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File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, endofevangelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12484065 No.12484065 [Reply] [Original]

What books do I have to read to write the sort of imagery in End of Evangelion?

>> No.12484094

IIRC, the christian imagery was primarily used because it was "cool, as seen by japan's culture

Here's an excerpt:

Can you explain the symbolism of the cross in Evangelion?

Kazuya Tsurumaki: There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us. Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians. There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool. If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice.

NGE is overhyped also, imo

>> No.12484130
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I mean, the Christian imagery is part of it, but what I really liked was how bizarre and sexual it was. Pic-related is a better example.

>> No.12484139

retard. stop.
its not meant to be analysed, you're not meant to peroform an exegesis on the show. its meant to be visceral and evocative -- and it works.

>> No.12484140

Where the fuck did they get the qabalah stuff then? It's obscure even in the west, yet the japs dug it up somehow.

>> No.12484148

Not really.

>> No.12484155

go ahead and ask any normies if they recognize the hermetic tree of life

>> No.12484195

fanged noumena? i dont read scifi nor can think of someone who writes about apocalyptic events with a gorey/skin tight/heavy mechanical aesthetic.

>> No.12484212
File: 1.75 MB, 1615x903, endofevangelion3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12484234

Anyone who does any even slight research into literally any period in the history of christianity will inevitably come across many references to kabalah the same way they would to judaism

>> No.12485036

I feel like i've seen it used a bunch in anime,
they had something like it in fullmetal alchemist

>> No.12485045

You've just got to be a perfect aesthete like Anno. While his writing went to shit in rebuilds he kept the aesthetic. Not everyone is born a creative genius anonymous.

I suppose you could watch a lot of mecha shows and read a lot of Christian mysticism and fanged noumena and then take a bunch of hallucinogenics and see what happens.

>> No.12485052

The qabalah thing is known among weebs thanks to Evangelion, FMA, 666 Satan, etc. Honestly I think no normie knows about it.

>> No.12485130

Just write stuff like "there were christian crosses everywhere"

>> No.12486125


Most normies know Kabbalah through Madonna and wearing the red string

>> No.12486129
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>> No.12486160

Its called the sephiroth you golem

>> No.12486343

Is EVA the most /lit/ anime?

>> No.12486406

> I haven't even watched Kino no Tabi, but I post about anime on 4chin

>> No.12486452

I'm not so sure about this, because another member of the team said in a different interview that the religious symbolism came entirely from Anno and didn't tell the rest of the team what his intention was

>> No.12486498

What is it with anime tards and taking anything and everything said in some kind of interview as Gospel? Does it never occur to you that people are capable of contradicting themselves, lying and omitting information, both intentionally and unintentionally? You don't understand that when people are in these interviews, they're almost always in a completely different state of mind than when they were creating their work. These interviews, they're worthless. You're a fool if you put any stock in them.

>> No.12486502
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everything here. Childhood's End by arthur C Clarke is a big influence on the instrumentality scenes

This guy is a pleb

>> No.12486839

Unironically Devilman.

>> No.12486874

Childhood's end
Ender's game

Anno himself said the 'we added western words because they sounded cool' thing he said in an interview was just a joke.

>> No.12486916 [DELETED] 

It's not even anno's most /lit/ anime

>> No.12486939
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Close, but Anno made something better than Eva.

>> No.12486942

the tree of life is the schematic of which the sephirothS, singular is sephirah are situated upon.

>> No.12486948

That's nice satan why don't you go perform the LBRP and jack off before your shift at the gas station

>> No.12486957

Read/watched all of those except for Sailor Moon, including reading/watching both manga/book and anime/movie when available. Is Sailor Moon any good? I only ever watched a few episodes (dubbed) with my little sister many years ago.

>> No.12486961

>ctrl + f
>revelations: 0
Everyone knows already, shutup, retard.

>> No.12487112

jokes on you, i dont have a job.

>> No.12487600

A good anime with actual Christian themes that mean something is Angel's Egg

>> No.12488101

It's for girls so I haven't watched it

>> No.12488933
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no that would be this

>> No.12488961

Anno got lucky, that's all.
Everything else he's done is dogshit, lmao.

>> No.12489030
File: 1.59 MB, 1599x843, pynch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12489039

That's the /sffg/ anime.

>> No.12489156
File: 100 KB, 1012x758, pcsx2 2018-05-26 20-55-47-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan, or maybe just the writers and target audience for this stuff, seems to love anything occult related.
I've lost track of how many shows mentioned tarot cards

>> No.12489191
File: 33 KB, 500x415, 15462574754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis and the Revelation to John
Only weebs who have never read Revelation would believe this. The Biblical imagery was extremely heavy handed and the whole show visually represented Biblical concepts that normie Christians living in nominally Christian countries usually struggle with. Pic related, it's Gendo.

>> No.12489235

even if anno had no intention of the symbols in the show to do anything other than "look cool" (which was a joke), the symbols are symbols in the first place because they TRANSMIT MEANING ON THEIR OWN. actually use your brains for once and you should quickly come to the same conclusion as everyone who actually watched the show

>> No.12489680

This is bullshit, Anno was very deliberate with his Christian symbolism.

>> No.12490451

This. Also that specific quote is for just the use of the crosses when the angels die, it doesn't account for all the other symbolism within the show and most of it is consistent with the over all theme of the series.

>> No.12490978

this . Dope powerful images.

Not only evangelion I'm pretty sure tons of scenes of movies are based on the book of revelations.

>> No.12491135

I like how this interview forces NGE pseuds into denial and damage control every fucking time. These brainlets honestly thought they watched something deep and meaningful and - tada, a huge fuck you from the creators.

>> No.12491156
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>I watch visual media for the symbolism
>great direction and psychologically complex characters don't matter as long as the pretty crosses don't mean anything

>> No.12491190

Please, guys, remember; Anno Hideaki is dead.

>> No.12492138



Someone explain NGE already. I don't watch Anime and I think it's faggy. I've watched this shit and it only makes it seem worse than I imagine. Basically Freddy God Fingered without the self-awareness.

>> No.12492773
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Evangelion never portends to be an exegesis though so it checks out.

>> No.12492960


>> No.12494155

what Anno's assistant said in an interview 6 years later doesn't affect the content of the work you mongs