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12485776 No.12485776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 9 am today with an alarm to watch tennis
>watch tennis while drinking coffee
>have spent the rest of the time wasting time on the internet, inside and outside house, while drinking coffee
>plan to go to gym today after not going yesterday
>plan to have one last binge today and maybe give up coffee tomorrow
>read 100 pages of a non-fiction book yesterday and finished it (at least I'm back to being an advanced consumercuck rather than a YouTube / 4chan / Reddit bottom feeder)

I'm getting noticeably fatter after binging every day this year and exercising 6 times at most.

I plan to start being productive, stop junk food, and stop coffee tomorrow. I can't even remember the last time I liked the taste of coffee.

Tennis majors are like a memory capsule for my life and mood at the time, like a lot of books. I remember watching the French Open final in 2015, on TV, as it was sunny outside, and thinking I would start being productive in my free time as a NEET soon (I didn't).

I am worried that if I don't start getting my act together soon, it could prove that I'm an NPC. I did well in education, have a prestigious job starting later this year, but I worry that my lack of motivation (which I have rationally justified due to my blackpilled insights about my beta ugliness giving me a hard life while Chad and all women have easy lives) could be a sign of either a low IQ or something like that.

I have such an everythingstential crisis, I can't even give myself self imposed deadlines or goals or schedules without being worried that I am cucking myself. This is while I am a slave to habit.

Buying my binge food from a shiny supermarket filled with attractive students, while having an excuse to leave the house and look like a busy member of society, is a big part of the ritual. The lights make me feel like I'm in a Refn movie.

I don't think I could bear working in a retailcuck job anymore. It's so humiliating.

>> No.12485787

i could never bring myself to work a retailcuck job id rather be homeless then again i dont have cash register experience so i'm not qualified anyways lol

>> No.12485874

Buy Chainlink instead of buying stupid cuck fast food

>> No.12485895

Retail jobs will train you on how to use a cash register. It's an entry-level position.

>> No.12485907

>I don't think I could bear working in a retailcuck job anymore. It's so humiliating.
The worst part of it is running into someone you know and them seeing that all you've amounted to is retail.

>> No.12485939
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it's only a job.
any job is all right for an artist as long as you don't really associate yourself with it.

>> No.12486012

>I did well in education, have a prestigious job starting later this year
your life is going to change for the better
just try to remind yourself that you reap what you sow. if you want to stop being fat you need to eat less, if you want to be productive you have to do more. women will only see you as an ugly beta if you see yourself as such. if you dont believe me just wait until youve got some money and you finally shed that weight and see how confident you are now that you cant justify women not wanting you due to your situation

best of luck anon

>> No.12486284

>I plan to start being productive, stop junk food, and stop coffee tomorrow.

No you don't

>> No.12486296

What's wrong with coffee? Actually don't tell me, I'm not in the mood.

>> No.12486483

Good luck, anon! Let us know tomorrow if you managed to make a good start.

>> No.12486506

How much does london frog weigh? Every post he makes he mentions either binge eating or fast food.

>> No.12486557

>watching tennis in 2019
it's just so fucking boring now

>> No.12486577

Best of luck man. I've got a lot of the same problems you do, (inability to self-impose deadlines, unjokingly addicted to coffee, unhealthy lifestyle). Take care of yourself. Try not to spend all your time alone.

>> No.12486606

reading this on the toilet and the tip of my dick keeps lightly poking the inside of the bowl, sending cool, damp shocks into my sacrum. i wonder how long gonorrhea can live on the surface of porcelain.
we all git problems, point being.

>> No.12486662
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>mfw social services assign me a comfy job working in a charity shop for a year
>start in 2 weeks
>make double my neetbux for it, but it's only 20 hours a week
feels good man, only downside is being trapped in a schedule but whatever, once step closer to normiedom

>> No.12487762

OP here. I binged at home on junk food and decided to leave the gym for tomorrow. I'll go jogging and go to the gym tomorrow. I bought so much junk food I still have some left for tomorrow

>> No.12487770

How can this motherfucker afford not to work? Only in England, absolutely disgusting.

I’ll be watering plants and shit if I don’t get a desk job this month

>> No.12487771

I hope you die a slow death with pain equal to the suffering you have inflicted on all of us who have been forced to read your garbage

>> No.12487779

I feel nothing for you or against you