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12489299 No.12489299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>God creates hell which is a place where he sends most people to suffer eternally
>He's not evil

This strains credulity.

>> No.12489392
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>be me, potter
>shape Earthen vessels for various purposes
>throw some in the trash

>> No.12489415

Taking hell literally and not as a metaphor for separation from God or as a metaphor for being reborn in hellish lives is a major pleb-filter

>> No.12489418

>anything bad in the bible is a metaphor, but the good things can be taken at face value
gee whiz

>> No.12489421

>be perfect
>make trash by accident

>> No.12489423

How do you know what's evil?

>> No.12489430
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>> No.12489434

>God creates delicious apples
>Bans Adam and Eve from eating them

God is a fucking troll man.

>> No.12489440

We can use the term malign if you prefer

>> No.12489441

>Why would gandalph do that


>God. What’s up with him? What’s up with his name?


>> No.12489465

hell is some pagan SHIT. theres no hell. jews don't believe in hell. theres no hell in the bible. at best there is a 'second death' at judgement which gets described as being thrown into a lake of fire, but thats just a metaphor. there are no actual description of hell or eternal torture, except torture as exclusion from grace.

>> No.12489515
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1. Is punishment evil?
2. What is Evil?
3. Is your post directly related to literature?

So that's a no. Yikers!

>> No.12489550

>theres no hell in the bible
>except all those times Jesus literally tell people they will go to hell

>> No.12489557

>So that's a no
It wasn't a yes or no question brainlet

>> No.12489573

Not an accident
>Rom. 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
>21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
>22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
>23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

>> No.12489589

what a pernicious being, creating a dysfunctional life for some purpose or just to satisfy his sadism
lol what a dick

>> No.12489603

Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same thing if you were the creator of the universe. Well, what you would do?

>> No.12489608

drink, smoke and not die

>> No.12489624

meant for>>12489603

>> No.12489626

You were generous enough to answer it without me even having to ask you; you don't know what Evil is.

>> No.12489683
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>Is punishment evil?

>> No.12489687

This is what passes for theological discussion for zoomers.

>> No.12489868


isn't the whole point of hell is to punish those who don't repent?

Like, if you're sorry and wish to atone, at the very least he'll just put you in purgatory.

Hell is supposed to be just this shadowy nightland outside of God's love and Light, which feels fundamentally awful by itself to people sent there.

>> No.12489883

If I were the creator of the universe, I would most likely spend a hell of a lot of time fine-tuning the laws of physics before doing anything.

>> No.12489884

Only people who are going to heaven go to purgatory.

>> No.12489890


In that comment, that zoomer is wiser than every Aquinas and Augustine. The rest is sophistry.

>> No.12490070

>Life is finite
>Hell is infinite
>Infinite punishment for a finite crime

Defend this

>> No.12490094

God creates universe from nothing.
Evil ends up in universe.
God allowed evil to enter universe, or lacked the power to stop it. So God is either sadistic or not omnipotent.

God loves us.
But will send us to hell.
He claims this is punishment for our choosing evil over him, but he's the one that allowed evil to exist in the world and because we don't choose our own natures, how can we be said to choose anything at all?

I CANNOT reconcile a good, loving God with the existence of a hell. Cannot do it.

I may go to hell one day, but before God sends me there, I'll say, "you know, I thought a lot better of you than your followers did."

>> No.12490130

>there are strong grounds for doubting the existence of God (namely the near absence of any evidence for his existence)
>God will send you to hell to suffer for E T E R N I T Y if you don't worship him and atone for your sins
>But he also loves you infinitely

How do people defend this ridiculous idea? Even if God IS real there is definitely ample reason for us to doubt his existence, so him condemning us to ETERNAL SUFFERING for making the very understandable 'mistake' of not believing one particular religion that has no more evidence going for it than any other religion is ridiculous.

>> No.12490131

So you’d be concerned with creating a rational, consistent universe and not wholly with certain organisms you’ve created. Your system being logical, it could end up creating conditions of struggle, suffering, but also pleasures and joy and meaning. Interesting

>> No.12490151

>All powerful
>Capable of doing literally anything

There is no reason God couldn't make a logical consistent system and also have it be free of suffering, he's literally omnipotent, by definition there is nothing he can't do.

