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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 800x729, Brainlet 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12485681 No.12485681 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12485697
File: 282 KB, 422x768, fugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hotdog pizza burrito

>> No.12485709

I’ve got an idea- a pizza hotdog burrito

>> No.12485715

That’s actuallly amazing where’d you get that idea

>> No.12485718

Holy fuck.


>> No.12485724

Incredible. I would give you $50 over PayPal for the patent

>> No.12485726

What are you? Fucking retarded? Embarrassing. Even if you’re trolling you’re just plain dumb.
A+ I would buy this

>> No.12485727

A man is immortal. He's unsuccesfully tried to die for hundreds of years now. Now he has devised a new plan. Instead of killing himself, he joins politics, weasels his way up in Washington until he's one of the big players. Once established he airs out dirty laundry to goat the elites to take a shot at him. He's getting more and more extreme in the dark secrets he spills and in the cours of the novel it becomes harder and harder to ignore his supernatural luck in surviving ever more brutal assassination attempts.

>> No.12485738


>> No.12485745


Just wow

>> No.12485754

second post best post

>> No.12485873
File: 57 KB, 1024x566, curbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hotdog pizza burrito poster here
>5 IPs
you shameless samefag.

>> No.12485929

copyright this immediately

>> No.12485940

fuck man, nice

>> No.12485963


>> No.12486379

A hippie in New Orleans circa 1960 comes across top secret government Intel. The story is him on the run from a US government lackey and his hardass partner, a crazy court marshalled former general, and a Soviet special task force

>> No.12487575

My idea is a little box that automatically lifts your blinds at the time you set it to. Dark during the sleeping hours, but sun shining in when you want to get up so you don't stay groggy and sleepy.

>> No.12487622

hope you realize this

>> No.12487632

What is a good way to make money and be a hermit?

>> No.12487695
File: 80 KB, 625x425, piscesiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neetbux are 1337bux, then you can just readbooks and shitpost

>> No.12487708
File: 23 KB, 124x106, 1444776611360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha faggot, you fell right into my trap.
Step 1: come into idea thread
Step 2: steal best idea
Step 3: register with Writers Guild
Once again you incel faggots have given me free labour. See you next time!

>> No.12487733

Deleting this board and sending everyone whose posted the word cringe or based here to a FEMA camp
heh upboat

>> No.12487758

This is a really funny comment. I like how silly it is. I assume that's why everyone finds it funny. Because it is so childish and playful. Like something Homer Simpson would say. To you people, who are usually very serious people. The only thing is, I would have to agree with >>12487733 and say that it is definitely upboat worthy. Anyway, still a funny comment. I give it a 7/10. Nice job

>> No.12487807


A story about a dog who lives in the middle of nowhere with his owner, who is a cute, old lady with bushy hair and her grumpy husband who is almost a skeleton and always sits in his old man chair. The dog protects his two owners from the most nightmarish creatures and monsters who always manage to haunt their unassuming lives. The thing is, this dog, is able to see with some great perspective the monsters' terrible plans and is able to attempt rescues on his beloved owner her and husband. Another thing about this dog is that he is very scared all the time. He would be the last one to do this kinda thing, but he's the only one who can. His owners are just too damn oblivious.

What do ya'll think?

>> No.12487848

Sounds like not my type of book but since nobody is giving you any light on the matter I thought I might shed my little interpretation of your idea. It sounds wild, for sure, but it also kinda sounds like Twilight, that vampire book that teenage girls like to read. You know? Those vampires, they're immortal? How they gonna spend all their time? I mean the one major thing that you need to consider here is that the dude actually has to be good at politics, because after a while they will start to question his vigor. So sure, he could get into politics, but he can't play the long-investment type of game which is where I think you're going for this, he has to build himself up to become a politician so perfectly that he can then enter the politics game and everything goes according to plan. Anyway, that was me on your idea for a little bit. I wouldn't read it but I think people might. Good luck.

>> No.12487860

we dox the jannies and rape them

>> No.12487862
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Jerkcity novel. Canonized within the decade.

>> No.12487883

That's extremely doable. You could also have a number in your phone that sends a text to a rhasberry pi (little programmable computer) and set it up so you can use your voice to text, then have that text lift or close your blinds. You can also just buy the Google Voice kit for rhasberry pi but it will always be listening to you.

>> No.12487989
File: 264 KB, 574x600, 1504006139494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a marketable invention though? The idea crossed my mind when my [spoilerbf[/spoiler] slept over at my place recently. He wakes up from the smallest ray of sunshine and always keeps the blinds closed at night, whereas I love waking up to the sun and therefore keep mine open.