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12504813 No.12504813 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book with a really good female protagonist, a book where this female protagonist teaches a boy she likes how to live more fully and how to be a man?

Also: your favorite female characters in fiction.

>> No.12504827

>a book where this female protagonist teaches a boy she likes how to live more fully and how to be a man?
>and how to be a man?

>> No.12504838

Possibly in 'What is to be done?' by Chernychevski

>> No.12504845

Freud's essay on the oedipus complex

>> No.12504860

Ah, you mean my secret fantasy? That's not a novel, OP, that's just a private dream of mine. How did you even come to know of it anyway? I haven't told anyone, if I recall correctly.

>> No.12504863


That's part of the plot of As You Like It

>> No.12504891

The Last Samurai
Only the gril is his mom
And she might be wrong about a few things

>> No.12504893
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Paper Towns
Bridge to Terabithia
The Eumenides (Oresteia)
Riding in Cars with Boys (because she fucked up the son learn from her mistakes)
Freedom Writers (film)
Chasing Amy (1997 film)

>> No.12504896

Notes from Underground, but not in they way you'd imagine

>> No.12504900
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>> No.12504906

Why can't we build a society where men are still functional and labor and are responsible, but submissive to women and playfully cute and smol? Instead of this weird hypocritical society we seem to be entering

>> No.12504914

the potential father figures have as much to teach ludo as his mom, it's just a different form of education.
kenzo yamamoto probably teaches them both more than anyone.
bangin book tho, op, you should read it anyway.

>> No.12504923

as good as it gets with jack Nicholson says that verbatim. He play a novelist actually

>> No.12504935

Welcome to the N.H.K.

>> No.12504937


you won't get a more true to life example

>> No.12504941
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Absolutely this. Every man, deep in his heart, would feel so fulfilled submitting himself to the throne that is his Woman. Oh, and to be able to be playful, and cute, and smol towards them, would be the heaven that all men, who are deep down still little boys inside, yearn to embody above all else. To be able to be a boy around your Woman, and have Her still love you equally or even more so, what else would a man need? He could die happily, there in Her arms, complete and at peace.

>> No.12504959

the odyssey

>> No.12504971

Would women like that though? That's the question.

>> No.12504983
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>> No.12504987

t. never felt the pleasure of having a woman enveloping herself in your protective warmth and falling asleep in your arms

>> No.12504990

I've felt it, it's not as good as the other way around

>> No.12504995

Then just be a bottom for a man

>> No.12505009

Honestly, what the fuck was that ending?

>> No.12505010

i dont like men and I dont like being penetrated, this is the point Im trying to make
i say we reverse the stuff now. there is 0 reason why we dont just redifine masculinity as submissive to femininity and reverse dimorphism of the species.
Other than something dumb like "people might not want that" but who cares?

>> No.12505013

at bottom, every man desires a mommy gf.

>> No.12505016
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Implying the roughness of men is anything but an error compared to the heavenmade softness of Women.

>> No.12505029

This. All men are really little boys within themselves, lets end this silly game of "me strong man, me dominate weak girl, me take woman as possession" and simply submit to their softness like our soul was made to do.

>> No.12505059

>where the female protagonist teaches a boy she likes how to live more fully and how to be a man
Women are incapable of teaching a man to do anything but incorporate more frivolous love affairs into his life. Sustained proximity to women dampens a man's creative faculties. Just look at all the "chads" out there having it on with young broads who fancy themselves adventurers and dreamers living life to the fullest: what do they produce? What do they know about manhood? They end up becoming just as vapid as a roastie, nothing but tactile-oriented fashionistas.

>inb4 bitter incel
What's that? My problem is I'm not having enough frivolous sex? Ah! Did I not just say that is all women have to add to a man's life?

>> No.12505079

shut up we like women itt

>> No.12505081

I want this. But my girlfriend wants to be dominated. I can see how proud she gets when I pretend to be manly.

>> No.12505100

they are, they work on the things you haven't got the will to do. Ranging from workers on the fields and mines to deliver the materials other men use to create necessities that everyone else uses to complain everyday.

>> No.12505111

I'm not seeing "playfully cute and smol" anywhere there

>> No.12505181

interesting thoughts, though i think you're mischaracterizing this impulse as submissive. i think most men, even the most masculine/dominant, desire something similar to what you're describing, but i don't think this is necessarily submission to a woman. it's something more like true acceptance and love (at least as far as such a thing can exist). we want to be able to show vulnerability, take off our boots, hang down our hats, to settle down, insert whatever cliche you like. we want to be able to reveal a certain weaker, fragile side of ourselves without being despised for our weakness; otherwise, how could we ever feel at home knowing that only one part of our nature is loved and the other must be hidden? loyalty, warmth, peace, not ceaseless struggle and homeric competition with other men. that i think is the gist of it.

>> No.12505217

>hey anon, can i tell you about my fetishes?

this is the only one i don't like. i want my mommy gf to be pure.

>> No.12505243

Men are so sweet and pure and innocent desu at least if this thread is any indication

>> No.12505301

Cut the anime

>> No.12505353
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fucking manchildren

>> No.12505432

You can't tell me that world is inferior to this shitty one we currently live in

>> No.12505615

Though the man is the protagonist, the plot is basically as you described.

>> No.12505674

Please stop conflating milfs with mommy's, latest mommyposter. They're not the same, so please say "milfgf" if that's what you like. You are twisting the discourse my friend.

>> No.12505686

Only problem is grils want big strong daddy cock

>> No.12505721

That's just a myth of the media, hopefully.

>> No.12505751
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Somewhat fits my story's subplot. She's his caretaker and guide, but neither of them grow romantically interested in the other. A friend of hers does though.

Good quote.

In a safer world, why would women need the protection of a muscly/rich man?
Some would of course, but in a socialist future we'd have women who are raised to take more responsibility for themselves

As usual, women are not monolithically single minded on this. Some want men this way or that, some change their minds as they mature. Generally it's best to be; kind, thoughtful, confident sort. Shallow and immature girls want cute or handsome or muscly whatevers.

>> No.12505823

Look for the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope

>> No.12505858
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are you the original butterfly? your trip seems to match

>> No.12505888

If you're a girl, which kind of men do you and your friends tend to like?

>> No.12505897
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It’s one of the trips I used to use. Someone told me it was “insecure” so I got another.
Posting with this one on another device. Both me.

>> No.12505909

I’m a woman who has always preferred other women. I like a lot of different physiques, but a narrower set of personalities

>> No.12505942

Oh, that's cool then. Don't let the hatred on here affect you.

>> No.12505964


>> No.12506011

I love that one, can't recommend it enough. It's probably not exactly what you're looking for, but especially in the parts about Leminkainen, his mother has a very important role

also, Master and Margaret or whatever it's called in English. That's a great one

>> No.12506042

Love the Sibelius suite. I should read it.


>> No.12506076

Nice. Funny thing is, I actually read it because of music too.

>> No.12506083

and it reads great by the way. it has great rhythm

>> No.12506089


>> No.12506125

:( fren

>> No.12506187

Good to see you again, lad. Seems that all the usual mommylads have assembled in this thread.

>> No.12506215

>a book where this female protagonist teaches a boy she likes how to live more fully and how to be a man?

>I have given suck, and know
>How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me:
>I would, while it was smiling in my face,
>Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,
>And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you
>Have done to this.

>> No.12506269

>The Eumenides
nigga wut?