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/lit/ - Literature

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12492125 No.12492125 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12492130

I'm an atheist. Please forgive me.

>> No.12492133

I haven't got dubs in months

>> No.12492135


>> No.12492142

Thank you Jesus

>> No.12492146

Me neither, bro.

>> No.12492156
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>read the classics of literature
>still don't know when to use 'that' or 'which'

>> No.12492161

Okay, I'm converting

>> No.12492178

i look exactly like this picture

also my phd dissertation is supposed to be done in six months and i secretly haven't started and have just been bullshitting my advisor really well and showing him draft things that are actually just someone else's thesis translated from another language

>> No.12492183

You can still do it bro, one page a day

>> No.12492189

Which is for people, that is for people and objects.

>> No.12492193

do you think so? I feel like I'm so far into this charade that I might end up literally fleeing the country instead of presenting, even though I could probably just tell them I need more time. I would rather drop out of grad school than admit my current state. Is it actually possible to finish on time? Please reassure me bro

>> No.12492197

I own seven copies of the Odyssey because Thriftbooks kept sending me copies with excessive writing/highlighting or the wrong ISBN

>> No.12492198

>that is for people and objects
What is the rule to distinguish between people and objects, isn't this ambiguous when you can use which instead?

t. Grammarlet

>> No.12492211

You can use which exclusively on people, but that on either. If someone uses that, you can't tell the difference between person and object without context, but since which is already for people most of the time that is used for objects.

>> No.12492218

I am too paranoid of posting my serious work in critique threads for fear of them being stolen.
I also have several ideas for interesting stories but always put off putting pen to the paper.

>> No.12492220

Of course, nothing stops you from using that for people. English is not as precise as a native would imagine.

>> No.12492222

Thanks! If I may ask, if it's this easy, why do a lot of people get confused?

>> No.12492228
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i feel you

>> No.12492238

Is English your native language?
Native people have surprising difficulties with simple stuff, this is true for every language. Look for example there/their/they're. And if you're not native, then it is most likely due to never having it explained.

>> No.12492253

Write a page a day about anything you like, if you write one page, it won't feel like you're cucking too heavily into a pipe dream. Store it somewhere, and then go back to it, or do something else the next day. You'll have a back catalogue of ideas to either elaborate on or combine. At that point you might feel like you have a strong enough idea to commit to it.

>> No.12492264

Native language. I don't have an issue with their/there/they're, but I do find myself confronted with gaps in my grammar knowledge quite frequently when I think over things that seemingly come natural.

>> No.12492284

And what if I'm into pomoism?

>> No.12492285

When you learn a foreign language, you start with the simplest stuff and remember every small rule.
When you learn your own language, you skip the little things thinking "eh I know this shit". Most of the time you don't even know rules but like you said, you "feel" the language and what makes sense.

>> No.12492293

thanks lad, I might start today if I get my work done.

>> No.12492295

What's pomoism? I tried googling it, just got some hashtags.

>> No.12492314

I have an anecdote. I am learning a foreign language, and asked a native speaker to explain a grammar point to me. It took her a good five minutes to put the meaning into words, even though she uses it all the time and it turned out to be relatively simple.

>> No.12492319


>> No.12492338

The novel that I'm working on doesn't have any deep meaning, its main emphasis is just tracing the transformation of the characters

>> No.12492349
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i dropped The Setting Sun halfway and skipped to the last chapter.

Dazai is a genius, i felt nothing while reading this book!

>> No.12492358

I love Christ but despise the clergy.

>> No.12492621

How long does it need to be?
2 pages a day= 360 pages if you start now

>> No.12492640

I hope I get killed by a car or something.

I find myself in the strange condition of wanting to die but I don't want to commit suicide.

>> No.12492647

i didn't really think about this. That would be probably be almost enough. I will try to divide the work into numbers like that, thank you so much

>> No.12492667
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>which is for people

>> No.12492670

im one of those fags who identify as the underground man

>> No.12492845

I've felt the same way. You don't want to live any more, but you don't want the violence of suicide, right?

