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File: 13 KB, 328x499, TheFoundationforExploration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12500083 No.12500083 [Reply] [Original]

*solves philosophy*

>> No.12500129

based, thanks goonan

>> No.12500248

when is goonan going to get the recognition he deserves?

>> No.12500345

He's humanity's only hope.

>> No.12501078

Everyone must read this book. It contains vital guidance for the species.

>> No.12501703


>> No.12501748


>> No.12502618


same fucking poster. what a pathetic wreck.

jesus fucking christ gtfo with your self-published babel you dumb motherfucker

i am truly embarrassed for you

>> No.12502652


go away

>> No.12502660


no one with any intelligence will ever respect you. you are the laughing stalk of anyone who's IQ is above 100.

truly, man, if you had any self awareness whatsoever, if you had even a modicum of the intelligence you're trying to sell, you would realize how transparent and dumb and hopeless your stupid fucking project is. no one will ever care about your desperate attempts for a tiny bit of recognition.

>> No.12502677

This book has a great essence to it. Only losers who will never dare to create their own philosophy get salty about it.

>> No.12502679 [DELETED] 

Goonan is a genius. I bought 10 copies of "The foundation for exploration" and gave them to my friends. He is that good.


>> No.12502686


>> No.12502692

quick rundown?

>> No.12502695

An autistic shitposter samefagging his edgy book.

>> No.12502702


like who the fuck even think other people talk and try to sell shit like this? do you know how fucking retarded you sound/look?

jesus man just stop, please just stop, this is too tragic

>> No.12502705

It covers a lot of things that are looked over in todays paradigm in academia. As a recent college grad it is good to see someone stick their neck out and write about the way things are in the real world with REAL people.

>> No.12502710

Name another person from our generation who has attempted to publish genuine and original philosophical work. Goonan is a modernisation of fundamental concepts that are lost to most people our age.

>> No.12502720


you think "destruction" vs. "building" is that fucking original, you goddamn ape?

i don't respect or even like the guy, but here's just a random example of someone who is doing the EXACT same thing as you, except, you know, better and with a chaired position at upenn:
en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Martin_Seligman

they really don't come more ignorant or dumber than you. your ideas are hopelessly unoriginal, and probably have been since aristotle.

from someone actually in academia, it is exactly people like you that we make it our job to invalidate and forever keep out. you are no visionary: you are the fucking quack of our age, as you would have been in any other.

gtfo you fucking piece of shit

>> No.12502725


blah blah blah we need more WONDER and HAPPINESS and FARMING FUCK YEAH

hahahaha your ideas are pathetic man

>> No.12502733

Just kill yourself, schizo-op. Even namefags don't annoy me as much as your pitiful shilling of your garbage book.

>> No.12502734

Creation and destruction is literally the essence of life and thus of Godlike beings that walk the earth. If the simple understanding of that was widespread then we would suffer very little problems

>> No.12502736


dude chill

his ideas are so good he's going to REBUILD SOCIETY for us with his idea of the DUAL NATURE of man

remember: you can choose to DESTROY through things like HATE or you can choose to BUILD through things like WONDER. hence our duality!!!!!!!!!!

this is what he considers original. he's gonna save us all.

>> No.12502740


>simple understanding

i couldnt agree more. you say absolutely nothing that every single person has already thought about on some basic level.

your ideas are exactly what you admit: simple. nothing more. it's like watching a 13 year old come to some obvious existential revelation. but you're like 25 or some bullshit; wayyyyyyy to old for these pathetically juvenile observations. you lack depth and sophistication and rigor and any and all understanding of historical precedent.

now YOU tell ME: how is your book original, or academic? why would someone educated ever read your smut?

>> No.12502741

It’s literally that simple though. I bet you read the gospel and question the word of Christ because you lack the eyes and ears.

>> No.12502743

It’s always much more simple than we imagine

>> No.12502751 [DELETED] 

OK I don't get it. What do you people want? What has Goonan done wrong? All he wants is to present concepts that are actually applicable to the real world. People like you who are trying to bring down people like the author are despicable. All these people in the thread have read this book and have gotten a lot from it, so STOP being so close-minded and rejecting anyone who isn't part of academia. The author has put a considerable amount of effort, time, and thought into this book. So stop criticizing something you haven't read.

>> No.12502755 [DELETED] 

not funny

>> No.12502756


see this is what i mean. this is poetic dribble and no one will take you seriously. you truly do have a simple mind--too simple even for the type of simplicity you are trying to invoke

that's just to say: we all know that you are terribly, terribly dumb, and all your actions and words just sediment that. for some reason you don't understand this and just keep doubling-down. i'd say that there is something clinically off about you, most likely something approximating the dunning-kreuger effect.

your lack of self-awareness is truly worrying.

