12512893

Any examples that spring to mind that can give us an insight on the kind of depth/awesomeness that happens?

>> No.12512913

Without the Witcher 2 though
Haven't played EYE
And Vic 2

I'd add hearts of iron 3 to this list aswell

>> No.12512929

Planescape: Torment
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Baldur's Gate 2
Neverwinter Nights
Witcher series

>> No.12512997
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There's quite a few famous succession games, lets-plays and people compiling stories of their runs; although those don't strictly reflect the full depth and awesomeness of the procedural story, world and gameplay detail.

Each character has deep psychology (for a game), the gameplay has the greatest array of functionality I am aware of, combat details go down to knocked out teeth, bruised thighs, sprained ankles.

I recently played as an adventurer and started out in a Fortress full of books. Books were everywhere, sometimes stacked 3 feet deep, room by room as I explored, there was no end to books. Scholars had made this Fortress their den for a thousand years, and they were productive.
Eventually I came across a petty thief being beaten by a guard that lost his weapon; he punched the Elf into the face over and over and over, sending teeth flying everywhere, continuing even as he fainted; he kept punching his head without killing him until eventually he, too, passed out nfrom exhaustion.
Some time later an insurrection started and a goblin turning a corner accidentally impaled hisself on my sword, which I had unsheathed since I heard fighting.
I ran into the king, too, and god, the violence, it's all so ridiculous and intense.
l still have to compile that story properly.

Here's a classic:
But this focusses a lot on the subjective player experience instead strictly what happens in the game.

>> No.12513042
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Some amazing, random philosophical insights, too; I can only recommend it to anybody with the dedication to get into it; it's a difficult game to learn.

>> No.12513106
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If you play multiplayer everyone has moved to 5, but you may not care for that if you are SP only

I have not played 4, but my understanding is that 5 is basically 4 with with real time battles and a bunch more content added in like factions, units and the like, so I would say yes, but your mileage may vary.

also how come nobody has mentioned Morrowind yet?

>> No.12513121
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>> No.12513132

Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls game but that's like saying Goblet is the best Harry Potter novel.
A solid entry in a middling series with a few ideas that elevate it above the rest, but it ain't literature.

>> No.12513152

This. One of few perfect games.

>> No.12513164
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Is Silent Hill /lit/ approved?

>> No.12513166

no other RPG does magic, especially alchemy and enchanting as well as Morrowind

>> No.12513213

to be fair you can break the shit out of those with relative ease

but the atmosphere, the alien landscapes and the fact that you can just go to the library and spend a while reading in game books make it pretty /lit/ on my eyes

>> No.12513260

Dragon's Dogma has it's own gnostic theology and the monsters are well made from classical myth

>> No.12513272

>implying it's not realistic

>> No.12513354

ahhh ok. I'll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation o/

>> No.12513378
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>> No.12513397
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more like /his/

>> No.12513686

Drink only water.

>> No.12513726

Mother 3.

>> No.12513741
File: 101 KB, 1245x3091, whoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another twisted, little Dwarf Fortress story.

I traveled through the town of Applesbakers minding my own business until I heard some shouting in the distance and eventually came across a trail of blood.
A goblin had been slain, and I soon realized a pogrom was beginning, an insurrection where some of the Human inhabitants of the town tried to purge their peaceful (if criminal) Goblin neighbors.
Who started this struggle I cannot say, but apparently a Goblins minor offense had tipped the scales and inflamed the Human rulers murderous ire.
I promptly rushed towards the center of the town trying to discourage more fighting, but the wave of violence was only spreading even as my intimidating words and presence served to discourage a few, buying time to flee for some.
The Goblins were hopelessly outclassed in any case, women and children being chased and hunted throughout town, driven from the village or killed as they desperately tried to aid and defend each other, crippled corpses lining the roads.
Eventually I was able to shelter one of the injured, with an arrow still stuck in his body, asking him to yield as he frantically struck everyone approaching.
I conversed with him, trying to make sense of the carnage while temporarily scaring away his assailant.
As it turns out most of his relatives had already been killed or injured, two daughters dead, and later I came across the mutilated body of his son, he did not know his fate and would not learn it as he was doomed to die as well.
The humans returned and even as the unarmed Goblin tried to yield and flee he was grappled and struck down, worse yet, the man began to relentlessly beat the helpless Goblin with his shield, seemingly content to slowly torture him to death.
Unable to stand by and watch I put the sorry wretch out of his misery with a thrust to the heart and confronted his dishonorable assailant, who was already priding hisself on the kill.
I put him in his place and, impressed by my valor and fame, he agreed to join me looking for glory and death.
He soon found the latter.
>a rough description of 5 minutes of DF adventure gameplay
As I later learned this incident triggered a region-wide civil war between those two groups.

>> No.12513790

Caves of Qud

>> No.12513878
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Is Sunless Sea /lit/ approved?

>> No.12513903

infested with redditisms and "diversity"

>> No.12513969
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Final Fantasy Tactics

>> No.12514351

>not a single reply Including ihnmaims
My disappointment in you people is immeasurable

>> No.12514675

>New Vegas
/lit/ is made up of type of people who would be 30 year old boomers that prefer Black Isle Fallout to nuFallout, Fallout 1 to Fallout 2, and Morrowind to Oblivion and Skyrim