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12482226 No.12482226 [Reply] [Original]

well /lit/, I think I botched the LSAT. fucked up hard on analytical reasoning, which was not my strong suit to begin with, but it totally threw me for the second half of the exam. one of the experimental sections was analytical, so maybe I got lucky and botched the experimental section. I'm either going to cancel my score, or just get my score and give up on law school, or maybe just jump off a bridge. what books do I read to try and stem the crippling feeling of inadequacy? (IJ isn't helping)
>pic related the only reason im not underneath a bridge already

>> No.12482416

>he smokes le weed
>he didn't take the Sabbath exclusion LSAT
sucks to be you

>> No.12482426

It'll all be ok, anon.

>> No.12482431

Can't you just learn to code?

>> No.12482439

in college i was friends with an asian bugman who wasnt smart enough for stem or med school but was good at picking easy professors from ratemyprofessor and taking dumb titles in extracurricular like jr. vice treasurer of the student paper etc. he was such a pseud but ppl thought he was hot shit, he blew the lsat bad and got exposed as a brainlet, i will always respect the lsat after that, he ended up having to settle for a second choice ivy

>> No.12482467

What did he study? English? Business?

>> No.12482489

I could learn to code better, but I didn't have the math qualifications for CS, which is why I went into ss/humanities whatever the fuck they want to call it

>> No.12482497

I was in the same position and did the same thing. Boy was that a mistake.

>> No.12482504


>> No.12482514


the reality is a lot of people who aren't geeks but grind through cs degrees to make money don't end up working as programmers they just take some shit helpdesk job and roll with it, or get a job in some other industry, same thing with people who force themselves through engineering degrees, i know a couple people with civil engineering degrees that work shitty 30k at best jobs in unrelated industries, you're either smart or not, and cramming exams and copying friends code isn't going to change that, on the other hand if ur legit geek u dont need a degree

>> No.12482542


This is exactly me with the Civil Engineering degree lol, I passed all exams but didn't care enough to actually learn anything or retain any knowledge.

If I wasn't about to sign a publishing deal I imagine I'd be flipping burgers.

>> No.12482622

history seems to be pseud bait

>> No.12482626

Kill yourself stoner scum

>> No.12482643

This. I hate stoners. Fuck em.

>> No.12482656

just go to community college and pursue a practical career and save yourself the money

>> No.12482672

have you thought about trying to apply for law school through the GRE instead

>> No.12482706

>practical career
I only want a law degree so I can sell my soul to make enough money to be a neet writer for the rest of my life
havent really thought about it, only really thought about offing myself to make these anons happy >>12482626 >>12482643

>> No.12482722

>law school

>> No.12482841
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24-yo borderline NEET here. I went to a top ten college but haven't gotten a real job bc I don't know what I want to do. Should I consider law? I have a chem BS btw but idgaf about chem

>> No.12482940

you would actually make some good dinero working in corporate chem patent law, but you would burn your fucking brains out probably

GRE isn't currently counted in law school rankings, so GPA would matter most. However, you still have to report your LSAT, if you end up keeping your score, when applying.

>> No.12482948

Don't worry about it, no one likes being a lawyer anyway.

>> No.12482951

If there wasn't a bigger poser in the world..
On their own, no single element is terrible, but together ir can only be a sign of the worst humanity has to offer

>> No.12482953

take the MCAT instead or go to grad school, whatever you do, do not learn to code or learn a foreign language or go into finance. do medicine or research trust me brother

>> No.12483121

Actually I fell for the premed meme during undergrad and I was gonna take the MCAT after graduation but I couldn't get myself to study and realized I didn't want to be a doctor anyway. Hence my current quasi-neetdom.

Why not learn to code or do finance? It seems my friends in finance got jobs so easily after graduation even if they didn't major in something related.

That's what my parents want me to do. But I have no idea what law school is like or how to even find out if that path is for me.

>> No.12483327

Don't worry- I got a 172 on the lsat and skipped law school entirely. The American legal market is fucked to hell and back. Just become a high school lit teacher- you'll be a hell of a lot happier.

>> No.12483336

Man, this pic makes me want to go on a night walk. I haven't done that in ages.

