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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.46 MB, 4032x3024, 33AE7F42-682A-4D56-8D87-FC26930516F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12484449 No.12484449 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the closest thing to a typewriter I can get without all the mechanical hassle and driving the neighbors insane at 4 am?

All I want is a computer that directly prints onto paper, without a screen.

>> No.12484457

i want to put my dick in her arse

>> No.12484463

these floral patterns don't work well on men. a womans body is natural beauty and flowers just go hand in hand with that.

>> No.12484467

Anons, please focus.

>> No.12484492

C’mon bois
A good answer and you get a second pic of the bish.

>> No.12484498

Get an old computer. Install linux (lubuntu or linux mint, some light distro) + GNU Emacs, plug in a printer.

do not connect it to the internet

end of story.

>> No.12484499
File: 23 KB, 554x306, IMG_9901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy one of those OG IBM laptops and put vim on some command line OS

>> No.12484502
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Fuck you beat me to it. lol emacs haha imagine the smell.

>> No.12484528
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Anons, what I don’t want is a fucking screen. The glow distracts me. I got a 2016 macbook and it was near perfect for the purpose once wifi was deactivated, but even with a blue light filter or inverted colours the fucking glow is distracting.

Has anyone tried one of those electronic typewriters of the seventies?
Aren’t they making something like that, but with a modern keyboard?
I can’t find anything satisfactory in google.

>> No.12484533

Plus it needs to be portable...

>> No.12484556

Get the cheapest chromebook you can find.

>> No.12484559

thats a girl right?

>> No.12484563

The electric typewriters are not as loud. You could build a little foam hut to type inside of to help with the sound. It'd give you a poor man's writing room.

>> No.12484565

you want a teletype, and they aren't very portable.

>> No.12484569

This is what I did and it's great.

>> No.12484584


Why not pen and paper? It's cheaper, you can do it anywhere, and people won't think you're posing like the pseud you are for wanting weird machine to flex with an improbable gf

>> No.12484586

>memorise your work
>wander from town to town reciting at feasts
Anything else is pleb tier

>> No.12484590

I already have tried that, I’ve found the screen distracting still.
I honestly think the screens fuck with your brain in some way, I don’t think there’s ever been anything good written on a computer now that I think of it.

>> No.12484597

Because I want someone else to read it, ideally.

>> No.12484636

I saw these things called freewrite. E ink typewriters. Pretty cool, bit expensive though, but that's the price you pay for hipster thingies.

Just Google e-ink typewriters

>> No.12484643

wtf does she have two pairs of breasts?

>> No.12484647

It's a new invention called ribs.

>> No.12484655

Most things were written before computers.

>> No.12484673

Thank you, this is exactly what I wanted. There’s one called Pomera that looks great, but $500 for a kindle with keyboard Jesus Christ

>> No.12484741
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>> No.12484819

then get a fucking pen and a sheet of paper, you cunt.


>> No.12484828

I’ve already written two novels and three books of poems, Anon. I just want to perfect my writing. I’d post but it’s in Spanish.

>> No.12484831
File: 87 KB, 700x912, 1544216757136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have a thin short haired qt with nice tits to take secret post-coital pictures of, intending on distributing them with an unrelated topic through your Mongolian carrier pidgeon cabal.
Why even live.

>> No.12484839

This photo looks weird, it's like the boy's chest is stretching :(

>> No.12484848


>> No.12485099

i did and i don't have anymore, it's not that special actually anon

>> No.12485169

>these floral patterns don't work well on men
But op's image is of a woman?

>> No.12485183

>send message
if only

>> No.12485294

She looks like a dude. Is it gay to be attracted to her?

>> No.12485308

>that sweaty armpit

>> No.12485323
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>Short hair means yer a dude

>> No.12485327

goddamnit will all of you fuckers stop posting waifish short haired jezebels with sexy italian phenotypes RARRHGHGHGH I HATE ALL OF YOU

>> No.12485337 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 612x960, 1548600465012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blondes better?

>> No.12485339

>a dick means yer a dude

>> No.12485341

>improbable gf

what do you mean by this? seriously?

>> No.12485342

no blondes are disgusting

>> No.12485348

Thats literally a 12 year old boy

>> No.12485353

I know.
But OP doesn't have a dick.

>> No.12485358

I only like short-hair. I can't even register anything else.

>> No.12485364

Butterfly faggot is wrong as always

>> No.12485374
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>> No.12485412

Same here

>> No.12485413

WHY? WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME WITH THESE JEZEBELS? Every day I come to /lit/ and every day it's the same thing: incredibly attractive cuties posing coquettishly for the camera, as if to seduce the reader. As a celibate person, I must protest these puerile distractions. They have nothing to do with the subject of literature and only celebrate the lowest of low culture. Please, go with God.

>> No.12485430
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Beauty is the main focus of most art.
It has nearly everything to do with literature.

>> No.12485439

Yeah same here. Instant attraction.

