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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.12491216

where is monthly reading anon? vote for next month's book already

>> No.12491245

Your shilling made damn sure I'll never ever touch that piece of shit.

>> No.12491247

he said he'll make the poll around the 3rd this time.
neck yourself immediately you fucking piece of dogshit shill cunt.

>> No.12491251
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im not him, i just can't think of anything right now for a title

>> No.12491368

Based edition

>> No.12491404

I just read the Foundation trilogy for the first time.

I'm pretty ignorant of SF on the whole - where can I go from here? Something a little more philosophical/theological would be great.

>> No.12491462

Childhood's End

>> No.12491506

Masters of rome is genuinely the best historical fiction I've ever read, not even the op OR the shill anon. But he should really take it elsewhere, if he's looking to get a reaction by spamming off topic he'd get a bigger reaction on /his/ anyways

>> No.12491517

Today I executed better than ever, for the first time I breathed through my bose from the start, and I kept calm and did it throughout. But I guess nervousness from it being a bit bigger than any before was too much cause I gagged worse than ever before, even if objectively it wasn't harder on my uvula than previous ones. It goes to show that just as much as expertise, confidence and mind over matter is important to get a job done.

>> No.12491549

Lord of Light

>> No.12491588
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Anyone else reading this gem?

>> No.12491714

The worst part about his shilling is that he can't or won't answer when you ask him what's so great about the book. I was genuinely interested and asked him a few times to describe what the book does well without using too many adjectives but all I got was *crickets*. That convinced me that he either hasn't read it or he has and is just memeing something terrible like the maas fag.

>> No.12491761

I agree with shill anon there, read it and find out for yourself you lazy cunt.

>> No.12491763

Not an answer for you but the next thing I read after Foundation was Legend by David Gemmell and I really enjoyed it.

>> No.12491770

You have one sentence to sell me on the series.

>> No.12491787

The main character farts fire.

>> No.12491791

Well it's extremely well researched, loads of characters with pretty cool and consistent motivations, language (at least in danish translation I read way back) forces you to familiarize yourself with new concepts.
It's a bit soapy though, I can see why guys might like it less

>> No.12491792
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Any science fiction books with a strong focus on ground-level soldiers? Infantry or Special Forces ideally. Post-Apocalypse or Space Age, I don't mind.

>> No.12491796

It’s the Masters of Rome of sci-fi.

>> No.12491802

The second book in Dread empires fall is all I know that was actually good quality.

>> No.12491816

Book of the New Sun

>> No.12491820 [DELETED] 


>> No.12491836

Thanks. Do I need to have read the first one or can I jump straight into it?

>> No.12491863
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Post your favorite book covers

>> No.12491882
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I believe BRANDON SANDERSON has a foot fetish. My reason for believing this is because I have a foot fetish so I pick up on things most humans do not. Take for instance the ever shitty House of Cards. Now, I do not like this show (House of Cards) but I did sit through 4 seasons of that crap hoping it would get better, and in that time I noticed numerous examples of blatant foot fan service. It is a good fetish to pander to because it occupies a gray area due to the lack of nudity, which is why its perfect for a guy like BRANDON SANDERSON. Reading Mistborn, I can't help but notice how many times we are reminded of Vin's cute bare footedness. She's barefoot on the roof, toes clutching the edge. She's barefoot on cobblestone, only to walk on marble. Vin walked to his bed BAREFOOT, making no sound. Of course the obvious explanation (for the mundane majority of men) is that Vin is a Mistborn -- a thief -- and strives to remain quiet. She has to make lots of sacrifices due to the magneto magic of BRANDON SANDERSON'S world, such as never wearing toe rings or anklets (unless they are wooden or something) but I do not believe this is the sole reason for the foot prose on display in these books. The author (BRANDON SANDERSON) has fueled my spirit with his depiction of Vin. I have a hard time getting through the pages when I keep seeing examples of her beautiful foot-based dexterity, yet its these very passages that push me further on. I see visions of Vin toying with Elend, giving her man a royal footjob that any king would crave with her expertly trained toes. I think about Vin embarrassed, painting her toe nails to match her dress while Zane watches from the window. I think about her wearing glass slippers to show off her new feminine toes at the balls! Oh what a sight to behold! I am not even on the third book so I can't begin to imagine how much footy goodness is still to come. Anyway, these are my reasons for suspecting BRANDON SANDERSON has a foot fetish.

>> No.12492064

Eh, you’d probably be fine.

>> No.12492074

Also keep in mind it’s not just about the ground forces, there’s space ship battles and shit too.

>> No.12492129

I'm reading The Bonehunters and could someone answer a few questions for me please? It's been a couple years since I've read Memories of Ice so I don't remember much.
>Why did Cotillion possess Apsalar?
>How did Karsa reject getting Crippled God'd yet still use the big-deal sword and all?
>Why is he carrying around Hound heads?
>How did Cotillion and Shadowthrone Ascend?
>Why was Sha'ik and the Apocalypse a big deal?

>> No.12492147

post some youtube links of his lessons

>> No.12492153

I want a footjob where she squeezes my dick with her heels when I cum

>> No.12492168

>Childhood's End
>Stranger In A Strange Land

then move onto other staple introductions to SF

> I Robot
> Rendezvous With Rama
> Enders Game
> Neuromancer

>> No.12492270
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Wolfe has some greats desu

>> No.12492290
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>> No.12492423
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>> No.12492424
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>> No.12492440
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I love Baen :3

>> No.12492491

is this too similar to The Magicians/Name of the Wind?

>guy who grew up on harry potter enrolls in a wizard college
>proceeds to get crushed by every terror america's education system has to offer
>forced to deal Adderall to pay tuition and find a familiar to pass his classes
>life spirals out of control, forcing him to make worse and worse choices breaking bad style, resulting in him becoming an infamous warlock

>> No.12492498

Who is cuter, throne of glass anon or Masters of Rome anon?

