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/lit/ - Literature

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12487200 No.12487200 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12487224

ree, etc

>> No.12487232

You guys have to stop giving a shit about people who aren't going to be remembered in 10 years, it doesn't fucking matter just let them act the fool god damn it means nothing some retarded hoes aren't going to displace Keats of all people

>> No.12487240

why don't you post the link to the article you stupid pleb

>> No.12487244

women are bastardizing poetry. it is sad because they are blinding themselves to thebeauty of the classics intentionally because POETS of all people represent the historical oppressors. nothing short of tragic

>> No.12487251

agreed , it is more out of love for the art hoes in my life that i wish they could realize what they are missing

>> No.12487260

I can feel the daisies growing over me.

>> No.12487267

Yeah, because they follow her for her amazing verse and not her vagina.

>> No.12487278

of course he is. So is Shakespeare. Dead white men are the best

>> No.12487286
File: 443 KB, 542x550, as.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my vagina
smells of fish
discover the ocean
inside me
as i queef

(i have a vagina btw)

>> No.12487332

You are gross.

>> No.12487487


>> No.12487546

Well, he literally is

>> No.12487548

Honestly, so what? Men are plebs and don't buy or read poetry. Their fault for being stupid.

>> No.12487985


Someone post the screenshot with sex in my vagina, gender in sex, periods in my vagina, etc.

>> No.12487995

that pose lol. women are so goofy. so indulgent

>> No.12487996

Based and redpilled

>> No.12488010


a morphological abortion;
grows her hair as to'
conceal her deformity:
tilts her head and -
regresses in conformity_

>> No.12488105


>> No.12488149

Even on this board poetry is more or less ignored...

>> No.12488166

Insulting to Keats, who died at such a young age. He did more in his short life than an Instagram poet could do in more than one.

>> No.12488229
File: 499 KB, 926x921, Keats Thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Appreciate Power is the best verse written by womankind yet

>> No.12488253
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unironically 80% of my favorite living poets are women. why are men so boring today? post 1 good
>contemporary male poet

>> No.12488267

>We Appreciate Power

What will it take to make you capitulate?
I'll evade the human race, putting makeup on my face

Simulation, give me something good
God's creation, so misunderstood
Pray to the divinity, the keeper of the key
One day everyone will believe

What will it take to make you capitulate?
When will the state agree to cooperate?
People like to say that we're insane
But AI will reward us when it reigns

Pledge allegiance to the world's most powerful computer
Simulation is the future
What will it take to make you capitulate?

And if you long to never die
Baby, plug in, upload your mind
Come on, you're not even alive
If you're not backed up on a drive

And if you long to never die
Baby, plug in, upload your mind
Come on, you're not even alive
If you're not backed up, backed up on a drive

What will it take to make you capitulate?
I'll evade the human race, putting makeup on my face
We appreciate power
We appreciate power, power
What will it take to make you capitulate?
We appreciate power
We appreciate power
When will the state agree to cooperate?
We appreciate power
We appreciate power
We appreciate power
We appreciate power
We appreciate power

Neanderthal to human being
Evolution, kill the gene
Biology is superficial
Intelligence is artificial

>> No.12488273

>unironically 80% of my favorite living poets are women
Name names. Certainly isn't true of french poetry i'm afraid.

>> No.12488279

Joanna Newsom is the best female poet.

>> No.12488281

I bet this was written by a fat nigger

>> No.12488446

Inshallah Grimes will burn for this trash writing

>> No.12488452

Who even gives a fuck about modern poetry?

>> No.12488496

People who aren't entry level pseuds

>> No.12488548

Women live in your head rent free

>> No.12488735

Poetry is actually the only literary genre women can succeed at

Not these particular women, obviously, but they have existed in historical and hypothetical scenarios

Emily Dickinson, for example
Anne Sexton


Well that's actually about it. But I can probably think of another if you give me enough time

>> No.12488938

I want every one of these """journalists""" to go the way of the huffpo opinion section. Me giving a shit about them doesn't change the fact they're getting bankrolled by rich assholes who are trying to socially engineer the younger generation.

