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12487202 No.12487202 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, why did he repeatedly cheat on his highly anti-semitic and even more pro-Nazi German wife with Jewish women?

>> No.12487220

khazar milkers probably

>> No.12487238

LOL. I still don't understand how and why such a unique meme developed, regarding the bosom of Jewish women. But it always makes me laugh, and I guess I wish I had a Jewish girlfriend too.

>> No.12487250

Because Ben Shapiro's sister has a pair of big ol' titties.

>> No.12487254

He was being authentic™

>> No.12487602


>> No.12487721

>Heidegger married Elfride Petri on 21 March 1917, in a Catholic ceremony officiated by his friend Engelbert Krebs [de], and a week later in a Protestant ceremony in the presence of her parents. Their first son, Jörg, was born in 1919. Elfride then gave birth to Hermann [de] in 1920. Heidegger knew that he was not Hermann's biological father but raised him as his son.
Talk about Cuck Philosophy™

>> No.12487743

forbidden fruit phenomenon

>> No.12488008

Khazra milkers?

>> No.12488020


>> No.12488167

Jewish girls are extremely raunchy in bed

>> No.12488441

This, essentially. Heidegger only stayed married because he didn't wanna be excommunicated.

>> No.12488545

He probably just used Arendt for pussy.

Arendt stole Raul Hillberg's notion of the banality of evil btw.

>> No.12488560

Some are stiff. Some are active.

>> No.12488572

Harendt didn't create anything new, she took from Marxist critical theory too. she's just the first person to present those ideas against the backdrop of Nazis and Soviets in a connected, readable, format.

>> No.12488579

Oh my goodness, you are right. My gosh.

>> No.12488580

A child does not need to be biological to be a child.

>> No.12488590

this is your brain on the constant esotericism of a study that is queer "theory"

>> No.12488615

>she took from Marxist critical theory too


>> No.12488628

Because Heidegger wasn't a Nazi

>> No.12488633

what do you mean? he literally was a Nazi.

>> No.12488634

She had connections to Princeton Press... rumor has it she fucked over Hillberg by recommending his magnum opus to not be published.

>> No.12488636

Post proof then

>> No.12488640

I thought he was a heterodox Catholic

>> No.12488642

kek, bet you think Wagner and Nietzsche were Nazis too

>> No.12488647

It would be unbearable if you knew the father personally but adoption is completely fine and normal.

Schmitt wrote privately that the only reason he wrote pro-Nazi philosophy was because he feared for his life. I imagine Heidegger was similar... there's a reason he lived in a hut in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.12488656

you can hate kikes without being a nazi

>> No.12488658

Wagner did romanticize German nationalism--- one of the reasons Nietzsche had a falling out with him.

>> No.12488661

obviously Heidegger had a weakness for jewish poon

>> No.12488662

He was, but he didn't hate Jews enough to put them in camps, he resigned because the Nazis demanded the school get rid of all books by Jews. He also said he stopped liking Hitler after The Night of the Long Knives. To Heidegger, Hitler became the monster he was supposed to defeat, a hideous industrialized totalism

>> No.12488666

Fuck off to /pol/

If you do not atleast sympathize with Jewish people then you are very low iq.

>> No.12488676

he joined the Nazi Party on May 1 1933. that makes him a nazi

>> No.12488678

jews literally made it illegal to be proud of your germanic heritage/ display germanic iconography because anything having with white pepo is RACIST and antisemitic

>> No.12488679
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>If you do not atleast sympathize with Jewish people then you are very low iq.

>> No.12488688

Holy shit, she is actually pretty sexy.

>> No.12488696
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Nice trips

>> No.12488706
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hey gaiz I jus converted to cristianiti!
>doesn't go to church every Sunday
>doesn't read the Bible
>doesn't believe in Jesus' sacrifice
>doesn't pray to God
but I'm crisitan doe

>> No.12488709

>he stopped liking Hitler after The Night of the Long Knives

good Heidegger have been... a beefsteak nazi? (i.e. an ex-Marxist?) I'm thinking of Ernst Rohm here

>> No.12488712
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>> No.12488720


>> No.12488723

More he was a classical conservative like Edgar Julius Jung

>> No.12488727

there are absolutely people that do this, and get away with it.