>> No.12492513

No not really.
Will there be a school shooting?

>> No.12492525

How shit and completely inaccurate is this shit? You sci fi and fantasy plebs are the worst sort of scum

>> No.12492536

only if hes actually does genuinely evil things.
im tired of anti-heros or "misunderstood" badguys.
i want someone who sets toddlers on fire only to snort cocaine of succubuss asses on their corpses. now thats a fucking wizard.

>> No.12492538

>I want something philosophical and deep in a shitty sci fi genre
You can always just drink bleach and rid the world of your low iq mouth breathing, just saying

>> No.12492541

Gaunt's Ghosts series. It's 40k though, which some people are allergic to.

>> No.12492542

>i want someone who sets toddlers on fire only to snort cocaine of succubuss asses on their corpses.
You're retarded. How is that an interesting character at all?

>> No.12492553

>extremely well researched
Give me 5 instances of historical accuracy from the top of your head. This drivel is about as well researched as science has come to discovering you’re the missing link you inbred

>> No.12492559

come on. dont tell me you are not sick and tired of the same fucking shit in every story like this. i really want a bad guy for once. someone who doesnt give a fuck and doesnt have silly motivations that justify his behavior. i just want an evil guy story for once.

>> No.12492562

intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.12492573

What? I could name 5 instances of historical accuracy in fucking ANY book. How would that prove anything? Have you read the books?

>> No.12492574
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>> No.12492576

>evil guy with no motivation
He's right, that does sound like a shitty excuse for a character. Sounds like you think being different is automatically good.

>> No.12492582

Why? That just sounds edgy and pointless. Besides I bet there are tons of examples of 14 year old anti social jap boys writing ln's like that.

>> No.12492595
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>> No.12492614
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Are there any Western fantasy books that follow the 'wu xia' template of supra-normal training to achieve superhuman (martial) abilities?

>> No.12492625

Imagine how fuckibg bad a book would be if you tried writing a book off premises like this. Do you think the other books start off like "I'm gonna make a character that's SO BENEVOLENT, just going around petting dogs and giving to charity without some silly excuses to why he's so virtuous" what a good book, super interesting.

>> No.12492628
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>> No.12492635

Mother of learning

>> No.12492636

Yes, Stormlight Archive. They have to level up and train and shit.

>> No.12492652

I watched all of his lessons and I don't even write or read Sanderson

>> No.12492663

it's a gradual decline. think breaking bad

>> No.12492678

honestly, i hadn't considered it since its more of a highscool thing but it seems like it could work. the question is whether he's the shooter, or whether he's the reason for the shooter

>> No.12492684
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It could work as dark comedy.

>> No.12492686

You actually wanted a logical well thought out plan from someone who is the literal embodiment of insanity?

>> No.12492689

>dark comedy
its not particularly special but it is fairly amusing and entertaining.

>> No.12492720

He looks like a poof but his books are the least SJW-y/incel out of all the big contemporary fantasy authors (GRRM, Rothfuss and Lynch).

>> No.12492727

Because they have little actual politics and it's mostly just anime swordfights. But the way his characters talk is how every SJW talks, basically.

>> No.12492733
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Seething gaul

>> No.12492750

>anime swordfights
Is all of Brandon Sanderson just mormon anime?
Also, is the first Mistborn trilogy good?

>> No.12492755

Nothing of Sanderson is good.

>> No.12492758

Oathbringer had the fewest fights though, it was practically just Dalinar and his schemes.

>> No.12492767

Don't ask /lit/ about anything except dry old books and nonfic crap
unironically go to Reddit or something, you'll get better feedback there.

>> No.12492770

Why is sff such a sausage fest? Any with some cute and charismatic girls (actual girls, not the STRONG WOMAN type).

>> No.12492777
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Pic related, or Throne of Glass unironically.

>> No.12492794

>(actual girls, not the STRONG WOMAN type)
Have you seen this part? Sword + arrogant pose with a frown doesn't look very promising.

>> No.12492809

Don't worry, she's an actual girl.

>> No.12492812

;) https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/6rwl2h/female_lead_characters_that_dont_break_gender/

>> No.12492813

it would just be pointless edginess that only 12 year olds and /pol/ could enjoy

>> No.12492822

>1 year ago
Why did you have this on hand, reddit overlord?

>> No.12492842

Why not?

>> No.12492999

Stars My Destination
More Than Human
Nova by Delany

>> No.12493002

Isn't r/fantasy just self-promotion?

>> No.12493009

The writer is a Pawg Milf

>> No.12493011

I wouldn't know
all I know is at least they enjoy reading books unlike the fags here who are too stuck up to have fun reading.

>> No.12493012

Is there a non-retarded group of pacifists in any fantasy book?

>> No.12493069

>Those Kzin just don't know when they're Licked...
How can Baen be so based?

>> No.12493070
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which is your favorite /lit/? For me, it's MoI

>> No.12493087

Legion of the Damned by William Dietz

>> No.12493117

>Don't ask /lit/ about anything except dry old books and nonfic crap
Wtf i love /lit/ now?!

>> No.12493119

Fantasy book(s) with the most interesting setting?

>> No.12493168

Time to reread some old fantasy books
should I toast some bread with cheese slices and sauce in them? Topped with chilli flakes for max comfy?

>> No.12493180

What's City of Stairs like?

>> No.12493214
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>> No.12493221


>> No.12493255

Stormlight Archive.

>> No.12493274

Literally Starship Troopers

>> No.12493483

Do you mean a fucking grilled cheese you mongoloid?

>> No.12493489

So you’re telling me you’re a seething pleb who can’t even defend his claim that his shit books is “meticulously researched?” Christ you’re pathetic

>> No.12493494

Old Man's War
Forever War

>> No.12493509
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That just makes me want to see porn of her getting railed. Not read her books.