>> No.12490162

Where does the Bible say God loves people infinitely? People claim God values our free choice over the existence of evil, but that isn’t in the Bible, either. The Bible is clear that God is sovereign, and everything has been made according to his will. Even the sinners doomed for destruction glorify God’s plans. Try to look at it from God’s perspective, and you might understand. If you were the creator of the world, would you really create everyone to love you unconditionally, with no chance of suffering? No insight into what it’s like when a human rejects its own creator? All of a creation is like a mirror, and it’s most reflective in the hearts of believers. God is not omniscient without creation. For God to think about something means that something exists in some form. Omniscience is fulfilled through creation. Why would God create a universe purely for humans? Why would you create a universe purely for your creations? All is a perfect balance between truth and beauty. God is viewing his infinite painting, trying to understand existence and Himself, “glorifying” Himself. It’s all for God. You can either join Him, or be against Him. You will fulfill his will either way, but only one path leads to your being saved

4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.”

>> No.12490168

Why would God create a universe free from suffering? And if God is omnipotent, why should he limit his powers of creation and leave out struggle and suffering and meaning? How could he understand what these things are without their existence?

>> No.12490184

Most often people just get it wrong because they never actually read the bible, nor did their pastors.
God is a fat cunt, Jesus is the one they should be looking to.
And even then, the message to be taken away from it is that God resides in everyone, so you should be good to your fellow man.
You can instantly spot brainlets just by whether or not they use religion to justify hatred. It's kind of amazing.

>> No.12490190


because he loves people and doesn't want to have to send them to burn for eternity in a lake of fire?

>> No.12490197


this God is in everyone business is more old testament.

In christianity, you don't get the holy spirit until you ask him to come into your heart.

>> No.12490210

As if human suffering is such a bad thing to God. It’s just another part of existence. Create a better world if you can. And make sure your motives aren’t obviously based on your monkey-brain desires.

>> No.12490221

>anything good is whites, anything bad is jews, niggers and women

>> No.12490222

Or when he literally went to hell post-cruxificition

>> No.12490231


or when a lake of fire is promised as the final resting place for the wicked in Revelation

>> No.12490232

>anything good is proletariats, anything bad is people with more money than me

>> No.12490240


suffering comes from sin.

sin leads to eternal damnation.

But God loves us.

this isn't about overcoming adversity to win championships. we're talking cancer in kids and eternally burning souls for crimes they committed in an 80 year span that doesn't even register as a pixel on the timeline of the universe.

>> No.12490258

What’s your point? God cares more about fulfilling his nature (omnipotence, omniscience,etc.) than a bunch of dumb humans. We should be thankful that we’re allowed to find peace in worshipping God and avoiding sin. You literally cannot create a better universe. PLEASE try. And no “well for starters I would do this one specific thing that conveniently benefits humans for whatever the fuck reason”

>> No.12490260

It stradina credulity that you'd such a retard, Yes.

>> No.12490266

hell was specifically made for satan, sin basically is satan, including defects of the flesh, if flesh itself is not defective eg cancer, and turns towards crime (away from the spirit). the spirit is god (the breath of life) and it is jesus (the tree of life) and god 'so loved the world' etc that he performed the blood sacrifice himself so that the redeeming spirit of jesus could be with us. jesus aka immanuel, god is with us. he has done all he needs to do and the point is now to reach out back to god through jesus despite sin, to follow the narrow way so you are more like jesus than you are satan and you won't be thrown into the wastebasket of the universe for being mostly satan when the time comes. the main crime here is to reject god but it isn't so much a crime as it just makes you irredeemable in his economy. basically having jesus in your heart is like painting the doors on passover

>> No.12490270


here's my point.

If God loved man, he wouldn't send man to hell.

And yet he does, and we're told it's because he has no choice. that the wages of sin are death.

but sin only exists in the world because he allowed it to exist. he created this universe from nothing. if he didn't want sin; if he didn't want to send people he loves to swim in a lake of fire, he wouldn't have to.

either he is not omnipotent.

or he is a sadist.

OR. he just doesn't love you.

>> No.12490281

he gave u free will

>> No.12490282


we can't avoid sin.

we're born swimming in it.

>> No.12490283

Create a better world. You can’t.

>> No.12490289


no. he didn't.

I didn't;t choose my intelligence level. my looks. my parents. my socio-economic status, my environment, my location.

I didn't determine my nature, ie: everything that goes into the choices I make.

I have the ability to make decisions. But I don't determine the choices available to me. And I don't determine the variables that go into how I make my decisions. I was dealt a hand of cards and told good luck.

>> No.12490293


what the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.12490312

Or if humans being inherently malicious and this got tagged along in the institutional power structures of a preferable or most powerful society then separation and possession of some part of it seems like a good idea. Kill your enemies, God is the soul.