>> No.12492868

I just fucked up a job interview because of my autism

>> No.12492938

I still don't understand English articles very well.

>> No.12492987

I only go to this board for writing threads and have very little interest and in most non fiction

>> No.12492998

for years I thought Cervantes was "Sir Vantes"

>> No.12493095

And I think it will also make some people unhappy. My cousin killed himself a year ago. Everyone seemed very much affected by it (except me). I wouldn't feel entirely delighted if I make people go through that again.

>> No.12493135

god speed

>> No.12493243

Some were simply not born to be dubbed, anon.

>> No.12493512
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Ever since certain September day, worst and the best moment of my existence within it, I've been haunted by slam specters. Even though I'm well aware, as much as one could ever need to be, that a journey of thousand jams begins with a single slam, I...
I am not here.

>> No.12493594

I'm ready to kill myself but I'm afraid I might mess it up and go vegetable

>> No.12493616

i wish i had studied STEM and made my parents proud and my bank account less depressing.

>> No.12494484

unlike me

>> No.12494534

The "he knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it" line applies to me 100%

>> No.12494544
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>> No.12494556

took the Evola pill and can't follow any coherent thought (Revolt Against the Modern World). He jumps from one reference to another and it feels so sporadic that i get board and stop reading. I haven't felt like this since i learned Spanish and read Borges. (spanish major in college)

>> No.12494565

*bored fuck me

>> No.12494616

I have constantly started and stopped books throughout the year. Only when my phone broke did I actually sit down and fucking read for any considerable length of time. Got 100 pages into Blood Meridian. Got 50 in Underworld. Now that it's back, I'm falling in the same pattern of pick up and put down, never finishing anything, never even trying. Do I break it on purpose this time? How do I break this cycle of addiction?

>> No.12494692
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I'm not a man to feel emotional about things online, but this has struck a nerve that i cannot come back form.
While i'm not from /pol/, i realize that i only use 4chan just to start arguments. I enjoy the (You), the squirming of someone who cannot debate back, the out of left field response that i now have to counter. But being called out on this sado-masochistic battle of wits has left me stunned. I honestly have never cared about anything we've talked about on this site. sure i like books and video games but i don't give a shit enough in real life to debate someone on their opinion, but here on 4chan i take the soap box and preach for a cause i have no horse in. this has lad me to examine my life further, and now i'm discovering the levels of fraud and the different masks i put on just to "fit in". I can't even tell who i am anymore, what do i stand for, who do i love, what do i hate? I can't answer these questions and this has left me in an existential limbo.

>> No.12494708

I'm the same when it comes to reading. For the love of God, create a schedule. Just a list where you say "Okay, I'll browse /lit/ for one hour, and then get a snack, and then spend the next hour watching youtube, and then after the last video, I'll read this book for 2 hours" and etc. Trust me, once you start putting your foot down things get better.

>> No.12494723

I'm sure you've already thought of this, but it's probably a good idea to take a break from the internet for a while.

>> No.12494735

Life is a simulation. These words, printed on feckless digital ink, and the forceful mandate of my being demanded this be written, so willed by that puppet-master unseen to twist the strings of my consciousness, for the clatter of keys and the style of prose. I see that now. That sentience is a hack dream, slash and cut, burned and prodded for it’s intricacies. An experiment of unethical practice, or the whims of a child given too much power. Nightmare void of refuse recluse, hidden in the cage, away from prying eyes, we filthy viruses indolently proclaim reality. The hopeless and meandering cult fantasy of a wakeless dreamer. I cannot feel it. My skin is like thin papyrus stretched out too thin. My mind is a rampart stormed by a thousand tiny sun warriors, each to make battle in the crevice of a brain-cold code droning dim of havoc manifold, the liquidation of individuality. I cannot continue. We must be deleted.

