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/lit/ - Literature

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12484410 No.12484410 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12484415

it's all escapism . . books, tv, vidy, sodomy. same shit

>> No.12484422

/lit/ was a high IQ board until mystery meat /v/irgins and /pol/tards commuted dysgenic warfare on the population of this board, driving quality posters away to various other chans and actual forums, leaving just me and like three other similarly middling posters to get mad at off topic threads and the impotent janitorial staff. Now we have an endless stream of “i’m addicted to porn/video games, please fix my life” threads and perpetual evangelizing of obscure religious sects. And if you complain about it you get told to go back to the fabled tranny discord

>> No.12484427

good word

>> No.12484434

Go back to tranny discord, this board is for literature, not for shitposting 20 marxist threads on faux premise that someone wrote book.

>> No.12484436

W-where did they go, senpai? I too have noticed the quality drop.

You can tell me at my porn account email aunnoestoymuerto @ gmail.

Thanks senpai
I won’t need to see a million more underage hillbilly threads

>> No.12484479

Jesus, why the fuck is everyone on this board always so negative about everything? Fucking hell, would you faggots shut the fuck up with your complaining for once?

>> No.12484481


>> No.12484487

Nobody wants to discuss literature because its considered "middlebrow" so they just circlejerk philosophy, religion and politics over and over.

>> No.12484508

no OP
/tv/ got really fucked up

>> No.12484522

it's true.

>> No.12484640

t. negative complaining faggot

>> No.12484965

Escape this temporal prison my man. Why have we been trapped here? Who has decided to play this dreadful joke on us? Are we supposed to escape or remain here? Is there a possibility of escaping ones own nature without suicide? Or is ego death the grasping of that very nature? Is Your escapism towards death, or towards life?

>> No.12485163

the memes aren't as good and comics haven't taken over yet

>> No.12485204

>reads Dostoyevsky, Pynchon, Homer exactly once
>Dude I'm an intellectual now


>> No.12485497

I like smelling my ow farts too anon

>> No.12485507

This board is significantly worse than /tv/

>> No.12485523

i've never even read one of those guys and i've never heard of pynchon but im a genius

>> No.12485526

>never heard of pynchon
Stop fucking posting and go back

>> No.12485531

back where

>> No.12485587

It's the same as a 18th century Parisian salon. We're more interested in being around the people who go there then the actual books, we would just go to Goodreads if all we cared about was the discussion of specific works. There are a lot of smart and insightful people on this board and I like to listen in; like a child staying up too late after the Christmas party listening to their uncle's stories. This is a cozy board

>> No.12485593

How new are you
I left this board for a while, does /lit/ not have pynchon threads anymore?

>> No.12485611

>high iq

>> No.12485612

nah im a tourist here i come very rarely i've made maybe 10 posts on this board

>> No.12485614

Every day. You didnt miss anything. Nothing changes here, ever.

>> No.12485615

>/lit/ is just the pseud version of /tv/


>> No.12485621

If you think about, this thread is just a low IQ version of a /lit/erature thread that actually belongs on this board

>> No.12485682

I being one of the other 3 people of course

>> No.12485748


>> No.12485820

/tv/ was way more high iq than /lit/ the problem is the number of brainlets and newfags on /tv/ has always been way higher

>> No.12485836

Its still a vastly better board. I dont even watch television or movies and I have tons of fun posting there and laugh my ass off. This board is full of pretentious newfags fresh off the boat from retarddit who bitch about everything.

>> No.12485838

I just want to say that every-time I go to /mu/ there's always the same fucking threads about the same albums and the same memes, what a fucking shit board. How can teens not get bored of it?

>> No.12485846

/lit/ is exactly the same thing. Don't lie to yourself.

>> No.12485900
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All boards except /a/ are like that. I do think /mu/ is beyond shit. Their sense of humor is terrible facebook shit. fantanoposters should end their lives.

>> No.12485921
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/lit/ is even more rigid and unimaginative and obsessed with endlessly polemizing three dozen stale worn-out meme-topics like some senile geriatric neighbor who keeps retelling you the same 5 stories about his youth over and over again every time you meet him. it's even more embarrassing seeing as average poster age of /mu/ is about 17, while on /lit/ it's probably 25.

as >>12485836 has said: paradoxically, in spite of arguably being hit the worst by gamergate and /pol/eddit-gate, /tv/ remains the absolute best board both for lulzworthy shitposting and serious (insofar 4chan permits it) discussion

>> No.12485947

t. someone who has never been to /tv/
It's all capeshit and shitposting there. Film discussion is absolutely dead.
Shit is so bad that they have gone full imdb/reddit and now consider Nolan to be a good director.
This, it's just pathetic nowadays. We needed /film/, but it got nuked.