>> No.12488738

For you.

From the private collection.

>> No.12488745
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>> No.12488748
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>> No.12488760
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>> No.12488764

do you know who I am yet?

>> No.12488768
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>> No.12488772


>> No.12488775
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>> No.12488776

Yes ofc

>> No.12488779

this is brainlet-core

>> No.12488785

Are you a philosemite as well, Catilline?

>> No.12488794

There are actually people who think like this

>> No.12488798

for some reason, anti-semitism is highly correlated with a lust for jewish girls

>> No.12488804

When are you going to convert?
>The New York-based Anti-Defamation League on Thursday urged the world's Orthodox Christian leaders to support a Christian proposal to excise ancient anti-Semitic passages from their liturgy.

>Unlike the Catholic and Protestant Churches, the Orthodox Church has never removed anti-Semitic passages from its liturgy, which still refers to Jews as Christ killers, said Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky, director of the Jerusalem Summit, a conservative Israeli think tank. He noted that the anti-Semitic passages were most conspicuous during Easter services, and included such statements as "the Jewish tribe which condemned you to crucifixion, repay them Oh Lord," - which is repeated half a dozen times during the liturgy - "Christ has risen but the Jewish seed has perished" as well as references to Jews as "God-killers."


This is Hilarion's (the bishop in charge of Orthodox-Catholic dialogue) response to that

>Russian Orthodox theologian and bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Vienna's lecture on "Theological Education in the 21st Century"

>Even more inadmissible, from my point of view, is the correction of liturgical texts in line with contemporary norms. Relatively recently the Roman Catholic Church decided to remove the so-called 'antisemitic' texts from the service of Holy Friday.

>> No.12488806

Porn is something used when one does not have access to the finer things in life. That is all.

>> No.12488817

>Deciding to finally address the “elephant in the room” in his closing remarks, the head of the Jewish delegation, Rabbi David Rosen, called for the Orthodox Christian leaders to issue a statement on the status of the Jewish people.

>“A doctrinal repudiation that the Jewish people had been rejected by God could have enormous consequences,” said Rosen, the international director of interreligious affairs at the American Jewish Committee.

>Rosen’s request was met with silence, raised eyebrows and the occasional shake of the head by the Christian delegates.


>> No.12488822

>>12488817>Jewish Radicals Disrupt Greek Orthodox Pentecost Prayer in Jerusalem, Calling Worshipers 'Evil'

>At the height of the ceremony, a small group from the Greek Orthodox, led by the bishop, came down the stairs and entered the Tomb of King David, escorted by the police. The Jewish protestors grew more frenzied. "The Jewish people lives forever!" King David lives forever!" one screamed. "May the name of your so-called God be blotted out forever," cursed another. "Nazi," someone screamed at the police.


Listen from 39 min for the Orthodox explain the truth about how Jews feel

>> No.12488828
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Is this, dare I say, based and redpilled?

>> No.12488829

I beg your parden? Did someone say I was anti-semitic? Because if so, they were extremely mistaken.

See, I am what Plato calls a "democratic man"... someone who is "multi-colored"... not in an ethnic sense but in being a mixture of all the regimes in the Republic. I say things to please those I am speaking to. It is perhaps you who has been misled as to who is the anti-semite.

>> No.12488840


>> No.12488852

Tfw democracy is an "escort service'

>> No.12488855 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12488861

Did someone ever tell you that I had a strong desire to become a Jesuit in high school?

There are not very many traditionalist Jesuits... though I do have an appreciation for Latin Mass.

Appreciation of tradition can be combined with progressive social views.

I have never voted.

>> No.12488864
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>> No.12488875

>Appreciation of tradition can be combined with progressive social views.

Please read "Liberalism is a Sin"

>> No.12488888

I get the reference. Like I said, I tell people what I think they want to hear. Didn't do my research as, concerning your relationship with an acquiantance, I was under the impression that you yourself were a crypto-fascist of sorts.

>> No.12488895


I am openly fascist. Or very very conservative, depending on how you use the terms

>> No.12488897

check those quints

,,, judging by your collection, I believed you to be a social progressive... is this not the case?

