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12502581 No.12502581 [Reply] [Original]

When you're describing the appearance, personality and tendencies of someone bad (serial killer, person with weird fetish, criminal, etc) are you really projecting your suppressed urges that are similar?

I've heard many times that "if you can understand the mind of a serial killer/bad person, you must be one", or how they're happy they can't understand their minds because that would mean they must have similar urges.

For example, IIRC, the FBI has consulted with convicted serial killers when building profiles of other killers on the loose (or just for future reference), and they have provided extremely successful intel. If someone is really good at describing or predicting the character of someone similar are they projecting similar but repressed) traits onto them?

>> No.12502600

>if you understand something, it means you agree with it

when will these meme die? It blocks inquiry and critical thought because either side of the political aisle is too scared to actually learn what the other side thinks outside of their own side's propaganda.

OP, just write what you like. Fuck what other people say. Just don't go around acting that shit out in real life on innocent people

>> No.12502617

If you write a female character, does that mean you are really projecting your suppressed urge to be female? Is George R. R. Martin transgender?

If you want to use shitty logical to make you feel edgy/different from the rest of the population, that's fine. But why do you have to come on this board and try and make us validate your obvious feelings of insecurity?

Chances are, you're not any different from any other mediocre idiot who thinks his writing is good.

>> No.12502628

>George R R Martin
>Convincing female characters.


>> No.12503402

I would say that the more logically sound a prediction is, the more likely a profiler has explored the desires and impulses of a suspect. But the more a profiler understands a desire, the easier it becomes to jump to conclusions. Some desires like rape are innate and so more likely to be repressed and sublimated into the same drive to protect sixteen year old girls from fifty year old men. The call to the RCMP is not far from the call to rape, and this is what keeps our girls safe until they are legally allowed to be spit roasted at a bbq with lots of the good Doc's cocaine. The entire set of rules around prostitution in this country is based on the innate male impulse to rape being sublimated by capital and is therefore not compliant with the charter of rights and freedoms, but we don't give a fuck about lower class young men anymore because of this innate feature of their nature. Every one of them needs to be more socialized or have their dick cut off, or both. Some we can manipulate by monitoring and coaxing, but you can only shame people so much in a society where everything is permissible. I feel bad for the new recruits who learn about sexual power relations and how that relates to economics, and then have to go out and do the dirt work of protecting chad's property.
evolutionary history, just so you know I'm not shitty you

>> No.12503504

I think there is a social stigma against empathising (not sympathising) with certain acts. I've been watching the Ted Bundy tapes and it's easy to see his actions as an extension of quite standard make feelings.

The irritation of being rejected by women you find attractive, the feeling of entitlement, the knowledge of your relative physical strength, the desire to distinguish yourself from other men. When you take away the mental restrains against these things, you get a Bundy.

I understand this, most men understand this and most men aren't serial killers, but you can't really admit it in public.