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/lit/ - Literature

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12485286 No.12485286 [Reply] [Original]

besides /lit/, what websites do you visit to discuss books, or even better, to share and practise writing?
the only places I forums / facebook communities are filled with people who I don't like.

>> No.12485366

I go to /lit/ but I don't like any of you guys either

>> No.12485428
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I'm here for the jezebels and the occasional autistic (and good) book recommendations.
Then again, I don't frequent any other platforms. So I'm watching this thread.

>> No.12485566

This, but Idk what jezebels are, nor am interested in knowing it.

>> No.12485585

>he doesn't know about the darknet chatrooms

The smaller the community, the better.

>> No.12485603

What if the knowledge allowed you to use the word "defenestration"?

>> No.12485605

There was a /lit/ rizon channel and it sucked. No OP there is nowhere else. You can either deal with what comes along on 4chan or go to retarddit. There are probably dead forums for books with two members that have 15,000 posts but those sites will be even worse.

>> No.12485743


90% of the posts on the site are from me.

>> No.12486543

source on the ass?

>> No.12486554

From my personal collection.

>> No.12486585

You seem a man of culture. Cheers mate.

>> No.12486611

reverse search the image you brainlet

>> No.12486786

Positive vibes only. I love you, anon.

>> No.12486806
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>go to lit/ to engage in spiritually uplifting detachment of philosophical beauty
>have to endure staring at perfectly shaped jezebel frames

>> No.12486815

>spiritually uplifting detachment of philosophical beauty
How about hollow memes, and cruel jokes from faceless strangers. Fuck people who think this is therapy

>> No.12486881

Who is she? Do you have more pics.

>> No.12486921
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I can't trust pictures on the internet anymore. Literally all women photoshop their images, it used to be just magazines and professional shoots, but these days it's fucking everyone. Every IG model has this grotesque blown out butt that would break her back in two had it actually existed. Not only that, but the proliferation of ass implants now makes me suspicious of every big butt I see. Phtoshop, filters, excessive make-up, editing, implants - this plastic society shit is getting real annoying. I feel more genuine happing to hentai. At least it has no pretense and doesn't try to deceive my penis.

>> No.12486929

May I recommend a madrasa, degenerate jezebel poster.

>> No.12486931

DFW literally predicted this in IJ

>> No.12486965
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>> No.12486970


>> No.12486971

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

You think it's easy being me? You don't know the half of it, kid. You don't know the sort of rejection I've faced. And this is my territory you;re in. I bet you thought you could just come into this board and post whatever you wanted, like /b/ or /r9k/, right? Wrong. I and many others come here for the specific point of discussing LITERATURE. Read that word carefully, look it up if you have too. And while we were amiably pursing this noble subject of erudition, you came along and decided it was a propitious idea to put a libidinally charge representation of what I, and many others on this board, cannot attain on the front fucking page. You cretin. You sad, dead, little phallus-minded moron.

So in conclusion: prepare yourself. Post whatever jezebels you have left, with the time you have (it isn't very much time). I'm coming for you, bitch.

>> No.12486987


>> No.12486990

What a pure boi
We didn't deserve him

>> No.12487121

Why are you so sensitive? Just leave

>> No.12487127

Not sensitive. This just isn't therapy, nor is it uplifting. I'm here for the misery

>> No.12487149

The only thing /lit/ is good for is book recommendations. Everything else is shit. And everywhere else is shit too. There is /lit/ and nothing else.

>> No.12487150

Honestly, /lit/ is pretty much the best place for book discussion. Pretty much any other site is going to be filled with nothing but women who exclusively read YA or women who make threads like, "Just finished reading 1984 (first book I've finished in 12 years!) and my mind is blown!"

Not that this place is actually good in any way, everywhere else is just so much worse on account of the amount of women that use those sites.

>> No.12487170

u have to go on literature forums not book forums which you would know already if u werent a fucktard, that said i only come here cuz i dont want to have to deal with namefags egos

>> No.12487178

>deceive my penis
Fucking lie to the little shit lmao

>> No.12487181

die roastie whore

>> No.12487186

>i only come here cuz i dont want to have to deal with namefags egos
This but also women and trannies and non-whites and the like.

>> No.12487188

if you’re in a city you could join a book club, there’s one I’m tempted to join near me that reads classics and /lit/ tier books and make it a point to drink wine at the meetings (i love wine) but i got too much social anxiety

>> No.12487191

falling for the big butt meme is were u went wrong, that shit is for the primitives races and cultures, whites and asians like firm buns of steel you can cup in your palm, not big bags of flab that flop all over like a trashbag full of cornflakes

>> No.12487241

Looked at all the book clubs near me and it's all YA trash.