>> No.12490318

You criticize God, yet you cannot provide an alternative. Is it not possible that any universe will have some downside that someone can pick at? You have to remember that God is creating the universe for GOD. He doesn’t think in terms of pleasure vs. suffering. He’s concerned with the truths of existence, which necessarily include suffering, joy, meaning, everything. If you think you can do a better job at designing a universe, then go ahead. What exactly is your complaint?

>> No.12490326

That's not true.

>> No.12490328

>Break the law
>Say you're sorry and you can go free
>No, fuck you
>Go to jail
Weird how that works.

>> No.12490329

No, I wouldn't

>> No.12490334

Why would God make people who have the capacity to go suffer infinitely in the first place? They didn't choose to be alive, and given a choice between hell and non-existence, everyone would choose non-existence

>> No.12490337


I choose to believe that God is good. The God of the Bible is not good. He's not.

I choose to believe that man corrupted the Bible or straight up wrote it, and that our perception of God, as revealed through these texts, is absolutely fucked. That God is not at all as we suppose him to be.

God has to be good. And a good God does not send people he loves to hell for crimes they committed a blink of time. With an intelligence level they didn't choose.

Would you send a monkey to hell? We share 96% of our DNA.

I am going to assume that the difference between God and man is somewhat greater than the 4% difference in DNA between man and monkey. And I'm going to assume that God sees us as a bunch of mouthbreathers.

>> No.12490338

Nice argument
What would you do?

>> No.12490347


all God had to do. was not put the tree of good and evil in the garden.

or instead of placing angels with flaming swords to guard the garden after man had been kicked out, he should have just had them guard that damn tree.

it's like he wanted man to eat from that tree.

>> No.12490353


I don't know that the guy who said

"Create a better world. You can't."

gets to make fun of others' arguments.

>> No.12490354

I'd create a reality that ultimately allows for all of my creation to experience the limitless joy of eternity, even if they have to go through some trials to get there. I would never let any of my creation suffer endlessly though, I would help them to eventually reach salvation

>> No.12490355
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Or you could continue the proud tradition of pagan whinging on an anime forum in 2000+19, using the same fallacious reasoning out of ignorance of scripture that reprobates have for nearly two millennia, never having read a word of the vast corpus of Christian apologetic literature. Why would you ever need to do so when it's just as satisfying to your little worm brain to apply your creaturely myopia to the Creator?

>> No.12490356

Humans are created in the image of God. We possess rational souls and can tell the difference between good and evil; the law is written upon our hearts and yet we do evil anyway. If we will not repent and be reconciled with our creator then we get exactly what we deserve. When you say God is good, what do you mean? Do you look at that to the exclusion of his holiness, of his justice? God is the sovereign of all creation. Does a good king punish those who rebel against him? I guess he just lets them do whatever they please with no consequences since justice is evil, right?

>> No.12490357

God’s existence is not predicated on his being good specifically to humans. You are the clay and God is the potter. He can do whatever he wants with you. The Bible is clear on this point. This world is perfect to God.

>> No.12490362

>You are the clay and God is the potter. He can do whatever he wants with you
So why should we worship him?

>> No.12490363

Because it is your telos as a human.

>> No.12490366


If my reasoning is flawed, it's not from an ignorance of scripture.

But I would like to applaud this line:

"Why would you ever need to do so when its just as satisfying to your little worm brain to apply your creaturely myopia to the Creator."

truly great. honestly, I love it.

>> No.12490368

Why would you do that? You wouldn’t be omniscient without the existence of suffering (if God perceives a thing, it exists in some form). What exactly interests and benefits you about your universe?

>> No.12490370

According to who? God?

>> No.12490371

it's not like your exempt from punishment if you don't worship him

>> No.12490372

>why try to save yourself from destruction?

>> No.12490376

So basically God is an abusive father that threatens to beat you up (or eventually even kick you out) if you don't fetch him his beers and rub his back all the way down to his asscheeks every time he asks?

>> No.12490377

Yes, the creator that created you imbued you with a telos. You have a genuine purpose to your existence. As one catechism puts it
Q. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

>> No.12490382

>A child comes under the discipline of its parent but I shouldn't come under the discipline of my creator because I don't like it.
Doesn't work that way I'm afraid.

>> No.12490390

I'm the all-powerful creator of the universe, I had no reason to will suffering onto others, since nothing threatens me or my ego. Maybe I'd allow for momentary suffering to teach people kindness / discipline, but I wouldn't let them suffer needlessly, and certainly not forever.

>What exactly interests and benefits you about your universe?
I dunno, maybe I got bored and wanted some company?

