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/lit/ - Literature

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12485757 No.12485757 [Reply] [Original]

What version of the Bible should i read? Are any better than others?

>> No.12485765

The Septuagint

>> No.12485806
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Depends what you're looking for. Pic related is just translations, there are numerous study Bibles if you want more information.

I doubt you even read koine Greek.

>> No.12485839

Are you reading for religious or literature reasons?

That chart is outdated and not very good originally, stop posting it already.

>> No.12485857

Please tell me how the landscape of Bible translations has totally changed since a year or two ago.

>> No.12485912

Alter's The Hebrew Bible > NJPS
Hart's The New Testament should be included somewhere under "autistically academic".

>> No.12485950

The Latin Vulgate is the best. The older the better. The most consistent would be the Gutenberg version. I really dislike the Clementine and post-clementine versions, very unaesthetic Latin.

>> No.12485967

Fucking lol. ESV is well received by protestants and is very popular and widely available in many editions. Why pick some literally nothing translation?

It's excellent but an expensive three-volume affair, not a standard Bible. Also, it's translated from a literary perspective, not a believing Jewish one, which is the point of the "denominational" perspective.

Old Testament isn't out yet. Why recommend an incomplete Bible?

>> No.12485968

Old testament:
Read Genesis, Job, Ecclessiastes.
You're dont, nothing more it's worthwhile.

New testament:
Read Tolstoi's The Gospel in Brief.

>> No.12486010

most flammable Edition

>> No.12486032

Scot McKnight is currently doing a new NT translation that'll be the NT equivalent of "Goldingay’s The First Testament", they'll make a extremely good pairing and I wouldn't be surprised if they're officially confirmed together for a complete bible.

The EHV has already begun EHV replacing the ESV in Lutheran churches.

>> No.12487572
File: 497 KB, 607x608, john 10-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just be mindful of Catholic perfidy.