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File: 317 KB, 900x1200, traditionalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12489992 No.12489992 [Reply] [Original]

>yeah Im really into Christianity its just like so much more spiritual
>the demiurge? sorry I don't know that anime

>> No.12489995
File: 154 KB, 854x758, Centurion Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That armor fits him very poorly

>> No.12489997

terrible attempt

>> No.12490638

>the demiurge? sorry I don't know that anime
That's actually a good retort to gnosticfags

>> No.12490653
File: 1.17 MB, 899x992, phil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah I'm really into western philosophy its like just so much more meaningful
>plotinus? sorry I don't know that superhero

>> No.12490683


Alt-right rally checklist
[X] Not really many people there
[X] Overweight
[X] Clearly very recent Latin American/Asian/African admixture
[X] Shifty look, probably fapped 4 times today already
[X] Zany appropriation of historical war gear - probably bought for the event

>> No.12490698

>man, these cherrypicked pictures just so happen to support my biases! seems like my observational skills remain unparalleled!

>> No.12490982

>Alt right
Functionally the alt right doesn't exist anymore but I'll accept your bait
What you're describing is the Alt light, a very different phenomena, a group who have advocate the virtues of liberalism - but only muh classical liberalism - and capitalism. Such people Gavin McInnes, Soigon of Akkad, etc. The sort of people who have cartoon avatars, regurgitate the tamest of 4chans memes but never set foot in pol, and enjoy the Kekistan joke
Why is it that I, a communist, can better identify this group and then differentiate it better than you?