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/lit/ - Literature

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12502604 No.12502604 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the American South contain all the best American literature?

The east and west coasts don't have anything literary or cultural wise that cannot be replicated anywhere else in the West.

The American South seems the only genuinely unique cultural landscape of America.

>> No.12502655

Steinbeck is nice, I like Cannary Row

>> No.12502712


>> No.12502812

>The American South seems the only genuinely unique cultural landscape of America.

It is the ONLY cultural landscape in America. Period.

>> No.12502817

Being from the South means you automatically mog everyone except the people from New England. That’s the just way it is.

>> No.12502828

I like Flannery O'Connor, Faulkner and McCarthy. What are some other great Southern writers?

>> No.12502863

French influence

>> No.12502874

>Steinbeck, Dick, Le Guin, Kerouac

That's just going easy on your dumbass. They aren't even the heavy hitters.

>> No.12502895

>That's just going easy on your dumbass. They aren't even the heavy hitters.
>inhales cigarette in one breath
>exhales through nose

>> No.12502938
File: 69 KB, 565x370, Southern_Chivalry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The american south has a very specific honor culture that has resisted both Yankee reconstruction and the tide of globalism. The idea of honor appeals to men of all colors and backgrounds. So it is not easily destroyed.


The american south culture wise has more in common with the middle east or the Japanese.
Rather than the yankee north who have a guilt culture

>> No.12502963

>French influence

>> No.12502965

Why are faggots in this thread obsessed with france?

>> No.12502968

>There now is your insular city of the Manhattoes, belted round by wharves as Indian isles by coral reefs—commerce surrounds it with her surf. Right and left, the streets take you waterward. Its extreme downtown is the battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land. Look at the crowds of water-gazers there.

>> No.12503277

I don't know why people think this. the South has produced some great authors, but out best novelists are from New England, and our best poets are from New York and New Jersey,

>> No.12503617


Who /midwest/ master race here?

>> No.12503632

Based Christian yankees vs. Southern y'all Qaeda islamist wannabes

>> No.12503670

>Christian yankees
Funny joke

>> No.12503709

Twain, Poe, Dickey, Capote.

>> No.12503754
File: 122 KB, 727x1046, Beha-Henry-James.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best American writer is the epitome of an effete and sexless East Coast intellectual,

>> No.12503779

The American South unironically writes the worst literature in America. American intellectualism is sustained by the American southwest (including California) and the American northeast (particularly New England).

>> No.12503799

Poe is New England

>> No.12503807

>[citation needed]

>> No.12503912

I see James being memed about here quite a bit lately, but I have never seen any specific works being mentioned. What is his best book?

>> No.12503930

Maryland, brainlet.

>> No.12503940

>The east and west coasts don't have anything literary or cultural wise that cannot be replicated anywhere else in the West.
>who is Cormac McCarthy

>> No.12503945

Start with Portrait of a Lady, Washington Square or Daisy Miller

>> No.12504158

I only know Cormac McCarthy and Mark Twain, they aren't from the South.

>> No.12504192

Both are from the south, moron. As are:
Dickey, Faulkner, Capote, O’Connor, O Henry, Poe and a slew of others. Embleer Frith people are ignorant beyond belief.

>> No.12505651

uncle toms cabin

>> No.12505746

Mark Twain is from Missouri you reprobate.

>> No.12505750
File: 211 KB, 669x670, 10EEF5E8-FB66-4F79-A2D0-62102CA65FA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw member of the southern /lit/ masterrace
>tfw European women love our accents
>tfw /innawoods/ comes naturally
>tfw natural born carpenter, mechanic, and engineer
>tfw 6’3 from all the cornbread I’ve ate
>tfw have the least depraved and most traditional values in the country
>tfw have the richest culture in America
>tfw 100% Germanic ancestry
How do other regions even compete?
we do still have a lot of nigs though

>> No.12505840

McCarthy is from Rhode Island.

>> No.12505845

Maryland isn't in the South either, retard.

>> No.12505851

>100% Germanic ancestry
El oh fucking el. Guaranteed you have more niggers in the woodpile than most, Cleetus.

>> No.12506715

Missouri is the fucking south, retard. Quantrill and his raiders were in MISSOURI.

>> No.12506723

The fuck it isn’t. The mason dixon line starts there. It was the ONE southern state that didn’t leave the union. Fuck you guys are frighteningly ignorant.

>> No.12506727

>The east and west coasts don't have anything literary or cultural wise that cannot be replicated anywhere else in the West.

>> No.12506728

And grew up in the south, educated in the south, lives in the south and wrote in the south.

>> No.12506758

>The American South seems the only genuinely unique cultural landscape of America.
>It is the ONLY cultural landscape in America. Period.
What a load of horseshit. Get a job, save some money, go live overseas for a while. See if you still hold that silly, sheltered, opinion.