>> No.12502759 [DELETED] 


>> No.12502763


"i have opinnnnioonnnnnnsssss so readddddd meeeee"


prove to me why i would ever, ever read you after this thread

seriously man ima about to rain a fucking hailstorm of negative reviews on your goddamn amazon page. ima call out your bullshit, copying images to show how you spam-market it on 4chan. already saved this thread. i swear to you that i will have amazon remove it. that is, unless you prove to me otherwise.

you fucktard, this world is already full of bullshit. you just add to the mess.

>> No.12502771

I don't know if you're that naive or just another samefag-post made by op, but there's no people who found this book helpful. This is not the first thread, this is not the last. It's full of posts made by the author praising himself in the same old fashion, and people calling him out.

>> No.12502772


first review is up. more to come.

you really fucked up man.

>> No.12502790

hahaha you're already backtracking and deleting your posts?

go to bed, sean goonan. go to bed and do not come back to this board.

your name will become synonymous with meme-level stupidity. you shall see. you truly fucked yourself in the ass with this one, bud.

>> No.12502802

Keep up the good work, Sean.
Big fan of your work.

>> No.12502803


prove to us your originality, sean. prove to us you have even a single worthwhile idea.

>> No.12502826

I saw that deleted post, he replied to like 7 people. post it!

>> No.12502831

from the archive:
"OK I don't get it. What do you people want? What has Goonan done wrong? All he wants is to present concepts that are actually applicable to the real world. People like you who are trying to bring down people like the author are despicable. All these people in the thread have read this book and have gotten a lot from it, so STOP being so close-minded and rejecting anyone who isn't part of academia. The author has put a considerable amount of effort, time, and thought into this book. So stop criticizing something you haven't read."

>> No.12502837

I'm Sean Goonan. This thread has become a little off track but I'd like to discuss my book. I concentrate on the idea of human duality--particularly, that there is a right and wrong way to live, and people have access to that knowledge--and how to build sustainable societies from that basic assumption.

Please feel free to ask me anything.

>> No.12502846

here's a good example of Goonan's attempts from 2 years ago:

warosu . org/lit/thread/9664520

i cannot believe you've been doing this for YEARS


>> No.12502856


"The large percentage of men are constantly bombarded with sexual women, but are denied access to sex or choose to withdraw from
pursuing sex with animalistic/hedonistic women that pursue casual sex. The denial or lack of sex creates wrath and depression. In
order to be happy and in order to retain a healthy level of animalistic nature, men need a sexual outlet, but if there are no women
that want to be in relationships the man's only choices are to experience a sexual outlet by becoming highly animalistic and pursuing
casual sex, rape, or relinquishing power and animalistic nature through masturbation. Even though masturbation is a sexual outlet, it
is an unhealthy one that only weakens the man and makes him more frustrated and unsatisfied."

--the venerable sean goonan

>> No.12502862

>>12502856"Society is full of individuals that interact with one another. Each of these individuals must have a degree of autonomy and
individual power in order to be on the path of building, but as one individual gains more power, others may lose it, and can fall
into destructiveness through wrath and especially despair. Society provides guidelines for social interactions and the allocation of power."

--the insightful sean goonan

>> No.12502865

When will you fuck of off this board?

>> No.12502867


"When life becomes too serious the individual begins to become destructive because a mundane life full of pressure is not worth
living. When things get too serious the person starts to worry, may become depressed, and will suffer. The seriousness may be a
sense of pressure, but it may also involve a life that is not interesting whatsoever. Something that is uninteresting may involve
pressure along with being dull as well. Uninteresting implies a lack of any stimuli. Humor alleviates this sense of pressure and
makes things interesting. Humor implies something occurring out of normalness."

beep beep original sean goonan insights coming through

>> No.12502875

"One must have determination in life and a determination to be on the path of building."

so true, sean goonan. so fucking true.

get this man the goddamn nobel. we can finally stop holding our breath: OUR MESSIAH HAS ARRIVED

>> No.12502878

it's--wait for it--the SECRET!!!!!!!!!!

"You will face immense suffering, adversity, and absurdity, which are all forms of powerlessness, on your journey. If you do not
face these challenges with an unwavering courage, they will destroy you."


oh wait yes i could because i'm not a braindead fucking toddler

>> No.12502881

sean goonan's only 4chan reviewer:

"Goonan you truly have no shame do you? I would have thought that after debasing yourself in the last thread for sympathy purchases and even the slightest hint of attention, you would at least keep up the act, instead of resorting back to your usual mendacious hortatory. You're like a muck covered beggar-boy, on his hands and knees week after week, rattling his cup for change. Your glorified pamphlet is neither worth the $3 you're asking for it, nor the paper it is printed on, nor the time it would take to read it, nor even the synaptic connections required to remember it's name. In the face unanimous derision most have the good sense to either reflect on their pretensions or make themselves scarce."

is this the result you wanted, sean? total and abject embarrassment?