>> No.12485964

The idea of /mu/-core killed any hope of that board being a decent place to talk about music.
People come in, listen to a few albums off that chart and then leave the board forever. The people that stay go into one of the generals where nothing ever changes either.
I mean, you can say the same about /lit/ except instead of generals, /lit/ just acts as /r9k/ or /adv/ for people who feel like they're too smart for those boards.

>> No.12485966
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>and now consider Nolan to be a good director
Chiefly to rustle refined underage Tarkovsky-Tarr-Herzog "kinoisseurs" like yourself, good sire.

>> No.12485980
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Today I will remind them again.

>> No.12485990
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>film discussion
That's not what I said at all lmao faggot. Do you actually watch TV? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.12485992

All board culture is terrible. That doesn't mean you can't find some interesting threads or new music.

>> No.12486000

>Film discussion is absolutely dead.
There's always good discussion to be had if you want it. The trouble is you're another pseud who has nothing to say, so you're resorting to complaining instead of making quality contributions. This is true of /lit/ too.

>> No.12486004

>"wow recently 4chan has really gone downhill"
This is so embarassing to watch every day. Lurk 5 years before posting again

>> No.12486015

Also this. I made a thread about gilligan's island that hit 200 posts over the summer and then later got some ~65 weird 80s movie recommendations. I should make more threads desu

>> No.12486019

>election cycle rebbit tourist dots the i's
Fuck off, nigglet.

>> No.12486060

The absolute state of twigboi incels

>> No.12486378

>this absolute rectal explosion
This redditor is spent, bring in a new one.

>> No.12486387

calm down redditcel back you go

>> No.12486419

>n-no u
Based "auldfuck".

>> No.12486437
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>now consider Nolan to be a good director.

>> No.12486473

you could always combat this by creating quality threads, but let's be honest here

>> No.12486480

Yeah, exactly reddit. Exactly. Please go back now

>> No.12486488
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>n-no ure reddit

>> No.12487069

Yes reddit, yes you are.

>> No.12487249

>replying 2 hours later just to get the last word
Yep, definitely an e1337 non-reddit pre-2008 oldfag and not an assblasted child.

>> No.12487291

No I was trying to find a different post and I thought it might be in this thread but it was not. And if i wanted to do that I would have saged. Now go back to plebbit dear.

>> No.12487294

Ur both Reddit
I'm oldfag

>> No.12487301

>oh no no no and no no no
Nice excuses, faggitor.

>> No.12487311

>rating Nolan
Just kys already, my man, your taste is absolute shit

>> No.12487324

Post your top 10 films.

>> No.12487339

In the thread about comic books I fortified my argument with a post I made in the harry potter thread. You can confirm my riveting tale here >>12487078

>> No.12487349

You know what fagboi here's something that isnt on KYM I remembered from the catalog. One of the rules for /lit/ used to be "there is to be no discussion of ayn rand". Probably around the reign of roodypoos.

>> No.12487361

>a poltard
Definitely should >>>/r/eddit then.

>> No.12487391

/q/ was deleted 6 years ago anon. Give it up. Jesus were you a weenieposter? What is "pol"? Are you talking about nu-/pol/? That wasteland?

>> No.12487431
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>I remember randposting ban
>literally something that comes up every other rand thread still
Very auldfuck of you, lebbitor.

>> No.12487459

I didn't use /lit/ in 2010 because I was too busy taking acid and shitposting on /x/ but it was definitely a rule in the list. Before /arcanine/ got nuked their last good meme was "she's gonna fuck a lot of dudes". Nobody knew what to do with that board in 08/09 and the green tuxedo anon for that board was a slim "gentleman". You're not the only oldfag on 4chan anon. You might very well be genuinely autistic but I'm having fun with this pissing contest so we can keep going. Do you want to hear the tale of the guy who introduced me to /b/ and is now in prison for life over kidnapping? I have police videos and news articleeesssss :^)

>> No.12488306

If /lit/ is the high IQ version of /tv/ what is the high IQ version of sneedposting?