>> No.12483388

Were you the guy that was sighing and rustling his test booklet like there were ants on it during the last section?

>> No.12484345

no, at least I hope not.

>> No.12484504

LSAT seems like a pretty easy test desu
>t. engineer

>> No.12484645

CS grad here. Requires very little real math skills.

>> No.12484649

no it's not going to be ok. any self-respecting man has two choices in life: genius or death. turns out I'm not a genius, so there's only one option left for me.

>> No.12484654

*Fails Calculus*

>> No.12485006

Ain't worth jumping off a bridge for. You can retake.

>> No.12486068

there is a min requirement for the program I didn't qualify for, I would have had to take math certification just to apply to the program

>> No.12486316

Why can’t you just retake?

Kaplan prep book is a meme btw

>> No.12486326

retaking means at least one extra year of poverty.
give me a better meme pls in case I do retake though

>> No.12486334


>> No.12486335


If the book I'm writing now gets rejected I'm going to an hero by throwing myself into Iguazu Falls.

>> No.12486536

Powerscore bibles or 7sage
Good luck friend

>> No.12486651

you're a colossal fucking retard for applying to law school this late in the cycle. 2 months before your next test go to the library and check out all of their lsat books then do a practice exam every other day

>> No.12486657

I got cucked out of the lsat in December

>> No.12486663


>> No.12486678

you should have taken it last august/september at the absolute latest before the fact that a BA in english actively hurts your job prospects set in for you

>> No.12486687

>I think I botched the LSAT
>smokes weed
>reads infinite jest
Pick two

>> No.12486689

Probably bc you were smoking weed

weed makes people complacent, slow-functioning, and arguably retarded

>> No.12486691

Who cares if law school won't let you in, you fucking idiot? Read Epictetus

>> No.12486703

Shakespeare smoked weed though

>> No.12486705

i know somebody that bombed lsat but still got into a decent school somehow

then they were ranked #1 in their class

lsat is one of those dumb exams that doesn't test anything except lsat, it's specifically designed to keep people who can't afford tuition for it out of good schools

>> No.12486710

he did didn't; he smoked hash which is much stronger

>> No.12486728
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Life is not a videogame where you have to beat bosses to get to the end. A wise man once told me "remember axiom one: work always gets done." It saved my university career and my life. Things always balance themselves. Everything goes the way it must go. Accept it and move forward. Choose what to do next, do not poison yourself with stillness.

>> No.12486733

Weed is mild. Like coffee. It doesnt change your personality. Lazy people do weed, stay lazy, maybe it gets more obvious. Successful people do weed, you dont hear or think about it.

>> No.12486738


No, that’s fucking retarded and wrong

>> No.12486782

Well argued.

>> No.12486791

Maybe if you're smoking high cbd stuff but most street weed can really fuck you up

>> No.12486832

I think people with issues might accelerate them with weed, but I don't believe the "makes you lazy" excuse. It's a way of externalizing failures of character. I take a single 10mg edible most days, I live where it's legal. Hasn't had any impact on my activity levels. No compulsion to do more. Take weeks or months off at a time with no cravings. It's not a strong drug.

>> No.12486858


1. Nineteen recently abstinent cocaine-dependent males were compared to 16 control subjects on a battery of neuropsychological tests. 2. The performance of cocaine-dependent subjects was inferior to the control group on tasks assessing higher level verbal skills, and on a task requiring logical sequencing of complex visual stimuli. 3. Cocaine users also performed poorly on a delayed visual memory task and on a verbal generation task, but performed better than the control group on a task assessing simple visual-motor speed. 4. Possible reasons for these findings are discussed, as are the treatment implications of these findings.

>> No.12486878

I'm assuming this is a cannabis study wordfiltered to cocaine? Regardless, your scientism will never persuade a man of experience such as myself, who knows full well that psychology is a pseudoscience facing replication crises.

>> No.12486892

lol, just lol at thinking law school is a path to becoming rich

>> No.12486899

I don't want to be rich, I want to be not poor

>> No.12486905

Try wanting to be a good person, instead of wanting what you can't control.

>> No.12486906

Pathetic stoner cope

>> No.12486913

>just b urself

>> No.12487073

Well argued.

