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/lit/ - Literature

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1248365 No.1248365 [Reply] [Original]

You know, I've lived a pretty long time being lonely as fuck, in a few years I'll be 30 years old, never had a girlfriend, never kissed a woman, never even had a woman interested in me. I've been plagued with depression since I was a teenager.

Is there any way I can channel my experience with this into writing? I feel like there's something there but at the same time I have no idea how to express it into a book, let alone a good book.

>> No.1248366

>implying people write books about being ronery and mental illness

>> No.1248369

OP again. I'm not suggesting I write an autobiography (it would be painfully short), but I mean, somehow projecting or expressing my lonely and depressed condition in a fictional story, maybe even one that, on the surface, doesn't even seem like it's about loneliness or depression. If that makes sense.

>> No.1248372

Sure you could, you've read EAP I'm sure. You could copy something closer to him, but more modern. It sounds like that might be perfect for you, since you don't want to write novels.

>> No.1248373


People write about everything.

If you're looking for a way to vent I recommend journaling, or taking interest in poetry. Something to get those feelings out.

If you want to write a book, again, I'd suggest journaling first, and seeing how that goes. If it seems to work you could consider making a book eventually from your journals. That's how most biographies are made.

Of course, people don't really like just depressing stories, they like people who can rise above their troubles to lead impacting lives. Anyway hopefully this helps.

>> No.1248377

Yeah, write something like Notes from Underground.

Then again, if you haven't really been in contact with people, then I doubt you could write efficiently and subtly about human interaction.

>> No.1248398

Write a self-fulfillment story where everything goes right and your main character is loved by all the girls. Then go to Japan and make an anime of it.

>> No.1248407

Natsume Souseki, Dazai Osamu, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Shiga Naoya and countless authors all wrote I-novels or confessional novels and cemented themselves in Japanese literary history. You can do it too, OP.

>> No.1248411
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I just recommend writing in Japanese for better success.

>> No.1248420

Kubo, is that you?

>> No.1248421

>Is there any way I can channel my experience with this into writing?
If there is, I've yet to find it. Depression tends to be a bit of a motivation killer, after all.

Sup Tg, I didn't realise you posted on /lit/ as well.

>> No.1248432

Hello! I do, this is a great board and fairly easy to catch up to when compared to /a/ or even /mu/.

>> No.1248448

>Of course, people don't really like just depressing stories, they like people who can rise above their troubles to lead impacting lives.

That's not quite true, I think Shakespeare would like a word.

>> No.1248454

OP, if you understand alienation and loneliness, and can effectively articulate those feelings, you'll be able to relate to most of the population.

You should probably start just by writing what you feel, and how it is that it feels. If you just start, you'll probably find things fall into place, and ideas begin to form.

Also you should post a picture, so we can tell you whether or not you are unattractive.

>> No.1248481

If you think you can manage to use writing to get you laid you should take full advantage of it and go for broke.

>> No.1248499

That's the dream.

>> No.1248510

Well, go for it, bro. I'd cheerfully offer my body and soul to my favourite living authors.
Mainly my body, obv.

>> No.1248521

I'm married, so writing to get laid is somewhat flawed. Though, to be honest, it still works.

>> No.1248532

OP here, this isn't me. I have no expectation that I will ever find love, period. I'm just seeing if I can leverage the vast emptiness in my life to write something, give something to the world, to leave my mark on the world in a meaningful way which in my own mind would mean all this pain and suffering was not in vain.

>> No.1248538

How can it not? /lit/girls are whores.

>> No.1248546

you should read bukowski brah. tho u might get jealous cuz he actually gets pussy

>> No.1248554
File: 34 KB, 450x302, funny-pictures-even-basement-cat-needs-a-hug[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww, OP, you are breaking my heart! </3

>> No.1248555

>>How can it not? /lit/girls are whores
>stereotyping women
how impressive...

>> No.1248556

Do it. The best art comes from pain.

>Of course, people don't really like just depressing stories, they like people who can rise above their troubles to lead impacting lives.

I LOVE depressing stories that don't even have an iota of hope. Alas, not many writers cater to that love. Harlan Ellison is one of the very few. Look at his collection, "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream". All of those stories are depressing from start to finish.

