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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 276x400, 6486603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12487358 No.12487358 [Reply] [Original]

this is the most misleading cover I've ever seen.
what a joke of a novel.

>> No.12487427

>complaining about the cover
This was published 1 year after Bolaño's faggot. For some reason i dont think he was involved in choosing the cover artwork for the english translation.

>> No.12487438

>1 year after Bolano's faggot
We still haven't recovered

>> No.12487503 [DELETED] 

>whining about a "misleading" translated work published like 5 years after the writer died
The joke tells itself.

>> No.12487522

>whining about a "misleading" translated work's cover published posthumously
What a faggot. The joke tells itself.

>> No.12487603

I just started this one lads, almost two hundred pages in and I have no idea where this is going but it’s strangely relaxing and pleasurable to read with all of the tangents and digressions and absurdity

>> No.12487646
File: 345 KB, 600x940, 03e43eae63e7967a9ab1d7ca4a551122_w600_h_mw_mh_cs_cx_cy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian edition

>> No.12487784

only 3 parts?

>> No.12487792

Two volumes

>> No.12487800
File: 55 KB, 436x695, bolano_2666_nalovnica_knjiga1_72dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking shit. Slovenian edition.

>> No.12487861
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>> No.12487876

Why does your phone autocorrect ‘death’ to ‘faggot’?

>> No.12487888

You haven’t got to the part people typically complain about yet. The beginning and ending are great. Amazing storytelling. The middle however tends to rub people the wrong way

>> No.12487891

ikr, i expected some time of sprawling, baroque novel a la terra nostra and all i got was some bland and dragging nonsense that went on forever. bolano is just a product of the publishing industry after all, legitimized by "latin american studies" departments avid to get their claws on something new after preying on garcia marquez for decades.

>> No.12487892


>OP wanted an underwater high fantasy novel

>> No.12487895

this is probably the most honest/best cover.

>> No.12487959
File: 204 KB, 1180x1906, 3dd_Bolano-2666_vol-1_-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

romanian edition

>> No.12488037
File: 578 KB, 1454x2269, 2666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12488042

Cover is best known part, doesn't fuck around.
What's up with the 75?

>> No.12488051

oh i wasn’t aware there was a part people complained about, that sucks

>> No.12488073
File: 60 KB, 720x959, lib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine looks like this

>> No.12488260

You don't feel the plot at all, because there's no conclusions to almost anything. The only concrete thing you find out is Archimboldi's history, which ties into and explains some things from Part 1, but that's about it.

>> No.12488329

How do you say the title, /lit/? Two-six-six-six? Twenty-six sixty-six? Two thousand six-hundred sixty-six?

>> No.12488346

Yea there's a pleb filter in there.

>> No.12488349

Sucks to be Anglo.

>> No.12488351

I feel like the cover should be a silhouette of Ingeborg against the night sky but all the stars are skulls.

>> No.12488406

A book set in a distant future based on the paintings of Gustave Moreau actually would be great.

>> No.12488598

fucking kek

>> No.12488603

hhhnnnggg where do I get that one?

>> No.12488606

op is a brainlet

>> No.12488646

Part 4. But you can skip most of it. Most of the chapter is a bunch of extremely detailed imagery of murdered thots.

>> No.12488652

Never trust a chilean, they are backstabbers, scumbags, treacherous bastards.

>> No.12489378

now why in the world would i want to skip that?

>> No.12489432

there were a lot of little truths and details that i really enjoyed but it meandered and never arrived at any conclusion. or maybe i'm just a brainlet. either way, i still really enjoyed his prose.

i liked the middle part. i read through it in a couple days and it made me feel numb afterwards. if that was his objective then he accomplished it

>> No.12489460
File: 148 KB, 961x1500, 81s32cFRxzL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: French edition. Do the French hate Bolaño? Giving this shit of a cover to to the man's magnus opus... ffs.

>> No.12489467

literally judging a book by its cover


>> No.12489477

Is Terra Nostra worth a read?

>> No.12489781

Nah thats just folio, their covers are always shit, i could spot it from a mile away

>> No.12489794

>i liked the middle part. i read through it in a couple days and it made me feel numb afterwards. if that was his objective then he accomplished it
THIS. After a while i wanted it to never end(even the dry parts). I felt like rape was absolutely normal. Bolano hypnotised me and i felt nothing for the women. I wanted more rape. I started enjoying reading about it. If 'this is how society degenerates' was his point, i absolutely felt it. This book is a masterpiece.

>> No.12490488

The absolute state of /lit/-posting

>> No.12490861

very very nice

>> No.12491020
File: 67 KB, 451x650, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12491037
File: 925 KB, 1280x1790, 2666aesthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think that is one of the few covers I liked from english translations of anything. You lack taste

Adelphi is top aesthetic in the world when it comes to book covers. Grazie per averlo ricordato a tutti, italianon, quando ci vuole ci vuole.
Have a Japanese cover for peak aesthetics.

>> No.12491163

Good job the runefolk

>> No.12491191

the graphic designer just went to the nearest window and snapped a pic with his phone?

>> No.12491196
File: 39 KB, 325x499, 2666 shit design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate my cover

>> No.12491222

I was disappointed by this book too. It had great potential, but it kept lapsing into this restrained, smug, navel-gazing tone. By the end, I was convinced that Bolaño is just a slightly less shit version of Murakami.

>> No.12491229

based and redpilled

>> No.12491602
File: 108 KB, 1280x868, https___blogs-images.forbes.com_niallmccarthy_files_2017_06_20170601_Global_Peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12491670

that doesn't measure what you think it measures

>> No.12492095

Tell me /lit/: did Hans Reiter kill his wife

>> No.12492190

It's virtually impossible to get robbed/mugged/raped in the streets of Slovenia even if you are walking around at 3AM in the "worst" parts of the town. In fact, I don't think anything such as a bad neighborhood even exists in Slovenia.

On the other hand when I was in Seattle, it was like walking into a shithole. And I thought Seattle was supposed to be one of the safer/cleaner cities of USA. Fat and ugly people everywhere. Trash rolling down the streets. Grey and poorly maintained infrastructure. Black people carrying backpacks and selling dope in broad daylight. Tattooed and oddly dressed women with questionable hygiene. Crossing the border and making it to Vancouver was like escaping from a war-zone.

>> No.12492204

so is it just the english translation/me or is the prose really that repetitive and dry?

>> No.12492215

That’s how Bolaño writes. It’s comfy as fuck. It’s so detached and uncomplicated

>> No.12492223

Pathetic British Existence

I think the problem is really parts 2 and 3. Part 4 is at the very least brave and I'd say a big success. Part 1 is just funny. Part 5 I personally dislike but I couldn't apply your line of criticism to it. It's 2 and 3 that do all the things well intentioned creative writing MAs fuck themselves over with.

>> No.12492235

I also find his writing comfy af. Despite the subject matter.

>> No.12492333

so the slovenian internet defense force is lurking the 4chan literature board

guess you learn something new every day huh