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12499785 No.12499785 [Reply] [Original]

how did we get here? I mean posting stuff on 4chan.
big bang, expanding universe, evolution...
our world is just constantly changing matter, right?
and it's changing in patterns.
but where are these patterns coming from?
is there a fundamental pattern and all the other ones are emerging from that one?

I posted this in /sci/ as well, but I got only one answer:
> /sci/ is not a philosophy board and you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.12499811

Get the fuck back to retarddit, underage b&

>> No.12500190

so it's a real mystery I guess

>> No.12500202


>> No.12500205

We don't care we just read shitty books by drug abusers to fit in.

>> No.12500413

It feels like people just hate me on 4chan...

>> No.12500423

This is 4channel.org and here on 4channel we are tolerant and supportive and we all love you very much <3

>> No.12500431

fuck you go kys you're are own an hero self

>> No.12501066

Ive recently found out about "Emergentism", which contrasts the idea of reductionism. Im just wading in but looks promising

>> No.12501115

OP, it's called the anthropic principle. Now LEAVE.

>> No.12501172
File: 11 KB, 182x277, Process and Reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this.

>> No.12501189

good thread OP, i'm sure there are anons who could shed light on some of these matters. i'm too dumb for it

>> No.12501197

fuck off OP

>> No.12501202

i'm not the OP

>> No.12501208

>posters: 6

>> No.12501990

How did we get here? You are right, the world/reality is constantly in flux. It is changing, nothing is permanent. But, what is causality? How do you know causality even exists? When you flick the light switch and see the light comes on, do you see the causal processes that are going on? Can you witness and see each little thing makes A become B? I would say, no, you can't. You might try, but you'll just keep identifying/measuring more and more points/events that represent change. Think about Riemann sums and what they are used for: they are used to approximate a point on a curved line. To get a more and more accurate approximation, you use smaller and smaller Riemann squares. But will you actually find the exact numerically identical point? No. This is the "folly" of human beings, we can only see things in a kind of binary. The entirety of science/knowledge/whatever is merely experimentation of seeing what happens after we do something. I put my hand in the fire, I feel pain. But what is that thing that causes the pain? Oh its your neurons shooting signals to your brain. But what are those neurons, what are those signals? The point being is that we have a very limited perception of causality and pattern recognition.

So, back to your question, how did we get here, posting stuff on 4chan. To figure that out you would have to go back to the beginning of time. Don't believe me? Try to trace back every step, every decision you made the led you to posting on 4chan. Ok, I guess thats how you came to 4chan. But, what would happen if your parents didnt give birth to you? Well you wouldnt be born and wouldnt be on 4chan. This kind of realization usually have people make the Determinism claim, that we lack free will, that everything is fate. There is some truth to that, but how do we know what is going to happen is going to happen? We dont. Our perception limits us to only the here and now, but our minds can plan for the future and reflect on the past. But the fact is you can only plan for the future so much. There is not enough data in the world to tell you 100% what is going to happen if you do some action - even if every time you do that action the same result happens.

The pattern is a circle. The pattern is 0 and 1. I hope that helps you wring your brain until you make a realization!

>> No.12502004

Go to bed Alex

>> No.12502027

Here, I'll share some speculations. You are ultimately pure consciousness, but presently identify as a human-being, and not merely a "human being", but specifically Jack Williams or whatever your name is. Your purpose in this life is whatever your soul's destiny is meant for, which is different for everyone. For some it is worldly, involving a career they were made to excel at. For others, it will have greater relation to the transcendent, involving spiritual realization, of which the highest level is when the individual-ego is completely dissolved and one realizes oneself to have always been everything. After this, as I believe and understand, you will not be reborn again. At least not as a human. This reality, though it looks much larger than you, is only a dream of yours, of which your consciousness is playing all parts. This does not mean you are puppeteering it, no, your control extends only to yourself, and nothing other. But it means that everything you know of you is really yourself in disguise, and the eventual purpose of life, be it this or one of future, is to realize this, and thereby released from it. Please don't buy into these modern memes of the "uncaring universe", recognize yourself to be the very universe you're speaking of.

>> No.12502035

Also you're not dumb, but awesome.

>> No.12503520

OP here, thanks for the answers!

How do you explain the connection between your brain and your consciousness?
I mean isn't consciousness just a product of the brain?

>> No.12504074


(not OP)

Try to pin down a definition of consciousness. Are you sure the brain produces it? Or is the brain building a story that points to some ongoing process.

>> No.12504230

There is absolutely no causal relation between the brain and consciousness, the latter simply synonym for "knowing" or "awareness" or so on. One's brain state can demonstrate a link between one's state of consciousness (hence, the brain's state when the subject is dreaming has relation to the brain can demonstrate when its corresponding subject is dreaming), but the brain is not "producing" consciousness in any manner. We are not merely these physical bodies which you see, rather, we contain numerous other "bodies", which exist at frequencies faster than this densest, slowest-vibrating physical body. Meditators who have stilled themselves enough in a session, will enter a period now wherein they feel vibrational spasms throughout their bodies. If they can keep going, they can experience what is called "astral travel", wherein one's astral body leaves one's physical one. This astral body, and the other bodies (such as the etheric, which is what has been seen as "ghosts"), are a carbon-copy of the physical body, or rather the physical is one of them, and therefore contain all the same exterior organs as we presently do physically - eyes, ears, nose, taste, etc. You might not believe this, and that's fine, but speaking plainly to you I can tell you that one of these inner eyes has awakened in me, and I somehow now have the ability to perceive higher frequencies of light around me, since perception=vibration, and while the physical organs perceive phenomena corresponding to their vibration, so do the internal, faster-vibrating organs do theirs. Our reality is not what you think it is, containing merely these dense objects you see around you - we are in reality always surrounded by beings existing of higher frequencies, which I've begun to faintly see now. Those who have taken substances like DMT, which the brain produces, have seen these creatures.

Humans are not the final product of nature, we exist along a spectrum of species, of which all have the same Divine Intellect but different in volumes. While the worms and all animals have less than we do, so are we well-behind these higher, celestial creatures which I've referenced. Though we are human today, in some future life of yours you may be take birth as one of these higher beings, just as you may have been animals in the past.

Don't take these words for truth automatically of course, look up the buzzwords which you find in this post and see what other resources have to corroborate on the subject, and use your own judgement on the validity of what is said. Take up meditation and similar practises as well, to see if you can directly experience the realities mentioned herein. Say, the vibrating body which leads to astral travel. (1/2)

>> No.12504242

Determine what you desire to do in this life, OP. What your soul's purpose is in this present incarnation. Stay away from materialist narratives, whose proponents commit cosmic errors of reasoning and most motions from are done merely to preserve their prevailing hegemony over the world-narratives. But knowledge is out there, friend. Go seek it, without biased eyes. Above all, find peace and love in your life, be good to all other beings you see, and do your best to make the most of this current incarnation. Take care fren. (2/2)