>> No.12485441

Yes but I am an old man, and firm young cuties with graceful limbs and gushing orifices are forever out of my reach. Please stop.

>> No.12485448

/lit/ will never believe me but I once made out with a cutie xe/xem/xer in the stacks of the library we worked at. They/them/thine looked pretty close to this.

>> No.12485453

you made out with a mentally ill survivor of the potato famines. congratulations.

>> No.12485455
File: 171 KB, 497x1009, almeida jnior - sauda e 1899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an old woman. How's the nostalgia zingers hittin' you?

>> No.12485467

Heavy drinking, suicidal thoughts, depression, stopped working out, stopped writing, stopped giving a damn. Just waiting to die out here. At least I'm not a zoomer.

>> No.12485475
File: 1.23 MB, 2184x3604, Charles Leander Weed - Girl with a Dove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you don't see where you went wrong, anon?

(Gotta hit the road. l8rs)

>> No.12485476

And thine/thou/that made out with a loser college graduate who couldn't get into SOM/YPC and now writes banner copy for photo ops. I think we/us/nous are pretty much even.

>> No.12485482

nah I pounded out a cute girl with a fat ass big tiddies and an MFA then dumped her because she was retarded

>> No.12485486

(been MGTOW ever since. women who aren't wife material are literal trash.)

>> No.12485493

I was describing myself tho.

My agender cutie went on to do an MSW, which it/tu/vous dropped about a year in due to a mental breakdown, and now works at Barnes & Noble and reads books on LGBTQ politics.

Come to think of it, maybe I should message her*.

>> No.12485505

only a man could write a post as profoundly sad as this.

i hope she[1] has a real vagina, at least, anon

[1] the feminine pronoun, used here for convenience only

>> No.12485520

The cutie definitely was, and I am so sad, anon; save me presumably still is, a natural-born female.

>> No.12485528

U incels have really derailed the thread.

And to think there were maybe EVEN MORE pictures for brap coinosseurs as a reward for interesting answers to the original inquiry, perhaps even full nudes...

>> No.12485533
File: 603 KB, 1024x649, pencilandpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s the closest thing to a typewriter I can get without all the mechanical hassle and driving the neighbors insane at 4 am?
This is exactly what you asked for, and cheap to boot.

Post girl.

>> No.12485537

Wasted digits.

>> No.12485736

Mind telling the story? or at least could you say why I'm putting too much into the idea?

>> No.12486200

Where are his clothes?

>> No.12488063

Postealo, maricaaaa

>> No.12488076

God i wish id been born a woman

>> No.12488094

I want to ride her from behind while milking those udders

>> No.12488241

I got a nice Smith Corona word processor from a yard sale for like 30 bucks. I felt bad for the guy because he was in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank and said that his fingers were so weak he couldn't use it nor write with a pen or pencil. He wrote short films that played in the local theatre. Pretty cool dude and I wish I could've talked with him more when I had the chance.
Anyway, the typewriter in question might be something worth looking into. You can optionally hook it up to a nice monochrome display and do a bit of modern-ish word processing on it. I'd use it more often but the keys are a bit stiff, and the data disks it uses to save stuff digitally are proprietary and I prefer to stick with open formats in general.

>> No.12488258

just use some ancient laptop you sper you want a typewritter that isn't a typewritter

>> No.12488268

what's there to say? you only think it great cause you haven't had it yet

>> No.12488283
File: 13 KB, 425x224, 81oDSzhYC8L._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother makes electronic typewriters still

>> No.12488314

But there are undoubtedly a number of things I imagine to be great which I would find great as well, if I were to have them. I'm asking for specifics.

>> No.12488935

Just get an electric, like people have said. It doesn't matter because if you're worried about the powerful mechanical CLANG CLANG CLANG DIIIIIIING CLANG CLANG CLANG of your art upsetting your ""neighbors"", you're never going to make it anyway.

>> No.12489203
File: 206 KB, 1280x960, 3B44DD50-E039-4E06-B16C-900DD3202C84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is a laptop with MS WORD and bourbon.

>> No.12489711
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>> No.12489855
File: 56 KB, 600x507, 0013850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write your masterpiece on a portable label printer or embossing label maker.

>> No.12490997

I'll remember this is what's wrong with you every
time i catch you christlarping from now on

>> No.12491006

>hating the sinner instead of the sin, or its causes
Not gonna make it.

>> No.12491108
File: 29 KB, 344x550, Conrad Felixmüller, Lovers in Dresden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He/you is the one with suicidal thoughts, not us.
His/your love for a death cult from the mid-east is where you Christians all go wrong. I know, I've been there.

>> No.12491273

give me source you faggots

>> No.12491292

What is with everyone blaming zoomers. You are starting to sound like actual boomers complaining about all things new

>> No.12491330

Literally nothing since the invention of the iPhone has been beneficial to mankind.

>> No.12491350
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>> No.12491388

I think you just want a typewriter m8, I think some are more soundless than others