>> No.12502890

Goonan's past attempts:


jesus christ you really do have a history don't you? do they come more pleb than you?

>> No.12502904

here's goonan trying to sell his book under another pseudonym on another website almost a year ago:

onlinephilosophyclub . com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=15326

sean there is something truly wrong with you. i dunno man i'm not longer joking. watching this sort of behavior add up is truly concerning.

at first i was like "ha ha let's make fun of this fucking fool" but seriously man--watching this stuff go back years? watching you trying to desperately plug your book by pretending to be someone else, a book so horrendously shallow that it's not even worth a free download?

sean you need to step back from all this. this is the kinda thing that really is the basis of delusional human action. i'm dead serious bro: you seem like the kind of person that will eventually hurt themselves or others. i implore you to seek some help.

>> No.12502937

I was skeptical but after reading This (((academician))) going on and on on the necessita of keeping people out of his ivory tower, I too shall buy and read "the fundation of exploration" and spam it to my friends!
Ps: eat shit forever and die.

>> No.12502966

is this Sean or someone making fun of Sean?

>> No.12503532

Cherrypicking brief passages doesn't work in explaining what it's about. You have to read every line of every page to understand the big picture.

>> No.12503542

>48 replies
>13 posters
This is just sad.

>> No.12503544

It's the same asshole who hasn't read the book that tries to disrupt every Goonan thread because he is insecure.

>> No.12503547

Fuck off sean

>> No.12503603

classic thread

>> No.12503677

surely you must admire his tenacity anon, perhaps you are seeing through the green eyes of envy?

>> No.12503717

Do you believe in a priori idea of good?

>> No.12503735

why arent you icycalm at least he is legit better than me at certain things

>> No.12503839

Icycalm is fun at least.

>> No.12504123
File: 23 KB, 710x166, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based "recent college grad" amazon copypasta found in literally every samefag Goonan thread

>> No.12504129


goonan has real problems.

its fascinating watching someone trying to promote their ideas only to truly become synonymous with shitposting.

im not sure that was the fame he wanted. and yet, he continues...

>> No.12504146

No, this is his real philosophy. His shitposting I mean. He's constructing this as a test for the sake of his actual goals, surely.

>> No.12504921

I didn't see the word "good" used once in the text. He says people have the choice to be either destructive or constructive. There is no objective choice that is better, only choices that are better fro creating a better existence if one chooses life rather than being destructive towards it.

>> No.12504951


>> No.12505026

You all sound like insecure 13 year olds. This is a serious, revolutionary philosophy.

>> No.12505169

t. Icycalm

>> No.12505489


no. no, it really isnt.

>> No.12505515
File: 20 KB, 575x356, wpn8q7toizuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP
>mfw not goonan
>mfw single handedly ruining this guys reputation because retards here would rather destructively shitpost than read the free pdf and increase their quality of life

>> No.12505516

What are your top 3-10 books that you feel are the greatest?

>> No.12505540


>> No.12505543

you wont get an answer off these mindless retards. I honestly dont know why they enter the thread

>> No.12505633

Go to bed, Goonan.

>> No.12505652


plato--the republic
schiller--the aesthetic education of man
wittgenstein- on certainty

and you, goonan? apart from your own retarded work, what are your top 3 academic influences?

>> No.12505791

dude it's so obvious you're sameposting and shilling

>> No.12505833

not how it works sean. icycalm is dead im pretty sure.

>> No.12505860

i wonder what goonan thinks if he ever reads these threads kek

>> No.12505871

Sean are you going to come to the next Boston /lit/ meetup?

>> No.12505885



>> No.12506614

>plato--the republic
Holy shit I'm so blown away!
>Schiller--the aesthetic education of man
WOW, you are so cultured!
>Wittgenstein- on certainty
Didn't say a single thing worth knowing.

>> No.12506635
File: 174 KB, 750x747, 1546624692790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12506642

based. sean BTFO

>> No.12506911

لا مسيو لا مستر
الله بلسما و علي الٱرض حتلر

الله اكبر

>> No.12507311 [DELETED] 
File: 638 KB, 691x855, 1493334584550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threatened to beat his ass in DC when he was posting about a book tour. He never showed up.

>> No.12508721


>> No.12509626

I want to get to the bottom of what this book is about. Can someone explain because so far I have no idea.