>> No.12506762

Eudora Welty and Carson McCullers

>> No.12506788
File: 14 KB, 236x318, 6BEFE6FC-309D-4434-A7B0-524755816B4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12506795

the south IS kind of based, but we have Melville, Pound and so on

>> No.12506812

>who is Cormac McCarthy
an edgelord talentless hack writing longform videogame plots

>> No.12506824

Missouri is in the Midwest. No one calls it the South.

>> No.12506827

He's right it's not. Maryland never seceded from the Union.

>The mason dixon line starts there. Doesn't start there. It ends there.

>> No.12506829
File: 1.28 MB, 2304x3456, 52fd5zks0eg01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lived in rural NC for my entire life

I think it's because in the south, people are ambiguous, you meet the the nicest people, and the lowest of the low, and you can't tell who they are; people here will stab you in the back with a smile on their face.

People here are incredibly hospitable, but if someone doesn't accept the southern customs and is an asshole, that person will remember you. You can't come down in the south and act like you do on a Boston subway, you can get seriously injured or killed.

Also, when policies are implemented in Washington, people really feel it down in the south; here, people are feeling the pulse of what America really is.

>> No.12506837

So? It has and always was considered the south. Sorry for your ignorance.

>> No.12506846

What’s this say?

>> No.12506849

>It was the ONE southern state that didn’t leave the union
You don't include KY, MO and WV in the South?

>> No.12506858

Maryland is a midatlantic waste state today but in Poe's time it's not a stretch to call it culturally Southern.

>> No.12506877

Of course I do. Why wouldnt I? I merely mention that maryland is noteworthy for being the only southern state not to cede. WV being a state created from Viriginia not the same.

>> No.12506893

And it’s a moot point as Poe was raised in Virginia and educated there. But Maryland IS a southern state. Most syrupy southern accent I have ever heard was a girl from Maryland.

>> No.12506950

missouri and kentucky didn't secede either, as I recall

>> No.12506961

>born in South Florida to Yankee parents
>mom's parents are from Southern Italy, so I'm basically half brown
>go to school in Gainesville
>grow to like Southern culture

Can I be Southern? Fuck country music though, its fucking garbage.

>> No.12506970

>Fuck country music
is there any surer mark of the plebeian?

>> No.12506996

Liking mainstream rap

>> No.12507030

I don't want to have this discussion with anyone who uses a phrase like "mainstream rap"

>> No.12507037

That one is a trickier call. Neither did in name, but basically did in spirit as some of the most violent fighting took place in border states that had both pro and anti Union governments as those two did. Maryland seemed to sidestep both secession and the fighting period.

>> No.12507080
File: 131 KB, 1170x530, Nasher Dallas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for Southerners:

As a Canadian I've always wondered why you don't get more upset about Hollywood basically equating a Southern accent with either stupidity or evil.
It pisses me off, mostly because it is lazy but also because it is an ugly generalization in an industry that touts how inclusive it is.
>Also: I lived in Dallas for a year and the museums there are absolutely elite tier - both the collections and the architecture.
Texans are good people; bothers me to see their fellow countrymen slag them off wholesale all the time.

>> No.12507090

It's a pleb filter. The kinds of people who buy into that stereotype are the kinds of people we don't want in the South anyways.

>> No.12507094

There's a relation between speech and thought in terms of speed.

>> No.12507192

>he believes in 1960's era anthropology literally trashed by its own author for never actually holding up

How shameful. Hope you feel as guilty as you should

>> No.12507232

>Edith Wharton
>The Divine Bloom
The North Atlantic gives the South a run for its money, as does the Midwest.

>> No.12507479

The South suffers. Go there some time and see all the burned down nineteenth century buildings.

>> No.12507486

West coast actually mogs the world, but you guys are pretty close.

>> No.12507489

Texas is barely a part of the south.

>> No.12507498

And it couldn't have happened to more deserving people.

>> No.12507501

I don't like American literature at all. It seems simplistic. I prefer English and Russian authors since they like to talk about large scale themes.

>> No.12507505

>driving around Dixieland
>cities are full of nigger
>countryside has white people but everywhere looks third-world shithole tier
Redpill me on the South. Where do I go to find what Dixies are talking about?

>> No.12507507

>English authors
>large scale themes
maybe 400 years ago

>> No.12507512

Savannah, GA
Rowan Oak, MS
Memphis, TN

>> No.12507527

these towns suck other than memphis
literally have one street worth visiting in each one, other than memphis.
there's some decent stuff in the south but you've got to get over your racism to have a chill time. Go to Nashville.

>> No.12507567

t. actual nigger

>> No.12507590

>Savannah sucks
>pretending to know what Rowan Oak is (hint: not a town)
>go to Nashville
you are out of your depth my boy

>> No.12507608

>hasn’t read Faulkner

>> No.12507610

>Savannah does suck, has for the last 60 years or sk
> No idea what it is, but anything in MS is shit.
>Nashville is crap, but Memphis is the fucking worst
Not the person you were replying to, but neither of you have any clue about what constitutes parts of the south worth seeing.