>> No.12488972

Poetry is dead. white men did all the hard work from the rhyming poetry to blank verse, to free verse. Poetry in 2019 is basically just minorities jerking themselves off and using identity politics to be a demagogue.

The most feared white man sjws hate, DFW, had a great quote about poetry

"everyone writes it, no one reads it"

>> No.12489130

Not this again...

>> No.12489137

ofc its diverse

>> No.12489166

>Keats is dead
That's not wrong...

>> No.12489174
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>> No.12489178
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>> No.12489183
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>> No.12489190

Yeah. If you think the jews won, let me ask you something:
What year is it? And what is the significance of that number? Why are we all counting to it in unison?

>> No.12489198
File: 106 KB, 817x565, 1545799950414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of the human race is a foaming puckered cunt firing out a cadence of queefs onto the emaciated and muzzled face of an anemic eunuch

>> No.12489211
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>> No.12489223
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>> No.12489250

You're missing Sappho, first and foremost

>> No.12489594

truly epiphanic!

>> No.12489598


investors realized e-thots can sell books and computers could write the content. only an incel would be against women reading and writing.

>> No.12489606


houellebecq said versification is important. stick to checkers, kiddo

>> No.12489637

yikes, cringe and ugh

>> No.12489645


you forgot


you gassy illiterate

>> No.12489655


>> No.12489665

That looks like one of those ads you find at the bottom of news articles
>Local Vancouver whore invents new poetry and displaces Keats

>> No.12489673

Superficial and artificial should rhyme but somehow don't. Like, they do... but just say it. It sounds like shit.

>> No.12489696
File: 44 KB, 480x674, white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not change that. Write some poetry NOW!
Or should we pick a topic first? How about pic related?

>> No.12489704

>What year is it?
2019 CE

>> No.12489713

what super power finances a jewish nation? Why is this? Why will it never stop?
Face it Jews won

>> No.12490080

>not Enheduanna

>> No.12490403

>it doesn't fucking matter
these fucks literally own the production of culture and mainstream social sensibilities. it's not possible to ignore it.

>> No.12490569

the production of mainstream sensibilities has always been shit, it just gets romanticized because decades later we remember some hallowed classic that was actually censored and banned at the time instead of the much more popular dimerag bullshit people actually read back then

>> No.12490581
File: 61 KB, 710x400, birdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keats is Dead so Fuck me From Behind

Keats is dead so fuck me from behind

Slowly and with carnal purpose

Some black midwinter afternoon

While all the children are walking home from school

Peel my stockings down with your teeth

Coleridge is dead and Auden too

Of laughing in an overcoat

Shelley died at sea and his heart wouldn’t burn

& Wordsworth……………………………………………..

They never found his body

His widow mad with grief, hammering nails into an empty meadow

Byron, Whitman, our dog crushed by the garage door

Finger me slowly

In the snowscape of your childhood

Our dead floating just below the surface of the earth

Bend me over like a substitute teacher

& pump me full of shivering arrows

O emotional vulnerability

Bosnian folk-song, birds in the chimney

Tell me what you love when you think I’m not listening

Wallace Stevens’s mother is calling him in for dinner

But he’s not coming, he’s dead too, he died sixty years ago

And nobody cared at his funeral

Life is real

And the days burn off like leopard print

Nobody, not even the dead can tell me what to do

Eat my pussy from behind

Bill Manhire’s not getting any younger

>> No.12490755

reddit spacing has to be the new formalism

>> No.12490765

What is this?

>> No.12490766
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>> No.12490791

hp opinion is dismantled bro

>> No.12490995

Because I’m not some pozzed faggot.

>> No.12491255

All living poets are shit. Including you.