>> No.12495016
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hell yeah

>> No.12495030 [SPOILER] 
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I feel an overwhelming desire to copulate. Alas, there is a lack of a willing female in my vicinity and I do not wish to mate with beasts. However, my mind wonders, whether any woman of natural birth is suitable to rival the beauty exhumed by 2D?
Their eyes, golden and big, invite me to come hither. But what attracts the eyes are their forms: those goddesses of un-aging beauty, with unblemished skin as brown as coffee, bountiful breasts from which would pour the nectar of the Gods, slim arms and legs, ending in dainty delicate feet. But by far their most remarkable feature is their plump buttocks. Of the utmost aesthetic form, perfectly sculpted, enflames the fires of my lust. The imagination wanders, as visions of ancient times flood my mind's eye. They are deities of fertility and of carnal desire. I am their high priest and so must conduct the ritual, a tribute that can only be paid by participating in the pleasures of the flesh. As my mind indulges in this fantasy, my body aches. It cries for the sweet release that has been denied to me. And as I sit here and write, a dilemma strikes me: to fap or not to fap? That is the question.

>> No.12495099

at least 80% of the times I have jerked off in my life, it has been to futa hentai

>> No.12495556

I use commas to indicate pauses and not in the modern grammatical way.

>> No.12495816

I don't respect women

>> No.12495818

>getting worked by bugman maconionscuck

>> No.12496879

I read translated light novels and enjoy them

>> No.12496927

It's the other way around, retard.

>> No.12496943

I said the n-word yesterday

>> No.12496944

I am proud of you for how far you have already had to come, anon.

>> No.12496949

Nice dubs

>> No.12497046

Thats really shocking desu. I looked at 2 minutes of the video and had to quit. This guy was just spouting ideological overpolarized stereotypes to attack "conservatives".
People today are so riled up in their fight between left and right without seeing the bigger picture. Society has failed us and we are to afraid to confront the reality which is horrifying but the first necessary step towards an alternative that will actually turm out good for all humans

>> No.12497121

I want to read but am lazy and keep procrastinating. I also have a bad habit of needlessly spending money. I bought 10 books in two months but haven't read even a single one. Every morning wake thinking I want to start this particular book, but quickly change my mind to another book. I browse /lit/ for recommendations, but after the satisfaction of buying the book, I keep it aside, and then buy even more books. I feel like a pathetic idiot. The list of books I bought:
>The Myth of Sisyphus
>The stranger
>No country for old men
>Fight club
>American Psycho
>Letters from a stoic
>Mein Kampf
>The Art of War
>Crime and Punishment
>The Brothers Karamazov
Someone please choose a book for me, because my ape brain can't seem to stick to one choice.

>> No.12497125

Neither do I.

>> No.12497151

I don't understand this at all. Do you actually like reading or did this board just meme you into pretending you like it? You're wasting your money on books you don't know you'll enjoy.

>> No.12497156

‘The Stranger’, obviously. It’s short and easy, plus you have ‘Sisyphus’ to follow up once you’re done.

>> No.12497163

Also, I don’t think ‘Mein Kampf’ is beginner material. Start off with an easier politics book; maybe ‘The Republic’.

>> No.12497198

I do. I really do. I used to read a lot but had to stop(wasn't allowed to). I wanted to get back to it(after 6 years), that's the reason I started browsing /lit/, but the difference between what used to read and the kind of books recommended here is way too huge(not a Native English speaker, btw). Maybe I just just wanted to enjoy the idea of being smart, but am too afraid to pick a book because then I will realise how dumb I truly am.

>> No.12497216

Proof that God exists

>> No.12497227

just pick up a book and read it, learn discipline, it will take time but it's worth it

>> No.12497231

i dont like kurt vonegut

>> No.12497498

My OCD is getting worse and worse to the point where I want to kill myself.

>> No.12497578
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I read half of Stoner 4 years ago. I'm just finished it now.