>> No.12488317

It's passed but it was man goes down toilet/bananaposting in pynchon threads 5-6 years ago

>> No.12488958

My diary desu
Shakespeare was a black woman
Pretending to be Pynchon
Actually being Pynchon
Writing shitposts in the style of Nabokov
Recommending Phenomenology of Spirit as a self help book
Reminding people that Kant made a woman kill herself because she wasn't a virgin
Finnegans Wake

>> No.12488982
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>fundamentally misunderstands what sneedposting is
Its this anon >>12488317

>> No.12488992

/lit/ is a low test version of /tv/

>> No.12489000

/tv/ crossboarders need to go back

>> No.12489017
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I don't even watch tv and you are a newfaggot offsite tourist

>> No.12489054

So you're telling me there's more to it than just repeating it over and over again to make people mad? Well I'll be.

>> No.12489074

Yes. Its designed to annihilate all discussions of the cheese people cartoon and drive them back to /co/. Which is why the now defunct man goes down toilet/bananaposting in pynchon threads years ago is the direct equivalent. At their peak they were fairly creative and pynchon threads couldn't exist without being shitposted. My favorite thing from that era was about david foster wallace and tao lin trying to sneak into thomas pynchon's fortified compound. Maybe someone capped it.

>> No.12489109

I found it:
Can you guys please rate my David Foster Wallace fanfiction?

It's called Post Modernism: The Final Chapter

David Foster Wallace and Tao Lin stood around their elaborately footnoted map of Thomas Pynchon’s house.
“Are you sure about this David?”
“Dammit Tao, we’ve been over this again, how can we become the world’s greatest pomo authors if Thomas Pynchon’s still alive?”
“I know, but eliminating his map?”
David Foster Wallace slapped Tao Lin in his chubby little face.
“Are you in, or are you out?”
“Uhh- I don’t-“
“You called your book Eeeee Eee Eeeee Tao, Eeeee Eee Eeeee. How can you succeed in a world where Pynchon exists with a title like Eeeee Eee Eeeee?”
Tao Lin clenched his fists.
“I’m in David. But if you ever mention Eeeee Eee Eeeee again, I’ll end you”

Crickets chirped outside Tao Lin’s Toyota Camry.
“Here’s the place.”
In front of them stood the imposing walls of Thomas Pynchon’s fortress of solitude.
“Get the rope.” Said David as he stepped out of the car. Tao Lin hurried to the car’s boot, and pulled out a long black thread of rope. He chucked it to David who attached a metal hook to its end. He then threw the hook over the walls and it stuck tight. He yanked it, then started to shimmy up, leaping over the wall and landing with a tennis-shoe silenced thump.
“The coast’s clear.”
With this, Tao Lin also scalled the wall, He rolled over to David Foster Wallace and took out their map. Wallace took out his LED light and shone it over the diagram.
“The backdoor’s over there. Once we get in it’s through the kitchen, up the stairs, down the hallway and then it’s match-point for Thomas.”
Keeping low, they moved at a crawl towards the sturdy stone alcove of Pynchon’s back doorstep.
“Jiggy the door Tao.”
Tao Lin took out a styrofoam Starbucks cup. Cracking it open, he took out a lockpick and screwdriver.
“This is easy David.”
“Almost too easy Tao. If Pynchon’s security this lax, I’m surprised that Burroughs didn’t bet us to the punch decades ago.”
The door soundlessly swung open and they crawled inside.
“Get down David.” Cried Tao Lin and he threw David Foster Wallace to the ground. In the air above them flashed three deadly crossbow bolts, which slammed into the door with a meaty thunk.
Above them, the intercom crackled into life.
“Welcome to my home Mr. Wallace. You must be over the rainbow to step foot in my domain”
Tao Lin was looking around frantically.
“The jig’s up, David lets get out of this here.”
“I’m not ready to give up now Tao.”
“You’re lucky to be alive! Come on, the Pale King will sell fine on its own.”
“Don’t bring up The Pale King Tao, don’t you ever mention the Pale King!”
With that David Foster Wallace barreled through the kitchen.

>> No.12489113

I see.
Why does /tv/ want to get rid of Simpsons posters though, were they a menace?

