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/lit/ - Literature

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12506770 No.12506770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So now making a thread about Marx is a bannable offense (my thread about Heidegger also got taken down), but the countless pewdiepie and bait threads get a pass? Are Jannies actively trying to turn this place into /v/?

>> No.12506785

Fuck you philosophy-fag. This is the best I’ve seen /lit/ in years because there’s actually discussion of LITERATURE on the literature board. Go to /his/ unless your philosophies are about lit theory

>> No.12506825

no, philosophy belongs here, /his/ is shit

>> No.12506834
File: 333 KB, 720x1184, 20190131_021139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the LITERATURE discussion
/lit/ is obviously currently at its peak

>> No.12506841

>not belonging on /pol/

>> No.12506868
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That is all

>> No.12506901

/his/ is a fucking trash board, and I'm saying this as someone who graduated with a degree in history. If I want serious discussion on philosophy this is the board to go to. If I want youtube style alternate history written by dudes who wear cargo shorts and exclusively listen to Sabaton-lite bands, I go to /his/.

>> No.12506941


>> No.12506989 [DELETED] 

yeah they remind me of the "history buffs" who invariable want to have a ww2 trivia contest when they find out i have a history degree, i'm like lol sorry i didn't study that too mainstream

>> No.12506998

>Cherry picking

Current threads: Iliad, Joyce, Rimbaud, Southern Gothic, Foster Wallace, Pynchon, Moby Dick, lots of lit theory, Stirner... list really goes on. There will always be meme threads, but if you look through the catalog I haven't seen this many relevant threads since 2016

>> No.12507034

The point is why not start with the Sam harris shit instead of banning Marx and Heidegger threads.
The jannies are obviously from /pol/, think about it for a second.
Anyone using the website can apply to be a janny, and since most of us in this website are anti-moderation to begin with, then the only people applying for it are newfags from reddit who have all gathered in /pol/.

>> No.12508453

Go back there

>> No.12508469

Newfriends or, ahem, Stormniggers.

>> No.12508482

>what did he mean by this?
lol that's why you got binned
mods are literally always cucks who use discord n shit.

>> No.12508483

Shut up you stupid thing. You have no worth or value in society. You're waste of resources. Your mother wishes she produced something better, but all she got is the disappointment that is you. Fuck. You broke her heart.

>> No.12508484

You spammed that exact same thread like two days ago, think of something original maybe?

>> No.12508517

Trannies and ziolibs from /his/ took over.

>> No.12508524
File: 216 KB, 630x340, culkin-112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.12508534

PERFECT! FUCK YOU PHILOSOPHY FAGS! I HAVE BEEN ADVOCATING FOR THIS FOR YEARS! I we can't even talk about gun control on /k/ because of some 4 year old sticky no one wants this is only fair. I have been saying you and religionfags should be stuck duking it out on /his/ since before it existed. Respect the fucking sticky reddit. Respect the rules reddit. Back to your containment board reddit.

>> No.12508536

Pewdiepie is literature. Fuck out of here you commie faggot.

>> No.12508545

Go away, you fucking worthless thing.

>> No.12508550

See >>12508524 it's from the sticky.

>> No.12508552

Back to >>>/his/ with you newfag

>> No.12508554

This. I'm studying history right now and all /his/ does is make me want to die. It's an abomination of /pol/, /int/, and reddit shitposting with maybe a handful of threads actually about history. No one there actually wants to study the past or old culture, they just want to shitpost about politics and their wet dreams

>> No.12508561

cry about it incel

>> No.12508563

Can't emphasize this enough.

>> No.12508578
File: 179 KB, 925x685, Vast wizards guild conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes its just the squeaky wheels around here.

>> No.12508587

Hold up a mirror.

>> No.12508638

poor little leftypol /his/cel.

>> No.12508811
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>tfw thread asking how to best read upanishads and vedas was deleted

are the mods racist?

>> No.12508852

itt: retards telling /lit/izens to go back because retards can't into sticky.

>> No.12508880

philosophy fags need to fuck off

>> No.12508884

U irate, Marxboi?

>> No.12508894
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First we must define what it means to "fuck off"

>> No.12508907

It’s what you should be doing.

>> No.12508909
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>> No.12508917
File: 60 KB, 498x658, Wink-kiss blown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twice today actually

>> No.12508923

tmi desu