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/lit/ - Literature

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12490933 No.12490933 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading this.
What a nice little book, did you read it?

>> No.12490937

Yes i did.

>> No.12490990

What did you think of it?

>> No.12491012

The writing (or at least the translation) was bland but i liked it anyway, the ending is just about the only thing that sticks out to me, something about repeating like a prayer "I don't know how to think, those bastards never taught me how to think".

I liked the movie more, but it is amazing how the video game, the movie and the book could have so little in common but still feel so similar.

>> No.12491358

Yeah, I enjoyed the whole way through.
Do you have any recommendations? I wanna read something like Metro 2033 and this one, guess I have a thing with russians and the apocalypse lol

>> No.12491366


>> No.12491370

What must he own?

>> No.12491372

>the ending is just about the only thing that sticks out to me
Me too (well, that and the basic concept). It's worth reading, but I honestly might have preferred a short story version of the final section.

>> No.12491577

>the video game
>like Metro 2033
Stay in your containment board, please.

>> No.12492005

I enjoyed it a lot. At first I wish there was more time spent in the sphere (such as Stalker) but all the non-Zone scenes do a good job creating the post-visit world
Stalker is better though, but not much you can do about that. However the end of the book was very good

>> No.12492060

> movie still on the cover
> game mentioned on the same cover
I sure hope you haven't actually bought this abomination.

>> No.12492084
File: 496 KB, 1145x996, tarkovsky lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that tarkovsky admitted that he only adapted mediocre literature because it could be enhanced on film, and that he hated strugatskys personally.

>> No.12492099

> hated
> wrote a dozen of script revisions together, and had long discussions

You are reading something into it.

>> No.12492115

Why do you think you're the only one allowed to enjoy books? Too smart for the rest of the world?

>> No.12492126

Everyone is allowed to enjoy books, but developmentally impaired vidya gaymen with soiboy sensibilities should resort to discussing them in their dedicated containment cucksheds, not literature boards.

>> No.12492150

>read a book
>want to discuss a book
>head to literature board
Makes sense to me, if the fact that someone is able to enjoy something triggers you so much don't click the thread

>> No.12492173
File: 139 KB, 500x547, da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps trying to strawman desperately
Once again, take all your retarded friends and head back to your virtual escapism subreddit, dimwit.

>> No.12492194

>I'm the one shitting on the table

>> No.12492234

Ill probably only return to vidya if stalker 2 actually does happen.

>> No.12492907

>Arkady Strugatsky has shown himself to be petty and calculating.
>To hell with him.
>have a feeling that it was no accident that Arkady Strugatsky broke off our working relationship. He evidently felt that contact with me could be somehow risky for him. I shall never forget how he came dashing over to see me in order to put his—our—finances in order, when he heard that I had had a heart attack.

>> No.12493030


>> No.12493046

Yes i did.
The atmosphere was great all the way through. Don't feel like I've ever read anything like it to recommend though.

>> No.12493050

his diary desu

>> No.12493084

Hard to believe he said that. He sure was discerning, but this is borderline arrogant

>> No.12493173

Could be polydicks, Tarkovski wasn't exactely friendly with the Soviets and had one of his friends, Parajanov, locked up for faggotry. Strugatskis meanwhile were regime-approved.

>> No.12493194

that's how i felt about it as well.
i don't think i quite 'got' the ending, though i think it's meant to be ambiguous.
the world building and atmosphere when they're in the Zone was very nice.

>> No.12493216

They had the last laugh when he died of cancer caused by poisoning while filming Stalker though


>> No.12493222

Most appropriate use of this meme I've ever seen

>> No.12493239
File: 618 KB, 912x768, 32239618_2037618336558350_7921685646937161728_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean? i don't understand

>> No.12493363
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>> No.12493407

>he thinks literature is above escapism
lol (laugh out loud). Literature, by definition, is escapism. Just because some literature tries to grasp for something supposedly above doesn't mean that it's actually above vidya and whatnot. A vidya addicted onions male is playing switch right now and is having more aesthetic pleasures than you ever will.

>> No.12493442

Metro 2033 is a book. In fact there are a series of them.