>> No.12493559

Lord of the Rings
Stormlight Archives
Elric series (The Eternal champion as a whole, but Elric is best)
Malazan Book of the Fallen

>> No.12493571

I'm about to buy the hardbacks of Mistborn just because the hardback covers are so good. Please stop me since the trilogy in paperback is the same price as one hardback.

>> No.12493650
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please respond

>> No.12493707

Im having a hard time getting into toll the hounds.What do i do?

>> No.12493801
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Can you folks recommend some sci-fi akin to Battlestar Galactica? Basically anything military & political related with decent character development. I've been reading too much "hard" Egan shit lately and my mind is fried. I am less interested in ideas and theories and more interested in humans in space dealing with shit.

>> No.12493808

Are these the only books you know?

>> No.12493811

Renegade and the rest of the Spiral Wars series

>> No.12493884

Back when I read name of the wind and it's sequel I didn't really notice any big sjw agenda. What annoyed mewas rhe guy chasing a literal thot. That warrior tribe could be explained because they are barely homo sapiens. Or was it because I read it in latvian...

>> No.12493886

Based on the artwork and writers name, I'd say this is a shameless self insert, but is it any good?

>> No.12493888

oh fuck i feel old now

>> No.12493902

I'm no writer or anything but if it was done right in an interesting setting it xiuld go way better than some edgy animu shit.

>> No.12493905

I've decided I want to read the Conan books, but dont know where to begin. Howard only wrote a couple of books before he died right? I should start with those I guess. And what about the poem he wrote in school? Any conan fags wanna put me in the right direction

>> No.12494001

you literally cannot do it without it being edgy or cartoonish. there is no in-between.

a villain need not be well intentioned, but evil for the sake of evil cannot be taken seriously (even joseph stalin loses his dictator dignity when you realize he's an edgelord who never grew out of his college age angst)

>> No.12494049

Couldn't you balance the right amount of edge and cartoonishness? Also it wouldn't rule out likr actual aims for the villain and personality could be developed. This reminds me of the vlad tepesh situation. Vlad the person and vlad the meme. I'm not talking about the vampire book in any way. Vlad the Impaler is literal OG edgelord.

>> No.12494058

Also Tovarisch Stalin went FUBAR after his wife died.

>> No.12494164

It's slow as fucking molasses but just try & make it to the last 300 pages where it actually gets good like every other novel in the series.

>> No.12494175

The Coming of Conan is the collection to start with. It's the first 10 or so Conan stories he wrote

>> No.12494376
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>> No.12494527

I understand, anon
I want her to use allomancy to slide a rubber trimmed metal ring up and down me while her pretty princess feet do the rest. Perhaps a single foot on my member, head secured between her big and index toe while she stretches her other foot's toes in my face.

>> No.12494657

>warrior tribe
I understood that. They were isolated, ignorant and superstitious, that messes with a people. I mean in this day and age asians believe that near extinct animals raises there virility, and that eating the fins of sharks cure cancer. Then there are people in Klapistan that believe that if you pull out before ejaculation you can't get pregnant, and that going directly from an anus to a vagina doesn't cause serious infections. If people today with access to so much information is ignorant, what you expect from an isolated tribe that focuses on better the body and not rhe mind?

The protagonist focusing on a literal whore is what also rubbed me the wrong way. And now that I literally read hundreds of books after wise man's fear, I don't know if I want to read doors of stone. Especially if what it hinted at that he caused a war over a literal whore who gave everyone else a turn at the warmth of her inner thighs except Kvothe. Fuck denna and fuck rothfuss.

>> No.12494728
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You footfags utterly disgust me. You are beyond degenerates in my eyes. I rate you lower than literal faggots, at least they want a hole to enter. You want people to walk on you. It doesn't help you cunts are corrupting kids by putting your sick fetishes in cartoons, movies and kid shows. Look at the Madagascar penguins, that morte is a literal footfag. He wants the feet of another man. Double degeneracy filth.

>> No.12494750

No, it was just a couple of recommendations. Not about to drop a 50 book list and expect anon to meticulously research each one online to find out which one they'd most want to read.

>> No.12494753

The Coming of Conan
The Bloody Crown of Conan
The Conquering Sword of Conan
This is all you need.

>> No.12494816

>haven't finished a book in 4 days
my reading pace is dying lol

>> No.12494875

I don't want anyone to walk on me, anon

>> No.12494975

Starship Troopers
Life During Wartime

Don't read Old Man's War or The Forever War, they're both garbage.

>> No.12495015

Reading Prince of Nothing.
Does this shit slow down even more? The first book was okay, but I'm finding it hard to grind through the second one.

>> No.12495256

If a story started with the main character falling through a crack in the earth and landing in the land of the dead, would it feel like a cop-out or betrayal of concept if it was revealed midway through that it wasn't actually the afterlife, but one of many previous worlds, each of which was built over the ruins of the previous one and then destroyed by a different cataclysm?

I dunno, but sounds like it really IS the prince of nothing.

anon, slowing down is a good thing. There's only so many decent books out there. It would be a shame to run out and have nothing to read

>> No.12495268

Ah shit I accidentally touched my cochie after cutting chili.

>> No.12495271

the dying earth books and the books they influenced
i mean, just look at that. severian isnt using an executioner's sword and he's not shirtless but its still basically what the world looks like

>> No.12495308

I still find it shocking he wants to be with human thot after fucking and getting his brains fucked the fuck out by a literal goddess.

