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/lit/ - Literature

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1250908 No.1250908 [Reply] [Original]

next month it´s my little sisters birthday and she mentioned something about trying"good literature".
now I have to admit she is more the twilight/sex&the city type.
so what would be a good start?

>> No.1250921

There's some high quality young adult lit out there. How old is she?

>> No.1250931

Normally, the best answer is 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'. Now, call me old fashioned, but a young female sex and the city fan wouldnt like that.

So, dunno. Just get her some chocolate or something.

>> No.1250940
File: 733 KB, 1514x2314, being jordan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where I started with 'good literature'.

>> No.1250943

it is her 16. bday (whick means the chocolate might be substituted with some HQ booze).
the hitchhiker was a bit too ´crazy´ when i suggested it last year but a awesome idea!
anyway keep it coming...

>> No.1250951
File: 33 KB, 316x486, Terry_Pratchett_Nation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to ease her into it slowly, I'd suggest something like Nation to start off with. Interesting and serious enough without being super intense or difficult.

>> No.1250955

FEED by MT Anderson.

>> No.1250964


Why are you suggesting something worse than Twilight?

Get her Wuthering Heights, OP. Logical starting point.

>> No.1250966

Worse than Twilight? I'd love to hear that line of reasoning.

>> No.1250967

Don't give her something really dense or complex, but rather something she may enjoy. You say she enjoys Twiligt/S&tC. How about Pride & Prejudice? Or Norwegian Wood/Sputnik Sweetheart?

>> No.1250972


You think sensibility is a matter of reasoning, of course, because you're an aspie - hence the Pratchett-touting.

>> No.1250973
File: 49 KB, 340x513, wuthering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah get her Bella and Edward's favorite.

>> No.1250974


>> No.1250976


I wasn't asking.

>> No.1250978
File: 277 KB, 332x500, The-Slap-by-Christos-Tsiolkas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas

Very good contemporary social commentary fiction.

Not a particularly difficult book structure wise, although the themes may be a little confronting and perhaps overwhelming to a young reader.

>> No.1250979


>> No.1251021

i guess little teen girls are pretty much the same when it comes to literature.
so you better forget about twilight&shit

>> No.1251126


i can't believe that's real

>> No.1251133

fuckin' a you guys she's a 26 year old girl. she's not going to like gay ass sci fi or anything like that.

just get her a bronte or an austen.

>> No.1251137

oops 16. wrong butan

>> No.1251139


or sylvia plath

>> No.1251141

Get her some Hermann Hesse, John Green, W. Somerset Maugham, and get One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought OP asked how to be the best big brother ever.

>> No.1251172

To Kill a Mockingbird is great, readable entry-level good fiction.

>> No.1251175


I second this. Only read a few of her poems, but she's quality and pretty feminine friendly.

>> No.1251185

My friends are twilight/sex and the city types (femanon here), and they moved from that to the Bronte sisters and Austen. and having once been a 16 year old girl, I say that.

or Tamora Pierce if she's a fucking badass, and is a 16 yo with the level of a 14 yo

>> No.1251925

green and murakami will do
bump for the night

>> No.1252045

if you want your 16 year old sister to start liking lit, you need to give her something that will really speak to her.

Try the Bell jar or Catcher in the Rye if you think that would work; ....

back w/ moar later

>> No.1252131
File: 56 KB, 378x480, 1287932651695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realise the edition of Wuthering Heights I'd always assumed was a joke is actually in print.

>> No.1252478

The Notebook, Water for Elephants.

I got my sister into Robert E. Howards Conan when she was 17. She really enjoyed them.

>> No.1252481

Oh, and Looking for Alaska

>> No.1252490

Jane Austen: The Carrie Bradshaw of her day.

>> No.1252950

i´d second that
have to admit i have not read the whole thing myselfe but it was mentioned quite positive back in highschool