>> No.12488903

What kind of fascist? Italian or German?

>> No.12488916
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White women are for marrying. Non white women are for fucking

>> No.12488920

If Bonald is

>> No.12488934

I see now your "Don't Tread on me flag"

You not a fan of the don?

>> No.12488939


I have one myself

>> No.12488943


Of a Black Hundreds kinda guy, although Gentile has influenced me, but I see turning education over to the Church as important, most fascism is way too secular for me, this is what pushed Sven Heiden away from Hitler. The Falange is excellent

>> No.12488954

I like Hoppe

>> No.12488991

I see. A Rothbardian, formally? I enjoy Hoppe as well.

Damn you're very traditionalist... a sed, even?

Unless there is an age gap, I would be highly surprised if we did not know a few of the same people in your area. In fact, if you worked where I think you worked, I think I have seen you around. May I guess where you worked?

>> No.12488998

And by where you work(ed) I am referring to a specific office.

>> No.12489009

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.12489012

Based af

>> No.12489029

I am Orthodox

I am not a Rothbardian, more in the vein of Paul Gottfried. Although Gottfried was a very close friend of Rothbard's. Here is a sample article by Gottfried


Probably shouldn't guess at where I've worked, not interested in being doxxed

>> No.12489032 [DELETED] 

Do you work in Russell, near the Kennedy Room?

Early 30's, kind of scruffy hair. I believe I saw you at a Hillsdale event on traditionalist Catholic politics. You had a glass of wine and was standing in the back?

>> No.12489035

He got cucked though.

>> No.12489041

See the post? I will delete it.

>> No.12489059

>It would be unbearable if you knew the father personally but adoption is completely fine and normal.
Except its not really adoption, since his wife fucked another man behind his back you cuck

>> No.12489076

Wait... so... not Roman Catholic?

I see. I've read Gottfried before.

I will be vague. Slight slump in the neck. Scruffy hair. Anywhere from 25-35. Hillsdale event on traditionalist catholic politics. Wine in hand, standing in the back.

I will say this. You might work in a long hall with marble floors and wooden doors. At the end of the hall is a staircase and at the other end a wide open space.

>> No.12489080
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Jewesses are succubus

>> No.12489089

Never said it was adoption. Did you read what I said?

>> No.12489093
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I am going to become a monk

>> No.12489099

emphasis on succ

>> No.12489105

Why? Because I guessed correctly?

>> No.12489116

I thought about becoming a monk in high school. Orthodox monks are cooler than Catholic monks.


>> No.12489119

No, I have it already planned, my priest selected a monastery for me

>> No.12489123

Yes, very ascetic

>> No.12489197

I also considered becoming a catholic monk but I decided against it.

I have to ask. Why are you doing this? Following orders from above? Is it a favor for someone? Skull and Bones?

I know some very prominent Greek people in DC: you could try to make the connection. One in particular, I could give a phone call. Close connection to the White House. But closer connection to his sister. He's a family man.

I also have to ask: for someone who has so many valuables, why become a monk? It seems you appreciate the finer things in life.

>> No.12489210

I won't doxx you if you won't doxx me. Shoot me a connection on linkedin. Or atleast take a look at my profile.

>> No.12489212

Everything is ash next to Christ.


>> No.12489229

What, did you delete a post?

>> No.12489241

No, it was a reponse to a deleted post

Like I said, everything is ash next to Christ, but good looking out.


Actually trying to cut ties rn, deleting my online accounts

>> No.12489245

Don't try to deny that that was implied, you idiot.

>> No.12489249

... next to Christ.

I envy your ability to make this leap of faith. I stopped awhile back.

>> No.12489263

Don't get angry. Need a juul?

Will an email work?

>> No.12489268

It has nothing to do with ability, really, I couldn't turn from Christ even if I wanted to. I know because I stopped praying and gave into drinking and debauchery for a while and I just wound up sobbing at confession. I have no doubt issues, just my own passions that I have to kill

>> No.12489282

I couldn't turn from Nietzsche if I wanted to. Helped me during a rough patch and now I'm hard-wired.

I still get tears in my eyes when I go to church though.