>> No.12495327

"waaah kvothe is flawless"
>kvothe has an unhealthy infatuation
"Waaah kvothe is flawed"

>> No.12495415

Why isn't there more hugging in fantasy? There should be. Lots of scenarios in these stories easily solved by skinship

>> No.12495461

I'm only on TtH so it's been a while and I don't remember everything since I haven't read Malazan all at once, but here we go:
>>Why did Cotillion possess Apsalar?
I think to spite the Empress but really he's regretted it and views it as a mistake. Colloquially known as a GotM-ism since the first book has some inconsistencies to the rest of the series.
>>How did Karsa reject getting Crippled God'd yet still use the big-deal sword and all?
Because despite being part of the House of Chains, he's the character that's consistently the most unchained and unbound. Really idk.
>>Why is he carrying around Hound heads?
I think it's a trophy since he beheaded some hounds of darkness at the end of HoC.
>>How did Cotillion and Shadowthrone Ascend?
I think this is still a mystery, but closely tied to the Azath houses.
>>Why was Sha'ik and the Apocalypse a big deal?
Because I believe it was a corruption by the Crippled God, and also because the Malazan Empire took 7 Cities over and they're going to keep it or die trying.

I might have to agree on that one, but still need to finish TtH and beyond.

I'll admit, I'm finding the Darujhistan chapters more boring than I'd like to admit. Last book I couldn't give half a shit about the Tiste Andii group with Nimander, but now I can't get enough of them. Those are the chapters keeping me going.

>> No.12495468
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??? Who said he is flawless? There were a bunch of shit that rubbed me the wrong way when I read Rothfuss' two books. But what stays with me all these years later is kvothe chasing after a whore that doesn't even want to fuck it.

>> No.12495480

not him but the problem i had with knothe is that the flaws the author tries to give him are so superficial and pointless its not even worth counting as a flaw. everything he does is perfect anyways so why should i be invested in his situation?

>> No.12495532

Why does it bother you? This is like being mad that cruella de vil is mean to dogs. Yeah, he's a damaged person infatuated with someone thats toxic for him and even in his narration he is still carrying that burden. That's the point

>> No.12495539

read some chinkshit unironically. Reverend Insanity or Warlock of the Magus world (which sounds kind of like what op was considering except theres actually a point because of based chink cultivation). Chink authors dont shy away from having their main characters using rape as a weapon, genocide etc (and thats a good thing). Its honestly really refreshing and fun to read something so unconcerned with moralfaggotry.

>> No.12495562

I, too, would like to fuck most of the characters especially the villains.

>> No.12495564

No it's fucking terrible and makes it easy harder to connect to the characters when literally everyone in their stories lack any humanity

>> No.12495594
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most genre fiction characters completely lack humanity. Chinkshit has opened my eyes to the reason i read genre fiction. Power fantasies and dabbing on fictional characters is fun. If i wanted well written prose, characters, or even dialogue I'd stick to literary fiction. Also chinknovels are like 2 trillion words long, are free, and occupy me for like 100 times as long as round eye books.

>> No.12495625

>wanting to be a psychopath so bad that it's escapism material
Ow the edge

>> No.12495639

>the literal billion chinks are psycopaths

no honey, its just a different value system. One that has no regard for human life (and thats a good thing).

>> No.12495665

The absolute max you can go without turning sociopaths into completely unlikeable assholes is Alistair Reynolds' Revelation Space (especially Revelation Space and Chasm City where the MC is even more of a full on sociopath than the RS crew but more likeable anyway). You won't get people setting toddlers on fire in anything that isn't a 12 year old's edgy fanfiction though.

>> No.12495669

Ow the edge

>> No.12495686

Is this enough to foreshadow that what's supposedly the underworld isn't what it seems?

>mentions of a war going on
>a flea marked full of goods from above that don't exist in the real world (e.g. robot parts, dragon bones)
>"What in the worlds" is a common exclamation

he's a cocky motherfucker who could honestly live an amazing life if he could just avoid kicking every hornets nest he comes across.

He could have just ignored ambrose and 90% of the story wouldn't happen. Those are not superficial flaws

>> No.12495973

Remember when his virgin sex was so good it impressed the goddess of sex? Good times...

>> No.12495998

she was impressed by his music and his magic, the sex was just sex

>> No.12496071

>defending notw
ok cuck

>> No.12496114

Umm no sweetie, the first man in Rome was a disabled black woman.

>> No.12496224

Deadhouse Gates

>> No.12496237

>not a queer

>> No.12496314

A disabled black woman isn't half as bad as a disabled MTF transgender who identifies as a furry otherkin with xir pronouns.

>> No.12496351

Insanity is one of the 3 laws that are right below Acme, right? That means roughly a third of all concepts in the world are derived from it. Pretty powerful stuff.
>that might just be crazy enough to work
ever heard that one before?

>> No.12496356

Three-Body-Problem and its sequels.
It's basically just a big mind game against an unknown and unseen foe.

>> No.12496520

Yeah I finished chapter 2 (which was a struggle because of the Clip chapters in the last book) but if they are compelling this time around then Ill keep pushing on.

>> No.12496534
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Unfortunately I dont have time to manage the Monthly Reading right now so it will have to wait until the third.

>> No.12496585

Are you stunted?

>> No.12496613

I read Gaunt's Ghosts and loved every one of them. If you're trying to get someone into 40K, it;s a good place to start since it's the least 40K Black Library series available.

>> No.12496988

Try not dropping the same ones that are dropped 100 times per thread then.

>> No.12497132

Why do you hate rothfuss and scream to everyone that he is a hack? If I can't hate kvothe for specific reasons, you can't hate rothfuss for writing a book.

>> No.12497140

I think you guys are greatly underestimating how many books you need to have read in order to make an accurate recommendation. If someone loves book x it might take years to find a book y that's similar. Even the perfect book chart might take years to curate and I don't know about you anons but book characters are like seasonal waifu/husbando to me (in fact moreso because sometimes I will watch anime with a cast of characters who I am not particularly attached to but I will not read a book if I am not rooting for at least one of them).

You find a great book, shill it for a month or a week and then feel really shit that you might never find a book as good as it ever again and so you pick up another book. Immediately, the main villain is so much more deserving of headpats, the main character is the creme de la creme, the supporting cast have motivations that are unmatched, the worldbuilding is superb and you don't even notice the prose because you're seeing it in your head. Then you get to the end of the book, feel miserable that you'll never read another as good as it and then you pick up another good one.