>> No.1248560


Who's talking about finding love? We're just saying you should use it to get laid. Finding love is a problem way higher on order of magnitude than getting laid.
Unless you're hideously deformed or somehow physically impaired it's possible.

Leave the finding love stuff until after you can manage to live a little life.

Also, I find that experience has enriched my writing.

>> No.1248562
File: 21 KB, 400x311, s.a.d.cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent had a hug in like 5 years :/

>> No.1248565

that's because it's physically impossible to wrap one's arms around a whale

>> No.1248569

I'll hug you, bro.

>> No.1248568

>I find that experience has enriched my writing.
Have you ever pooped in a urinal?

>> No.1248571
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The fact that you aren't OP actually makes me sadder.

>> No.1248573
File: 26 KB, 400x266, aahaahaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there any way I can channel my experience with this into writing?
What experience?

>> No.1248577
File: 33 KB, 320x500, TyBrax3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its so lonely on a
>neg deficall

>> No.1248580

I get hugged everyday. Yeah. Suck it.

>> No.1248583
File: 43 KB, 698x472, blacklagoonigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying goodbye to ur mom before school starts doesn't count sorry brah

>> No.1248587

I hug my wife. I don't even live close enough to my mom to hug her on a regular basis. Not that I'd be ashamed to admit it if I did. My mom's cool as shit.

>> No.1248588

>My mom's cool as shit.
you know. . .old shit that's cooled.

>> No.1248589
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i don't even get that brah...

>> No.1248590

lol at the implication people go to school 7 days a week. not so smart after all....

>> No.1248594 [DELETED] 


>lol at the implication people go to school 7 days a week.

>> No.1248596
File: 26 KB, 308x431, thatguyswife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol at the implication people go to school 7 days a week.

>> No.1248600

whats the boy:girl ratio on a philo course?

>> No.1248601

For those wanting to get laid, I would recommend becoming a musician. Nobody but writers think that writing is cool.

Trust me, Californication isn't an accurate depiction of the life of a writer. There have only been a handful of Hank Moodys throughout history. I'm not saying you can't pull it off, just that your chances are pretty low. Stick to music or Doctoring.

>> No.1248603
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For my university fairly even, classes are pretty small though.

>> No.1248606


I'm a writer who's sleeping with a musician.
Yeah, being a musician is good for getting laid and all, but I find the intense quality of a writer isn't really matched by a musician.
You'll find that the women you are attracting are of a higher quality. At least I have.

>> No.1248611

you're not escaping this one retard

>> No.1248616

OP, don't take that rage and write. I'd just laugh at someone with rage over being ronery. Learn to be independent and satisfied and write about that.

Shit, I'm about your age, kissed maybe two guys ever, ended any potential relationships on the first or second date because I realized dating was a big waste of time. It's not a big deal.

>> No.1248622
File: 42 KB, 634x317, notquiteboriskarloff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude let's not get over-excited here, it's not as if you've caught me making a blatant faux-pas about, say, Paul Ricoeur or hegemony or anything

>> No.1248627

what kind of music your lover plays?

>> No.1248636


Experimental improv

Part of the way I got her interested is by writing to her.
And she's really hot and I'm not. Crazy

>> No.1248642

>Part of the way I got her interested is by writing to her.
haha oh shit, like, over the internet?

>> No.1248650

that sounds really nice. I wish you two the very best, and if you want my advice don't you ever let her know your opinion on her "intense quality"; let it be /lit/'s little secret even if you argue.

>> No.1248658


While I have had women interested in me from writing on the internet this was a case of the old-fashioned practice of writing paper letters. I sent them in the mail, even though she lived down the block from me.


Haha, thanks for the advice. We're both pretty self-aware and certain of what the other thinks. She's certainly not bothered by my opinion.
And she's also a writer and a philosopher so I couldn't put her simply in the musician category.

I would suggest that OP write out some of the possibilities he's dreamed of in his shut-in life.

>> No.1248671

hahaha people don't go to school 7 days a week. how could you be this stupid!? i cant believe it. o my god...

>> No.1248694


>> No.1249180

hahahaha i just had to lie down for about 6 hours. you thought of something and then it was wrong! HAHAHAHAHAH SOMEONE MADE A MISTAKE ICANT FUCKIGN BRTAEH