I said be a good person. Not the same thing as being a person.

>> No.12487077

>I said be a good person. Not the same thing as being a person.
Rousseau disagrees

>> No.12487085

i heard david foster wallaces middle name wasnt really foster but his publisher did some focus groups and stuff and found out that if his name sounds like of like "john foster dulles" it will subconsciously make consumers give it gravitas and credibility and increase sales

>> No.12487096

Do you?

>> No.12487350

You're not a good person though.

And you never will be.

>> No.12487360

I heard DSM-5 is a good read. Need a juul?

>> No.12487382

Ad hominem, as irrelevant to my claim as it is wrong in itself.

>> No.12487386

>NEETs believing law school is their calling

whew boy, if your boomer parents have money to throw away on you, go for it. for those of you born into poverty, you should think twice about paying hundreds of thousands for a school that does not teach you how to pass the bar, let alone, how to practice law. this is a program where roughly half of the graduates don't end up working as lawyers. if you bomb the lsat, consider the paralegal profession.

>> No.12487408

Really? You never had to take discrete math or algorithms for your CS degree? That shit is harder than calc 2 imo

>> No.12487413

LSAT is pretty fucking easy for people who are set for law school.
You don't want to hear this but it's important you do: grad school in general might be a waste of time for you given your current headspace and capabilities.
Only by accepting this can you start to craft a decent plan B. Maybe get your shit together (for a couple years) and try again after you gain some maturity.
Remember those cliches about getting back on the horse and try try again and all that? Those are not for people like you. Give up.

>> No.12487414

honestly pretty based way to kys

>> No.12487434

I just bombed a year of medical school. Taking a LOA before a come back and hit it, basically I'm on my last chance.
Practice radical self acceptance and act from a place of supreme self indulgence for a while. You may be imperfect, stupid, shitty, dumb, etc, but you are also the only person acting to keep you happy and alive. Whatever you logically know will maximize your future outcome, do it. Force yourself, for the sake of yourself.

>> No.12487539

Why the fuck would you read IJ when Prof D actively makes fun of dfw

Get away from these ivy fuckers man, they're scum. You don't need this shit. Move to Brazil. Get a job. Careerism will give you nothing but suffering.

>> No.12487554

>Prof D

>> No.12487570

Just look at how these assholes live their lives. They do nothing but grind day in and day out, and when the day's over, they're too tired from being treated like chattel to do anything besides get high.

Is that a life you want?


>> No.12487626
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>> No.12487675

Calm down, weininger

>> No.12487746

do you NEETs actually know any attorneys? i work in the mail room of the public defender and all the attorneys there work their asses off defending the worst people imaginable. i can only imagine how much more competitive the job market is for the corporate sector if it's not already automated or pawned down to the paralegals. the public defenders make fucking peanuts i'm not sure they even qualify as middle class after their loan payments

>> No.12487773

yes, they all have grave countenances are addicted to stims and drink heavily. spent a lot of time around them as a teen and they seem despairing or sociopathic and closed off almost invariably. A few exceptions but they’re always lucky bastards with their own practice who landed historic cases and basically don’t have to work, one of our family friends retired after a multimillion dollar case he got. Very sad.
Bodhidharma had red hair and blue eyes just to be clear
almost a worse decision than trying to be a writer
Retarded study
Weed has neurobiological effects which stunt development and cog performance, they’re well replicated.
Shakespeare and Nietzsche smoked hash which is usually 30-40% thcΔ9 and can make you hallucinate if you have a low tolerance. That shit will make you psychotic if you abuse it

>> No.12487796

>Shakespeare and Nietzsche smoked hash

>> No.12487817

Not him, but doing a ton of algorithm puzzles really helps.

I'm taking discrete now and some of my answers to examples are better than the book's because I've spent multiple 10+ hour days fucking around with algo puzzles. There's definitely a J curve to it

>> No.12487822

>Weed has neurobiological effects which stunt development and cog performance, they’re well replicated.

I don't have your faith in neuro-"science," being too familiar with the limits of science to trust any proclamations on such complex systems in its name. Tell me, do you believe in IQ as well?