And so the shill cycle begins again and so you get this funny thing called recency bias and you think to yourself, woe is me, anon might like that other book more but don't forget book x is the one I'm currently married to, friendship with book y ended a year back and so anon never gets the best recommendation ever. Other people are faithful as a fuck or don't read much and will do it for free. They find it in themselves to shovel the same series to everyone no matter what they ask for. Other people will fuck whatever hand that feeds unlimited free ARCs comes in their radius and others are paid shills/LITERALLY the author. Also people have different tastes.

That, my friends are why all recommendations suck and why needle in the haystack searching bare feet, socks in sandals etcetera etcetera abracadabra technobabble good luck rolling those 1% 5 star books, anon-sama!

>> No.12497158

I think sffg's hateboner for rothfuss is retarded, he is considerably better at writing than bandersanderbun. Idk why you assume I think he's a hack.
And while it's fine for you to hate kvothe as a person for it, it's a fucking terrible literary criticism.

>> No.12497171
File: 42 KB, 800x587, Really Tempted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 paragraphs of excuses explaining why you don't have to read more than the 5 books you reread every year

>> No.12497172

i want a novel with a blind qt main girl

>> No.12497195

I recommend gxg ant arc

>> No.12497199

Do I look like a fucking literary critic?
I'm a fucking entertainment critic. I read for fun. The 1200+ books I read were all for entertainment. Having to read the decisions kvothe made, and how he acted pissed me off. The things I liked in the books Rothfuss threw away after a few chapters, never to hear from them again.
If I wanted to do literary criticism I would be in outer lit. I'm not here for beautiful prose, and a poetic lexicon. I'm here to read books that ease the stresses of my brain before and after going to work.

>> No.12497202


>> No.12497226

Go back to rebbit then, even sffg should ideally be pretentious pseud territory.
And even for a layman, hating a character for having a flaw is some top tier autism. Is it because you're a 2013 /pol/ kid that has a seizure when they see something related to cucks? I can't even imagine thinking like this. "Hurrr 1984 sucks because they're all totalitarians" "hurrr lolita sucks because of the pedo stuff". A narrative needs unpleasant shit, even escapism.

>> No.12497229

Not that anon but you don't see Brandon deciding to make entire filler about elf sex and then cease publishing books for a decade to avoid having to write any plot. That Rick and Morty D&D book isn't even going to be a story, it will be nothing more a glorified wikipedia summary.

Brandon has the work ethic to write his own books, puts a meter on his website, has enough time to read other people's books AND to write reviews that aren't one liners and gives his fans updates on other social media. I'm sure that it wouldn't be a lot of effort on Brandon's part to drizzle his works pretentiously in thesaurus output to reduce the required density of plot to fill the pages. For some authors, you can sense when there is a rhythm to their prose and for others it's just a page stuffer. Rothfuss is not talentless but I think he isn't an ideas man and struggles to string together a workable plot that will deliver upon the vision that he promises. If you've been following this general for a long time, well it will not come as a surprise to you that a lot of these new and apparently promising authors cannot write followup books as they simply do not have the requisite ideas for the pages. A lot of the classical authors wrote standalone books, but modern publishers seem to demand trilogies and the authors respond by ensuring that the plot is stretched as thinly as possible and welded together by filler.

That's how you get less talented authors that fill their books with tea drinking, spontaneous sentient ships that didn't previously exist, characters that still distrust each other after a ridiculous number of books because they are mentally retarded and dragons turning people into reptilians and letting a character get tortured to mental retardation, killing them and then the rest of the cast jump into an inferno for reasons, a book full of wild elf sex filler and a book of tight vaginas (but luckily this wasn't the entire fucking book).

>> No.12497251

I usually find about 120 or more not including rereads, short stories or novellas. I've found so many good ones in January which means cursed luck for the rest of the year.

>> No.12497276

Not him but I'd love to hear about your rarest and juciest finds.

>> No.12497277

>Not that anon but you don't see Brandon deciding to make entire filler about elf sex
Which is a great segment. It having elf sex is a juvenile and arbitrary reason to dismiss it.
Rothfuss not releasing books AT BEST makes him a terrible person; it has no bearing on the quality of the books, it shouldn't bother anyone if the books are bad. Honestly elf sex part is one of the best in the books because it is the best segment for illustrating the functions of the fay world in the book, which is one of the better parts. The omniscient tree dude is also a relatively cool concept.

>> No.12497302

>it has no bearing on the quality of the books
of course it does because the books are one contiguous story

a complete mediocre story >>> an incomplete 'good' story

>> No.12497336
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Never used red-did-it, or /pol/e. Nice of you trying to invade our general because outer lit is becoming more shit recently.

>> No.12497349
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>and a book of tight vaginas
Yet it's been years and we can't get the conclusion (and I heard it might not even be the conclusion because he added more shit that would take more books to fully resolve).

>> No.12497355

I feel like I'm getting oversaturated with all fantasy/sci-fi/historical fiction that I read. Any ideas where to move on from here?

>> No.12497359

Ignore him. He wants people to discuss rothfuss with, because he doesn't actually read, and no one wants to discuss a book and author that was discussed to death. He will try to get you to have a conversation with him.

>> No.12497367

No you would not. Whenever I post books you have not readers shitting on the lists because they have nothing better to do.

>> No.12497423

Do you care a lot about the cover on your books? Do you drop more cash if another edition of the same book which is more expensive has a much nicer cover or do you always go for the cheapest version?

>> No.12497435

no anime ty

>> No.12497464

I use a kindle lmao

>> No.12497474

The Once and Future King has got so much bros being bros for their bros. Hugging, slapping on knees, forehead kisses, holding your buds hand as he learns his brother beheaded his mother. It's got it all.