>> No.12490394

How are you corresponding that shitty instruction manual made in the stone age with these pithy grand metaphysical statements? "Uhhh well tradition is you see here God is just a manifestation not ACTUALLY what it uhh says to do here "Christians especially people come off as so pathetic, they're always haughty and defensive, though the mystics like Merton who are so far up their own shit they've become collectively psychotic. Christian theism is not GOD insofar as you're using the bible to try to justify yourselves.You can gain from a tradition without necessarily believing in it, but if you need that training wheel of belief to get over your ancestral revenants, sure pal whatever works, but don't come around places advertising your sign posts as "God's divinity" etc. it's intellectually lazy and a passing off of personal responsibility to understand self.

>> No.12490396

Even if I accept your version of God as true and that he created me, it wouldn't make it any less true that this God is cruel and violent. I may even accept having to worship him to save my ass, but I'd push to have the words "all-loving" removed from his attributes.

>> No.12490402

i see you've been ignoring some of the other posts in this thread that would flesh out your understanding of the bible in order to stick to your own limited interpretation. what's the point?

>> No.12490409

>I had no reason to will suffering onto others
I could just as easily say that god has no reason to will happiness for his creations. God doesn’t think like you and he certainly isn’t driven by pleasure like you. You don’t understand how limited your perspective really is

>> No.12490414

What does it mean for God to love someone? Does it mean he cannot hold them accountable for the evils that they commit against him? It seems that the way that you define these things excludes the infinite holiness that is being offended through your sin, as well as any possibility of justice being meted out upon the criminal.

>> No.12490415

>>You are the clay vessel and the potter can do whatever he wants with you
>So why should the clay vessel hold stuff??? Checkmate claytheists

Then support your claim that the God of the Bible is evil with scripture. What verses related to sovereignty and lordship and grace do you find to be logically inconsistent with each other?
>save yourself
Prevenient grace is an extra-Biblical, eisegetical, and logically incoherent doctrine

>> No.12490418

>Prevenient grace is an extra-Biblical, eisegetical, and logically incoherent doctrine
That’s not what I meant.

>> No.12490420

How do you know that? Did he tell you? How do you know he was telling you this? How do you know it wasn't the great pumpkin?

>> No.12490421

You're not actually giving reasons for why God would be cruel, you're just saying "nuh, he probably doesn't think like you, therefore he's probably OK with making people suffer", which doesn't follow any logic.

What makes you so certain God desires others to suffer? Have you been personally victimised by God?

>> No.12490426

>protestants are never mad about purgatory
Fucking materialists

>> No.12490428

>Does it mean he cannot hold them accountable for the evils that they commit against him?
God literally didn't have to make anyone. He is the unborn, immortal, all-powerful Supreme Being. His decision to make us can only be understood if was a decision based on absolute love, and it can only be based on absolute love if he allows all of his creation to reach salvation eventually. Otherwise, it would not be absolute love, and that would make God flawed, which he is not.

>> No.12490429


I never said he was evil.

>> No.12490430

I guess we've reached the point where you've conceded the argument and are trying to argue about something else to deflect.

>> No.12490435

You've made yourself God's bitch

>> No.12490438

See this is my point, you're taking one attribute to the exclusion of everything else. You have a simplified view of God.

>> No.12490443

A world of suffering and meaning is more logical than a world without it. There’s more understanding to be derived. We read fiction with conflict and meaning, do we not? Also, you have the perspectives of the believers and non-believers. It is through the believers that God understands what it is like for himself to be desired by something other than himself. And the non-believers show him what it’s like to be away from himself, and suffer as a result. God is concerned with truth.

>> No.12490447

If God didn’t create, he wouldn’t be omnipotent nor omniscient. God isn’t God unless he creates.

>> No.12490457

I'm not saying that God's creation cannot have suffering in it. Just that that suffering wouldn't ultimately be the work of God, and that he would desire for all of his creation would one day experience no suffering.

>It is through the believers that God understands what it is like for himself to be desired by something other than himself. And the non-believers show him what it’s like to be away from himself, and suffer as a result. God is concerned with truth.
I wouldn't even disagree with this, so long as there's an added part about all non-believers eventually becoming believers, which an eternal hell doesn't allow for.

Under what logic? That's giving created attributes to God ("needs to create"), which God has none.

>> No.12490466

>Under what logic? That's giving created attributes to God ("needs to create"), which God has none.
What is God without creation? His mind cannot exist, since for him to think or perceive anything, there must exist that thing in some form. God is not perfect just because we call him perfect. It is through the creation that God is glorified and is perfect.

>> No.12490478

Well, sure, I could agree with that too, if we're going for a sort of pantheistic or panentheistic view of the cosmos, although I imagine most mainstream Christians would dismiss such an idea.