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12501924 No.12501924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>And it’s sad, really. He’s 24 and he STILL hasn’t started writing that novel

>> No.12501933

Im 24 and still a kissless virgin

>> No.12501980
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Same. Things really won't change from here. I just feel so sad inside. I come here because I have noone else in life, and these hostile strangers are something better than the silence of isolation. But I don't know, I don't know. I think I may become celibate, and adhere to a spiritual path. My little-boy complex is too strong. I won't grow out of it. I want to be a little boy forever. When I die, and continue my existence as an astral spirit, the first thing I will do is change my outward form to that of a young boy. I have read that spirits can change their appearance to whatever they wish, so that's exactly what I'll do first. From there, I don't know of what happens. But I don't think this life will serve anything for me. I just want to be a young boy forever. Think of Young Link. That's what I want to be. But no girl wants a boy. They need men. I will be loveless my whole life. I don't know. What do I do? I just want to be young again. To have what I once had. Those features of beauty I then wore, those days of sun I once saw...I only want the return of those.

>> No.12501992

I always did well in English class, almost got a perfect score on the English section of the ACT. However, when I try to write fiction (or write lyrics/poetry), it always comes across as cheesy and forced. What gives?

>> No.12502022

i remember being a 16 year old on the internet and laughing at some dude from some forum i frequented because he was 25 and hadn't been kissed.

now i'm 31 and i've never even held hands with a chick in a romantic way.

>> No.12502042
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>tfw 23
>tfw window closing on finishing debut novel

>> No.12502077

Reminder that Theodor Fontane didn't publish his first novel until he was 58.

>nearly 24 year old kissless virgin
>held hands with a girl once
Thanks for making me feel better about myself, anon.

>> No.12502089

Write/read more. No point in knowing the rules if can't use them in the right context.

>> No.12502165

I just feel like whenever I try to write about how I feel, there have been plenty of other authors/lyricists who explain it better than I ever could.

>> No.12502187

Laurence Sterne didn't start writing until 46

>> No.12502188

That's normal. You just need to realise that you can never reach perfection, your brain will always find ways to find fault in your work. The best to do is to just keep writing.

>> No.12502249

In the vision of my perfect world people are forbidden from writing more than one novel. More than that is unnecessary, and it breeds meaningless proliferation of verbal incontinence. A novel, the novel, should be a statement of your life, not just "hey I had this neat idea, please dedicate 20 hours of your life to indulge my fleeting fantasy". It's a fact that 99% of all written sentences could be done without.

>> No.12502280

Nice but can they edit the one they put out, let's say, 20 years later when they've felt they've changed considerably?

>> No.12502301

This is the most pseud post I've seen in a while, I am impressed.

>> No.12502322

There’s something satanic about that. I mean you LAUGHED at it, you of all people should have held a hand at least.

The problem is the women not you. A woman should see this need and find you, and even do something with you out of pity.

>> No.12502515

Oh man this show was so fun, fucking archetypal aughts comedy and low budget to boot.
I'm gonna go watch some of it. Thanks OP.

>> No.12502531


As in the letter ‘o’.

Not aughts. Wtf

>> No.12502661

ought = owed
aught = zero

>> No.12502696

Aww, poor thing, come here for a hug :(

>> No.12502745

But you are that little boy. Nobody will take that away from you.

>> No.12502764

Holy shit this is my exact problem. It's not that I'm ugly but that I look and act like a boy that makes me unattractive to women.

>> No.12502962

My plan is that I'm losing weight, and I'm going to force myself to socialize by going to online meetups and hopefully meet at least one person I can be friends with.
That, or make a Facebook account and try to find my old school friends and hope one of them will take me back.

I just hope I can do it, no matter how awkward and degrading it seems begging for friendship. If I don't do this I'll never be happy.

>> No.12503003

>the problem is women not you

Let's stop dwelling on self-pity and start focusing on reality, I'm not in a different situation and I'm perfectly aware of my own inadequacies.

>> No.12503008

I got this way because I didn't find a job after school. I spent years uneployed, got really fat, and was too ashamed of myself to see any of my friends. So I've built this bubble of solitude around myself that, even now I've been working for several years, is still unbroken.
The thing is, I don't know how to escape that bubble. I feel like I don't have any lifelines, any way out.

>> No.12503111

Keep jerking off to little boys. I'm sure that'll help.