>> No.12497529

Is Gentlemen Bastards any good?

>> No.12497553


>> No.12497583
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>tea drinking

This is Kingdom of the Crescent Moon isn't it. I swear to God that book was just:

>The ghul hunter drinks some tea and thinks about how he's too old for this shit. Then he follows up by trolling the dervish and thinking about his oneitis for the rest of the evening.

>The dervish is a naive little shit who is obsessed with the shapeshifter.

>The shapeshifter is guilty she pines for the dervish when she should be killing people. Also being in the city is confusing.

>The alchemist is sassy to some religious people. Her husband is scared he's sacrificing too much to help people.

>Everyone praises God every 5 pages.

>> No.12497634

Buy your fucking mistborn book if you want to.

>> No.12497730

First book is good, 2nd in mediocre. Haven't read the 3rd. Also the author releases books as frequently as Rothfuss & GRRM.

>> No.12497737

The third is supposed to be political hijinxs and election rigging that turns into pranks between old friends.

>> No.12497822

Third is the protagonist thirsting for a pussy that dumped him.

>> No.12497933

>been self conscious about writing for years
>struggling with perfecting structure and concept
>decide to put all that aside and write some YA tripe in hopes of getting published
>feels fantastic to just put words to paper
>kids will actually appreciate your story instead of picking it apart
>plotting can be much more by the books because kids are stupid and dont care about being "trope savvy"
Have you taken the YApill yet, /lit/?

>> No.12498041
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Yea, YA has a lot of hidden gems like pic related.

>> No.12498057

>reading YA
woah there bucko, I didn't say that anywhere

>> No.12498070
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>> No.12498245

don't shit on me for this, but i'm looking for an isekai-ish novel where a lot of modern people get transferred to a world with magic to fight and stuff, or where a world without magic suddenly have one

i am fine with litrpg, but don't give me the shitty ones

>> No.12498257
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>i am fine with litrpg

>> No.12498265

well fuck you too

>> No.12498363

Chronicles of Amber, if the 80s are modern enough for you.

>> No.12498373

thanks, i will try that
by modern i mean just normal people in general

>> No.12498442

Perdido Street Station: I was expecting something more scifi. I'm only a few chapters in and I don't care for it so far. is it worth going on?

>> No.12498450


>> No.12498494

There's pretty much nothing sci-fi about it, so if that's what you're going for, no. It's as good as urban fantasy gets, though, so I'd say keep with it for a third or so if you're not absolutely detested by fantasy and happen to enjoy intricate worldbuilding and the mood that's going on there.

>> No.12498495
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ok, i'll read a hundred more pages and then make an angry post if i still don't like it

>> No.12498720
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>Seanchan purging the tower

>> No.12498742

>City of Stairs
Moves almost as slow as a Joe Abercrombie book.

>> No.12498858

just read some of it but it's not what im looking for
any more recs?

>> No.12498866


>> No.12498883

lol whatever happened to that guy his music sucked but he said "based" a lot lol

>> No.12498886

you want me to thank you?

>> No.12498938


>> No.12499026

Trying to get into the Elric series. Which one should I start out with?

>> No.12499234

>Want to start my Novel's story In medias res.
>In a narrative already in medias res.
>In which the characters will reference past events with no exposition, thereby making the reader confused.
How fucked am I, /sffg/?

>> No.12499378
File: 66 KB, 500x723, Elric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gollancz has all the ones you need in print
The series was not released chronologically, but Moorcock and everyone who's read them recommends that you forego the rule of publication order and read in chronological order for Elric
The series starts with Elric of Melnibone and other stories, and overall goes like this
>Elric of Melnibone
>Fortress of the Pearl
>The Sailor on the Seas of Fate
>Weird of the White Wolf (Contains three short stories: The Dreaming City, While the Gods Laugh, The Singing Citadel)
>The Sleeping Sorceress (also called Vanishing Tower)
>The Revenge of the Rose
>Bane of the Black Sword (Contains The stealer of Souls, Kings in Darkness, The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams)
You need to end on Stormbringer, it's so fucking satisfying now that everything Elric is out in chronological order and you can go through from start to finish and end on Stormbringer. Originally Stormbringer was released as one of the earlier Elric novels, but it bangs hard as fuck when you finish on it.
You can also instead choose to seek out "Tale of the Eternal Champion Vol 8" and "Tale of the Eternal Champion Vol 12" which collects all Elric stories "Main story" (All the books above) in chronological order. These are really easy to find online and pretty cheap depending on cover.

>> No.12499386
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>> No.12499429
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>> No.12499437
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>> No.12499459


>> No.12499461
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>> No.12499466

This. I bet you people back in the day before we got weird and christian about sexuality would probably hold hands with bros they barely knew. Its unrealistic that battle hardened brothers of the sword wouldn't spoon every chance they got as a team building exercise

>> No.12499478
File: 970 KB, 853x1024, Trumps_of_Amber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything with family scheming and intrigue that isn't Asoiaf or Chronicles of Amber?

>> No.12499685

Daniel Black. But it's one person. Not multiple people.
There is Demons of Astlan.
And the Nightlord: Sunset(read first book only).

>> No.12499702

Can you stop spamming the thread?

>> No.12499716

Kushiel's Dart

>> No.12499717

Old man's war was fucking awful, but why didn't you like the Forever War? Thought it was a pretty solid novel through and through

>> No.12499724

Fantasyfags are truly making this general awful

>> No.12499816
File: 74 KB, 299x222, 1523848426215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Throne of Glass

>> No.12499818

1. Where can I download books? I'm a newfag and OP doesn't help.

2. Is all the Masters of Rome love a meme or is it worth reading?

>> No.12499822

Kushiel is one of the best written fantasy series of all time, the other is a steaming pile of shit. I can see why someone of your intelligence would get them confused.

>> No.12499835

If gets shilled here more than once per thread, it’s probably a meme. Also, historical fiction barely qualifies as fantasy.