>> No.12489120


“You better help your friend Tao-Lin, or he might find himself in a world of pain.”
Ahead, Tao Lin could hear David’s frantic cries for help. Taking out his knife out of its boot holder, Tao Lin turned the corner to find David Foster Wallace in the slimy grip of a giant octopus.
“This wasn’t in the plan David!”
“Give me the knife!” cried David Foster Wallace as he viciously gouged at the octopus’s eyes with his one free hand
Tao Lin threw the knife and it whirled through the air. David caught the knife in one hand and tore it through the octopuses’ fleshy ‘head’. Writhing in pain, the octopus wheeled in pain, dropping the writer onto his feet. Tao Lin leapt forward with his icepick, and with one swift move thrust it into the octopus’ brain.
“This is so going in my blog.”
The housetrained kraken spasmed on the floor for a full minute, then stood still.
“You might be the most impressive writers yet.”
“You’re not as smart as you think you are Pynchon.” Cried back DFW.
“I never said I was smart, only creative!”
With a mechanical click, the floor beneath Tao Lin and David Foster Wallace swung in like a trapdoor. David desperately grasped for the ledge, and Tao Lin managed to grab his hanging ankle, leaving them both hanging precariously from the side. Looking down they could see vicious metal stakes sticking through the basement’s cold concrete floor. Scattered around the room was a number of skeletons, the one directly below them still wearing a cowboy hat.
“Cormac. Pynchon you bastard!”
“Tao, even my serving arm can’t keep us from falling from much longer. You have to do something now.”
Tao struggled to pull himself upwards to see anything that might save them.
“The octopus!”
Taking their rope, Tao Lin threw it with all his might. Above he heard the claw sink into the octopus’ flesh. With a ferocious pull he sent the octopus flying past them and into the basement below. With that Tao Lin jumped off the wall and landed on the octopus’ thick body, the metal spikes unable to reach him.
“Come on down David.”
Once David Foster Wallace was too standing on Pynchon’s pet octopus, Tao Lin threw the hook back up, where it stuck fast on the staircase’s bannister. Swinging across a row of spikes and pulling themselves up, the side of the basement’s wall the carefully ascended the stairs.

>> No.12489126

At the end of the pictured lined corridor was Thomas Pynchon’s room, and beneath the floor, crude black smoke was flowing out. A rumbling started to shake the house.
“What the hell’s he hiding in there?”
“I don’t know Tao, but from the feel of things it’s gonna be a lot harder to eliminate his map the longer we wait here.
With that David took a step forward. As he put his foot down, a vicious throwing star feel out of a picture’s mouth, skimming the glass of David’s glasses.
Looking down at the floor where David Foster Wallace’s foot had rested, Tao Lin saw a sea of tiles, each one with a piece of fruit drawn on in steady, identical hand.
“You steeped on an apple.”
“Apple, apple- Of course!” cried DFW and he leapt forward, hopping from one leg to another.
“The bananas Tao, only steep on the bananas!” he shouted over his shoulder, getting ever closer to Pynchon’s door. A red glow flickered underneath now, and the closer they got the louder the noise became, and when Tao Lin joined DFW by the entrance to Pynchon’s inner abode, it was an ear-filling roar.
“Lets do this.”
Bursting through the door, Tao Lin and David were confronted by the giant metal arrow of a V2 rocket sticking jutting up through the floor. Settled in a leather armchair bolted floor level, was Thomas Pynchon, his head hidden behind a darkly tinted goldfish bowl, a chilling grin drawn on in crimson pen.
“I’d love to stay and chat with the only authors who’ve ever made it this far, but as you can see, I have a flight to catch.”
Laughing manically, the V2 started to slowly ascend, stabbing through the room’s high ceiling like it was made of paper.
“Goodbye David, Mr Tao!” cried Pynchon as he left them behind in a storm of black exhaust.
Coughing and shielding their faces from the searing heat, David Foster Wallace and Tao Lin could only stand helplessly as their enemy made his escape.
“After all this, we couldn’t even lay a finger on the guy!” cursed Tao Lin, bringing his fists to his face in rage.
“It’s not over yet Tao.”
David Foster Wallace ran to the window and ripped it open. He reached down to his belt and pulled up a gleaming black pistol.
“Give up David, there’s no way you can hit him now.”
“I hit service lines smaller then this back in Indy.” David replied, squinting up at the rocket’s thruster-lit outline. Sweat soaked his bandana. He steadied his hands and fired.
Tao Lin and David stood in silence for a moment, holding their breaths, and in the next instant the dazzling orange explosion of Pynchon’s rocket lit up the night. Splitting into pieces it fell to land sizzling in the ocean below.
“Write in hell you bastard.” Muttered David Foster Wallace and he let the gun fall to the garden below.



>> No.12489926

Not him and let's really put your no-I'm-not-a-newfag to the test: Why was Rand banned?