>> No.12487830

Smoke less at a time and it can be a stimulant

>> No.12487831

Where do I find those algorithm puzzles?

>> No.12487835

really don't take it too hard, man.
I scored 1800 on my SAT, and was really directionless and apathetic at that point, but I went to a decent school and in reading on the side I learned a lot that they never would test for on dumb shit like this that are immediately important to my life.
I hope we all make it bros

>> No.12487881

you know paralegal is just a codeword for secretary right? the vast majority are female law students

>> No.12487890
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What the fuck should I major in? I'm in my second year general studies at a community college and I don't know what the fuck to do, I can't do anything STEM related for shit but I know I could do anything humanities related with little trouble. Are there any humanities degrees that aren't total jokes? I could also possibly get into programming, although I switched out of the Computer Science degree I was going for because I could not pass the math courses. I don't mind being poorish as long as I make enough money to live independently. I'm fine with having a small house and dying alone.

>> No.12487913

Codewars for example. Leetcode. There's a lot I'm forgetting that you'll find if you ask around.
You can join the Hack Reactor prep slack channel, or FreeCodeCamp forums and get help.

If you've never coded before then start with CS101 on Udacity which is free. After really the second unit you'd be ready to go off on your own. Then you just keep a google tab open to look up how to do things. And you'll see new things as you talk to ppl online or at meetups irl that teach you more.

Really fun and relatively easy way to learn a lot.

>> No.12488016

and nurse is code word for diaper changer, doctor for liability sponge, and engineer for grease monkey, what's your point? paralegals do the attorney's work for them. if you like the law but don't want the risk of the title, a paralegal is the next best thing

>> No.12488025

>one of our family friends retired after a multimillion dollar case he got.

i, too, dream of winning the lottery some day

>> No.12488054

Discrete is easy. Algorithm is easy. If u dont understand data struct and algorithms then u not cut out for cs

>> No.12488059

you’re a brainlet

>> No.12488061

I’m glad there is a fellow here who doesn’t like IQ, but weed is clearly not great for your brain man

>> No.12488088

lol this is the new /pol/ thing right

>> No.12488103

automation & ai, future competition from chinese labor market, etc.

there's a reason that people say med school is the only sure path to the upper middle class.

>> No.12488133


>> No.12488309

Don't cancel your exam, OP. I seriously doubt your score on the actual exam was significantly worse than whatever you were scoring on your PTs, although a 1-2 point decline is fairly common iirc.

>> No.12488345

I have 4000 words of two essays I haven't even begun to research due tomorrow for Law.

I left uni because I hated it, then worked a solid job I hated for a couple of years, thought I was ready to study. Came back and realised I'm still the same person.

I need to be way more honest with myself

>> No.12488428

What about his red hair? He was likely Persian.

>> No.12488435

Never heard of cokeface?

>> No.12488472

Melville was a Paralegal.
It's pretty /lit/ if you think about it.
It's a job with a lot of free-time with access to a lot of interesting information with low barriers of entry.

>> No.12488531

>discrete is easy

Debatable. My schools calc classes have a far lower fail rate than our discrete classes. Derivatives and integrals are a lot more intuitive than factorials and the other puzzles my CS friends do for 8 hours every week

>> No.12488687

There's no evidence that weed is bad for your brain and I'd assume it isn't any moreso than, say, alcohol. Or caffeine. Both of which, at high doses, will screw you over in the long term.

Weed can and has been a pretty intellectual thing for a lot of people.

I'm the guy who mentioned algorithm puzzles going well for discrete. It's a barrier in thinking that you push through.

The first time I coded an algorithm to do a factorial for any number, it took me 5 hours. If I saw that problem for the first time now I'd do it in less than a minute.
It's just structural thinking.

>> No.12488964


the most /lit/ job

>> No.12488970

Interesting. I liked your earlier posts, I’ll definitely be trying out some of the sites you listed

>> No.12489175
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>> No.12489407

There was a holocaust of journalists losing their worthless jobs this week and they get really, really fucking pissed if you tell them to learn to code

>> No.12489489

smoking weed isn't against the law where I live though

>> No.12489707
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nice try motherfucker