>> No.12499837

It's neither. It's a single autistic troll, avoid it.

>> No.12499870

If you are referring to /r/Fantasy then I agree.

>> No.12499874

Literally just 50 shades of glass.

>> No.12499884

Masters of Rome is great if you have lots of time and an attention span tee bee haitch.

>> No.12499886
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>turning down sex with a femalien

it's not normal

but on /sffg/ it is

>> No.12499965

Maybe the alien females closely mimic the black widow / praying mantis females, when it comes to mating.
I don't want no part of that.

>> No.12499985

>muh Ardat-Yakshi

>> No.12500000

>grilled cheese
I use a toaster, not a grill, so no.

>> No.12500011

It's a gay story for the most part
someone post that bit where Kvothe the incel seethes at Chad for fucking his girl and he thinks some gay shit like 'oh yeah you'll fuck her but I'm the one she's gonna remember in her heart' it was cringy as fuck

>> No.12500016

In media res is a marketing meme. Only do it if your story is popcorn shit with no substance

>> No.12500019

>its some mass effect 3 reference
For those that aren't /v/ermin, please explain.

>> No.12500023

Rothfuss is a fat loser who shitposts about Trump on Twitter and plays gaymes and buys LGBT bookshops instead of writing his fucking book
I'll take Sanderson over him any fucking day, the guy is consistent with his work.

>> No.12500030

Food poisoning over a cerebral hemorrhage isn't much of a choice anon.

>> No.12500033

>Rothfuss is a fat loser who shitposts about Trump on Twitter

>> No.12500041

Yes I pay extra for pretty covers.
Starts ebin but the author won't ever finish it and he's cucked to hell now

>> No.12500053
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>> No.12500057

This thread is fucking awful so we might as well get it over with quicker.

>> No.12500069

>both Rothfuss and Lynch have protagonists that are cucked by their oneitises and basically they mope around 24/7 like absolute incels
I hate these s o y faggots.

>> No.12500093

Asari are sexy blue aliens who can reproduce with any sentient alien due to mind melding or something
Ardat-Yakshi is a rare genetic defect in Asari that causes anything that fucks one to suffer an aneurysm and die

>> No.12500193

Breeks already finished the Burning White, it's being edited. I can't believe he will likely finish Lightbringer before Fforde even writes the sequel or prequel of Shades of Grey

>> No.12500256

fucking lol

>> No.12500370

Yes because I only buy books if I want them on my bookshelf. Why would I buy something ugly to look at?

>> No.12500379

So you use kindle for books with ugly covers? Because there's a lot of great books with shit covers.

>> No.12500388

I like to buy old editions which coincidentally usually have nicer covers

>> No.12500517
File: 14 KB, 98x224, you'll never get high with franky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, brother.

>> No.12500557

Thanks man! Took a minute to figure out they don't sell the E version in the US.

>> No.12500598

Unironically best suggestion I have ever received in this shithole.

>> No.12501121

every day I want to write something different. Is it an absolutely horrible idea to work on three stories at once so I can write something no matter what mood strikes me?

>> No.12501149

Pretty much yeah.

>> No.12501348

His name was the first thing that pissed me off. I might be wrong(its been a while) but not one other human character in those books has a name nearly so asinine.

>> No.12501350

i make my own cover for the book if it doesn't have a good cover

>> No.12501361

1. You can download books at mobilism.org, libgen.io and b-ok.org
2. It's one person spamming all the Masters of Rome posts here, don't fall for it.

>> No.12501387
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>> No.12501395
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Just finished pic related, fuck it was terrible. What happened to this guy? Pandoras star was some of the best shit ever and then this garbage.

>> No.12501668

is nueromancer any good?

>> No.12501719

No, it's just a meme that getst shilled frim decaced to decaed for no real reason

>> No.12501732


>> No.12501738

Is Elysium Fore by Reynolds worth reading?

>> No.12501749

Yes but make sure that you've read at least the first Revelation Space book and Chasm City or you'll be lost.

>> No.12501751

Stop being contrarian

>> No.12501763

So Reynolds is one of those authors that forces you to read everything else to understand even one—great. It’s Neal Asher all over again.

>> No.12501796

Oh god, I think I just wrote a worse opening scene than Ready Player One

do you think this counts as my writing for the day if it's a separate novel from the one I was working on yesterday?

dude, she probably doesn't even have a vagina, and if she does how do we know it's even shaped to accomodate a human schlong? If it's not a tentabulge she's probably got the kind of vagina dentada that looks like a garbage disposal made of blue flesh and teeth

>> No.12501942

You don't need to read the whole series but if you don't read at least the first two Revelation Space books you'll probably get a bit confused by the Prefect. And Ely Fire is the second Prefect book.


The Prefect references the first Rev space book and Chasm City (but you don't need to read the whole revelation space series to get it, but it's like trying to read the Foundation prequels before having read the Robot series both by Asimov, you won't understand what happens at the end or why it matters and it undermines the reveal).

Elysium Fire references the Prefect and the cast is largely the same between books.

Reynolds is a rare author. His books are creative and don't seem to run out of steam at all ever and they don't really have filler content. He does love worldbuilding though. Also Revelation Space (the book, not the series) is a bit shoddy in places but the second book is much better (in my opinion, the series gets better not worse).

Okay this is something I learned from writing fanfiction: try to avoid writing multiple stories at once and try and work on just the ONE STORY or else you'll never finish it. Also writing later at night works better for me as the words and the scenes just flow straight out of my brain. Also every time I run out of ideas I just read a new book which of course results in reading a ridiculous amount and having a ridiculous amount of ideas and then the writing output drops precipitously towards zero.

>> No.12501948

but I don't have complete faith in any of my stories. How do I know what to write?

>> No.12501953
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>> No.12501997

If you are easily distracted, try finding a short story collection with quality stories that you like and analysing what you liked out of them and writing your own short stories after reading them. A lot of them tend to have tweest endings.