>> No.12487247

move out of the sticks

>> No.12487257

Based kindposter.

>> No.12487697

Why would you ever come to /lit/? It's by far the most elitist and hate-filled board on 4chan. If it had even 1/10 the population of /v/, this site would implode. Just look at the comments in the average thread
>video games are for manchilds
>tv is for manchilds
>Reddit is for manchilds
>yet to read Nietzsche's entire body of work? Manchild
>post stack, post shelf
>news story about how some group wants to read something besides The Canon and how that is completely unacceptable and just another sign that humanity is hanging over an intellectual abyss
There is nothing this board puts forward positively besides the concept of High Art, which must be defended from the manchildren and plebs, which at this point essentially includes everyone. /lit/ is only good for the occasional name dropping of an obscure author you'd otherwise never find. Besides that, it's just a place for misanthropes to have a small but oh so intelligent circkejerk.

>> No.12487709

7/10, im saving this for the next reddit thread. you’re going to be spread across this plane of prison lokas and made into a tortured image of the Adamic shard consciousness as a warning and banishing ritual for all the husk people that are sentenced to this place. Thanks

>> No.12487761

I am literally the only elitist poster on /lit/, because I am the only elite poster on /lit/. This board is filled with mental midgets and if you can't even fathom them you don't deserve to post here. I've reported your post to the mods for extreme low post quality, and I hope they permanently rangeban your IP.

>> No.12487809

It's a way of living made in rough going

>> No.12488235

What kind of sad being can be miserable here? The worst you should be is bored. At best there's fleeting moments of humour.

>> No.12488439

Same. Suffering is good. It makes one hardened, cynical, and fierce.

>> No.12488448

It's not good, but it is gratifying.
Are you kidding? This entire website is depressed

>> No.12488450

not true about being the only elite poster but I do agree that there needs to be revival of sorts... /lit/ was similar to this in 2012, 2013. people actually knew about literature and philosophy.

>> No.12488458
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Do you have pics of her feet?

>> No.12488474

Good/Bad do not exist.

To rephrase: Suffering helps to further one's chances at surviving in a cruel and unforgiving social world. People are always acting out of their own self-interest, consciously or not, and will fuck people over for little to no reason at all.

My favorite quotes from Machiavelli:

"It is better to be feared than loved."

something along the lines of "People care more about their father's will than they do about their father."

>> No.12488513
File: 33 KB, 870x455, 1543785530969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on this board are so VAIN that they posture over books they pretend to have read, ANONYMOUSLY. That's right, they are trying to signal social standing with posts that can never be connected to any other one they post, or them as a person—THE ONLY PERSON THEY COULD POSSIBLY BE POSTURING TO IS THEMSELVES! Every single thread on a book will include a green-text of the book name attached with a disgusted looking Harold Bloom (who they, of course, haven't read). THAT'S HOW PEOPLE ARGUE HERE. They just post a smug "ohh I can't believe you'd read something like THAT" or "*snicker* you actually think THAT?" with no context. I'm convinced that no one has actually read a book on this board, they've just memorized names and faces and vague ideas associated with them, and just bounce the same baseless conceptions back and forth between each other until it forms a board wide gestalt consciousness of pseud. Like, someone here could show you the most obscure portrait of Kant looking like a negro-goblin, a wacky anecdote about coffee or his masturbation habits, but ask them anything about his actual philosophy and you will get TOTAL SILENCE. Ask about an entry-level book, TOTAL SILENCE; ask about a basic grammar concept, TOTAL. SILENCE. Ask which author had the biggest forehead, 100+ REPLIES WITH THE MOST BITTER ARGUMENTS IMAGINABLE. How ANYBODY could think this place the last bastion of literary culture is unimaginable. This board is the theoretical zero-point of Intelligent discussion on the internet.

>> No.12488534

I get that, but there's more than suffering, and to an extent 4chan can become an echo chamber that kind of separates you from reality

>> No.12488644

I'm stealing this pasta

>> No.12489038

Rex Stout's version of Louis Adamic has a higher register of English than you, but your efforts to balkanize and babble on anon are otherwise well spent and I wish you luck in burying him beneath his own words.

>> No.12489171

Last line was classic, anon. You're a great dude.

>> No.12489224

The funny thing is, he's being completely serious.

>> No.12489388

based em dash poster

>> No.12489601

bump for buttocks in the OP

>> No.12490592

there are none

>> No.12491137
File: 37 KB, 625x558, 1547897531735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12491731

Is there a more perfect creation than Woman?

>> No.12491752

A dictionary is equally useful in that regard.

>> No.12491758


>> No.12491827


>> No.12492026

me then= bubble butt > teenage girl butt
wife got fit
i now agree with you