>> No.12491324

I write words
that don't rhyme but
I space
them irregularly I
don't even bother with
and that's
deep and shit
~Ruppee Karl

>> No.12491536


>> No.12491616

Who gives a shit about the younger generation, when that happens we will either be dead or too old to give a shit about that stuff. desu the more journalists try to push their shit the stronger the counter movement gets. There is nothing more satisfying and presuative than bashing the status quo, the current norms and taboos. As soon as these things get more normalised, the easier it will be for people to go read the old shit and realise their plain of reality is a built and founded on spooks and the current cannon is shit quality compared to the older stuff.

>> No.12491617

I don't think worrying is simply recreational outrage on the part of internet reactionaries who ree at 'sjws'. I think there's some legitimacy to being more worried than ever before. Most young people only consume art destined for early fucking teens, so it's only normal they get offended when confronted with adult, transcendent themes. They're just not equipped with the education and sensibility required for the art of 'old/dead white men'. The only reason this is more worrying than in any other time, is because the masses are consuming more art/culture than ever before so the gatekeepers of the culture industry are exponentially replaced by marketers and salesmen more than ever before. I really fucking worry.

>> No.12491681

I just hope that the increase in interest in poetry leads to a shift away from free verse as more people try to make something that stands out from the form that seems to dominate contemporary poetry.

>> No.12491702

I'm gonna champion a short form imitation of Keats and take poetry back for the lads, who's with me?

>> No.12491734

free verse was a mistake

convince me otherwise

>> No.12491742

8.3 Best New Poem

>> No.12491800

Did I say contemporary poetry? I meant new popular poetry

>> No.12491857

I get why people lament about there being so many dead white men represented as classic literature, but this attitude that the old masters need to be discarded, ignored or replaced altogether from now on is extremely silly.

>> No.12491859

incredibly unbased and brownpilled opinion which is the product of pure ignorance

>> No.12491862

Literally no one believes that. I'm begging you to kill yourself

>> No.12491904

hehe funny, john green said the same thing in The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.12491907

Eh, non Narrative/Dramatic Verse poetry is pretty gay anyways. If the wamens want wamen poems I don't really care.

>> No.12492224

This. I swallowed the reality of the instapoet situation and started up my own poetry/lifestyle instagram last Christmas to provide some resistance to where things are heading. The page has a long way to go, but I cannot idly stand by and watch the watering down of verse in popular poetry. I feel better knowing that I am making some marginal effort to preserve an art form I love which is at risk of being forgotten.

>> No.12492297

I don’t know. There’s seems to be a great desire for iconoclasm radiating from the intersectional clique.

>> No.12492315

That quote kills the last of my motivation to write poetry... Might as well try something in prose? Bah, I hate writing fucking stories. Maybe some theoryfiction!? Something that gives me the same sense of freedom poetry does.

>> No.12492318

Le 'you're all imagining it and blowing a secluded internet phenomenon out of proportion' fag. Go live in the real world.

>> No.12492346
File: 86 KB, 700x585, tseliot-Eliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keats is dead and women and jews are responsible for romanticism and the decline of the west

>> No.12492376

she was

but alas
was not

>> No.12492437

I can't believe you've done this

>> No.12492454

>Bah, I hate writing fucking stories.
tons of prose doesn't tell stories.

>> No.12492460

keats was a romantic poet mate
capstone of the movement, really

>> No.12492488

I'm a
butch bulldyke
on my period
Please give me

- Every woman """"""poet"""""" ever

>> No.12492633

based "going through the motions" poster

>> No.12492642
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Done what exactly?

>> No.12492644

What is there to talk about? Most of poetry breaks down to aesthetic preference or preferred theme, which is hard to discuss as opposed to novels where you have a lot more content to work with.
We have threads on epic poets like Milton, Dante, or Homer, and occasionally on structure like Pope. The poetry critique threads are somewhat active, as well.
I don't know what you are looking for besides that.