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12506145 No.12506145 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read it

>> No.12506147


>> No.12506195

I heard a description of it and it didn’t sound like my cup of tea.

>> No.12506235

I thought it was like 1984. Mistake.

>> No.12506265

I read through the series and they were enjoyable enough books, but not worth the praise that gets heaped on them.

>> No.12506447

First and last novel I'll ever read by her

>> No.12506453

we don't read Atwood here, she's a hack.

>> No.12507153

ya it was alright dystopian sci fi.


>> No.12507158


She's fine. Her best novels are Surfacing and Cat's Eye. Handmaid's Tail is mediocre.

>> No.12507166

I quit Atwood when I discovered Proulx.

>> No.12507168

Yeah, it's edgy as fuck. One of the few novels to make me sick to my stomach.
Female writers are very good at that. Atwood and Joyce Carol Oates both give me the chills.

>> No.12508343
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I've read it but it's better if you assume its a piss-take, that way you'll at least get a laugh out of it.

>> No.12508412

its good
Atwood is good at building a sense of being back-to-the-wall trapped

>> No.12508437

It’s not terrible. If I remember the plot correctly it’s basically about the main character’s autistic best friend who accidentally ruins the world

>> No.12509508

It wasn't an accident, but basically yeah. The titular Crake is Jimmy/"Snowman"'s childhood best friend, and the book is split between them growing up together in a dystopian city state, and Snowman surviving after a disease-based apocalypse of Crake's making along with the genetic human hybrid species Crake created to inherit the earth.

>> No.12509682


He's essentially the only human being Crake ever genuinely seems to care about despite displaying sociopathic traits (eg: torrenting snuff and cp on his uncle's vpn and watching jimmy watch it as a regular activity, when they were both like. eleven or something, hence noticing oryx and deciding to incorporate her into his garden of eden project; Jimmy was supposed to be his adam, oryx was his eve.) it's strongly implied he shoots her because he never intended for either her or jimmy to find out that he was responsible for unleashing the plague and wants to stop her from telling Jimmy, and he kills himself because his plans were ruined - essentially, to destroy humanity completely but keep Jimmy and Oryx alive in a bubble with the crakers, a species he created to be completely "good". he may have been planning to off himself as well the entire time

>> No.12509757

Yeah, it's been a few years since I read it but that was about how I remember things going down. The original novel is a pretty solid piece of genre fiction that managed to do dystopia and post apocalypse well before that bubble really burst.
The other two books aren't as good, but still enjoyable if you liked O&C.

>> No.12510567
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I don't read books with a cover that has the author's name in a larger font than the title.

>> No.12511730
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so would this be a no go?

>> No.12511736

a few years ago, was pretty great honestly, really depressing too

>> No.12512740

I read a couple of Atwoods, and I think this was one of them. The Christian eco-cult was fun but overall it was hot garbage. Thanks for listening.

>> No.12512853

based and titlepilled

>> No.12512865

Her unrealistic dystopian novel that the left love should alone make her a hack.

>> No.12513631
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Why women like dystopian fiction so much?