For example, some of the short stories that I enjoy include "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman, the Nine Billion Names of God and Liane the Wayfarer.

I'm sure that writing is something you get better by doing, analysing other people's works for flaws and comparing the difference between your own work and your favourite author's work will make you better.

>> No.12502003

If it's a question of which one, maybe the one you like the most or which has a scene that is currently in your head.

>> No.12502006

meant for

>> No.12502033

the story that stands out in my head as the one that's most important to write is also the one that's sincerely the worst and shouldn't be touched

>> No.12502039

Why? Give us the rundown.

>> No.12502090

long story short it's a cluttered, shallow isekkai series that I'm really only writing because I wanted to write it a while ago and now people expect me to finish it.

I have about three other ideas that are honestly better, but I'm not satisfied with any of them. One beats a thematic dead horse, one has an unlikable main character, and one should honestly be epic fantasy but I want it to be a retro scifi

>> No.12502595

I sometimes buy books entirely because of the cover.
Anything with catgirls is :3

>> No.12502697

I don't usually. though i might read something with an especially crappy cover. Funnily enough most of the time i have been pleasantly surprised. You really cant judge a book by its cover in my experience.

>> No.12502742

Masters of Rome is pretty good desu except for the actual faggotry

>> No.12502747

>except for the actual faggotry
Please elaborate further.

>> No.12502757

Sulla has a Greek twink.

>> No.12502761

Perhaps I should read this.

>> No.12502991

vk is a splendid place to find books, most of the stuff there isn't available anywhere else.

>> No.12503029

is it better than irc?

>> No.12503080

Nothing will beat VK's ridiculous Doctor Who. It has almost every doctor who book ever published, almost every doctor who audio, almost every comic, almost every piece of non fiction, almost every episode, spinoffs, videos, webcasts. Russians are crazy organised.

VK's also great for artbooks.

>> No.12503263

>it's a cluttered, shallow isekkai series that I'm really only writing because I wanted to write it a while ago and now people expect me to finish it.
E William Brown that you?

>> No.12503404

How do you make your own covers?

>> No.12503414

find a cool image and put some text on it

>> No.12503562
File: 870 KB, 2200x2200, Sarah_J._Maas_with_Queen_of_Shadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why aren't you buying my books?

>> No.12503602


>> No.12503613

let me put in my peepee first

>> No.12503736

>Eye of Horus necklace
stop appropriating black culture and ill consider it

>> No.12503843


>> No.12503907

Das rite

>> No.12503950


>> No.12503990

Why does every argument have to result in a life or death battle wuxia authors

>> No.12504039

chinese people dont like losing face even when they're wrong

>> No.12504068

>that had been something more than a nice kiss
>his arms around her waist
>her anus around his neck, locked there

>> No.12504090

post random shit so i can make the new thread before i sleep

>> No.12504102


Bas-Lag Cycle
Bunch's Moderan works
Dying Earth
The Night Land
The Answered Prayers Sextet

>> No.12504176
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>> No.12504200

You'd better set an alarm and wake up in time when this one hits bump limit

>> No.12504217

I would like such an alarm actually. Would come in handy.

>> No.12504252

Is Paksernarrion good?

>> No.12504300

Yes it is

>> No.12504308

Chinese bugmen can not afford to back down or they’ll lose their place in the hive

>> No.12504310

Yes but the two sequels have a different plot from the original "mercenary army but it's in a high-fantasy setting" setup, I know this has been a turnoff for some of the people who've read it.

>> No.12504360

power just went out and im not making a new thread from my phone
good luck

>> No.12504371

I will carry your burden, brother.

>> No.12504480

anyone read The Kingdom of Copper yet? It's fucking BotY

>> No.12504588

>bangs hard as fuck
yeah my niggas love dat cracka Elric

>> No.12504606

quints don't change the fact that you're still a fucking retard

>> No.12504671

Moorcock really loves nigs

>> No.12504704

why didn't anyone tell me my breaking bad with wizards idea was basically identical to The Magicians? Now I can't write this

>> No.12504709


>> No.12504779

grilled cheese doesn't use a grill! it uses a griddle! or failing that a sautee pan! grilling it is probably the worst way you can make a grilled cheese short of boiling it!

the entire point is to soak the bread with hot buttery goodness, and the diacetyl that makes up that goodness decomposes at high heats

>> No.12504816

The Cradle series by Will Wight. It's unironically good.
Cultivating Chaos by William D. Arand. He is a LitRPG author so the book is shit.

>> No.12504911

>LitRPG author so the book is shit.
Neck yourself. Also before you do that make the new thread.

>> No.12504928

Are you saying that LitRPG is good?

>> No.12504952

well considering most are shit. i personally like william d. arand books. he actually uses an editor, his books arent full of spreadsheets and they actually tell a story rather than focusing on silly training and stats or ability gains. he does have a serious harem fetish though. but its balanced by his great characters though.

>> No.12505035

HAHAHAHA omg kill yourself
ShitRPG is irredeemable garbage. All of William D. Arands MCs are white knighting numales.

>> No.12505049

i respect your opinion but i disagree anon.

>> No.12505118

What are some of your hot picks then anon?
List 10 books you rate highly.
You can't choose the normal meme answers (the ones that people who don't actually read always pick).

>> No.12505145

>So what is your taste then
>No, those books don't count

>> No.12505153


>> No.12505158


>> No.12505263

>t-that doesn't count!
Fuck off

>> No.12505316

>i don't read so I will post meme books that others talk about that I didn't even read in the first place

>> No.12505343

who are you quoting?

>> No.12505611

You can still write it. Just treat it like a practice exercise or something. Also the magicians sucks the gayest, most AIDS ridden of cocks so... you can't do anything but improve upon it. Maybe write it as a fanfiction while you think of something else for your magnum opus.