>> No.12489291

Nope, I have severed. The monastary has no electricity for most monks (candle light and lanterns are used), so I am trying to get ready. Ironic that 4chan is the last to go

Nietzsche is a lot easier for me to reconcile with Orthodoxy (to an extent) than Catholicism or Protestantism, but I am more drawn to Heidegger.

>> No.12489298
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>mfw reading this thread

>> No.12489309

I think I might be the same way ngl. If I were to go to confession... it would be painful.

Not because of any of the shit that's been spreading around here though... I don't hang around playgrounds, regardless of what anyone tells you. I don't even watch anime. I used to when I was 14.

As for the... other shit... impressed but disturbed that someone got access to that.

>> No.12489315

why not?

>> No.12489320

>Nope, I have severed. The monastary has no electricity for most monks (candle light and lanterns are used), so I am trying to get ready. Ironic that 4chan is the last to go

This is such bullshit. lol

>> No.12489324

You should go

>> No.12489328

What's happening to glowworm.blog?

>> No.12489332
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>dumb christcvck
>whoring for attention
>on an anonymous image board

>> No.12489337

You're right. And I will. Once I'm home.

>> No.12489342

No, he is far more impressive than you think he is.

As for the monastery, I think I'll turn out my lamps too. Good night.

>> No.12489349

Literally found Christ through this board, as ridiculous as that sounds, so it hold a special place in my heart. I will be gone in a week though, so if you see this name after that, it isn't me

>> No.12489350


>> No.12489353

I'm supposed to be impressed with religious zealotry?

>> No.12489354

you're not connected to glow worm at all

>> No.12489360

No, you're supposed to be impressed with his knowledge of philosophy/history/etc

Eat dirt, brother.

>> No.12489365

I too went to university
I too have access to the internet
Can you be impressed with me, desu?

>> No.12489368

Come on dude just smoke some weed, chill out, hang out with your friends, and go to sleep my dude

>> No.12489370

You're right, namefagging is vanity, I won't do it anymore. Or hijack threads with personal discussion.

I gotta run anyhow

>> No.12489391
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epic post!
you totally owned the libs!

>> No.12489396

I didn't own the libs, I pissed you off. Beat it, knuckles.

>> No.12489409

go back to facebook, boomer.

>> No.12489558
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>> No.12489574

unfortunately butterfag keeps changing her trip to avoid filters
that should really be a bannable offense

>> No.12489872

Actually I'm pretty well off right now and working in futures speculation. I'm not a leftist, by the way, I'm a fascist, so don't try to pull that shit with me.

>> No.12489900 [DELETED] 

wait... so outis is just some random tripfag that you guys worship because he has a lot of books


>> No.12490156

Jews are mostly the reason why psychology or at least psychoanalysis exists at all

>> No.12490167

Oh no that's so terrible. lol fucking poltard.

>> No.12490171

? what did they do to you anon

>> No.12490173

Uploaded my name to a database

>> No.12490243

Difference is neither of them joined the fucking nazi party. And Nietzsche demonstrably wasn't a nazi unless you read the edition of will to power that his batshit sister half wrote

>> No.12490259

>anything my college professor doesn't like is BATSHIT

>> No.12490287

Bet you think Nietzsche perfectly endorses your presupposed progressive liberalism and Enlightenment 'progress'.

>> No.12490516

yeah Julius Ceasar was a total basedboy

>> No.12491130

his sister didn't write it...we know now that it's authentic Nietzsche, problem is nobody likes to assume the consequences of Nietzsche's thought...he must remain a "wisdom writer" only

>> No.12491234


>> No.12491299

So were Schopenhauer, Hegel, Luther and Arminius by the way

>> No.12491306

Jewish people are doing quite well these days, wtf do they need sympathy for satan?

>> No.12491328

For private security.

Check the Hobbes thread.

>> No.12491339

It's not authentic Nietzsche. His sister and her husband (huge nationalist) did all of the editing.

Even if it was Nietzsche, think Turin.

>> No.12491568

>tfw Agatha will never come back

>> No.12491866

>His sister and her husband (huge nationalist) did all of the editing.

but that's not true, as we now know

>> No.12492781

heidegger: is there a bigger pseud?