>> No.12507623

Who are you quoting? But seriously. Are you some Tricity yuppie or SCAD art student pretending he's from the South?

>> No.12507643

Man Savannah was niggerville in the 80’s for Frith’s sake, son. I played the Big Gasoline Cycle in the mid 90s and it looked like Rwanda in the downtown area. The slum apartments looked like Dr Suess designed them.
Western NC, Northern Ga, North Fl. Western Va. Eastern Tn. These areas still have some antebellum charm, anything else is Zaire or yankee destroyed.

>> No.12507646

Holy pseud Batman!

>> No.12507648

so funny how white southerners complain about all the niggers when they brought them over there in the first place

>> No.12507666

Well it’s not like I did. The people who benefitted from them are long dead and left their farm machinery laying around to ruin vast swaths of the country. Not unlike dead malls, only sentient (barely) and malevolent.

>> No.12507667

>antebellum charm
Anon I grew up in Eastern TN and central KY. Who are you trying to kid?

>> No.12507679

What’s this?
Largest collection of Victorian homes is in Louisville.
I mean, do you even think?

>> No.12507686

Have you been to Louisville? It's practically a midwestern city. I don't know what you're trying to imply.

>> No.12507688

All of americas best horror writers come from new england. King, poe, hp lovecraft.

Its like they got some sort of horrror writer factory down there or somthin

>> No.12507689

from the south

>> No.12507697

Do you read the fucking posts? One moron(you perhaps) mentioned Kentucky so I corrected him. Also corrected them on Tn. Virginia is “barely” in the south, yet it is still the goddamn south. Embleer frith this post attracts too many yankee brainlets. Pissed off and phone posting from the stoop of their pre war, 5 flight walk up in little Mogadishu

>> No.12507714

Poe is from the South. King is shit. Lovecraft is based, but the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.12507716

The vast majority of americas black population lives in the south. Now you know why all the white people own guns and why all the white souterners despise white yankees who preach about diversity but still like live in cities where you cross the tracks and you are on the "black side of town"

>> No.12507763

No you fucking yankee, you just think that because the culture of the American south has developed contrary to that of other American regions. The other anon is right. Leave the country for once.

>> No.12507944

You mentioned places in the South with "antebellum charm?" Then mentioned Old Louisville's architecture as an example of this when you didn't even put KY in your fucking list. The regions you did list are, IMO, mostly part of Appalachia which is culturally pretty different from whatever old South you imagine.

>> No.12508160

Yes, you should move to northern Florida though. South Florida is becoming too industrialized, you won’t get the full experience in a city

>> No.12508177

Northwest Florida*

>> No.12508194

Memphis is a godforsaken shithole. What are you trying to convince this man to do? Get shot at a Burger King? I remember being in Memphis once and seeing an old man get robbed for $5 and some change

>> No.12508218

Oxford, MS. Rowan Oak is the name of his house.

>> No.12508277

Thats because you have no reading comprehension, retard. The Appalachians run right through the South. They START in the South, brainlet. Trying to somehow seperate them is like saying it’s “gulf coast” culture.
Fucking morons, Frith’s sake.

>> No.12508284

>it's a slave state so it's in the South
I guess that means California is in the North right? Retard

>> No.12508291

I was talked into going to Graceland, once. Memphis, was an utter shambles to the point that the hotel beside Graceland was acted as almost a fort of civilization that kept out the wild natives. They overcharged for everything as they knew no one wanted to live this lonely isle of civilization.

>> No.12508298

Faulkner is swill for 130 iq balding twinks and paunch bellied alcoholic nitwit second sons in second rate MFA programs, Faulkner is the whiskey stained, ash scented malaise of the moistened, swampy Anglo-Irish half rewilded mutant race that Sherman should have laid low and offered up to the dead gods of the injun we have so foolishly incited against us. Faulkner is toilet paper and kindling, you people are animals to me, all southerners will always be nothing but beasts to be driven and counted by people with the sense to avoid rotten air and suffocating murk.

>> No.12508304

> literal bastions if confederate fighters
> it’s not the south!
I guess WV is the north, since they didn’t cede.
What a complete brainlet.

>> No.12508320

Kentucky and West Virginia are in the South but Missouri is undoubtedly a Midwestern state. Are you American? Because I've never heard anyone call Missouri the South and I've lived in the South all my life.

>> No.12508358

It has been called southern because it is. You’re either not southern or not educated on history. NO ONE in the times of the civil war called ANY place the “midwest.” That concept came much later.

>> No.12508370

Do you ever think that you're wrong? Serious question.

>> No.12508391

south are inbred niggers
New England is and has been the cultural and intellectual heart of America.

>> No.12508428

As someone who grew up in the South and now lives in New England, I love that both can be considered authentic American. I'd say New England has more well-known authors, but there's just something appealing about Southern literature. I love both though.

>> No.12508451

Oh no, he called me 130 iq, how will I ever recover?