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File: 112 KB, 547x875, YA twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12506320 No.12506320 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the current state of modern literati?

>> No.12506327
File: 106 KB, 657x522, YA twitter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12506361

You're not any different. You're both trolling through twitter threads looking for something to be upset about.

>> No.12506397

Why are these YA authors so lazy?

>> No.12506427

the YA community is absolutely psychotic

>> No.12506548

only one kind of slavery worth talking about
black folks are DYING out here y'all

>> No.12506564

I don't understand a goddamn thing going on in that thread.

>> No.12506574

How do you people even find this shit?

>> No.12506581

I have no fucking idea what any of this means.

>> No.12506586

Me neither and I think we're probably better off that way.

>> No.12506982

that's sad

>> No.12507046

what are you though

>> No.12507170

Yeah, this what I don’t get. Just about every race has either owned or been slaves at one point in history so why do we specifically only care about African slave trade in America?

>> No.12507201

because its still relevant to the material condiitions of modern americans . Not that it justifies >>12506327 obviously but its more relevant than islamic or viking slavery 800 years ago.

>> No.12507241

This is more difficult to read than Hegel.
Can anyone parse it?

>> No.12507312

Who decides what's more relevant? You?
I don't know about the Vikings but Islamic slave trade is probably more relevant now than the American slave trade. White boi.

>> No.12507316

>and ultimately it is our choices that define who we are
This is what really triggered them. They think identity is defined by the groups you were born into and how oppressed they are.

>> No.12507433

I mean specifically the selling of christian slaves to the islamic lands by pagan vikings. I don't think there are many people alive today who trace their ancestry to those events.

>> No.12507547

Basic breakdown here


>YA author announces her book deal
>Advanced readers criticize her work
>YA author gathers negative screenshots about her work
>Criticisms about blue-eyed black people (who is actually just dark-skinned: "tawny" "bronze")
>Criticized the line "oppression is blind to skin color"
>YA author appologizes and pulls book, presumably to edit it

So it's basically just an author responding to reader feedback

Basically what happened to the clockwork orange writer

>original ending has redemption
>doesn't test well w/ readers
>writes a new ending

>> No.12507970

i dont give a fuck about america you fucking subhuman bottom feeding rat

>> No.12508006

America is a shithole country

>> No.12508037
File: 58 KB, 429x504, 1546501985829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it's so sad, kids used to study subjects like English and Math, now all they learn in school is Snapchat and Instagram


>> No.12508214

You're worthless and will never amount to anything, you piece of shit.

>what have you ever achieved?
>what are your goals for the future?

I bet you'll never be anything but a struggling normie who feels inadequate because they're too dumb to meaningfully compete in society. Fuck you.

>> No.12508229


>> No.12508305

>Niggers chimping out over books
What fucking timeline is this?

>> No.12508310

The azn’s are going to treat them so viciously all of this will be paid back a thousand fold

>> No.12508311

>struggling normie who feels inadequate

normies don't feel inadequate theyre fucking normies

>> No.12508331

This makes me sad.

>> No.12508364


All of them

>> No.12508385

It's not the same. The ending of the Clockwork Orange was an artistic choice - Anthony Burgess made one, the readers preferred another.

Pulling a book because the dark-skinned people have blue eyes and 'oppression is blind to skin color' is political censorship, plain and simple.

>> No.12508393

Except the people named after slavery, the slavs.

Niggers just have an extremely overblown sense of entitlement.

>> No.12508404

>pagan vikings
That's a weird way of saying jews. It's well known that's who did it and who are almost always behind slave trades to this day.

>> No.12508532
File: 41 KB, 680x383, 297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not american either but theyre the cultural hegemons and make up like 80% of english first language speakers so people care about what they think sorry

>> No.12508540

go ask an average russian how slavery has affected them

you're a fucking retard

>> No.12508565

Go ask an Islamic child sex slave how they're feeling.

>> No.12508941

This is absurd.

>> No.12509057

I think the idea is that if oppression is blind to skin colour, that implies that oppressors come in non-white, too. This, in the world of leftist fanatics means these non-whites have internalized racism and oppression from whites to such a degree that they themselves become bad.
People like this are the best argument anyone can make for stoning.

>> No.12509060

white people bad, black people good. Any bad thing blacks do can be attributed to something whites did to blacks beforehand. So a black racist is only racist because he learned it from whites.

A fantasy world in which black people are bad corrupts innocent blacks in the real world into being bad.

>> No.12509063
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This just further reinforces my belief that people who use ellipses in regular conversation should be shot.

>> No.12509112

>and I...no
>aka: I don't know how to reason my argument and I don't really know anything other than I'm supposed to be mad so I'm just gonna use an epic ending and comparable to "oh no sweety"

>> No.12509130

>Slavery in Russia was officially abolished in 1723, when Peter the Great converted household slaves to serfs.

Fuck off

>> No.12509134

ad hominem tu quoque
The One True Argument

>> No.12509139

I think you missed the point

>> No.12509140 [DELETED] 

I really don't understand what is so bad about the blurb.

>> No.12509151
File: 108 KB, 600x535, 1528884594503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do they assume that because they've agreed upon something within a small clique on Twitter that it has become common law/culture, so that they become outraged upon learning that it actually hasn't?

>> No.12509154

I don't get it
Was this a meme while I was gone?

>> No.12509157

Sad. I know a leftie who stopped reading The Three Body Problem in the prologue because it didn't paint communism (i.e. the Cultural Revolution) in a positive light.

At least he didn't insist it was burnt though.

>> No.12509176

Serfdom was abolished in russia at about the same time than in america.

>> No.12509228

Asians are basically white people so it's okay to be racist towards them